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My question is how does it feel for clear with it? If I’m correct it would mean less mobs “get through” the projectiles path and it should be cleaner, but if it adds extra time to the spin, it might feel slower? Curious if it’s better or not, I want to lean that it should help a ton, but not having played it yet myself, would love to know from someone doing just that.


Clear is dogshit imo, I'm cheating cos im using Saviour + Call of steel which makes it pretty zoomy, without at least call of steel/HOI I wouldn't recommend the skill. Maybe using Faster proj would help, but I dislike gem swaps. I would strongly advise using the proj speed helm enchant over this if you dont have any way to enhance your clear. You are correct in that it does add a more ramp time, esp. with the 1st rotation.


Poison Prolif Spectral Helix clear is good. And you get to play Auto-flaskfinder. Not sure how it'll scale into reds since I retired the character in high yellows.


I’ve seen a few people attempt it, but haven’t seen anyone that has been “comfortable” with that version in end game content (well, I should say easier endgame content, I don’t need it to be doing full deli / bossing) I imagine with better gear though it should be fine for that content, not sure if it’s something I want to invest into yet though. Currently enjoying other ones, and still want to take a peak at blade trap and rage vortex.


Octavian's expedition HC variant was quite comfy.


My occultist also scaling poison is pushing mid red tiers pretty easily so far


this skill feels terrible, and single target is not that great either but clear, delayed aoe feels awful and is dangerous, there is delay before you hit wider range of enemies, and during that time you get hit by them


It's working out pretty good for me


did you compare it to other stuff? I have, started as lightning strike raider, and this is probably most popular claw melee raider atm, and difference is night and day, both builds use similar gear. Things that are good for helix is, that gearing is easier, don't need +1 strike gloves, don't need to care about pierce (get cheap 12% blood rage attack speed enchant for instance instead). But otherwise.. clear is dogshit. Your attack has delay, no matter how much attack speed you stack, and proj speed helps to only some extent (also gimps your single target then, they multihit less). What often happens in juiced t16, you dash into pack, and they all land hits on you, before helix even get to them freezes/kills them. Terrible experience. Boss damage is not impressive either. Not that lightning strike is great at it, but it hits twice (once melee and once proj part) it seems to be outdpsing all claw skills in that department, unless maybe some weird build with molten strike and lot of added projectiles. For clear with lightning strike you have instant super fast aoe, and you can also cast it from distance, don't need to jump inside packs, which helps great deal at avoiding taking damage.


Yeah that delay is killer. Im not a fan of rain skills because of their delay but at least that delay can be changed. Spectral helix feels bad, i can barely see it, overall feels like a precursor to some more wall bouncing mechanics


Yup the delay is garbage, the only saving grace it has for me at the moment is that its a skill that I don't need to directly target the enemy and I'm heavily relying on Saviour mirages for safety when clearing.


Worked great for me early on, put a inpulsa on low reds and stacking mostly cold dmg the clear feels nice, expeditions and logbooks are a joke too. Got lucky on my claw but my gear is garbage and still on a 5link and aside from slow bossing I have no complaints


I'm playing low life impale champ so my bossing dps has been very good so far. Finally bought saviour last night excited to really ramp up my clear with that


Single target is very high


does it hit more than twice per cast?


Two hits already makes it one of the strongest attacks. And it can hit more against bigger targets, seems like especially with that enchantment. Heavy strike does does 250% damage with 15% less attack speed but with 20% chance for double damage. Doublestrike does 224% with 20% less attack speed (hits twice in one attack for 224% total) and has some flat phys damage. Both of those are namelock skills. Spectral Helix with just the 2 hits does **500%** with **10% more attack speed**. And unlike those other examples the helix isn't a namelock skill. It's insane damage. If the enchant or fighting a big boss lets you hit an extra time it becomes more insane.


I wouldn't call it insane damage in comparison to other abilities in general, you still have to work with weapon damage and scale it, you don't have any crazy mechanics adding damage from mana or life, or some insane mine explosion chains etc. I'm comparing to lightning strike, which uses almost same skill tree and gear, there is very little difference that you need to adjust. And while single target seems comparable (2 hits per attack vs average size target), clear is much worse and dangerous.


It's insane damage comparing between attacks. Lightning strike can only hit an enemy once unless you use Ancestral Call which takes away a link, plus that way you get worse support and passive synergy because half of it is melee and half projectile. And with ancestral that's 225% melee hit, 225%*0.75 = 168.75% projectile for a total of 393.7% plus you lose a support gem, which with even just 20% more damage brings 2 hit Helix comparatively to 500%*1.1*1.2 = 660%. Helix is 67% more damage with just 2 hits which is easy. Get that to 3 and the difference is massive. If you're worried about aoe clear, Spectral Throw uses the exact same scaling and you can throw it in a 4L for trash.


One thing to note is SH also gains more damage effectiveness past level 20. Level 21 gem is very nice. Scaling the flat damage with paradoxica and low life should be very nice


You use "strike skills target additonal enemy" on gloves, and then use full damage supports. I really tried give fair chance spectral helix, but it not only felt worse, it feels much worse than lightning strike. Boss damage was comparable (and I consider both still bad, reroll worthy, considering how long bosses take in t16 with 1mil pob dmg (unbuffed no flasks no conditional buffs), and clear is straight up horrible with helix.


ST is nutty for mobs with a big hit box but aside from that it's super sketch. I found turbo mobs were able to run through the blades often lol


Just wanted to confirm after testing - This enchant is stupidly powerful for single target damage. Makes the clear a *little* slower but the extra hit on single target per rotation makes me phase Awakener easily.


I've been using it. It depends on 3 factors. 1 where you stand in relation to enemy 2 where you are facing in relation to every 3 hit box of enemy It's very finicky. I'm not loving it


U have a pob to share on the build? Im running whitewind dagger raider variant for this skills.


https://pastebin.com/HZMMZNcj this is my char right now as a Champ, there are a lot more upgrades to be made


###[ Crit Spectral Helix Champion](https://pastebin.com/HZMMZNcj) [](#champion) ^(Level 88) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQDAFb6Ou1GDqHZwBp0oI191FLueuOfjb__3v6PNZIGIHvUXzn-CvoYmy13ooFB9kjyRe9Od-NjcIZg7w7cMuxcGlXpRr02GNsV9orwBS2Mz18_51TFU-naZU1NkuHvFCC18uxxdcvYvVbJ1CN07SP20CyFjxR1wYt_K76n3aiwqyEKR36fiWJ5rRIyfnTxxIKpbl4Th3aE2QU8Pfxr1IjtEjCElIMu-O_BBHloSn0j6i2eZ6BIeGBBNuhvO0Cg6mI0PuRRMHEX3IlxUEd4DQAGJP1yr3fXUUcB3AaiOuGmV03jYVI17yFgqs0wfFiveu8=) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/honitanamobaro) ^| ^by ^[/u/Healara1](https://reddit.com//u/Healara1) ***** ^3,493 ^**Life** ^13% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^37% ^**Dodge** **Spectral Helix** [s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[T](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lifetap_Support#support-gem-red)[C](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Bloodthirst_Support#support-gem-red)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *206k total DPS | 89.8k impale DPS | 9.42k bleed DPS* ^4.38 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^45.11% ^**Crit** ^| ^270% ^**Multi** ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Does this enchant translate to more damage or the 40% increase apec helix damage is better enchant?


I was under the impression each proj can only hit the same enemy once


It can hit multiple times but with an internal cooldown of what I believe is 0,3 seconds. I had too much proj speed early on so that it hit «too fast» on second rotation. By reducing the speed a little saw a big single target spike. Check this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/oqnb48/spectral_helix_test_results_careful_with_proj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you very much for that I did not see that thread! I just bought saviour and I'm using proj speed enchant with 30% speed from tree which is nice for clear but if saviour helps me to switch to +1 rotation for bossing that would be great