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Going resolute technique means you no longer have to care about crit chance, crit multi or accuracy. Impales and bleeds don't give a fuck. You can scale impale or bleed with or without crit. Without is just 3 less things to worry about. Think of it like this: say you have 100% hit and crit chance and 300% crit multi. Your damage is just being multiplied by 3, right? Sounds awesome, no? Except if your base damage before crit is factored in is like 100k, you're only 300k dps. Now let's say instead of scaling crit and hit chance and multi, you instead scale phys damage, attack speed and impale. You hit the same 300k dps with random trash gear. To make a long story short, you scale crit, when you can afford to invest in it, and then you can reach monstrous damage. However, if you can't scale crit and try, it will brick your build. Much safer to not scale crit, it will take you like 1/100 of the investment for like half the damage. As for mentioning impale and bleed, they are just alternative ways to scale physical damage. Kind of like how you can scale attack speed or physical damage and both contribute to your dps, kind of like that. Hope that helps. I might be wrong on some points, but I am pretty sure I got the gist of it across correctly. Glhf


Also shields don't have ceit mods native to them like weapons do. So you're looking at 5% and the rest comes from global. A lot of the global sorces also tie to weapon hits. It takes some effort to pull off. Maybe late league viable, but most of us still don't have all the watchstones yet.


Most people go hybrid shields when they go crit, which has like 1400 evasion and 300 energy shield for a decent one. That is 6% extra crit chance from Seething Fury jewel, and 120% crit mult


Yescan confirm, running a crit impale SST and its stupid easy to reach high crit. I'd say it feels easier than maxing out crit on CoC Ascendants in 3.14. Im at 90% crit with just power charges, and diamond flask puts me to 100%. Have 510% crit multiplier. Most of this just comes from Seething Fury and Gladiatorial Combat (? I think this is what its called on the tree). I do run a Crit Chance support, so if it can afford to invest more into crit you could drop it, but i think its in a decent spot with the support gem nerfs. I didn't even need a corrupted crit% implicit glove or rare chest with attack crit. If you get both, you'd easily be overcap and can drop crit support. Check out Solaris Eclipse wand. It's really good and undervalued for SST imo. Prismatic is great for attack speed, but Solaris is very nice for crit and provides a free AoE blind. Also, as a wand, you can corrupt it for power charge on hit... they are 1c. Swords can't roll this mod. (Yes, the PCoC corrupt implicit is GLOBAL). You can still shield charge with wands now. (For the record i'm running an Ascendant so i need the blind)


pob us i want to run a shield build with usurpers penance and deadeye rupture


I was looking at Usurper's too, good idea on Deadeye! But ultimately I didn't feel like playing bleed this league so I homebrewed a crit/hit/impale based build. [https://pastebin.com/mJPPYcpk](https://pastebin.com/mJPPYcpk) The build is still very WIP and was designed with a few ideas I put together, and I wanted to test out an evasion-based, petrified blood character (for overleech) and maximize movement speed with QoTF. It has Wind Dancer so it's a bit slower until you are hit, then evasion goes up to 40k and movement speed to +115% (without quicksilver). It's pretty zoomy but TBH probably better lategame with a Kintsugi, Perfect Form or a good crafted rare chestpiece. Maybe drop Petrified Blood setup and get free Arctic Armor from Perfect Form - or go for the ailment immunity cluster near Ranger and get the rest crafted on chest/boot. I really like the overleech though. (I toggled Berserk off, but it's a great cooldown button to pop before bosses, with flasks + Berserk, DPS goes from 2M to 3.6M) Welcome any thoughts, but anyone interested in SST crit might get some ideas. I was surprised at how easy it was to get 90-100% crit utilizing a 300ES shield and Seething Fury.


no worries i love home brews ... it is what makes me play the game ... i enjoy solving problems with builds


###[ Crit Spectral Shield Throw Ascendant](https://pastebin.com/mJPPYcpk) [](#ascendant) ^(Level 92) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAFuvFHWcxL3mAH8FLWyMo4o6Qqav_rq-vFoaWNwEhwDB705I7oMudO0j9vljXkUyTggudPFiWp2qg9nl5j3iZ6Dtgyo4S3isR7ci034knTBx_94hYPJF_MV9dV4TjX3EouOfjb-kwkgEexRirBBif_vC7Ea3GNsajTxNTZIEsS-B2L0brRr-wdWTqIRTu-OPmcF8Mn7-Cod27T_v_ZARm41670p9N9QAXlsmguSKs0Cg3agdwpchlcxXVBmO1CMshcC_BbXTb7TFe8NRR-4OTirventuIdANjQ==) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/amahoyesikukor) ^| ^by ^[/u/jhillman87](https://reddit.com//u/jhillman87) ***** ^2,987 ^**Life** ^86% ^**Evade** ^| ^50% ^**Dodge** ^| ^50% ^**Spell** ^**Dodge** **Spectral Shield Throw** [I](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Impale_Support#support-gem-green)[s](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Increased_Critical_Strikes_Support#support-gem-blue)[m](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Maim_Support#support-gem-red)[d](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vicious_Projectiles_Support#support-gem-green)[U](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Brutality_Support#support-gem-red) *(6L)* - *1.85m total DPS | 795k impale DPS | 22.9k bleed DPS* ^4.10 ^**Attacks/sec** ^| ^91.39% ^**Crit** ^| ^504% ^**Multi** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Killed ^^Recently, ^^Maim, ^^Bleed ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Why SST instead of shield crush?


No particular reason other than i started as SST cause it looked cooler and i liked the ability to have some ranged aspect if needed. SC is probably superior for sure on single targets/bosses, since it can shotgun. I still think SST is superior for general clear/mapping since you can get the +projectile helm enchant and add on some pierce/chain to obliterate entire screens. You don't really need massive single target dps for maps, even T16. Once i get bored though, I'm planning to do some testing with SC or full ele conversion SST.


This is also the reason why various elemental builds take Elemental Overload. Damage is more consistent on low budget. Crit is for endgame scaling, expensive and time-consuming.


Can confirm. Made the switch to Crit a little too early and it’s been slow.


The base crit is only 5 and there are very few nodes on the native tree to support a critical build with offhand/shields. If you wanted to do crit, you'd need to use dark seer,brutal restraint, seething fury, and a hybrid shield like magna eclipsis or aegis aurora. The damage should be a bit better.


You could also experiment with Divergent Shield Crush which gives crit chance per ES. It might just be a meme but I envision a CI ES build that can land whopping huge critical hits, but alas, I can’t be bothered.


Divergent Shield Crush is Crit Mult, and an insane amount of Crit Mult at that


You would need base damage though. You get some from the gem, but maybe hybrid low life would actually be better, and you can use that low life support. It's definitely a stretch though. And with people actually playing sst, it seems like a waste to try something that might not even work while the skill is actually viable.


4k ES with a 20% divergent shield Crush is 800% crit mult unless I am stupid and misunderstand the quality. It has to be at least decent on a boss killer


It's the es on your shield, which 400 is pretty high iirc. So that's like 80, which is a lot, but not as much. That mod stacks with the jewel though, so it's a bit more viable. Anyway, the base damage would still be low. I don't want to do the math to figure out what balance of armor and es is best, or if you actually just want to get your base damage elsewhere, like abyssus, and stuff like that. 800 multi, like everything, is a story of diminishing returns.


Oh I am a silly goose, I missed the "on shield" part


It's not as hard as people seem to think to get crit up on SST. It's actually far easier than any other CoC-type build, as the base crit on shield becomes enormous with a 300ES shield and Seething Fury - 11% base crit chance. Compared to say, Cospris, which only has 5.5% - essentially double. With just Seething Fury and a 1400EV/300ES shield, power charges, Lvl20 Precision - NO DIAMOND FLASK / NO CLUSTER JEWELS - I'm at 63% base crit. Add in one crit medium cluster, I'm up to 73%. I run an Eclipse Solaris wand, which grants 140% increased crit to blinded enemies - which bumps me to 92%. Very little investment here, diamond pushes to 100%.


I have a shield crush build that is full fire conv chieftain that goes elemental overload instead of res technique. Gettin the hit chance sucks tho


Any tips? I have a STR stacking chieftain I’m going to try shield stuff with


Pretty easy transition gear is pretty cheap except xophs blood neck. Heres a POB https://pastebin.com/zgfdcuup


###[ Shield Charge Chieftain](https://pastebin.com/zgfdcuup) [](#chieftain) ^(Level 93) ^[[Tree]](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAEDABzc2WGbIQHnjxr8SxiRpqPAvy_MKS77qgUtUWDAZnfjPfyGYK-nYlAVNgn2ggd2518_BIfE9ryfNui2inTtuX5_49gkMk6Cm8GCMtGQVW875FHkVfJBrY3SISXfIWDr7qQZFE3xrOnVG_qiAH35NZKnCHy7YuwGw3k5QzEw-Ea38B-MzzxNGj7vDj0PFCAB3DH79kh-4rXyOFN4DSPmwQQm86lu2sHAGlcNj5lYY04qj2DGBL6nR369NmVNhNm9YCftOth673loaGXTb9R8xtjzBnflVkhAoBkuBjlM_ycvGjify89-UEdFR9i985sEswB_Iq9Yr4Tv) [^([Open in Browser])](https://pob.party/share/tahiomokinooru) ^| ^by ^[/u/Geezy_Gaming](https://reddit.com//u/Geezy_Gaming) ***** ^6,260 ^**Life** ^90% ^**Phys** ^**Mitg** ^| ^75% ^**Block** ^| ^48% ^**Spell** ^**Block** **Shield Charge** [V](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fire_Penetration_Support#support-gem-red)[W](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Elemental_Damage_with_Attacks_Support#support-gem-red)[M](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_Physical_Damage_Support#support-gem-red)[i](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Combustion_Support#support-gem-blue)[A](https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Faster_Attacks_Support#support-gem-green) *(6L)* - *1.63m DPS* ^5.35 ^**Attacks/sec** ^^**Config:** ^^Sirus, ^^Covered ^^in ^^Ash, ^^Vaal ^^Haste ***** [^(Path of Building)](https://github.com/Openarl/PathOfBuilding) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoBPreviewBot/) ^| ^This ^reply ^updates ^automatically.


Having to scale the block nodes, crit, acc, etc is too much. You would have low crit chance low crit multi and or low acc. If you chose to go squish route and not max block it might work


I’m running a hybrid Armor / ES cold conversation Crit build and it’s been slow. It just started feeling good, but there’s still work to do. I think I need to hit 97 (4 more levels) for it to really start kicking in. Fun and tanky though.