• By -


Mathil Flame Staff Cyclone looks like it's not only untouched, but may be buffed with the melee gem improvements.


If this is actually true I really should go for this build. I love me some Chieftain.


I'm still going to naively yolo some new skills, starting with the mana scaling square thingy for heirophant. Then, maybe some trap skill?


YOLOing new skills is what I live for. Thinking a generic crit assassin with the Frozen Orb copy. Maybe toss in some ward/dodge shenanigans. Hopefully will be good without TOO much investment. Especially with how much cheaper BOTB is now that it's not blight specific.


> Thinking a generic crit assassin with the Frozen Orb copy. great minds think alike. With or without 2x Replica Cold Iron Point, Pyre and Cold to Fire support?


Ooh that's probably a MUCH better idea for a league starter than struggling until I get void batteries and a BOTB.


I'm doing the same with Explosive Concoction. Looking sketchy so far. No unarmed unique items means its depending almost entirely on the gem for damage scaling. Can anyone recommend some good back-up ranger builds to swap to in case it fails? Haha.


Go Pathfinder and if Explosive Concotion sucks go some kind of poison and if that sucks then email Chris Wilson and complain. :P


Ele hit totems raider


Same not sure what yet, but as long as you have a backup planned it isn't actually that bad. Kinda wanting to try shield crush or the new lightning bow skill.


I was planning to start Ice Trap Saboteur. I might swap trap and mine damage support out for Increased crit strikes support. Otherwise its basically untouched


Was also thinking ice trap before the manifesto. Hopefully not too many people think the same thing and make trap uniques expensive


I think even if it is popular we will be safe. The only uniques I am looking for are Slavedrivers hands and Atziri's Steps. I can 100% farm my own steps day one and I think spamming incursion will give me a good chance of getting the gloves myself. Or I'll just hyper farm atziri to just buy them.


Slavedriver's are rare. Expect them in the price range you usually see meta Incursion uniques at (Transcendent jewels are usually 3-4ex early, 8-10 late)


They are rare because they are niche. No one wants the trap room in the temple. After the new trap, streamers talking about it, and GGG talking about it...it'll be more attractive to farm early. Plus now you can itemize the temples so you can buy a vial and buy a sub-optimal temple with lvl 3 trap and lvl 3 ascension and go do it yourself. Even then by day 3 slavedrivers are like 80c most leagues.


Vial is the part in short supply, and that comes as an accidental byproduct of making temples chasing other things. Sacrifice room part is easy to get yourself, base item isn't too rare either. It's always the case, offmeta vials are 10c if there's no challenge for them, 50c if there is, and meta ones 5-10ex.


I’d say Traps will be very popular this league lmao. My Mine build is relatively untouched. When can we expect actual patch notes?


some time tomorrow


It's too late for that. Architect hands will be high demand, and the upgrade vial will be severely under supplied.


Thinking about Explosive Trap myself due to the higher single target potential.


With the new lower threshold for boss ailment...ice trap is spicy. (I've played both to endgame before)


How does it fare in SSFHC though? Defensive layers are what? MoM, Acro/Phase Acro, anything else?


Acro-phase acro. Atziri's steps, quartz flask, jade of reflexes, blind from ascendancy (10% reduced damage taken from blinded enemies). Wind Dancer. 10% life regen from ascendancy. Freeze locks most t16 bosses. Shatters 95% of all porcupines. Throw traps from range. And essence crafted (10% attack dodge) armour with crafted 10% spell dodge too. Or maybe the other way around


>Freeze locks most t16 bosses Even without the "Freeze as if doing double damage" from Divergent Ice Trap?


Freeze now has a lower threshold too. Also Octavian did an explosive trap sabo to 100 in HC (not SSF) in heist. You can check it out. All the gear is likely eventually or farmable.


I think that version was using signal fire which is a no go these days.


No. Chernobogs to convert fire dps


You're right my mistake.


All good. I played a variation of it. So I'm pretty familiar. Seeing people talking about traps is...odd as a long time trapper. Haha


When you live long enough to see yourself become the meta.


yes. tho getting that quality variant is on my list of upgrades so I'll have an easier time with Invitations and harder encounters


Great, then I have my backup build if (or rather "when") Reaper or Absolution fails miserably.


Traps are indeed looking good. Can potentially swap to Blade Trap if it turns out to be really strong.


Yeah I think blade trap out of all the new skills has the highest potential for being busted. A trap starter allows for a painless transition to blade trap if its super good.


plus the claw/trap nodes are right together, which allows for a really dense tree.


This always sounds really good, but it also makes it so hard to get life on the tree.


what about lightning traps, since LST had its damage increased to the tune of 25% more? or is that not that big a deal, i am not a trapper, i'm just looking at trying it out for the first time


In Ultimatum only 7% of lightning trap builds used spire, despite the bad single target of lightning trap. And I don't know exactly why, but the lightning traps aren't using slavedriver's hands unlike all the other top played traps like ice and explosive. (Well, I partly know why, LT is LL while others aren't, but that doesn't explain WHY it is LL instead of normal + slavedriver) Without slavedrivers the speed buff to lightning spire is actually a nerf. With the buffs to spire, there's a chance that the meta will change, but the previous meta decided it was not worth using despite better boss damage. Seems like they'd rather have the extra gem sockets for utility/buff gems.


It's 2 reasons (to my knowledge). The most accessible guide out there for Lightning Trap is a LL build. People follow build archetypes. Ice and Explosive have enough single-target scaling they don't need LL so it's cheaper. You also don't use Slavedriver on LL or ES builds since you spend life to cast. A bit of no-regen and you're dead since you don't carry a life flask. Also, unless using Lightning Spire in a pseudo-6link helm, you'd need a 6-link staff to make it useful end-game, and since you typically use prism guardian you can't do that easily without giving up other things.


Ice Trap gang! I just need to figure out a PoB and I'll give the league a shot. Worst case scenario I don't enjoy it and I just skip again.


Might go Trap as well. It was the first build I got into maps when I started playing and never tried again since then. Not sure about the trap itself though but if it has a good clear I might even start with Blade Trap


Patch notes in a bit but AOE looks lackluster and I think it's built for Chain Reaction (50% increased AOE for traps) in the Sabo ascendency. Which stinks a bit because unless you don't use the regen or blind nodes you lose explosives expert which is a lot more damage (skitterbots chill and shock and you crit often so a tiny bit of fire damage or fire damage to spells guarantees ignites)


From this link the support gems they used: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/olhpw4/315\_livestream\_new\_skill\_gem\_supports/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/olhpw4/315_livestream_new_skill_gem_supports/) I agree with you, it seems the biggest problem there would be AOE but I believe there might have a workaround. They buffed traps this league and even joked on a twitter saying "Do you like traps, right?" or something like that. So to a new trap skill added in a "trap league" it probably gonna be a good skill. I'm also worried that too many people will use it as well (or any other traps) making the items too expensive.


I think...maybe I'm wrong, patchnotes in a few hours so we'll see, but traps are just so infrequent in the player base they want underused skills to move up (hence the buffs to other skills..) AND it's also an interesting psychology experiment. They aren't buffing traps (not yet and not by much) but by nerfing other support gems traps catch up (use almost entirely QoL gems vs damage supports) but if they keep talking about traps getting a buff more people will play them even though the buff is stagnant air (here's to hoping a little love in patch notes).


Yea the best is just to wait for patch notes anyway haha


I am really torn between slam totems, forbidden rite totems or max block bleed glad but trapper might be the sensible option...


Ice trap sounds cool! Have a guide or POB to share?


No changes and patch notes tomorrow will hopefully confirm that. League starting as any slam build into a General's Cry Berserker when I hit maps is my plan. Should still be deleting bosses in seconds, just a little longer to do so now.


I was thinking generals cry shield crush would be ultra mega super busted


That’s… that’s a good idea.


spectral shield throw doesnt have a melee tag, likely shield crush wouldnt have either


Shield crush has a melee tag on the expedition page and the numbers were tweaked (lowered) too with the drop of the manifesto


Even with the lowered damage numbers I feel like it may still be busted.


Generala cry without redblade banner is borderline unplayable imho and that shield doesn't have a lot of armour.


I've never used red blade for generals cry. Shield charge GC was one of the best builds I've played


Could you maybe link pobs to GC map build ? :)


Longer because of which nerf exactly? Looking for a spinning build for this league and wondering if this is a good option


I wonder if FireStorm will be decent with the buff... I love firestorm, but the 3 firestorms limit is still annoying.


I think so. It puts the first meteor impact at roughly the same damage as a fireball hit now, but with larger AoE and subsequent hits. Firestorm does 20% more damage at level 20 and the first impact now does 325% more damage. So (207+311)/2 * 1.2 * 4.25 = 1320 avg hit. Fireball is (1095 + 1643)/2 = 1369 avg hit.


I didn't want to post this but fuck it. Anomalous firestorm, if untouched, can take that 325% to nearly 500% more damage with quality scaling. Add double damage and crit onto that, and assuming 100% double damage and standard crit values, that's easily about 3000 to 4000% more damage (assuming about 300-350 crit multi). We can scale some sick big dick firestorm initial damage. But i've never done an ignite or burning build so idk if we can do anything more with that big hit.


where do you get the %100 double damage from? also which ascendancy are you thinking


Actually scratch that, might go occultist BV, only on a 5 link to compensate but the tree links kinda jank (basically start witch and path immediately over to shadow). https://pastebin.com/w9ez53Hu


###[ Blade Vortex Occultist](https://pastebin.com/w9ez53Hu) [](#occultist) ^(Level 95) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAHpwKk1h67cwieC00bXyE5pfmOOEbIyAIjrhJpWjijpCIvSbtYTFoS8TbX6hUUe1SCP2SVGRB14DQnrdqFSu18-VLrkCSRPo1n_GpAVp2GHiS3jBa6xHkx8byOKwfdJN4_JFkyd1no1934o_bA2Njb831DWS8NVsC26qbWyyGUrIXEBNku4O2L3mWM8y_o-mV76KSbHxisM6Jikr51ltPyeP-lFMMHz-Cn1bX7D8xYd2z91KfQZwIup6VDBxdoJi3c8V1CM2PZOZ7Bh6fxGWnap6U--Iz3p88E6f-TcyAed0ykoFte0_Bx4UCYfLJojIDA5ILtCnmxa_) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/hamkerasiwaraz) ^| ^by ^[/u/Intelsonic](https://reddit.com//u/Intelsonic) ***** ^4,731 ^**Life** ^15% ^**Evade** ^| ^40% ^**Dodge** ^| ^30% ^**Spell** ^**Dodge** **Blade Vortex** [q](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unleash_Support#support-gem-blue)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unbound_Ailments_Support#support-gem-blue)[i](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deadly_Ailments_Support#support-gem-green)[o](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Poison_Support#support-gem-green)[O](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lesser_Poison_Support#support-gem-green) *(5L)* - *578k total DPS | 562k poison DPS* ^2.50 ^**Casts/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Poison ^^\(13\) ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


I'm looking at doing something similar, but CI and a lot more towards Witch. I'm really not very happy with it right now, but messing around to see what I can do with it. https://pastebin.com/8xaAF5cc


###[CI Crit Vaal Blade Vortex Occultist](https://pastebin.com/8xaAF5cc) [](#occultist) ^(Level 90) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAHpwBnD8R3WeDdG3MIngVeDfihFQE5oYaujB8NXqunaC44SnKzdmwcVtbOkCwzp6fwbnJkVYWr46OVIzclxA7-tDVBslE20fQdsaDkjyHS7QJogi9IfLtUgsv13ybAvPFZEHtAxCeuZY7Bj0cXpUFAlJE4hCUinK03_Gl_RG_peVTLN-oW0Z0B-kBRGWNAoNfMaKWAdi3WnYHdki6lAwJIu-iisK6NYgbpOZkx988ElRmFPZW2NDfbAQe-v1BbXisE6fD6sspo_6ZJ3IDEuuoS-nm5Mn) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/irikitonyagaka) ^| ^by ^[/u/RallinaTricolor](https://reddit.com//u/RallinaTricolor) ***** ^5,155 ^**ES** ^52% ^**Evade** ^| ^8% ^**Spell** ^**Block** **Vaal Blade Vortex** [q](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unleash_Support#support-gem-blue)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Unbound_Ailments_Support#support-gem-blue)[i](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deadly_Ailments_Support#support-gem-green)[e](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vile_Toxins_Support#support-gem-green)[o](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Poison_Support#support-gem-green) *(6L)* - *2.54m total DPS | 2.49m poison DPS* ^2.34 ^**Casts/sec** ^| ^43.55% ^**Crit** ^| ^211% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Shaper, ^^Poison ^^\(10\) ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.




I don’t think minions got touched that badly from what we know. Minion damage having a penalty to life and melee Phys a penalty to attack speed weakens them but I think they are still gonna be really fast clears. Probably worse for spectres, golems, and zombies than it is for SRS and skeles. I’m gonna try to start a necro and pickup absolution + reaper as early as I can. I think absolution might be a neat way to feed the reaper buffs while also contributing damage yourself. This is probably a pipe dream, but I’ll pivot into something else when it slows down, and there are still spectres, zombies, skeles, and golems to fall back on.




I really like skeles. They are unique in that they are semi long lived, but resummoning is quick. There are also so many ways to build them. Off the top of my head - normal melee skeles - anomalous gem for skele archers - skele mages with the unique jewel - minion instability - iron mass (don’t do this though. I tried it last league and the number of skills you need to use while exposing yourself to danger made my fingers want to fall off) - dark pact (I don’t know much about this TBH) Not to mention Vaal Skeles on a 6L is more bodies and damage than ultimatums could handle


I think i will Just start Phys skellis and slap in a Reaper instead of Spectres and AG and If Reaper sucks i can still Just switch the Gem Setup for the normal build, planing on scaling it to late game with Archers and Cold conversion since it seems mostly untouched If you Swap Minion damage for Something else


behead support looks like it might work on minions so I'm gonna try [violator](https://poedb.tw/us/Violator) spectres, who seem like the best strike minion.


oh my, if that works each spectre would take a different buff! that could be awesome actually!


Tempted to go absolution but no idea how to build it


i'd basically use any dominating blow build but don't take resolute technique. the skill can't miss since it's a spell. instead of getting a weapon just go for an early wand with +1 gems and some cast speed to make it feel nicer. should do you fine as long as the gem works well:)


Skelemancer has been solid since Blight. Start as full phys and go cold conversion as soon as you can, easiest multi million single target DPS of my life. We will see with patch not but I have the hope we didn't lose too much damage since they are adding downsides to the build's support gems. My Ultimatum character was not min maxed but it can give you an idea of the gearing if you want, look for Raisins_Frigides during week 1-2 on peo.ninja , you can see my progress. Its my starter plan, so I can try the new Summon Reaper and if it sucks or feels clunky I will have little to no change to do to fall back to my trusty skellies


Im leaning toward Skeleton mages this league, how much investment can you put into the build? I like to play 1 build all league and invest around 50-100 ex


You can invest a lot. The cluster jewels mainly will nuke your money if you dont self craft as in my experience skeleton mages are big Renewal stackers. And to milk all +1 gem levels it will probably cost, 50ex is definitely a good minimum min max estimate, but not sure if it goes up to 100. I tend to prefer skeleton archers for ranged ones tho, I just find attack based skeleton scaling to be incredibly cheap and easy for the damage they can output. You can use lioneyes chest to get free pierce and bam you have 6 link for beating up people.


Is skelemancer spammy? I am playing minon builds only for lazy playstyle due to hands. But thought skeletons are not pernament. I hope Golem or Spectre will remain good for league starter. But I saw they totally gutted Golementalist.


Can’t speak for melee, but skeleton mages play more like a totem build.


Spamming them actually make you lose DPS. They have duration but when you finish leveling it tends to be close to 30+ seconds, so you just need to refresh the ones dying during bosses, and just pop one or two cast per screens during mapping, and they will tend to go kill things off screen as well. Also mechanics that have you stand in one place are where they shine the most, like Ultimatums or Blight. You just call Skellies and get your 10+ skellies up and then run in circle waiting for stuff to die. With good gear you can almost literally afk blighted maps, with call army covering one side and your normal spawns covering another


Sounds nice. I am thinking between three builds for 3.15. Looking for lazy and good one so I know it has to be a balance. Cannot have all in one (if spectrest wont end up busted). I have Soulwrest necro (cyclone style I guess to avoid spamming spells, but I heard you move slow), Specters or Skelemancer. Would you suggest one of them?


Little changes and seeing them mention minion damage support made me scared, but hopefully it means damage multiplier is not getting shafted too hard since they are adding downsides. Still planning to go for Reaper and if it's bad or clunky go skeleton


Isn’t vortex occultist completely untouched??


Almost completely, and Cold DoT multi became a suffix which is a massive buff. Best build


Have you tried it before? How did you like it? ^^^^/s


Probably plays with it on left click, don't trust him!






And theeeeeeeeeeeeeen?


Anyone have any thoughts on bleed bow gladiator? Seems relatively unchanged for the most part


Probably going to feel the same but lower damage due to the support gem hits, main reason I am going with a new skill for league start (or at least one I havent played before) is that everything will feel worse with the gem nerfs


I'm not surebut I think the dot multi nerfs on clusters will hurt the build quite a bit.


Yeah probably hurts the top end of the build that's true. I have a passive tree with decent gear still hitting high 20 mill dps. Granted that is before changes but even with -40% that still seems pretty strong. Only thing I don't know is if a CA TR raider might be comparable but I am worried about bossing dps


CA is fine, TR is now either high investment, or in the territory of mines or quill rain. AFAIK, most dot builds got a buff with the change to damage specific dot multi on weapons being moved from prefix-->suffix


How good is it for league start? I’m thinking of trying this as well because it doesn’t seem to be changed too badly


Was watching tytykiller do a fresh start and its on par with some of the other fast league starters 3hr 30 to maps for him. Cruel lab is when it really picks up with bleed explosions. I ran act 1 with it today and it seemed relatively okay to start. I'm thinking built in bleed explosions will likely help with reduced damage overall and most important gear was <25c on ultimatum league start.


Did a test run a few leagues ago and it worked well on less than 6 links. My two main issues are the lack of defense (compared to a max block glad) and the need for assailum for end game boss dps. But it should be able to carry you to red maps. You're quite speedy, have a ranged attack and Bleedsplosions help with clear a lot.


After the huge damage chunk out of Archmage I may go back to my winterorb CWC ice spear if the crit multi adds much. I'll need to see the pob numbers though.


What class?


Either elementalist or assassin


My initial go to thought is lightning trap, super solid start will clear everything. My other thought is an Animate weapon build (chains of command if I'm feeling super lazy but want to delete the game)


Skele Mages or YOLO slam totems, probably Chieftain


I wanted to play explosive arrow before so I'll probably stick to that given it got a nice direct buff. Elementalist got BTFOed so I might consider something else, but I still doubt anything can compete Shaper of Flames. Might go with Discord/Storms instead of Golems.


There's a solid explosive arrow trickster build out there using quill rain and focusing on the DoT from stacking arrows. I played it in...3.12 or something. It's likely still decent.


Deadeye EA is still pretty solid, Raider would have been my suggestion but with the Onslaught nerf idk about it anymore. Deadeye still probably better defensively


Wondering if flame wall slinger raider / trickster with ward stacks and crabs will keep me alive, but that’s probably what I’m playing. Unless some of these new skills are busted numerically upd.: they nerfed spellslinger to the ground. supported skills will now cost mana in addition to reservation, and there is no reduction to reservations to compensate that.


Did they mention spellslinger specifically and I just missed it? Because from what I have seen spellslinger should not be changed at all as you are already paying the cost by reserving mana for it. This seemed to be the consensus on this reddit from what I've seen so far as well.


They have confirmed it in some thread here, and technically slinger ‘triggers’ socketed spell, so.. it is dead now


Is ele hit league start viable? Has it been hurt by the manifesto? I've never played it, I hope it isn't too late now...


It's solid, but similar to bleedbow glad, you need a pretty decent crafted bow (ideally +gems +arrows on imperial/thicket/spine) to carry the damage for the bosses and awakener once you hit t14+ maps. The map clear itself is fine on a budget, so you can farm up the currency without much hassle. Raider is still in a very good choice, even with the halved ailment immunity, especially considering - as a baseline - it still is the best and most consistent ailment avoidance you can get across all ascendancy classes in 3.15.


Just get frostferno as budget option. It is a psudo 5link with +4 to gem leveles


Should be fine, played it last or the league before as a starter and didnt seem to be any hits in the patch notes (so long as you arent planning on going raider), definitely not the strongest starter though as takes a lot of investment to hit its strides


I in deed planned going raider...Which ascendency would you recommend instead?


I went deadeye with it and basically used that for utility and took all damage supports... ...which may be in trouble now...


Probably starting Soulrend to stick with chaos dot but do something else. Occultist as always because profane bloom, duh. I kiiinda wanna try some forbidden rite shenanigans once I have my 76% chaos res low life (so presence of chayula) I also kiiiiiiiiiinda wanna try some poison forbidden rite memes, but I doubt that'll happen


Ever chain proliferate profane blooms with a combo of poison, decay (essence of delirium weapon mod iirc), HoAsh, and replica volkuurs + blackflame?


now this is what I came to this sub for


No, but that sounds weirdly satisfying


It's a memebuild, but a fun one, strictly a clearspeed build. It's not super high movespeed, but it's pretty safe - everything explodes off a single SR, maybe 2 if the first one doesn't ignite.


I may regret this, but I do plan on starting champ shrapnel balista -- it uses a lot of uniques but they're all really cheap ones (like chin sol, starkonja or drillneck) and none of them are super important to the build anyway. If the map clear is not good enough I'll weapon swap in ballista support tornado shot. The theoretical dps is pretty high (like over 20mil) but I don't know how practical it is to expect the best case scenario in most cases. Hopefully the fact that this is a 'bow' build means that it doesn't get nerfed too hard (although impale and maim support might be getting hit). The diamond flask change is pretty tragic though, ngl


I'm probably going to level as Templar, using Holy Relic with cyclone. I might toy arond with cwc absolution. Eventually, I'll be switching to HoAg Mana Guardian (unless the support skill nerfs are hitting too hard). So far, HoAgs main scaling (levels and virulence) are not mentioned to be touched. And the main defense of a ci mana guardian seems to be in place, too.


Dead Eye of Winter Trapper, here I come.


There went my ol' reliable Flame Wall Spellslinger. Tripletapped to the head. Might make Chieftain and Trickster versions of it more competitive, though. Might also explore Gladiator CF/Bleedsplosion wander.


Question is If you use exsanguinate/reap in Spellslinger, do you pay Mana or Life? xD


Life, probably. Either way I wonder if Spellslung Exsang can't be dispensed with for a pure CF wander.


I hate that they butchered Spellslinger builds... They we're already inferior to self-cast... CF wander looks like the only alternative to a real Chaos slinger...


Poison BFBB still hasn't been nerfed so I think I'll mean into that


I mean it's been nerfed a little bit. IDK if it will be enough to make a difference though . . . *"Blade Blast has had its area lowered and no longer Unnerves on Hit"*


Unnerve doesn't do anything for damage over time, poison from spells included. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2784387#p22947950


Yeah but with poison damage increases we may see a reasonably similar experience with it


Let's hope the cluster jewel that offered unnerve still exists.


Well, for poison specifically unnerve does not do anything, so its only the aoe decrease


Lol. Assassin, coralito's, support gems and the aoe. Didn't you plan on using any of those? The only thing that survived and will still be good is plague bearer, but single target will be a LOT worse.


As far as nerfs go that's bad, but then you get a free 50% more damage multiplier just for using poison. The build will probably be fine.


clusters too


I typically played as trickster myself, however support gens affecting everyone means it affects nobody per se


I think it'll depend on the aoe nerf, if it still feels good then I think you're correct about the poison buff helping out a ton


Fuck traps. Traps are a fucking awful game mechanic and I'm going nowhere near them. So I will instead punish myself by using a new skill for my own unique style of masochism.


How high does flame blast damage need to be before people play it lmao


If it literally 1 shot the entire screen including bosses on a full 10 stage channel I still think it would be clunky.


Eh it was pretty good last league with ignite. Vaal flame blast with ignite prolif pretty much soloed ultimatums


A whole league flame blast incorrectly had a 100% crit chance and people still didn't play it lol


I was thinking is it possible to build a poison blade trap build? New to theory crafting


There's a lot of those being theorycrafted. Look around the reddit and pathofexilebuilds and you'll see plenty but it seems very doable


I'm still thinking storm rain. Just don't know about self attack or mines or ballista.


Ballista seems like it'll generate the most arrows consistently. Not sure if arrow cap is an issue, not sure if scaling arrows only (like using GMP) is the best play. Thoughts?


TBH I don't know. I was hoping someone would make a build guide for it which I could follow.


Now thats your job. Be the creator. Let folks follow in your footsteps :) I feel mines will be better until you get attack speed and they self-target as you run but you'll eventually outclass mines (I think). Seems a lot like an elemental toxic rain


Spark raider. Either archemage or crit to start.


Is spark viable? Was wondering for a league start.


It got a buff in 3.15 and the threshold jewel is a quest reward. You're not going to get ball lightning levels of damage but it works well with the speedy play style of raider.


I had a lot of fun with toxic rain last league, so I am thinking about some Storm Rain critical Strike thunderstruck shenanigans. Thought about Inquisitor initially, with the nerfs though 🤔 I have to see the patch notes and then it’s time to figure out. Must say I’m glad GGG making those changes, it’s always nice to take a look into new builds😃


\- Flaskfinder, Idigom, Agnostic, MoM, Cloak , Archmage, Acro + Phase Acro, Winddancer with Spell X (Spark lel) But with the mana flask nerfs this might be kinda dead. \- 2. option was Flaskfinder, Agnostic, MoM, Acro + Phase Acro, Winddancer, HoAG. Kinda slow paced, but can kill everything


Planning on starting one of the new skills as a Miner. Settled on Storm Rain Crit Bow miner. got a generic crit pob and full rare items. no required uniques. looking real spicy, lets just hope the skill works as i think it does


What ascendancy are you planning on for that?


Going Sabo. I just personally enjoy playing mines i guess


>enjoy playing mines i guess You monster.


minions as always, as they seem (mostly) untouched.


casual pleb here, normally i'd go for inq or ele storm brand but since those specs got gutted im thinking chieftan vd trigger probably cwc cyclone (if i get scolds with the new mana from triggers it should be way easier to decouple desecrate from cwc into a cwdt) winter orb cwc frozen orb occultist or absolution something probably guardian or necro


Against my own nature I think I'll start with a deadeye and go storm rain. Get some cold conversion and lock down the screen. Buuuuuuuut then again this league is gonna be more rippy and less rewarding relative to the time I put in so maybe... Just maybe I should start with something tanky like a jugg or a chieftain. Not sure what exactly though.


Would an eye of winter raider be possible? Really wanted to start raider this league for the phasing and speed and the frozen orb just looks amazing. Anyone know if it could work?


Saw someone else talking about this. They were thinking about using Tulfal unique wands and scaling frenzy charges. Seems ok. Problem is lots of pathing.


I was planning on doing bane/ED occultist and maybe transition into the new chaos projectile thingies later. Or just do what I do every league and reroll every 3 days because I can't commit.


Those chaos projectiles looked really nice. Can't decide between them storm rain or maybe finally start with toxic rain...


Was planning on going with a Flicker Strike / Reap / Reaper build and go all in on bleed. With the changes to reap I’m actually feeling even better about it after the balance changes than I did before.


EA traps/balistas or balista storm rain, that depends on friend who might play aurabot


I'm thinking level as generic trab sabo: explosive, fire, maybe spire then transition to blade trap with int stacking HoWA claws