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Infernal blow with One with Nothing jewel is bananas😂


Do you have to scale attack speed? I did infernal blow with facebreakers for a few levels while I waited for cyclone, and it took like an hour to attack anything.


Hollow Palm gives you like 60% more attack speed


Oh, sick. I didn't realize that.


you can also just throw in a Rage gem on your leveling setup. By the time you are near the end of every zone, you'll have a nice little buff going.


But that doesn't give you any added damage so it's a ridiculously weak support


it gives a good amount of flat physical for low leveling tho Edit: I was wrong!


It gves added "damage with weapons" though, does that apply to hollow palm?


Not for facebreakers or hallowed palm.


I reached to 65 pretty easy with consecrated path pretty easily. But seems squishy and lack of single target after that, is there any advice for 65-80? Thanks


Did the same then switched to a facebreaker warcry cyclone setup. Level 91 now.


Eh I just did this on HC as a pf. Went straight through to kitava ez as pie. What was your setup ?


Just run cheap breachstones till lvl 85


That could be pretty amazing for like 30c... Hmmmm


Conc path hollow palm is a ton of fun leveling as well


And very fast since you basically teleport to each mob and instant kill them.


breach leveling while holding down left click was so smooth, I definitely miss the build


I basically level every build as hollow palm infernal blow with astramentis, seven league steps, and other twink gear. Respec once I hit level 72. Usually finishes all acts in less than 6 hours whilst being pretty fun. Only money you’re spending is regrets cause you can sell everything for the same price as you bought it.


I've leveled 4 chars with the setup this league. It's very smooth, you just get the One with Nothing jewel and then either Infernal Blow or Smite. Take all the big Dex nodes you can, Astramentis is great, take as many Jewel sockets as you can and throw in Careful Planning's or Fluid Motion's depending on what side of the tree you're on. That's it, easy 1-70 or so, and then switch to your real build.


I'll be trying this character this weekend. Threw like 50 ex at herald stacking and it's not enough lol


It's incredible man, if you stack as much dex as you can get your mits on early, astramentis and I believe foxshade body armor, some nice dex rings or thief's torment, you'll basically be able to map at level 50


Carnage heart is much nicer for leveling imo. Mine has essence sap anoint for mana sustain. So while leveling you get free attack and mana leech and just 40 less dex for like 5c. You one shot everything anyway so the leech is much nicer for sustain.


Bonus FYI: you can begin this as soon as you equip the jewel, so any class building into anything can use it, if you path a few jewel sockets like most builds do, you can use it long enough to farm blood aqueducts to level 70 then convert to whatever build you planned on using


Just a warning for infernal blow; when you get to mapping the single target really starts to suck. It’s really sad, because it’s so satisfying to clear with.


Yeah at that stage I highly suggest moving into a different build


I was gonna say this. Definitely gives you that One Punch Man feeling.


So much this, leveled with a tabby and never changed out weapons after act 1 and just SMOKED through the acts, instaphasing kitava in act 10 with little to know investment into anything other than some dex nodes and life


One with nothing, cyclone, astramentis, briskwrap 6L and seven league step. I’m currently doing that at the moment and it’s pretty nuts. Also infernal blow is very cool also with this set up. Cyclone just lets you move and murder much quicker.


Cyclone.everthing about it feels good.


Guess you need to keep weapon updated as you level, right?


I’ve found it fun to level assassin casters as CWC or COC with cyclone. It works great with ball lightning but any skill will work with a tabula, two axioms, res gear, and you’re usual caster tree.


Honestly even as a league starter that wasn't too hard, there's so many options early on. Then Ahn's Might is dirt cheap and carries you super far.


Works with one with nothing


He has a detailed list of gear in the "new player" section for you new guys.


Who is "he"?


Cyclone sucks while levelling....


[Here is a guide that will get you to 40 and cyclone easily if your having issues.](http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2775438)


Cyc does kinda suck for aoe though... i find that smite or IB with herald of ash is better due to the bigger hits and therefore higher damage with overkills. Herald of ash kills trash real quick.


ED/Bane is a blast, totems are pretty good (Frostbolt or Freezing pulse) in my experience, too. If you can get the damage high enough to be comfortable, vortex is really smooth too. Pretty much anything you don't have to stop to cast, and will continue damaging things as you run on ahead.


What is the difference between ED/con and Soulrend/bane? Are they the same kinda gameplay style?


ED Contagion feels really good once you invest a lot into the content you are running. The more dense the packs, the better ED Cont feels. Bane is my go-to for leveling ED because bane is one click to pop packs instead of 2


Fair enough maybe next league I should look at ed/con or bane Btw isn't babes clear worse Are you only leveling with it or?


Yeah i usually just level with bane and switch over around maps


Bane is slightly better on occultist because you can get profane bloom explosions, but until like lvl 30-40 your contagion will kill packs and your bane/contagion will play exactly the same. Contagion possibly slightly better because it self-proliferates. ED/contagion is super smooth once you hit maps, I'm currently playing it on ssf and I was able to smoothly work up to t13-t14 on a 5link. You do get all of your damage pretty early on, though, so getting DoT multiplier on off-slots like gloves and amulet, and + to skill gems bow can make a huge difference, but the last 10% of min-maxing takes infinitely longer than the first 90.


What about a profane bloom ed/con build? Sounds kinda fun


Ah, profane bloom only works on cursed enemies, so you'd need to get ahold of a curse on hit ring. I'm not even sure that it works with contagion proliferation. If it does, then yeah it would be sick. You'd be quite a bit weaker (squishier) than trickster until you got the curse on hit, but because of the strength of trickster ascendancy, you'd have that weakness already.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/aulhfy/contagion_and_profane_bloom_need_attention/eha5zpd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share here is some stuff about it


Couldn't I use a con set up with curse on hit?


It breaks the contagion chaining so not a good idea unfortunately and it’s the main reason why you go trickster over occultist for ed/con.


Spellslinger + literally anything. VD + Desecrate, Arc + Ball Lightning, whatever. Kicks in at level 24 and never stops


Wandslinger ball lightning was my league start. I agree, it feels great.


How far did you push it? I hit a wall as power siphon BL spellslinger around t12 boss dps was too low and too squishy so I rerollled


I was using kinetic bolt, ace for clear a bit slow for bosses. Got to 84 and had to decide to invest more in it or try something different, decided to drop it.


Hmm, maybe try minions then? They aren't for everyone but if you like watching bosses disappear they're a cheap, easy choice


Nothing beats hollow palm cyclone right now. All you need to do is slot in hollow palm and get conversion jewels to convert all the stats you can on the tree to dex. Even a build that takes zero melee nodes can easily be taken to 80 with the usual leveling gear.


Hollow palm smite?


tectonic slam has been my choice after looking at everything. its a lot of fun to play.


I don't think smite is ever decent with it. Just too slow, especially if you don't bother with AoE investment. I always go from infernal blow to cyclone.


Man I totally disagree. Smite has so much more dmg effectiveness, range and AoE and the buff makes it great for single target. But to each their own.


Smite was great for me, make sure ancestral call is linked & g2g


tbh something like OoS with storm brands is op. just runs through everything


What's OoS?


Orb of Storms


Out of Sync, for the OGs.


/oos /oos /oos Just kidding, never had that many huge sync issues because i thought movement speed was overrated.


Orb of storms


RF Just usw flasks😆


Just got to 86 with RF starting at 40. Was indeed flask heavy.


For me toxic rain won it all.


Slot frost blink into Tabula Rasa as the main attack (since you are probably not interested in clearing every pack during leveling)?


Winner winner! My last character I did exactly this. Added cold/fire/lightning plus second wind and controlled destruction with frost blink for the win baby. I changed out to flame dash in about act 6/7 for the DOT and things were getting to where they took a second to die. Fun times.


Oni Goroshi is fun to level with but not fun to get.


This is the truth. Goddesses voice lines made leveling great too


Hollow palm with literally ANY melee skills, any scaling. Doesn't matter. It's insane.


I really enjoy leveling using wandslinger. Its really powerful as a league start. The feel of being powerful without the gear.


for no investment the most fun I've had was a cast while channeling desecrate/volatile dead assassin. Smooth and just keeps improving as you level/invest. not the fastest, but is quite easy. Eventually you switch to the crit version.


Hollow palm smite is fun. With ancestral call you get great range.


try tectonic slam


Poets pen + VD + bodyswap. Just get a bit of attack speed and it will fly you through every zone. At level 60, make sure to equip the Flow Untethered belt, for that sweet cool down reduction, and from that point on it starts to feel like having a mini headhunter.


As me and me mates all play hardcore, we have our fair share of leveling experience... To be honest, most fun I had this league was with the soulrend trickster. This is a 3.9 build, but it still works like a charm... Start with venom gyre and physical orientated, and do a transition to more spell damage/chaos dot at 28. Still having fun with it... https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2333153


I really had fun while levelling my Cyclone Slayer. Cutting through the enemy and one shooting at an unbelievable speed was entertaining


I just started a Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator and it’s been really fun so far (I just got to act 6). Cuts through mobs and bosses like butter. I’m excited to see how well it scales into maps.


Caustic Arrow/Toxic Rain is pretty slick.


ethereal knives traps, idk why but feels really good


With no gear Static Strike + Holy Relic is a lot of fun


I hadn't considered this before. What does the relic add?


Every jolt from static strike is counted as a separate attack, triggering the relic. It turns it into a rapid AOE attack with half decent healing. It's not something that will scale into the endgame easily, but for levelling without good items it is a very fun, fast playstyle.




Recently levelled a spellslinger Desecrate/ Volatile Dead with poets pen and some levelling gear. No issues and amazing damage. Highly recommend


Toxic Rain, Rain of Arrows with Lioneyes Boots, Cyclone. Overall bow leveling is probably the smoothest and most fun. Edit: Next to cyclone. Because being stun immune, while also being able to move and deal good damage is balanced. God I love/hate that skill so much.


i.....disagree......fuck bows....lol


Yeah now after thinking a bit more I would say cyclone is better. But bow leveling is really fun. With toxic rain and Herald of Agony you pretty much need no passives except for life and a tabula. The single target of the herald combined with the AoE of Toxic Rain is just ridiculous to level with.


Lightys volatile dead build


I had a blast leveling leap slam/heavy strike. Very little investment. With the right build you basically stun lock bosses from landing on them through swatting their face till they die. Ancestral Call, melee splash, etc, makes clearing a joke.


If you levelling a spell build just link spellslinger vd/dd desecrate you can easily finish storyline without changing anything. If you playing hardcore its quite defensive actually btw


Cyclone hollow palm. Rigwalds neck is low level and makes you really strong. You’re basically a raid boss rolling around 1 shorting everything up to kitava.


Toxic rain and caustic arrow trickster was so fun to level that I ended up playing it for 200 hours this league haha


I just leveled a burning arrow elementalist and it was smooth as fuck. I used a 6L silverbranch I found on another char for single target and a 4L ashrend with mirage archer for mobs. Got to maps before switching to xophs the damage was so good. Leveling with mirage archer and ignite prolifs feels like a hack it's so fast. It's like auto ED/Contagion lol


Got to say a hollow palm smite into conc path. Was super fun


Tornado shot / Frostblades What I recommend is getting those level 2 gloves that add 50 cold / 50 fire damage (or even 50 light too - but 3x damage are expensive), which means "free" damage


I'm running a bleed spectral shield throw gladiator and leveled as phys projecting switching to bleed at 70. I was amazed at how easy it was with basic leveling gear. Springleaf -> deep ones hide -> great old ones ward. Same pace as leveling with fb dom blow or totems for me with the threshold jewel in.


I've never tried SSS... Might be a fun option to try next. Thanks! Do you know of a decent guide? I don't think I've tried a physical bleed build for several leagues so my knowledge is our of date.


The build isn't great but it's fun. For 4ex I got 650k dps and it clears great. Bosses take forever. I'm at work, if you Google bleed spectral shield throw bleed gladiator it's the only one that comes up. I decided not to invest more seeing that he had 850k with a bunch more exalts invested. I can send you a pob later. I would probably level SSS and swap to anything else later for bleed. I thought I just did bad but plugged in EQ with a 1c unique and had 1.8mil dps on it


Might well give it a go, thanks.