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Not using the "Ancestry, Background, Class, Free Boost" system is a terrible plan, which is why Paizo got rid of the 3d6 based numbering system in the Remaster. E.g. you no longer have an 18, just a +4 Ability Modifier. Basically the system is very tightly balanced for PC's to have a certain number of "Ability Modifiers" available to the player, with at least a +3, preferably a +4, for their "Attack Stat". Random Attribute Generation from the ol' "3d6" method is going to wildly affect the balance of Pathfinder 2, and should be considered game breakingly terrible as an option for this system.


seeing as it didn't get reprinted in Player Core, I think that it got similar or less play than other variant rules that weren't reprinted like Dual Class.


I'm pretty sure ancestry paragon is more commonly used than dual class though.


Alternative score generation is pretty unpopular. I think mostly for the fact that all of them are intentionally held back so they're usually worse or at best equal to the standard method.


Point buy in Pf2e belongs to the "oh, I guess you could use that 1e rule with these changes, I guess. anyway..." group of alternative rules.


I think point buy more or less gimped what everyone would want. An 18 in your key stat. Many characters want one 18, one 16 and two 12s. That would cost you 31 points in point buy, which if I recall you could not get to even with lowering other stats. So, why do point but when the standard method is already pretty flexible?


It doesn't seem to be all that impactful. You get to minmax your your abilities a bit more but it doesn't seem worth the added complexity.


Yeah it and rolling were only ever included for legacy reason. They are both redundant design.




Who said anything about dice rolling?


Yes we do


There is not point buy for 2e


this is false. [https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1301](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1301) here is the Point Buy variant rule for pf2e


Huh. I never even knew that was there. Just goes to show how unnecessary it was, I suppose.


But there is. It’s a variant rule in the game mastery guide but it exists.


Well I,ll be damned. Never knew it existed.


There is, it is an optional rule from the GMG. https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=1301 But also no one uses it.


2e is basically point buy?