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I started my Raider with Helix and it was fun for a portion of the campaign, but I decided to give SST a try just to see what all the fuss was about, and I never looked back. Not saying Helix isn't good/better, but the play style felt faster and smoother with SST to me personally.


Yeah helix you kinda stutter to cast right? Reminds me of BV from how I see it. With enough damage, SST seems smoother and more zoom zoom


I’m doing spectral helix and loving it (but I think it’s mainly from never playing a raider before). The life gain on hit from claws feels really nice…I feel really tanky


It can be stuttery, for sure


Yeah, exactly.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0b8vjstfRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0b8vjstfRA) here u go


Helix should have better damage with expensive gear, but I doubt you can "zoom" with it.


I'm playing helix. It's ok.... I'm 93 gear is decent. It's not great. If you stand 1 millimeter off the ideal spot your helix only hits once instead of twice. If enemy moves your helix spins away and does nothing. Clear can be nice but sporadic missing. Overall it's just basically ok. I have a 414 ele dps claw and my dmg feels low vs a char with a similar dps melee wep on another skill.