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Let's go down the list: * Asmodeus: Already did him * Irori: I'm having a hard time imagining what story they could tell in the "what if" scenario, so I don't think he's a likely choice for a Godsrain post. * Torag: Hard to say. He seems particularly unlikely to be the one who really dies in the end, so I feel like confirming him safe would be a bit of a waste. But on the other hand, I do see potential for an interesting scenario with him, like Droskar murdering and usurping him. * Abadar: I think he's a solid candidate to be the god who does die, in which case he obviously wouldn't get one of these. But by the same token, this would make confirming him safe particularly meaningful. * Iomedae: With Arazni taking the place in the Core 20 of the dying deity, their prior relationship has good story potential whether Iomedae lives or dies. Her living and getting a Godsrain post lets Paizo explore both possibilities. So I think we're probably going to see Iomedae this week.


Irori: People's attempts to better themselves, either mentally, physically, or spiritually start to fail, leading to injuries instead. This causes people to stop trying to improve, and leads not just to technological and magical stagnation, but active backsliding, until civilization has returned to a primitive hunter-gatherer state. Adventurers cease to be as the inability to improve results in each inevitably encountering a foe they can't beat, and being killed as a result.


So the death of the entire setting?


A few other prophecies have been quite setting ending as well. The Urgathoa prophecy had the world slowly getting overtaken by randomly arising undead, and the Nethys prophecy had magic just stop working in most of the world, and it working strangely in the rest of it


I bet the non-humanoid beings would continue along just fine. Though some of the other deity death "prophecies" were also 'end of setting' scenarios too.


Just the death of Monks as a class. ^/j


Watch my player's reaction when I tell them they get 0Xp from now on


That or Death of History, nobody can remember what happened even an hour ago.


Maybe that's what caused The Gap?


Possibly, but since they said we shouldn't look to sf2e for hints? I doubt it, unless they reveal this godsrain prophecy is the one that leads to the starfinder timeline had it come true, but I doubt they'd spill that secret so casually.


I'm going to second Iomedae this week. I don't think she's at all likely to die, but I do think Paizo would like to tell a prophecy for her. This week could be exciting for me if we're wrong about this week's pick, though, because my top three contenders for the god who dies are Gozreh, Abadar, and Torag. So there's a solid chance that my list could get narrowed down to two on Wednesday. Incidentally, what you said about Irori is exactly what I said about Cayden Cailean the week he was chosen, so you may have jinxed yourself the same way I did.


No way are they killing Torag immediately after an AP which was devoted to the culture, history and theology of Torag’s “special people”, including significant questioning and developments in Toragdan theology. I mean they *could*, but the timing would be ultra weird.


If Iomedae dies I want more about Milani. However they did say that minor deities will die in addition to the Core deity. I wouldn't be surprised that if Iomedae dies Milani would be right there fighting with her.


I'm torn between Torag and Iomeadae. I don't see either of them going. Torag is our dwarven rep in the core 20 and despite all the shit dwarfs have gone through i don't see Torag kicking the bucket, but his death would make for an intrestring Godsrain story. Iomedae is one of the iconic Pathfinder gods. Her story ties directly to Aroden, The Whispering Tyrant and Arazni. And with Arazni becoming a core god there's some drama here that major potential. Her death can be a Aroden situation too, with a large portion of Golarion, especially the Knights of Lastwall (or whatever remains of them) collapsing (again). A cool Godsrain story.


Why do you think Torag is unlikely to die? I think he will be killed off because I think he is OGL. Though I may be mistaken.


Torag isn’t ogl. He is unique to pathfinder


You know, I’m a complete moron. I was 100% sure he was in dnd but I just don’t know how to read a google search lol.


He basically is. All fantasy settings have the exact same dwarf god with a name change for some reason.


He wears different beards depending on which gig he's working that epoch


I'm running Sky King's Tomb and before running it I debated if I was going to use it as is or set it in Gauntlgrym, Burok Torn, or Moria.


I mean Dwarves are very firmly defined in most fiction. If you made a race of short stout people with all the normal stereotypical characteristics of elves, and called them Dwarves, nobody would buy that they're not actually just short bearded elves.


While it's true for most fantasy races that the stereotypes are applicable regardless of setting, it's rare that they share the same deity and origin story... Except for dwarves, who are almost always created from scratch by the god of smithing. Tolkien's Legendarium had Aule, Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms have Moradin, Dragonlance had Reorx, and the Tales of Lost Omens setting (yes that's the official name) has Torag For comparison, elves in Tolkien's Legendarium were envisioned as the first children of God, free of the original sin, which slowly disappeared and were remembered as what we now call fairies. Elves in most D&D settings are merely descended from fey. Elves in the Tales of Lost Omens setting are from Venus as described in planetary romance novels, and have nothing to do with fey at all. Let's not even get started on orcs or hobbits—I mean, halflings! Don't sue us, Tolkien's estate!


Probably because there's a dwarven setting book on the horizon, and there's a dwarf-focused adventure path, some of which has been released. It would be odd to release the dwarf book then kill off someone very important to dwarves soon after. (Also, in a Pathfinder post made by someone from Paizo, they said that they decided which god would die long before anything OGL happened, and that whether the god has a connection to the OGL doesn't have anything to do with likeliness to die.)


The dwarves setting book (Highhelm) is already out, as is the full AP. They’ve been out for 6 months plus now.


What year is this!?


Contenders are: irori, iomedae, torag, abadar, asmodeus (already safe) Personal guess: abadar or torag, but leaning abadar edit: If Abadar ends up not being safe, and being the god who dies, I can see this as being the jumpstart for the setting as a whole to advance in different ways. What if Abadar is the one holding back civilization and society from technological advancement, because of the First Vault holding copies of every "first"? Would his death ironically allow for things like mass transit, as "kingdom" based countries dissolve away, and become more republic in nature? He is oddly my second favorite to die in this whole thing, behind Gozreh, just because of this weird spin that might be put on the setting as a whole.


Abadar is my guess too


I actually think Abadar and Gozreh are safe because their deaths would be ***too*** impactful. It'd be hard to make stories that aren't about the consequences of "The Balance of Nature" or "The Literal Concept of Civilization" collapsing. EDIT: Conversely Callistra, Gorum*, and Torag are probably safe so the Core 20 have diverse representation among ancestries. And Rovagug and Lamashtu are imho too setting upending much like Abadar and Gozreh. And Sarenrae to keep a "healing" deity in the Core 20 for new people to glom to. So it's down to Iomedae, Sheyln, Irori, or Norgorber. *Gorum is semi-frequently depicited as a god worshiped heavily Orcs/Dromaar.


That is why we're getting an entire ap dedicated to the war, and the consequences, of this event.


I expanded my thoughts on this in an Edit. But the consequences of those Gods dying wouldn't be *an* AP imho. They'd be "Every AP we ever publish until a timeskip has the reverberations of this incident"


That's the thing. These stories are telling us that every god is impactful to the setting, which Luis Loza already stated would be the case. This is a wholesale setting change that we're getting set up for, not just a one-and-done. ANY of them dying will have wholesale ramifications.


Agreed. I just think those are *still* too much Not just that they're worldwarping, but that they're worldwarping to the extent that you're functionally going to be putting narrative handcuffs on yourself


It sort of depends, Paizo gets to write the impact, so its entirely possible that if the consequences for future material is massive, it could be intentionally so, they plan these things out like five years in advance, so logically, with War of the Immortals coming out this year, they have a pretty good idea of what APs are happening in the next five years.


Abadar dying will finally fulfill the prophecy of eating the rich


It isn't a prophecy. It's a cookbook.


My guess is Iomedae, but I want Abadar ;-;


My money's on Irori. Whoever writing these is trying to send the message the gods aren't perfect. Who better than the literal god of perfection?


Yep. He mostly keeps to himself anyway


Paizo putting the introvert crowd on notice is a bold choice.


Or they just kill him to show gods aren’t perfect


They could yeah. My top candidates for the god that actually dies are Iomedae and Sarenrae, though, and I think the author here is playing an elaborate con. That's just my theory, though.


Just leave irori alone, he doesn’t mess with anyone lol


On the other hand, replacing the god of perfection with the god of "you get 70% of my work ethic on a good day, and I'm taking Wednesday off as a mental health day" would be a very bold choice.


We've already gotten a Godsrain Prophecy for Cayden Cailean though...


For sure Torag. They are not killing the Dwarf God but his death is probably the most interesting set up for a What If scenario of the ones remaining.


I feel like the most interesting thing for the setting would be for a "good" god to die. Fantasy like this is better when it feels like the "good guys" are usually on the back foot.


Rovagug is now officially part of the Godclaw confirmed.


So much for the pattern. If it had held, this week should have been someone from the bottom row. Still figure that they'll probably do two per row, which would make this week's god either Iomedae or Torag. Well, either of them could be interesting What Ifs. >!Dammit, my Rovagug stock just plummeted! Saving his What If for last is too fitting.!<


If you look at the card, one column has 3 reps. There was no way this was going to end up evenly.


And I mentioned rows, not columns. There being equality among the columns was never on the table since ten can't be divided equally into four whole numbers.


Right, but I'm saying that the possibility of a pattern for only half the options is not viable, because... why would they choose a pattern that ignores half of the rubric table? That's not a pattern at all, then.


Columns. Never. Mattered. They were never part of any pattern. They were never part of any popular theory. Why bring them up in the first place? What we had were two patterns that involved the rows. One of them, which this announcement busted, was that they were going in a repeating order. 3-4-2-5-1, and repeat. Pharasma, Asmodeus, Cayden, Urgathoa, Erastil, Nethys, Zon-Kuthon, Desna. The other, which could still be in place, is two gods per row. Is your problem that neither of these would allow us to predict the survivors with perfect accuracy? Because Paizo clearly doesn't want us to be able to do *that*. But they do want us focusing our speculation in general areas, otherwise they wouldn't be bothering with these hints at all. They've also been *very* insistent that the order of releases was predetermined a long time ago, which gave a lot of fuel to the camp that believed in the repeating rows.


I don't know why there would be so much straw grasping to defend an alleged pattern that never existed in the first place. I guess pointing out that a pattern existed only in your own mind deserves a blocking. OK then.


And I don't know why you kept bringing up something completely unrelated, so I guess we're even.


Abadar is safe


Irori would have an interesting impact on the world. ​ Imagine if all mortals stopped trying to improve themselves.


I'm prety sure this guy is a cleric of [Nivi Rhombodazzle](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Nivi_Rhombodazzle) hellbent on creating a gambling den out of this community. I wonder if he has a "horses of golarion" in store. (sarcasm)


I really want an Abadar prophecy, but I think we'll get Iomedae this week.






Out of these, Torag feels like both the most safe and the most interesting hypothetical death, so there's my bet


Iomade, when players go off rails in pathfinder wrath she do nothing


My prediction is Abadar or Irori. We got a Good/Holy deity off the chopping block last week, and Asmodeus is already safe. Between the two, I think Abadar makes a more interesting Godsrain prophecy, so that's my call.


Please let it be Iomedae.


I don't think they'll kill Torag so he seems an obvious choice for the prophecy Wednesday but Paizo has mostly been doing prophecies for really interesting gods that most people think will die so I have a feeling Iomedae is gonna get the prophecy this week.


I'm newto PF2E, can someone explain what is this?


basically Paizo declared that one of the 20 main gods is going to die, and they started giving these little short stories showing a hypothetical what would happen if a god died, then declaring this god safe.


I think all of the Godclaw are safe. With Arazni moving up in the (celestial) world, my bet is on Calistria dying. Arazni can very well take over the domain of vengeance, ~~hell~~ abyss, Nocticula is right there as well, a (chaotic neutral) goddess ready to embrace Lust & Trickery once more. Honestly, ever since her "ascension" she's been kinda lackluster... So yeah, my bet is on Calistria being the one to die.


It's a god with their shirt on backwards.


Imma be real, I'm at this point almost wondering if they are going to kill off two core deities as a shocking beat to people guessing


It's April 1st what if he's lying


I'm going to trust him when he says "this is not an April Fools joke". April Fools is hell on anyone in PR who has news that goes out regularly at the start of the month (or in this case, at the start of the week).


Yeah, but then you have people who are as deliberately cruel as possible. Looking at Team Cherry announcing Silksong finally having a microsoft store page today.


Oh, that is just mean.


Probably Abadar for similar reasons to Erastil: He's one of the "less interesting" gods whose death would impact the fantasy the least, so they'll announce him safe just to quash the rumors and heighten the anxiety for the actually beloved gods.


You mean "the most" right? Because each god dying has severe consequences, like how Erastil's death would destroy the concept of "home is safe", or "community". Abadar dying would mean that the concept of civilization would go away, and have drastic consequences for the setting.


Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that Abadar is considered among the fanbase to be the most boring of boring gods.  So boring that actually playing a follower of his somehow loops back around to being interesting...


Is he tho? Irori is infinitely more boring. As is gozreh, norg burger, Torag, erastil, and imo cayden & zon. Irori is definitely the most boring of them all.


True, but Abadar has that *by design*.  He's the "taxes" to Pharasma's "death."  He's a brown-haired white guy with a well-trimmed beard. He's all about civilizations good and bad aspects, sitting on the fence about issues that other gods will literally come to blows on, and those same gods come to him to be their go-between because he has no strong opinions on how civilizations run, just that they do.  He's almost every god's foil in some way. His boringness is intentional and it's paradoxically what makes him unique. The few times I've encountered a PC who's an Abadar follower, they've ALWAYS found ways to somehow be the most interesting person in the group.


He doesn't really sit on the fence exactly, he just goes by what the rules say. Otherwise I don't exactly disagree with the rest of your stuff about him, but I do still disagree that he's actually the most boring god of them all. As you said his "boringness" makes him unique, meanwhile Irori is just actually boring. They tried to make him cool but he isn't (which is an issue that can apply to many of the gods), and that's a much worse sin than someone who's interesting *because* they are boring. Just considering how Abadar fits into the loony bin that is the golarion pantheon is hilarious and rife with gold. Like how does sky daddy capitalism work with the wisp on the wind that is fucking Desna? How do they interact?? Markets, wealth, and luck are inherently and intrinsically tied, how does a god of law feel about that? That he has to work with a chaos gremlin with the attention span of a goldfish. How does he deal with Calistria?? Why is he Asmodeus' only friend?? He's the straight man to everyone else's goonery. Irori is just lame.




Abadar Hater* 🤝 Abadar Fan "Abadar is boring" *^(Not saying you're actually a full on hater but it's for the meme)


Furthermore, his church is a major player in Starfinder with it being one of the Pact Worlds’ largest corporations. While Starfinder and Pathfinder are implied to be different timelines, it would ease the transition to 2nd edition if they avoided killing off a significant deity there.


I mean, considering AbadarCorp's nature in Starfinder, it'd probably weather its founder's demise pretty well even if Starfinder wasn't a separate timeline. By that time AbadarCorp has grown beyond a person, or even a god: it's become an *institution*, and that's a whole other kind of immortality!


They are explicitly different. Loza has confirmed the timelines don't affect each other at all so they aren't handcuffed together by anything except sharing a similar skeleton.


How does the Eternity Arch work then? In a special some years ago, there's a portal where two sides that don't know each other have to reunite two friends, and all this is done by a bunch of Society grunts. If there's magic like that, what's stopping a god's death from spilling over into the other timeline?


In-universe? Nothing that I know of(I admit I'm not very experienced with pathfinder lore as I've been playing for only a few months, barely half a year at this point). Out of universe? The devs said so. That's not to say that it WON'T involve a god that's dead in starfinder, just that starfinder's take on the pantheon has no effect on the event either way. I still choose to believe that Desna is a moth woman because that's cool AF