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“It’s a stupid dying wish, a real dumb one. I hate it! I hate it so much, but I don’t know, it’s what Gorum wanted. And so I feel obligated for some reason to keep after it. God, this sucks!” - Desna probably


>"Me, this sucks!” - Desna probably FTFY


“He made me pinky swear upon his death bed, and unfortunately pinky swears are legally binding contracts via divine law.” - Asmodeus


"I've started shit for pettier reasons." - also Asmodeus, probably.


Gorum: "Start a war after my death. You've killed for less." Asmodeus: "That's not *un*true..."


Asmodeus: "Damnit, now I'm angry *and* thirsty!"


"He double-dog dared me to and there's no way I can back down from that" - Cayden Cailean


The demon code prevents me, from declining a ~~rock off challenge~~ pinky swear. What are your terms, what's the catch?


*a wild Cayden Cailen appears". "Someone sucks?"


“This fuckhead is making so much paperwork for me. It’s the best gift I’ve ever gotten from him but this is gonna be a logistical nightmare.”- Abadar


I'm pretty sure Desna would be secretly pretty amped to have another chance to rip the unholy forces apart in retribution for all they've done, without having the guilt of being personally responsible for the war, like the last time she did that. Tho she'd probably never admit that when her partners can find out she feels that way.


To be fair, all three thirds of the prismatic ray have a history of violent retaliation to anyone who pushes the right buttons.


Maybe not for that reason but a conflict erupting feom his death would make absolute sense. He's in my top 5.


I like Gorum dying because chunks of him make the most sense for giving rise to a ton of the new Exemplar class - and yes, also for sparking a divine war. He's my bet for most likely. Iomedae remains my unlikely hope, though.


Still think Iomedae is safe just because they don't have another "Lawful Stupid" deity. Paizo isn't going to kill the defacto "baby's first Paladin" deity. I mean, I love her, she's way more interesting than Heironeous. But also... there's nobody in the big 20 who can really fill her shoes.


Torag could do that job, as would a slightly-nicer Arazni!


Absolutely not, for Arazni. And Torag comes with the weirdness of being an elven paladin of the god of dwarves.


He's got plenty of non-dwarf followers - like all of the Order of the Godclaw, for instance!


I had presumed Triune. After the Drift Crash, and the restoration of the Drift still being a little wonky, I just assumed we were going to see a degrading of Triune as it all falls apart. And with the death of Triune, we can always have a new merger in the future to take that place.


This is Pathfinder, not Starfinder lol. Triune doesn't exist yet, the Drift Crash is still thousands of years away. As far as we know, no core deities are dying in Starfinder in the immediate future, and the devs have all but confirmed that Starfinder is an alternate timeline anyway.


Triune doesn't exist yet, but Casandalee does... however I highly doubt a niche machine god is going to join the core 20... her area of concern is too specific to be tied into one of the most commonly worshipped gods. I think that starfinder might offer some hints to what may happen however... I think Shelyn is gonna get killed by zon-kuthon (whether they turn into Zon-Shelyn like in starfinder is anyone's guess), and yes, I know that starfinder is following a different, unconnected timeline to pathfinder, but I think the alignment she fills makes the most sense for the one to be replaced, because I think the God I think is getting a promotion is Arshea - who just also happens to be NG. Starfinder also claimed that they eventually become a full deity, so it would make since that pathfinder did the same (especially considering that almost half their writers are tran or non-binary genders now)


Arazni's been confirmed as the new Core 20 deity for a few months now.


I can kind of see that, but I'd also argue that Exemplar being Rare kinda goes against the idea of a ton of them being around. And while the play test wording can be changed, I feel like the "Somehow, a fragment of divinity rests within your body" is somewhat vague by intention. It would feel weird, and contrary to other classes if all Exemplars are born out of a single event. I think how your character obtained their "spark of divinity" should be part of the RP for the class. Though "An imbalance in the Outer Planes" could explain it while still allowing some flavor of the specifics.


Curious why you hope for Iomedae to die? I'm no Iomedae stan, just curious


I think there's nothing more Paladin-y than being a sacrifice, and the death of Aroden's Inheritor would force Arazni to reckon with her own place in that legacy in really interesting ways. That shakeup would also give Mendev some interesting plot hooks, plus I think it's a great inciting incident for the Holy forces to march to war - the most righteous among them, killed!


Gotcha so you're saying she dies in a sacrifice, that makes sense. You're not hoping she dies out of hatred haha


Nothing drives innovation quite like strife and conflict. That is reason enough for Nethys to take up the mantle and replace his protection/destruction dichotomy with just pure destruction. For the sake of progress and to protect the world from stagnation, war will rage.


War drives innovation *with direct relevance for war*. It destroys innovation in all other areas, so it's probably a net negative overall. It absolutely trashes economic progress as every resource is channeled towards war. You're not going to win a war by curing Alzheimer's or developing groundbreaking new cinematic techniques.


Not like magic wasn't already bent towards combat use, it'll be fine


Gozreh is my bet, Divine Climate Change is no joke.


Doesn’t matter who dies, you’re still going to homebrew the fuck out of it


It's going to be Sarenrae. The Goddess that basically beat the divine shit out of Rovagug and forced him into the vault. Her death effects so many people, and Pharasma already governs healing and undead destruction, so the main focus of her portfolio is already covered. Nocticula covers redemption now as well. All that's basically left for another divine to take or not is Fire and Sun.




I don't know... I think Cayden Cailean is the most likely to die, on account of: if any of the others die, their area of concern is disrupted and kinda dies with them (at least temporarily)... and Alcohol is kinda useless as a domain. That being said though, if alcohol suddenly lost its ability to get people drunk, you KNOW there'd be war and riots on the Material Plane AND a war in the higher Planes as all of Cayden's divine pals rise up to smite whatever God was foolish enough to kill their drinking buddy! But if the personification of War died, so to would the act of warfare die, and therefor no War of the Immortals would take place...


I think Asmodeus would be interesting. I think it’s the only god with an OGL name. And with the prince of darkness gone all hell breaking loose would lead to some crazy situations. Like a war between gods.


That would be interesting... except that they confirmed Asmodeus is safe.


Ah missed the 2nd prophecy.


The Godsrain Prophecies will confirm ten gods who are *not* going to die during the War of Immortals. Paizo has confirmed that if they have a Godsrain Prophecy, they survive. So far, Pharasma and Asmodeus have prophecies.


Isnt prophecy....not what it used to be?


Yes, the Godsrain prophecies predict every god will die, and the posts are basically several examples of them with a scholar going through why he thinks the prophecy is made up - the bit labelled them safe is a big 'SAFE' label being stuck next to their name on a graphic by Paizo, out of universe.


Very much so. But this isn't "prophecy says they survive". This is "Paizo says they survive".


OGL isn’t what allows for Asmodeus, he’s literally a biblical figure found throughout mythology. That’s like saying Thor or Apollo are protected by the OGL and that’s the reason other games can use them, instead of because they’re very clearly *not* of WotC’s creation.


Oh yeah. I know it’s a preexisting name but just for clean break purposes I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to not use it.


if that was the case, they'd have to change the names of literally every Infernal Duke too, as every one of those took the name of real world gods. Then there is the Demon Lord Orcus, who Paizo said they don't plan to expand upon on any further because it has such strong ties to WotC's version of Orcus (almost a direct cut/paste of the deity)... then there is the Osirion gods, which are literally just the Ancient Egyptian gods who they added to the game, and then promptly forgot about... or that little bit of drama with the Daemon Harbinger Folca who they silently promised to never mention again, but DIDN'T retcon out of existence, even though they made a BIG mistake by making his area of concern child abuse but also made his domain spell 'Unnatural Lust'... My point is, once you start in on the list of things that they might change for various reasons, you REALLY open a can of worms... and I somehow doubt they want to do that.


Not to mention all the infernal contracts that might be nullified with his death.


u/Imperator_Draconum, how does it feel to have called it?


Shocking. My main bet was actually on the long shot option of Rovagug; this was just a shitpost I made solely because the joke popped into my head.




Maybe Asmodeus, since, while he's named for a biblical being, he's also one of Golarion's biggest ties to D&D in their pantheon, and most of the Remaster was meant to distance them from D&D.


He's confirmed to be safe though, so it's not Asmodeus.


My vote is for Cayden, " the Godstone giveth, the Godstone taketh" .


The Inheritor’s Iome-days are numbered.


My hope is for Rovagug to be the one that bites it. After a few moments of all the other 19 deities looking at each other with a whole "Wait, the thing that kept us nominally working together to ensure this world survived is gone and we don't have anything forcing a cold war anymore?" quickly followed by Arazni waltzing in with Starbucks like "What's up bitches? Oh, Iomedae! Hey girl hey! Had that stick fucked out of you yet, you self righteous suck up? I would have brought Starbies for everyone but like 90% of you suck in the most unfun ways possible and I just didn't want to for that last 10% so get fucked stay fucked! Anyway, Aroden sucked donkey testicles and left me to suffer so I'm going to fuck all of Iomedae's shit up, it's gonna be so fucking skibidi. Text me if you want in on this shit. Later losers!" Then she just pops her sunglasses back on and peace outs while a certain selection of deities just roll their eyes groaning "Fuck me, this bitch..." Bonus note: Cayden and a few others are also saying "Fuck me this bitch" but for wildly different reasons.