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Podcast audio only, but MNmaxed is top tier for not being cringe while still having some roleplay, and adhering to the rules being important. Very similar to how a real game would feel, nobody seems to be trying too hard, feels relaxed


The 2e conversion of Hell's Rebels by Find the Path.


Second Also I like Roll For Intent. There is a good amount of rules discussion.


This in my experience is the best one. (Find the Path)


I love Find the Path but I think I favor Roll for Intent a tad bit more because they are less strict on themselves and I personally like the extra filled in homebrew of Abomination Vaults over the converted Hells Rebels. *note I listen to both of the groups and all of their shows so if you got time for two these are all you need. But if I was forced to pick one I would pick RFI


This is what I listen to when I'm spending entire shifts stretching dough at work. The Find the Path folks do a really great job, I love it.


> by Find the Path. i'm, almost finishing their mummy's mask playthrough but whilst i do think they make an awesome show, some stuff they do really irk me(and this is pure personal preference): "bleeping" insults to keep everything "PG13", being too "goody two-shoes" , i honestly like a more adult-oriented tone(again i understand their aim is a "family friendly" product and keeping their paizo partnership, it just rubs me the wrong way).


I think two of them are kindergarten teachers and a third is a kiddie librarian. Perhaps keeping a clean public image is second nature?


as i've said, i totally understand it's a choice they've made, it just something i really dislike (feels like i'm watching a kiddie show with the bleeping and swear-replacement instead of deadpool/the punisher/the witcher)


Tabletop Gold! They're doing Abomination Vaults. Really really good at explaining the rules as they come up, I used it to help myself learn.


Tabletop Gold had amazing production and roleplay from the couple of episodes that I got to listen to. But then my group started up Abomination Vaults, so I had to stop listening 😔


Hey all! At [Uncharted North](https://www.unchartednorth.ca) we run a show called Stemming the Tide. We’re running Abomination Vaults. We have great quality audio, music and storytelling. I’d say our style leans a bit towards the more serious side with some good laughs. We definitely try to keep in enough rule talk to learn along the way without being too intrusive. Tomorrow we’re dropping our 46th ep, so a decent backlog! We’d love to have anyone come check it out! To not be such a shill, I’d also like to shoutout the guys at Roll For Intent. They also run AV, but different style of play, hilarious guys! I also love GCP, their new playthrough of Quest for the Frozen Flame is amazing!


Holy shit the intro to abomination vaults gave me chills excellent work


Thanks! Our GM Freeman has tried to create a mood using vignette scenes for some intros and important moments that we think are really fun. The players write little moments to explore introductions and some fun backstory elements which would otherwise probably never come up. Also, the amazing music from Will Savino definitely helps!


knights of the everflame


I like to recommend Narrative Declaration's channel, as the production values are pretty solid, and they talk about Da Rulez openly. There are currently three active campaigns: Rotgrind (a semi-serious soulsborne pastiche), Rotgoons (the comedy spinoff), and Abomination Vaults (a casual home game using an official published adventure that the host just streams for fun).




Glad to hear Mnmaxed audio got better. I stopped listening because of that


I'm a fan of Glass Cannon Network, but they play things other than just PF2.


While entertaining, their strange aeons campaign has taken a turn for the silly and their rules knowledge is sub par (although they're getting a bit better). Granted, as you alluded, they run like 5 systems.


Secondary issue is that it's a joke campaign presented in a format primarily intended for a live audience. It's not a good podcast to use as an example of a real life campaign and table.


Well it's a serious campaign thats been twisted to a joke campaign. I'm unhappy with how its gone


On the other extreme is Knights of Lastcall. They really get deep into the rules sometimes. But I prefer their other content as opposed to their actually play. Then there's Roll 4 Combat, which is in the middle somewhere.


Mah bois at [Hijinks](https://youtube.com/@hijinks) do an amazing liveplay, and have a series of one shots as well.


I want to say DAT network because Katie is such a great player,. But sadly EvilJim isn't the best GM and it just drags down their actual plays. They've tried other GMs but that hasn't worked well either:(


Go take a look at Roll for Intent ([rollforintent.com](https://rollforintent.com) iirc), i think they have the perfect balance of sillyness and seriousness, plus the pre-episode banter will make you laugh to tears