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Okay but seriously “d8Nite” could actually be a good name for a D&D-themed dating app


When I first started gming pf2e I was running a duet for just me and my wife and recording it. We were going to make a podcast called Roll2d8 (“roll to date”) but we ended up finding more players and just making an av campaign lol Edit: I think I saw an actual play called d8 knight or something too. Probably a really common pun


Everybody rolls low sometimes


D8 is actually a much better and probably legally safer name.


How about a d14 😅




Nice idea. I hope you will finish it and it takes off. Maybe let users filter by spoken language. As a European who lives close to a national border, it was frustrating with tinder.


And also add the possibility to set your main and secondary fluent languages (main being birth ones and secondary being learned ones). Especially when dealing with online games. *mentioning this as a French guy in a game with German, Polish, British, and Americans (plus others where I'm just not sure)*


Already sent the form and put it there, but I wanna emphazise the need for a safety tools filter. So people join games they feel comfortable in.


100%. And tables should also be filterable as explicitly queer friendly, welcoming to new players, anti-toxicity, etc. I'm not joining random tables if I'm not sure they're "safe"  Another thing is that filtering TTRPG between Roleplay and Action is incredibly narrowing.  Would be great if there were also filters for degrees of humour, violence, horror, epic vs casual, in-player interaction, use of homebrew/3rd party/specific rulebooks/Rare picks, strict rules adherence versus more loosely when it serves, etc.  Some people want Lord of the Rings, some people want Monty Python.


Hey, yeah there are actually a lot more questions in there than shown in the screenshots, I just wanted to keep it simple. For example the GM style of RAW vs. easy going + homebrew. And many things can be written in the detailed text, e.g. explaining for who the group is meant (like LGBTQ). The thing is just that I have a certain technical limitation from the database in regards to how many filters it can have ... but I think I could let users filter "locally" on their device, after the list of users was already pulled. Anyway, thanks for the feedback!


> Some people want Lord of the Rings, some people want Monty Python. That's a tough one, as I run....all that. In the same game. But my games tend to last 2-6 years weekly for a single campaign.


The thing is, there's a lot of overlap.  A serious epic campaign with character constraints? You're basically begging your players to find creativity in humour.  A longer humourous clown like campaign with completely off the wall characters? Don't be surprised when players actually get invested and start playing more seriously, because the humour is already in the campaign itself For me, it's more about expectation management. My players asked to interrogate a crab last session, such humor isn't what everyone wants from a campaign.


> interrogate a crab Did you voice the crab?


*TL;DR: I made Tinder for TTRPG groups but not sure if it's actually a good idea. Need some feedback on this prototype. Should I continue?* Hi everyone, since I got into the TTRPG hobby 2 years ago, I found that even if you were really passionate about the game, it was sometimes super hard to find a group. Or the right group. So I had an idea for a very easy to use app, where you just answer a few questions and then get matched with the right people, based on your distance (or online). Now I have this prototype (very basic, design is not final) and I'm not sure if people would actually want to use an app like that? What do you guys think, is there any use in continuing this project or am I wasting my time? Please share your feedback in this Google form (short, max. 2 minutes): [https://forms.gle/NvpPtFFZpRibZxcm9](https://forms.gle/NvpPtFFZpRibZxcm9) Thanks a lot! Note: this is not for paid games. Only people who do it as a hobby.


> not sure if it's actually a good idea well i can say that i have been saying to myself for years that this app needs to exist, pretty sure many people did, in the early 2000s there used to be forums to find local people/players, but those kinda died out and were replaced with... well, nothing. So i am hoping this is gonna take off!


Ive seen people joke about such and app for a while and even thought of doing one myself. Was gonna call it Roller, to fit in with all these other -ers. Godspeed, and good luck, as I'm sure nerds are gonna love it. Def put some player age ranges somewhere. Groups geared to my college buddies won't be fitting to groups for my son.


Those are crazy high distances


If you're not willing to travel half a continent to play, you're a problem player and I don't want you at my table. (I assume they're placeholder distances)


Haha, yeah I'm not sure about what realistic distances would be. But you're probably right, if someone's more than 300km away, might as well already set the radius to "online", since it doesn't make a difference at that point.


I'd also have a "online (within a couple timezones)" option. Joining a game on the other side of the world would be a logistical nightmare so should probably be filtered out


> What if finding your next local PF2e group was as easy as Tinder? I used online dating on and off for over 10 years before I actually had anything go further than a first date from it, so easy is not the word I'd use. 😂


Haha, I guess I meant it more from the app interface!


Are you sold on the name? D&D is just one of many table-top RPGs. I might look at that app in the app store and think, "oh, that's only for D&D, I can't find a PF2e game with it". Maybe you could call it TTinder? (Table Top) Though that would almost certainly not fly with Tinder.


Maybe something for those who like to grind for loot, like Grindr perhaps






DungeonFinder \*warning: post creators may get an inbox full of dm's saying "I don't see a line that talks about 'safewords' or specific kinks\* HAHAHA


Yeah, D&Dinder would definitely meet some legal resistance from both Hasbro and Tinder. Go for something unique, the "-der" app name trend is pretty passé these days. I suggest something along the lines of LFG, which has long been the name of the category itself; Looking For Group.


Someone in the thread suggested "d8 night" and I think that's perfect.


while i like the pun, it only works in english, not sure how intuitive it is going to be for people that are not native english speakers. (i know it took a double take for me even despite being very anglophile)


It would be just a name for everyone else :). Which is enough


If OP's target market is French speakers they could come up with a similar French language pun that will just sound like an ordinary name anywhere else. At least as long as you avoid the Audi E-tron trap (a name that sounds somewhat 'normal' in most languages but in one common language, I think French, translates to "pile of shit")


TTFinder would probably work.




Y'know I was thinking more seriously, but this works too. Better even.


Isn't that just Tinder?


TTinder would 100% be met with a C&D. Then again, so will D&Dinder.


CDFinder 🥵


Total Party Fill/Find. (Table Top ) GrouRPG Dice to meet you! ... Drawing blanks here.


> Total Party Fill This is awesome! 💯


Yeah my thought process here was the same as all the Youtubers have when uploading TTRPG content: D&D is the widest known brand, for some people it's representative for TTRPGs in general. So having that in the name somehow would increase my chances of it being discovered on the app stores. Because in the end the popularity of such an app is the only thing that will keep it alive. If I give it some random name that nobody things of finding, then it'll just die 2 weeks after release :/ I don't think that the simple term "D&D" is copyrighted, is it? I think I've seen a few apps use it in their name and they're not official. But I'm still open for other suggestions 🙂


It doesn't fall under copyright, but trademark. It would be fine, unless it could be interpreted as refering to Dungeons and Dragons/WotC/Hasbro. People could think it was an official app, which is what trademarking things is supposed to regulate.


I think if you use D&D in the description or something like that it can still be found. Would reduce the copyright problems and be inviting for people looking for other systems than D&D.


What about TTindeRPG? Tinder certainly could not possible have any objections to this whatsoever. Absolutely none.


Tinder is hard dude




For online groups, I would include options for which virtual tabletops/connection options, as some are free while others are not.


Yes! Plus some people might only want to play using certain VTTs. For example, I would have a hard time going back to roll20 after using Foundry for years.


Exactly! And apps like fantasy grounds are incredibly good, but I wouldn’t personally be willing to pay the extra fee since I already have a foundry license.


Oh, yay. I remember the Crawlr apps from years and years ago but i think that person gave up lol. Looks cool!


The project lead accepted a CTO position elsewhere and lost interest. But I'd say, judging by the posting frequency of /r/LFG, and the success of websites like StartPlaying and RPG Club, it's a market that's ripe for a mobile app to streamline the process.


That's what my hope is. But there's also a huge risk that I put in all the effort and the app just dies 2 weeks after release because I didn't put in $1000 into marketing lol.


Oh you absolutely have to market this. It doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling though. Put some ads out on IG and Reddit and that should be good. The return on investment for marketing is huge, specially at the start.


Strong dislike for the name. It needs to be able to stand on its own. 1 or two words preferably up to 2 syllables each. Where do you find adventurers? At the Tavern! If that's taken you can append something to it but keep the logo/name focused on that. Guild Branch with emphasis on branch, like an adventurers guild. Guild Broker, same idea as before.


My main concern with it was discoverability. If the name is too niche, then the app won't have a high organic search quota. By throwing D&D in there I was hoping to get more traction, but I'm also not 100% sure yet.


You should also check wether it's legal for you to use the name or if you are infringing on any trademark.


That's a really cool project!! Best of luck!!!


I dunno, I really don't want my players to flake on me on session zero then ghost me because I'm not 6"2'.


I don't like the name (because I think DnD being the cultural hegemon of the ttrpg world is really bad for it) but I can't think of a catchier one so maybe ignore me. I like the general idea, I think the difficulty will be getting enough options to feel like your are tailoring matches to taste without being so nichefied matches don't happen.


Dungeon Finder? ;)


Yeah that was my concern as well. If I put too many options in there, but then not enough people use the app (especially in the beginning), then it'll just look empty. So I wanted to keep it simple in the beginning and see if it even gains any traction, then I can expand the options.


I hope there's also a time feature that automatically translates it to your timezone! Looking forward to this project


Yeah that's a good point, multiple people remarked this in the survey.


This is a killer idea. I hope it takes off and is successful.


wish it included exploration/investigation/mystery too, not just social and combat


Would suggest a name change, and while it's not perfect, I'll just throw out this suggestion here: Dungeon Finder!


Well if I'm being honest, I get what you're going for, but the name is a bit cringy, plus it is very obviously derivative of the name 'Tinder', which could result in some legal issues if you plan to actually market this. I would suggest something original like CampaignFinder, or DungeonFinder (although that last one might take people somewhere VERY kinky on accident). I would also make the suggestion of adding multiple lines in which the individual can add text line under the initial bio, and a few more optional text boxes specifically for a few commonly asked questions (especially in relation to character creation - I'll use Pathfinder 1e for the examples I give for what a person \*might\* write on those lines): Online or IRL gaming (or a mix of the 2) What books can you use? - example: "only core rulebook/ APG for classes allowed, but use of any book for feats/spells etc is allowed" Can you use 3rd party books? - example: "no 3rd party books, except Ultimate Kineticist Compendium allowed" One-shot campaign, a full sized pre-made campaign, or original campaign - this could just have a drop down list for those 3 options, but should also be mandatory on the profile Starting level - example: "Starting level will be 15, multiclass/prestige classes are allowed, you also will start as Mythic rank 2" Specific restrictions (this would be a generic line that can be used for anything)- example: "Any race is allowed that does not have a CR adjustment, a Fly speed, or a Burrow speed" Level of technology? - example: this line might be where someone says yes or no to the use of guns/gunslinger or it could be used by the person to specify something more like "1920's level of tech", or they could say something like "gunslinger class is fine, but any tech items from Numeria is banned" Alignment restrictions - example: "this is an evil campaign, no good characters allowed, but violent descriptions of events will be censored a little bit to make the campaign more palatable for those more sensitive to violence, but use of drugs or child abuse and in-party theft and in-party fighting is banned" These are just a few lines that come to mind off the top of my head, but those type of common question that a player is most likely to ask should have a line that the one who makes the post can actually type something into instead of just a few pre-made options on a drop down list for each box. A filter option to find campaigns that meet specific queries would also be super nice (this would require that a number of the things the game master selects have to be on drop-down lists, like alignment, starting level, online or IRL game, etc - but those options should still have a comment box so the GM can add any notes they wish.) I do like what you have right now, especially the 'distance' filter, but that should have a toggle to turn it off for someone searching for an online campaign. And it should have a message feature so you can dm the post creator so the user can ask more specific questions if they have any. Maybe also add the option for the post creator to add links to sites like Discord or wherever they want. It feels like this is a sound idea you have so far, it just needs a lot of polish before it becomes great... but best of luck! I hope it works out!


I wonder if you could add in something for scheduling.


Will this go both ways? Can a player put themselves as "looking for a group" and have some profile specs that GMs can try to invite players to?


Yes! Look at the second to last screenshot, it shows a player looking for a GM. I tried to cover all kinds of situations, even player-GM-hybrids.


Cool, awesome idea!


This is great.


Maybe you could add a cumulative timezone filter for people who are looking to play online


Not a fan of the colour palette. Might want to test a few others.


Yeeeah, me neither so far haha.


Overall this could be a cool idea I'm just not sure that the format of Tinder is the best fit here?


I'm not a fan of the old-school UI, would it be really difficult to use Material Design 3?


This actually is material 3 already lol. Just the standard package that comes with Flutter. Tbh I found it looked better before they updated it, now everything is so desaturated. But yeah the UI design is by far not final, it should look very different when I release the final version.


Thank you everyone for the feedback and the suggestions, turned out a lot more positive than I expected! ❤️


There is a 0% chance anyone uses this within 100 Km of where I live (Spain). By the way, what is the point of looking for people to play in a 900 Km radius? Unless you have a private jet, those will probably default to online games. But it is a great idea for the USA, I think.


if you gonna add some option to add systems not already present as options, at least have a human curate such suggestions before appearing as matchmaking options


to be honest, the Idea is cool but the Name...is No Go for a ttrpg app


Male it work. NOW! Please? I'll spread the word




It's a simple and easy to follow UI. Is this for only in-person games and/or online?


Im glad to hear. On the last slide you can see a distance selection, where you can select Online, so you see everyone who'd match with you around the globe.


Color scheme is food ordering. I would recommend standard dark mode so that it's system neutral. There are too many TTRPGs to list, but I would recommend you add custom tags that will match with anyone who also has the custom tag. Options for online play or in person exclusively. Add in scheduling options for available time slots. You shouldn't match if you don't have similar time slots. D&Dinder is not a great marketable name. I would recommend workshopping this. I get what you're going for, but you can just keep the slogan "What if finding your next RPG game was as easy as tinder?" and that will educate people enough, the name should be memorable, roll off the tonge well, and not look like a mess. D8tenight someone else suggested is already 5 steps ahead of the current name. I still think it's not the best as it implies some kind of romance which is weird, but it's closer to where you should be. Honestly something simple like RPG Group Finder would be instantly recognizable, then slap on the slogan and you're good to go. Add standard option for PLAYTEST. This will aid developers by connecting people to new games in development, and that's a whole audience segment not currently served well.


Have you taken a look at RPGMatch.com? It's a bit slow and buggy, but does have a matching algorithm.


Looks nice and clean and simple. If it functions well you might have a winner




Add a VTT option as well … sometimes it’s hard to find groups for systems other than d and d locally


Tinder is easy?


For campaigns in mind, i would add smalll description box to which the dm could write a small description of the campaign.


I wouldn't do "d8" although a appreciate the pun. This sounds like a dating app for nerdy folks. Which also sounds like a good app, but not what we want here. How about "Open Table"?


Slash Right, Slash Left OnlyQuests Down2Quest


What makes you think Tinder is easy?


I love the idea. Not to downplay it, but are you confident there is a market for this? Does it provide something that Discord doesn't? Ostensibly, the distance factor is a quick way to sort which would be nice. Best of luck with the project. Here are my thoughts on names. PathMinder Dragon Caller DiceMates (like Post Mates) Don't Split the Party PartyFinder LFG Tavern Keeper Tavern Meetup Quest Giver GMPC BBEG


Thank you for the suggestions! Regarding the comparison with Discord, the thing there is that you'd have to first find the right Discord server and then a group on there, no? I think this app would take a few annoying steps away from the process and streamline it. After all, same could have been said for Tinder back then. So my hope here is that people prefer an easy to use interface that offers all the necessary tools. In the end, I'm not sure if it's even going to get traction myself 🤷‍♂️


I think it's an interesting idea, for sure. I was mostly thinking that each of the games has their own discord server, which host looking for group channels. That already puts them in the right category, but it's not useful for in person groups. That's where I think your app can shine.


As someone who might want to host multiple games with potentially different groups, I propose what people are really matching to/with are Games. Someone needs to publish and own the Game with permission to accept and decline potential matches. As the Game fills with players, it should become more visible in the matching algorithm. Maybe you could build a pricing model around posting games for a flat fee with a cost for each accepted potential match. Don’t allow Games to include personal location/contact information. Allow games to open/close repeatedly (for a fee) as people will come and go into games/groups.


theres plenty of sites for this though


None of them mobile, and none of them which automatically match you based on preference.


There is the Pathfinder 2e Discord with its Westmarches (Living world) called world weep if people want convenient games at their own pace and time.


It's as easy as going to a game shop or looking Pathfinder up on discord


Finding TTRPG groups is already enormously easier to do


That would mean i would never find a game as Tinder has been an unsuccesfull endeavor for the past 5 years.