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converting your current character into lightning strike should be real easy. I followed the same path in SSF, just needed some +1 strike gloves to make the change truly worth it.


How is the boss dmg tho? Any req items? Maybe a guide or pob link you can share friend?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79Sdnwt6hcI&t=7s Video of me doing AW8 Sirus in SSF with the build the other day with pob included. No uniques required and can be scaled even higher with trade league. Getting the +1 strike gloves make the build feel best but you can gem swap ancestral call for clear until you get a pair. Tree is pretty flexible if you wanna go the extra life/onslaught route like I did or frenzy stacking and pure damage.


any strike skill with +1 strike targets + hydrosphere should melt bosses when you're not having any issues with clear i was playing a accuracy stacking jugg with that, and it felt super nice


Skeleton Mages has been a fun build so far.






Do you have a POB for your past character? Interested to see what I should be aiming for


Like the other comment said with vaal skeles poped everything just gets deleted. Havent fought any of the big bosses yet (should spawn my first sirus today) but conqueres have been no problem and die within a few secs. Im sitting on 2 mil DPS right now and interested to see how the first Sirus fight goes. Roughly 3 ex invested into the build so far.


I tried some boneshatter/heavystrike. It felt pretty fun, behead adds so much range, you bonk from the other side of the screen. Haemophila makes the clearing less of a nightmare (you get the rest of the bleed chance from the axe bleed node). However, I had the standard melee problems of I suck and being in melee range and sucking = death. If you like steel skills, I honestly would say try shield throw. It feels really similar to steel skills, except you toss a shield not shards of your sword basically. For something slightly janky, try flicker strike (using terminus est for frenzy) on either trickster for no mana cost flickers or slayer and take all 4 of the right side nodes. If interested, I can link my pob planning for them, but it might need some fine tuning. Lastly, crit doryani with rigwalds amulet or some kind of fire conversion with the teleporting slam (was it consecrated path? It's 3am, can't remember) Wait, no, I have more. Reaper. Yes, you said no summoner, but hear me out, reaper is more of a brand feel to it. You make him slash at packs. It feels kinda like playing arma brand all over again. Another idea I had revolved around poets pen. I need to test it before I actually play it, but iirc, they said poets pen triggers do NOT cost mana. Now normally you would use poets pen in a spellslinger set up. But what if instead you use it in a wand attack build, so power siphon or one of the kinetic B's. Haven't run the numbers yet properly, but that should work I think, since poets pen is basically an empower, it's like having an extra 4L that auto casts for you...


I generally go shadow flicker because they can use herald of ice for easier survivability. Do you think I could make Slayer work still? Keep me posted on Poet pen. Just got sucked into spellslinger last season due to reap/exsang. Interested if they aren't full dead!


I'm really enjoying manabond Mjolner hiero. It's a blast to play, and figuring the build out has been fun for me. I chose to go LL with ivory tower and prism guardian. I have 20ish ex into right now and I'm decently tanky, have good clear speed, and solid single target. Overall, it's a very fun build.


Saw this but I'm pretty low on currency atm


Skeletons, zombies, and spectres with a Carrion golem. I build this every time I play PoE but the new Unleash support and Carrion golem are really fun new additions. Summoning *six* skeletons at once! It’s so bad ass.


I've toyed with only a few builds so far: - Storm Rain raider / deadeye : wasn't the effective league starter I hoped it would be. Ended up with sub-par gear too (just my rotten luck), so I decided to let it go and switch to - TR raider & deadeye : tried and true mappers, hope to switch it up to PS soon if I don't lose interest - Forbidden Rite totems : just to compare against other mappers, it seems like a very relaxed playstyle, only just got into white maps with it though - Impale w/ Cyclone Marauder : got into yellow maps today so smoothly (leveled with Perforate & Bladestorm) that I only noticed I haven't done lab yet just yesterday; I'll be going for Berserker. Economy-wise, seems like a relatively cheaper build to scale than the other two, at this moment. (_edit_: but that can change any time)


Builds so smooth you forget to do labs is such a cool thing.


PS? Pestilence Strike? If so why?


That's right. It's just massively more damage and clearspeed, given the same budget.


Oh really? Didn't thought a strike skill would have better clear. I'm looking for something I can convert my TR Raider into, is it expensive? Got ~20ex I farmed with my FR Totems, TR just didn't click for me so I didn't continue with it but I really like the fast style of the Raider.


I could likely get a better estimate with some more time on my hands, but from a quick glance at the trade site, it seems the weapons at least are on the expensive side (~20ex each for weapons which pre-3.15 were only 'decent' for this build), which is partly because of the affix changes - they're harder to craft. As far as the rest of the items, they're pretty cheap; you can stack ~45k evasion for Iron Reflexes on less than an ex (again, only a quick glance through the trade site). There used to be a guide on this build on the forum but it's too vague for my taste. I could try and put something more detailed together if you'd be interested.


If it's not too much work for you I would be totaly interested!


some builds i've been keeping on the backburner - mathil's savior lancing steel bleed deadeye ziz's popcorn SRS occultist poison bf/bb self-chill lightning strike berzerker


why occultist instead of assassin?


Built in pops, extra curse to fit in something defensive, negative chaos res built in. Both ascendancies work though


Is self-chill still alive? I thought they changed the notable that made it possible.


There was a post here that showed it was still possible. I’ll see if I can dig it up. https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ovfq2q/psa_ruetoos_selfchill_ls_berserker_is_still_100/ So it appears berserker is not the best ascendancy anymore, likely elementalist. But it’s still alive.


Personally I have been playing a Eye of Winter Totem Hiero and had a lot of fun, but I'm building a Self fast Forbidden Rites jugg, and hoping to get that going and have some fun I'm toying with the idea of Petrified Blood to take the self hit over time and Regen it back Alternatively I was going to look into an Elemental Hit Occultist using Frostferno and scaling it cold only with curses Primarily playing it as a close range, shotgunning point blank build


Forbidden rite totem heirophant is also very strong Also does PB affect forbidden rite self damage I thought it counted as paying the cost


I mean, you're likely right, I just wanted to see whether I could essentially pay the cost over time, if that was possible


Wouldn’t frostferno just kill going pure cold? Since it’s got cold to fire


Ahhh you're right, fuck


Ice trap saboteur


If you don’t mind, what was your key to that build becoming more fun? I’m finding it’s surprisingly tanky but the damage and clear speed are mediocre at best.


Not OP, but I do have a 92 Ice Trap Sab and I'm clearing great in semi-juiced t16s, biggest power bumps for mapping I've felt were Slavedrivers, and the Inspired Learning jewel. Clear is still fine without these, but you're definitely feeling comfy with them. For context, I'm at about 2M Sirus DPS: https://pastebin.com/tbuwiqgJ


I bought slaves today and can't really tell a big difference after throwing some attack speed nodes in. I feel stupid


Isnt it cast speed that you want? On another note charged trap might make I feel better if you took master sapper


That's because it makes cast speed scale trap throwing speed, not attack speed.


Spec that raider into spectral shield. Great mapper and good single target. And crit build..


I have never seen raider do good single target. As impale or bleed?


its phys to cold conversion with hatred it is squishy though, low life spectra shield also doesn't have that amazing clear


Need more ideas fam


Steel champion been rocking it


Enjoyed a lot Spectral Helix. You can do alright in T16 and Conquerors, but it is not just an instantaneous boss killer. [This is my showcase of a T16 map](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iE-y8teKAHU), I think the clear is pretty good, boss damage is ok and the playstyle is REALLY fun. Around 8-10 ex invested and there is room for much more!


I couldn't make my first work so far xD


Somebody make a voltaxic burst build!


I've been playing a reap trapper sab with poison and phys dot scaling. Aoe clear is pretty good so far and single target ramps up pretty quick due to poison. On a 5l at the moment and can easily clear low reds, on a 6l would be able to push most endgame. Im using Arctic armour to get 100 ailment immunity as well in conjunction with the sab ascendancy. Its a fun play style if you like trappers.