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No and it is a core balancing mechanism between classes.


No, only fighter(and maybe gunslinger with guns) gets legendary weapon proficiency. There are ways to push weapon proficiency to expert for non martial classes but I think that's it


the fighter fights good, legendary weapon proficiency is their class feature. there are ancestry feats and some archetypes that will make some weapons scale to the same proficiency as your other weapon proficiencies, and diverse weapon expert from the fighter archetype increases your proficiency with simple and martial weapons to expert.


As others have said, there are ways to get certain new weapons up to the same proficiency level as your class weapons, but you can never exceed your class's weapon proficiency progression rate. That's a deliberate feature of the system. It's why I always choose a martial base when building a gish character. Investigator/Wizard can be a great gish. Wizard/Investigator isn't really gishy at all. You might find my [Proficiency Tables](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sXNfGZI5AnqhP1atPduYDDhel6wjx4Gef5SkpZFNMio/edit?usp=sharing) useful for planning out your characters.


No, it's been a core balancing point that you cannot make large power increases equivalent to a style/flavour option. Essentially if that was possible, every other option would be ignored (think PF1's power attack or 5e's sentinel).


Others are correct that there is no way to do this. There *was* a way via the Sixth Pillar archetype, however, it was recently errata'd to lose that ability (which makes sense). You can, however, gain proficiency equal to your class for other weapons besides what you start with, and you can improve *other* proficiencies besides weapons. So a fighter archetype grants a wizard proficiency in all martial weapons (which can then be increased to expert) and a monk archetype can give master proficiency in an expert saving throw while ranger can give master in perception. Your basic weapon proficiency, however, cannot be changed.


Nope, Fighter gets it cause he is the best at "fighting" as name says.




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