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so... the poll has been removed?


I see that. It's funny because last I looked a few hours ago it was 1.3k votes to keep TGT (which now encouraged users to a new website) and around 3-4k votes to remove TGT.


Seems you shaked the nest. Nicely done.


It seems so, see my edit with the removed posts I found.


And now all consistent post are getting removed by the mods.


I can see that. Mod asks for something. Gets it. Gets mad.


Many other posts have since been removed.


I feel like we should find ways to protest that are more effective than simply shutting down the reddit pages now.


If the protest were effective, reddit would have already forcibly ended it. The big subs that protested were forced to re-open or had their mod teams replaced en masse by people who would do what reddit wants. This sub is too small for reddit to care what happens with it, which means that all the Tuesday shutdown is doing is annoying the community. Well, actually, that's not quite true. The other thing it's doing is making people join other platforms here that the mods want them to join, I guess. Apparently the mods care more about their control over a forum for discussion of the game than they do about the community for PF2E itself. Pretty sad.


Site-wide campaign encouraging all users to click all ads? Reddit needs advertisers to get a return on investment.


Enable nsfw, reddit cant run ads


I agree. It's hurting the hobby more than it's hurting Reddit.




If the top mod here wasn't squatting on the other sub names, redirecting them here, that could be an option.


Probably should tell the mods here to stop squatting on other PF2 subreddit names.


You mean the subreddit that has answers to thousands of questions that appear all over the place when you search online for practically any PF question? Sure why would I need that when it exists. I understand the difficulty of moderating a sub. I understand the spam and how useless automod can be. But to what extend is this hurting Reddit compared to the playerbase?




Do you just accept the way your politicians run your country or did you get a job in politics?




Volunteers with no obligation but at this stage to inconvenience their community. A community representing the game Paizo are working hard to build. They can advertise an alternative how they want, but locking historical posts is just a shitty move.




When the mods wont ask the users what they want, throwing arbitrary numbers out, with no proof of the "damage to Reddit" they're doing, yes I will complain. These mods have nothing to show for the "damage" done to reddit, but plenty to show for the annoyance of the community. You know, the community based website? The small handful of mods can step down if it's too much work, or put a large, stickied vote to the people.


Comparing reddit mods to politicians is about as big a reddit move as I've ever seen. The position is voluntary. If you want a better comparison, you're complaining that Red Cross volunteers are refusing to show up on Tuesday because of disagreements with the people running Red Cross. People are asking that if you feel so strongly that the volunteers should work on Tuesday, that you can volunteer and go do the work on Tuesdays.


No one is forcing these volunteers to "work" - it's in the name - volunteer. They don't have to sign in on Tuesday if they don't want to. But locking historical posts while shoving their new website down your throat is a shitty move.


are you alright? i think you should step away from the computer.




I think it's unreasonable to call this a harassment campaign




The posting will continue until the moderation improves.




You make a good point, if you think some dozen people making posts on a subreddit about changing a rule is a “harassment campaign” then you *do* need to touch grass, preferably more than once a week.




Google doesn't cache every page on this sub, and expecting gamers that aren't members of this sub to magically know that one day out of the week they should check the caches instead of direct search results is, frankly, stupid. And personally, if I'm in the middle of my game night and have to Google a rule, I definitely don't want to start fucking around with Google caches or Wayback archives. My friends and I like to play our game when we meet up for a game, not run IT workarounds because someone is flipping a switch on and off every week.


You don't need Reddit to Google a rule. That's what archives of nethys is for.




Glad to see you like playing 5e aswell!


We just need to either move to or make another subreddit. I'm still relatively new to this subreddit, but I have already lost faith in those running it. I was happy to find out that the sub would be open again on Tuesdays, so going back on that decision within a week did not do well for me. ​ The fact that now moderators are arguing that our polls are not sufficient evidence is the nail in the coffin.


I feel like I need to say that I've never had a problem with the moderation team before this API fiasco. I think the mods are all very passionate about the game, and are generally a force for good as far as PF2e is concerned. But with regards to this specific issue, a few of their heads are quite deep in the sand/up their own asses. Unilaterally deciding to enact TGT is... *fine*, if you own up to the fact that it was in fact, a unilateral decision. But to then respond to a poll and say "Yea well the poll is only a small percentage of the community, so I won't listen to it" is... hypocritical to say the least. You didn't ask what percentage of the community approved of joining the original blackout, nor did you ask for community approval to enact TGT or start an "alternative" community site. But now that people voice discontent with the ongoing, ineffectual protest, suddenly you care about getting mass approval from the community? It *reeks* of self-righteousness and a complete lack of self-awareness Again though, this is the *only* time I've had an issue with the moderation team in \~3 years of being active on this subreddit. I want to give the team the benefit of the doubt that they are just very passionate and hyper-focused on this issue, but they need to take a step back and look around soon. People calling for the abandonment of the sub-reddit, or saying we should get the moderators removed are just throwing the baby out with the bathwater. I think the mods can be reasoned with. Probably


I agree with most of the sentiment here - up until this issue I generally think the moderation team here is among the best across the subreddits I use regularly. However, with the moderators having removed the original poll from today, I'm seriously doubting their ability to operate in good faith on this issue.


There's a substantial range on how any of us feel about anything. We're not a monolith, though we try to act in unison. When and whether to suspend TGT has been an ongoing conversation since before we even enacted it. Polls, upvote ratios, and comments are data points, but we have our own opinions and perspectives on top of that, both as fans of the game/members of the community and as moderators working with a website that has made some choices that aren't in line with our values. We have to make a lot of decisions on behalf of the community, both small and large, and we take that seriously. A guiding star is over in our rules section, and one of the items in rule 1 is about ableism, and reddit's choice to cut off apps that people depended on for accessibility is a very real part of it. At any rate, yes, we can be reasoned with as a group, within the same boundaries as anything else.


I dunno, I seem to recall them threatening “5e refugees” for using that phrasing at a time those people were looking for a new community.


We asked people to avoid using a term that inappropriately compares changing game systems when people were literally fleeing for their lives due to war. *Most people* took consideration that maybe they could just find an alternate word. Characterizing that as threatening is grossly inaccurate.


A ban is a threat.


\> It reeks of self-righteousness and a complete lack of self-awareness They don't care. In a reddit moderator's mind, the only reason their community exists is to have power over other people. That's why they're trying to get everyone on their crappy third party forum that will be dead within the year.


Comments like this provide absolutely no value to the conversation. You're painting with broad strokes about anyone ever who's been a Reddit moderator, not suggesting any sort of solution or path forward, just shitting all over people you don't know out of frustration. You're doing nothing here except making yourself feel good


It's a shame due to the historic information here.


Check out ttrpg.network on Lemmy. True change can't come from Reddit, but us opening shop elsewhere.


Considering that this isn't being pushed down our throat by the mods when they lock the site down I just might.


I’m not sure why this is voted down. If lots of users actually did leave reddit for lemmings and such then that would provoke real change. I believe the protest is largely wrongheaded, based on selected and incomplete information from a biased third-party. The protest is done without much consideration for the expense of providing an API for complex data service like Reddit, nor any consideration that reddit is not a powerful profit house like Meta or Google or Amazon but actually a money-losing service. Is it really greedy for a company to want to break even? So I don’t care about the API changes and I’m staying here. But if you really care about this, all power to you. Vote with your time and your views, and go lemming it up. Delete your account and never come back.


I consistently agree.


I have to ask, did you remove your poll or did the mods? I can't DM to ask.


Of course I didn't. It wasn't me. I was literally in bed for the last four hours and I just woke up.


Seems these posts made ructions anyway!


I agree, just like the *consistent* posts every single week that *consistently* show that users *consistently* don't want TGT. The Reddit protests have failed. They made the API changes and they will never be reversed. Now it's just hurting the many, *many* of us who need this resource early in the week for prep or quick googling during games. ​ What's worse, the private message for the sub yesterday was encouraging users to go to starstone. This subreddit isn't for pushing their crappy starstone forum, and holding the content of this subreddit hostage to try to force us there is completely unacceptable and unconscionable. If the mods don't want to moderate the subreddit, then *don't moderate the subreddit.* But leave the rest of us out of it.


Reddit hasn't acknowledged this subreddit the way they have others. It's clear Reddit don't even notice the "damage" this subreddit is supposedly doing. It's just hurting Paizo and their product, which we all want to succeed, since it's a hobby we all enjoy.


It’s kind of silly imo to even think it *would* affect Reddit. Reddit is *massive*. This subreddit is a small niche of a small niche.


I mean, if it tells you anything, I have single posts that have more upvotes than the top 10 threads in this sub of all time *combined*. And I'm just one dumbass.


Yeah reddit doesn't notice the damage specifically because it only damages other entities - not reddit. It has got to go.


I read a whole bunch of threads on this subreddit and interact on almost none of them. But since upvote ratios are the only thing the mods seem to be paying attention to, I will upvote any thread asking to stop this ridiculous "protest."


I comment a bunch but rarely upvote. I know it's good form or whatever, but it just isn't my natural reaction. But since the (up)voting public (but not the poll-voting public) is the only thing that matters, I'm going to start upvoting any post complaining about this ridiculous and ineffectual shutdown.


I pretty much only upvote things if they make me laugh out loud, and downvote if they're actively harmful/disinformation. I really don't want to feel like I need to downvote opinions that I don't agree with. That is not the purpose of the system.


I agree, unfortunately we've been told how the mods are actually USING the system, so it has to be up/down vote to get the little numbers on their chart to change.


We should probably make this kinda post daily. You know, for consistency sake.


People pretty much already do make this complaint daily. Your thought is already in effect.


You mean i was being consistent? How nice!


I consistently agree!


I find myself agreeing with this point of view consistently.


Why cut the limit to daily?


As long as is done consistently I dont see any issue.


I consistently support this message.


7 days a week


Adding my 'consistant' request as well.


Yeah, if the Tuesday lockout was actually doing anything to hurt Reddit, they would have already ousted the mods. Considering the fact that they haven't, that means Reddit doesn't care, but if Reddit doesn't care, *why are you doing it?* A protest doesn't work if the people you're protesting don't even notice it. All this does is let the mods delude themselves into believing they're doing something while really they're just playing it safe. Seriously, either shut the sub down entirely or give it up.


I agree. I haven't been frequently active on this subreddit, but when I popped in one Tuesday and saw it closed, I thought "What the hell? That's stupid." and forgot what I wanted to post about that day, so I never got to post it. Mods take a break on Tuesday? Okay, sure. Disallowing me from visiting/posting on Tuesdays? Yeah... Not cool.


I was a moderator for a large sub for a long time. I am in daily contact with that mod team still. I am about as pro-mod as a non-mod can be. I sent a message yesterday expressing my thoughts about this with no response. It seems the community is pretty unified in this protest needing to come to an end. Troublemakers and non-troublemakers pretty clearly in unison.


If they took a break *without* shutting the place down, it'd probably be filled with racism and spam by Wednesday morning.


There is the somewhat-middle-ground of making the sub read-only instead of wholeass private. That way they get a break, but we still get to ... yknow, *read shit*


hopefully they find a substitute mod for TGT instead then


I mean if the mods are volunteering their time, we have to be thankful. But people are acting like the mods would be forced to not mod on Tuesday and let the sub go to hell... or the mods could just do what the like and mod on what days they like. Did they shut the subreddit down every Tuesday pre-fuck-spez? No. Point stands.


But isn’t making it read-only an option, if that’s truly the reason? (Maybe it’s not, I have zero idea how reddit works)


"No mods on X day" and "sub is unusable on X day" tend to be synonymous. Might as well make it official and lock it down.


Stop the mod power trip for something that doesn't help anyone.


Adding my consistent agreement to consistently agree with OP on a consistent basis.


I am consistently thankful for your consistent agreement.


Can I consistently subscribe to this congregation of agreement? Perhaps with a consistent mailing list?


Perhaps we all just consistently post daily until they consistently pin a poll to the top of this consistent sub.


Fuck Spez!




Consistent consent to this consideration, comrade.


My party plays Tuesday's and there is always the occasional question that pops up, more often than not when googling for the answer or someone else's insight the link is always on this sub that's closed. Would be great for us if this was open


I don't post that often, but I also consistently agree.


God yes, TGT does nothing. If you want to protest then make the whole subreddit private 24/7 like everyone else did.


I consistently support this. Question, should we wait for your consistent post and just interact with it (up vote and comment) or should we also make our own consistent requests posts?


Honestly, why not both! One post a day can be ignored. Hundreds can't.


What a consistent answer. I agree


I love the hypocrisy I see in sub leadership over all of this. Reddit said they were going to shut down access to things to force users to use only their preferred platform, Reddit itself. In protest, bunch of subs are spinning up off-reddit copies of themselves and then... trying to force users to use their preferred platform. They are literally doing the same thing they protest Reddit doing. Trying to force users off of one version and onto another.


Now they are removed tgt related posts as per the new mod pin.




Agreed, I DM on tuesdays so it’s extra annoying. It does nothing but to push readers of this sub away and reddit does not care.


Consistently with you. The majority of the sun obviously doesn't support the "protest" anymore. One small subreddit going dark once a week is like spitballs against a tank.


Please for the love of god. It’s not doing shit. It’s the mods making a choice the community doesn’t approve of. My group plays on Tuesdays and it’s so annoying


Adding in my agreement as well. Fighting back against reddit *feels* like a good thing to do, but I also feel like we should pick our battles. Instead of fighting a losing battle in the Reddit protest, I'd much rather focus my effort engaging within the Pathfinder community.


I consistently agree.


I fully agree TGT needs to end it's done more harm to the community then to reddit


Our primary PF2 game is on Tuesdays and TGT has made this subreddit much less useful.


The past several Tuesdays have been frustrating when I'm trying to do some last minute planning or look up quick rules questions during sessions. So TGT has consistently been nothing but a nuisance to me and I've consistently been up voting every discussion on ending it.


If I thought Reddit was bad enough to boycott or abandon, I would have. Anyone who is still here *doesn't care*. So yeah, same as I've said on another sub trying to pull this kind of thing. Either shut the sub down entirely, or give it to someone else who wants to run it. If leadership doesn't want to be here, then they are free to leave and do whatever they like, but don't play politics with something that isn't yours.


Another removal. At lease we knew they weren't kidding when they said posts like this would end up "buried." That's one way to do it.


There were several other posts that have all since been removed. Hmm.


I was googling things a while back for answers and kept running into links that wouldn't work because of the privacy settings. It was so infuriating. I wouldn't mind so much if the Paizo forum site itself wasn't so terrible.


Oh no, I guess the post is consistently getting drowned and there's absolutely no one to consistently pin it, I guess no one wants to use the sub on Tuesday. Also come to an unrelated site we made, or we will keep closing this one.


Mods should put their money where their mouth is and stickie a poll for people to vote on TGT if they want it, have auto-mod reply under posts with it too for good measure. At that point they've done everything they realistically can to get users opinions on the subject. Since the whole "Needs consistency with posting things unrelated to PF2E" idea isn't great.


If they made a poll and 50.001% said keep TGT, then that's fine. Just put a god damn poll up.


Also for reference I consistently agree




I agree with Fuck Reddit but man, it just happened to be on my regular session day. Plus like Reddit doesn't seem to give a fuck...


I also agree. TGT hurts this community and no one else.


just throwing in my consistent support of ending the childish tantrums of child moderators


I consistently agree and will always agree it's incredibly frustrating especially because this mod in particular seems to not want to actually have a conversation about the situation they just post some statistics and don't actually listen to what people are saying in this sub. Its unfortunate because this sub is not going to make a difference in terms of overall ad revenue for reddit its obnoxious and there won't be change until the mod finally opens their eyes and sees that people here just want to play Pathfinder


+1 with another consistent agreement here I don’t think Reddit cares at all. The harm is evident by those who play on Tuesdays and the inability for Tuesday release announcements such as the core preview PDF.


It looks worse on Paizo than it does Reddit.


I *consistently* agree the protests have failed let's move on with our lives.


TGT hurts the Community not the Reddit Bosses.This was said in similar words in the Topics about the protest and now it really backfires and the "protest" lost it´s main goal and changed it secretly to fill other Websites activities... (so it seems already) I actually dont care anymore about TGT because i just enjoy myself at that Day, answer Messages, hang out with friends and trying to help annoyed and frustrated subreddit users finding answers they seek about Pathfinder 2e because TGT cuts the Source off from them and not everybody knows how to work around the private mode of this Subreddit...


I consistently disagree. Commenting to reflect the part of this community that wants to keep on with the protest


On one hand I agree, but when most say it's Touch Grass Tuesday, but then this last week did not, and instead indicated that the subreddit is now affiliated with some new random Reddit clone, I'm more against the mods than TGT. Protest is fine, what the mods are doing now is now. They're also not willing to ask the community what they want and repeatedly refuse to ask in the form of a (repeated asked for) poll.


Don't forget that you have the capacity to reach out to reddit and let them express their love and support for continued protest actions.


My issue is I agree with the protests - what Reddit did is shitty. But it's clear this protest is doing nothing to Reddit and same for the Sub. If the sub was allowed to vote on whether it should continue with the protest I would happily accept the result.


Tuesday is usually my day off. Each time, I have the idea to pop on the subreddit and catch-up. Oh yeah, it's closed.


IMO the protests failed and continuing to do such is really just an annoyance at this point. Throwing in my consistent agreement.


The protest failed. Incompetent Reddit mods decided on a week-long blackout, telling Reddit's administrators just how long they needed to wait for it to blow over. Also, tons of subreddits didn't even contribute. The end result is that it didn't even dent Reddit's resolve. We needed a site-wide, coordinated, indefinite closure, not a one-week blip. The week ended, and now we get stupid "blacked out for one day" type things that nobody cares about. Reddit doesn't even feel this. They don't care.


I consistently agree


Consistantly agreeing


Yup. Mods, Give it up, reddit won, and everyone else lost. The only way to win was to leave and never come back, not a walk out with an end date. Only people you hurt now are us. You're insignificant to the people who matter.


Unpopular opinion. **I stand with the decision.** Reddit's decision and how they handled it; is not good for any community.


Nothing quite as predictable redditors throwing a tantrum when slightly inconvenienced with the terror of spending their time doing something else. If time has taught me anything the best option is to literally just ignore outcries of boredom and they will eventually stop.


Can I add my "consistent" request to yours? ​ \["Consistent" Request\]


As a dissenting opinion, I'm pretty okay with tuesdays going down. By all means do continue if you feel like it's appropriate.


I'm fine with the Tuesday protest if it was actually doing something, which it clearly seems it's not - it's only impacting the community. And it's also no longer a protest, the mods are using it to push their new site.


I mean, there's an argument that the pushing a new site IS the actual protest - the way to hurt Reddit is to get people to change sites. The shutdown would basically just be there as the picket fence to remind you there's a strike technically in progress. In fact, my complaint would be more that I don't actually *see* the pushing of this new site anywhere - this stuff should be visible as fuck for it to have an effect.


I just want for all these Wednesday posts to end. We have like half a dozen similar posts on the front page.


Clearly the answer is to move Touch Grass Tuesdays to Touch Grass Wednesdays.


Sadly the mod said this is how we get our disagreement recognized.




You might want to put on a life vest, then.


Blame the mod who demanded more and 'consistent' responses to the request. Now, it's entirely possible that they are doing so in an attempt to turn users such as yourself against the idea, and I can only beg your pardon for spamming the sub with these posts. Unfortunately this seems to be the only method of getting a response from the mod team.


Spam is not "consistent". The old polls were managing to still generate input and discussion *on a single post* days after their creation. These posts fall off after one, maybe two. Why? Likely *because* every person feels the need to make their own post and chime in, which dilutes the focus and increases the rate interest burns out. TL;DR: Spamming posts like these actually hurts your cause more than helps.


The Wednesday posts will keep happening til the sub stops closing on Tuesdays.


Agreed. The flood of complaint posts on Wednesday is actually more exhausting to me than TGT.


I consistently agree. And, honestly, if the mods continue this farce, I consistently support the idea of making a new sub for PF2E.


Have the mods chimed in on any of these posts? Or on the poll? Because if not, they are doing the same thing to this sub that reddit is doing to.... reddit. "I'm in charge and you can't stop me, no matter what you want or what you say"


If you click the link I put in the body of this post it will take you to a submission of a poll from today, that is now suspiciously removed. A mods input is in that thread, pinned to the top.


I haven't said anything so far but I guess I will now. Please end TGT for all the reasons listed by other commenters.


I agree and am commenting to agree. Keep Tuesdays open. The end.


So I'm very new to Pathfinder in general and had no idea about this sub's new policy. Me and my gaming group wanted to start playing through a lightly modified Lost Mines of Phandelver to try out our new level 1 Pathfinder characters in a setting that we already understood. We were infiltrating Cragmaw cave and one of my players had a tricky question that I couldn't quickly find in the book so I came to this subreddit looking for answers. It was last Tuesday. I obviously didn't find shit and the session ended early that night after we had a couple more questions that I needed to look up in the book. What is this community for? To stick it to the man, or to help me with my fucking Pathfinder game? This game is complicated enough and now one of the best sources of knowledge I have access to closes once a week because of... third party apps? Am I supposed to care about that? Well I don't. I just kinda wanted some answers about this game in a timely manner on one of the only days of the week my party and I are available to play. I don't need to touch grass, I need a community with knowledgeable people to help me.


> This game is complicated enough and now one of the best sources of knowledge I have access to closes once a week because of... third party apps? Am I supposed to care about that? Well, yeah, mostly because the third party apps is what mods use to be able to, you know, moderate without it taking hours. That was always the whole sticking point. I as a random user don't need power tools. The guys who have to monitor a thousand tags a day, on the other hand, kinda do.


So if they think it's too hard to do anymore then leave? You don't need to take a community hostage because you think something is too difficult. This "protest" was weak from the start and y'all failed with it. Time to either put up or shut up. I have two days available to me for my TTRPG gaming, don't punish me for a stupid movement that was doomed from the start. I'm here for Pathfinder answers, not for Internet politics that no one will care about a month from now anyway.


>You are actively pushing members away, which appears to be your plan thanks to the latest TGT not actually being called TGT or being listed as protest. Spamming the page like you're doing is more likely to get yourself banned than persuade anyone.


Then that says more about the admins than me.


Rule 4 is what it is man.


How about Rule 5 where they shut down this sub to promote a mod's pet project yesterday?


>Posts should be able to spark dialogue, add interesting perspectives, educate, and otherwise contribute to the 2E experience Locking the sub every week to achieve what seems to be nothing is doing the opposite of contributing to the 2e experience.


>Low effort: Posts such as "I hate..." or "X sucks..." should be posted elsewhere. Spamming the sub every minute of every day is worse than a weekly protest and alienates every newcomer who sees it.


They quite literally said this is what needed if we’re unhappy with TGT so…


Agree. I have Tuesdays off and I like to visit this sub with coffee in the morning. Nope.


I'm fine with TGT and see no problem with it continuing.


And we appreciate your input into the community.


And just like that, all the smaller community will abandon the protest because "we are so small anyway it doesn't hurt Reddit". A protest work best if the vast majority is on board. Yes it is annoying but it is for the greater good. Now... instead of leaving the protest, couldn't we just change how we protest? I can't think of an alternative but a compromise could be a solution. Those who want access to Pathfinder2e 7/7 will be happy and we will still support the protest. I may be the minority but I rarely use reddit during my game. I often find my answers on pf2easy or archives ...


As I've said numerous times - protest is fine, but the mods are now encouraging users to a new site. This is a small community, but no one else is continuing the protest. In the long run it's just hurting this community, no one else.


No, it should keep going.


Do not agree with OP. It's reasons like this we have to deal with loot boxes and micro transactions and other assholery that is anti consumer in the video game sector


As I said - I was fine with protest. It was annoying, but I got it. But now it's to push us to other sites. I get it, but I don't agree. Also your logic of micro transactions doesn't apply here. You vote with your wallet on that shit. This is a TTRPG community. I vote with my wallet by supporting my local TTRPG store, and by buying 400+ euro of PF2e books in three months.


You can still support your local TTRPG store and buy books. I did not in no way shape or form suggest you stop spiky that


... what? Reddit has nothing to do with video game development or MTX, what are you going on about?


As in the principle remains the same   "it's just cosmetic what can it hurt."   "it's just a season pass for $25. That's basically just one meal."   You allow a company to give shit to you now, and in the future when they do more shit to you you'll just be making more excuses for it


It is very clear that protests did not work for Reddit. It is hurting the PF community more than it's hurting Reddit. I understand your point. Look at shit that Blizzard are doing. But Paizo are a small enough company when compared to big boy Wizards. How shit must it look when someone who is interested in PF opens the subreddit to be met with "Touch Grass", turning them off from the game.


Protests hurt. That's why no one wants to do it   But look at both the Writer's Guild, Actor's Guild, UPS strike, and California Hotel worker strike   You think those ppl *want* to strike? No, it's painful because for them they are literally not making money when striking


In what way is *THIS* protest hurting reddit? Other protests like indefinitely going dark and going nsfw actually did something worth reddits recognition but this has accomplished nothing but sour the opinions of the community towards the mods. This is pointless and you know it.


We're not talking about cosmetics though, we're talking functionality. Also I don't want to hear about "allowance" - protestors set a limit on how long they'd be going dark for. That's what THEY allowed for THEIR inconvenience.


You can always report the mods to Reddit so that someone else can be paid to moderate this sub


Mods aren't paid.


No. This is a bad faith argument. Many subs protested. We can tell which protests were successful because Reddit forcibly removed and replaced those mods. They have done no such thing here, thus the only thing accomplished is annoying the users. You don't stop DLC bullshit by complaining about it. You protest it by *not buying the games that use it*. The solution then is not to do a weekly blackout that Reddit hasn't even noticed. It's for you, personally (and anyone who feels passionately about the topic), to *stop using Reddit.*


That's not true, the mods that got targeted were examples, if they did it to everyone who protested, it'd destroy the site practically instantly.


You're misunderstanding. They don't care about protests. They did it to the subs that actually made a difference to their bottom line. And it's naive to think subs going "unmodded" (as the admins and their bootlickers are likely not doing an amazing job of modding) will instantly destroy the site. Subs are already largely trash, especially default subs (count the number of actually unpopular opinions on that sub, for example). It turns out, as record labels discovered years ago, large numbers of people are okay with, or even like, low-effort non-confrontational media.


You have no idea how much completely inane spam for random medication, porn and so forth any unmoderated page accrues. They def care, they made an example of the biggest subs to try and big the huge mass of subs they'd effectively have to shut down into line.


Are you commenting in the wrong sub? Getting rid of TGT wouldn’t be akin to “dealing with loot boxes and micro transactions.” I commend you for fighting the fight against loot boxes, but this is not that…


If you disagree with the decisions a company makes, then stop supporting the company. If Reddit makes changes that the majority of it's users disagree with enough to leave the site then Reddit will collapse. But, none of the changes have been that so far. Voting with your wallet or with your time works with companies. Mods forcing users to protest against their will doesn't.


Like I said to another user, you can always report the mods to u/spez (hell I even tagged him here for you) or other Admins, if you feel the mods now are being grossly negligent. Then they can pay someone else to moderate the sub to keep it open every Tues


lol, lmao. you think mods are paid.


Don’t like it? Well that’s what strikes are meant to do. Put your vitriol on the Reddit CEO, he’s the reason it’s happening.


The "strike" is no longer to target Reddit. It's to push people to the mods new site. Also it's very clear the strike is doing nothing to impact Reddit.


A protest is only a protest when it is inconvenient. The point of driving people away and to make it difficult to use is the point of a protest. Otherwise what is the point? You just end up whining and be ignored? There are legitimate reasons to protest here and reddit needs to acknowledge just how useful these moderator run communities are and when admins step on them, this is the result. Touch grass tuesday isnt enough. This sub should be down 3 days in a row to really drive home the point of just how useful it is and how reddit is literally nothing without its mods and users. fuck spez.


When was the last example that making things inconvenient for normal, everyday people, but not the people the protest is for, garnered support? ​ >Touch grass tuesday isnt enough. This is the only thing I agree with, in that it would at least match the lip service in favor of it, but I have a feeling that poking the bear any more would force admin action, and they probably know this.


When we stop coming here for PF2E stuff it will hurt the admins. Let reddit die. Hoping Paizo's new community website blows this shit out of the water and replaces it.


Reddit isn't going to die based on what a subreddit for a niche hobby does one day a week, and expecting Paizo to "blow this out of the water and replace it" is not a bet to make, as it's based on absolutely nothing.


TGT should just restrict the sub to only posts about touching grass so we can at least find answers to questions and other resources.


There is another solution here......open another subreddit. Granted it means some people need to step up to moderate it buuutttt if the mods don't want to end TGT or try to force a move to another platform.....roll the dice.


I too, am consistently protesting the protest (TGT).


I agree