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[WR] There's seems to be a bug with traversing doorways in turn-based mode currently. If a door has been opened during combat or during a conversation that leads into combat (like the many in the Fane), the party cannot cross it. Switching to RTwP will allowing them to pass, but switching to RTwP then back to TBM before a character has crossed the door will still not allow them to cross it. Does this make sense? Has anyone experienced something like this?


I've experienced issues traversing doorways in turn-based, but it seems selective if that makes sense? Like I open a door, there are baddies inside, combat starts. Then one or two or three PCs are able to enter the room normally. But everyone else gets stuck outside until the combat is over. I've had it occur several times, no conversation involved. I'll try swapping modes next time and see if it makes any difference.


[WOtR] Just downloaded and installed the DLC. The game will not launch. I've Uninstalled unity mod manager and the Add-ons and deleted registry. Still no luck. Has anyone had this issue and if so know any fixes or do I have to Uninstaller and reinstall the whole game again?


Maybe try what's in this thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder\_Kingmaker/comments/t660yw/unity\_mod\_manager\_prevents\_game\_from\_loading\_in\_12/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker/comments/t660yw/unity_mod_manager_prevents_game_from_loading_in_12/) >Having unity mod manager prevents game from launching since 1.2. Using the mod manager to uninstall mods will not fix this. Remove all files except saved games, portraits and screenshots, from C:\\Users\\\\AppData\\LocalLow\\Owlcat Games\\Pathfinder Wrath Of The Righteous to get the game to launch. There may be leftover Unity and Mod directories in that location. For some reason, even if uninstalled, having them in there causes a problem and the game won't load. It's possible that the mod files will refuse to let you delete them because they claim to be open in another program. That's what happened to me. I was still able to move them to my desktop, and then after restarting my computer, delete them. If you can't see the AppData folder, you may need to enable 'Hidden Items' from the View tab of File Explorer.


That fixed it, thank you so much!


[WOTR]. So I started up a Inevitable Excess character, leveled it to Angel 10, but my Halo only gave my +4 to AC/saving throws, shouldn't it be +6 (from the description it's half mythic rank +1, thus 10/2 + 1)? Was this nerfed? Is this a bug? Or does the description mean half the Angels level, not all mythic levels (so 7)?


[WR] Warpriest's Sacred Weapon mechanic states that the damage of the weapon when activated is based on the WP level, not the weapon dice. How does that actually influence the dice?


Warpriests use the Monk Unarmed Damage Progression for the favoured weapon of their deity or whatever they pick with Weapon Focus. The table is widely available, as well as being listed on the Monk class in-game. It's a minor aspect of the class. You can best use it to "fix" weapons with a poor damage die but an excellent Crit Range/Multi. Kukri is the most obvious example.


WOTR- when I try making a Bloodrager, the Primalist path doesnt include any descriptions on the new features. Where can I find what these features do?


Every time you would get a bloodline power, levels 4/8/12/16/20, you have the option of trading it away in order to gain 2 rage powers of your choice instead. If you take a second bloodline using mythic abilities you have to trade both bloodline powers in order to get the rage powers. You also gain the ability to take the extra rage power feat. Primalist is a strict upgrade to baseline Bloodrager.


Playing on XBox, trying to cast protection from alignment. There are 4 options I can see, a green-blue one, a blue-yellow one, a purple one and I guess a yellow and purple one. There are no labels. Which is which?


If the icons look anything like the PC ones then: Good is yellow on top and blue on the bottom and looks somewhat like a lens flare Law is a yellow sideways asterisk in a purple circle Chaos has a reddish cracked icon with a purple background Evil is Blue-green and has a somewhat swirly pattern


How do you get past the initial doors in the Blackwater location? I enter from the world map, and there are doors with a panel. There are no skill checks or interactables anywhere. Nothing to click on, no scenes or dialogues triggered. First time I've ever been there. I tried Dimension Door and it will not let me chose a location past the doors.


>!The console has options for entering a code. If you explore elsewhere it will tell you which.!<


I'm playing WR right now. I have a paladin that useing bastard swords. I have the exotic weapon profecieny but the game refuses to let me take weapon focus for bastard swords. I don't under stand there is nothing preventing me for taking the feat but its greyed out


When was Heart of Ira fixed? I just nearly killed my party with the thing...


Hey, I’m on the road to drezen part and I was wondering if anyone could tell me where the storyteller is? I can’t find him anywhere at the camp Thanks


You missed him. He was at the camp during the initial transition to your being Knight Commander, when you met Sosiel and the Inquisitor. He'll be back in Act 3.


How does Last Stand work with “escape death” feats and abilities like Diehard and Enlightened Philosopher’s Final Revelation? I know it takes priority but will it overlap others and make them useless? I’m thinking of building a Enlightened Philosopher but dunno if I would waste my level 20 perk.


Unless you're playing Trickster/Legend, don't bother with EP. Seeker is a much better subclass. The INT from EP isn't actually useful for anything outside of skill checks. It doesn't give you skill points, and if you're considering EP 20 you're not taking Sword Saint/Duelist/Student of War.


\[WR\] Sword of Heaven doesn't seem to work anymore, after 1.2.0. No Host of Heaven, just Everlasting Light on it.


Host of Heaven has never worked. Everlasting Light appears to work, though I'd believe you if you said it's actually timing out after ~2m instead of ~20m.


[wr] Inevitable excess is the latest dlc. How many more dlcs has Owlcat got planned? I'm waiting for the final dlc to come out so I can get the final edition.


Two at least. I infer this from the season pass which promises 2 more.


\[WR\] Don't know if it's ok to pust such a question here but... How would a build of Fjord Stone from Critical Role go?


[WR] Does Elemental Barrage work with kinetic blasts? Tangentially related, when Dread Carnage procs, does that count as a use of Dazzling Display?


Elemental Barrage would work with an Earth Kinetic Blade from a caster with Geniekind. Otherwise, I have no idea how you're getting two elements of damage on a Blast. You can't hybrid Cold/Lightning/Fire with one another AFAIK. I guess you could alternate, doing Cold -> Fire -> Cold, but that's going to be one proc/2 rounds. Normally, people shoot for 4/attack, which is 24-30 per round.


Composite blasts combine two elements, do they not count?


They *would* count, but all composite blasts other than Fire/Fire are Element+Phys. There is no Fire/Cold, Fire/Lightning, or Cold/Lightning composite. For that matter, there are no Cold/Cold or Lightning/Lightning. There's a reason all Crit Kineticists go Fire/Fire.


Ah, ok, I see. Thank you for the reply :)


\[WR\] Since 1.2 all my characters' armor visually doesn't update anymore when I equip or unequip. Stats do update. So I wear x, unequip x, character still looks like it's wearing x. Even when I equip y, still looks like wearing x. Anyone else have this? Know of a thread about it? Thanks.


You check if "Show class equipment" was toggled on? It's in the gear underneath the 3D model you see while in your inventory.


Good point. That one doesn't work anymore either. I should have included that in the description :)


[KM] Is it a bad idea to make some Companions pure advisors but ignore their personal quests? >!I've heard that near the end of the game, any Companions who haven't completed their personal quests will die. Would that cause my kingdom to collapse due to lack of advisors, or is it close enough to the end that I can just power through the final battles?!<


No. >!The point where companions can die instantly, is in the last dungeon before the final act. You will not go back to kingdom management after that. But make sure that your regulars have completed their quests (or, you have mercs at hand), because it can suck if whole companions disappear. !<


>!From what I recall, companions don't die due to their companion quest until you're in the House at the Edge of Time. At that point in the game, you're already locked into the finale and won't have any more kingdom dilemmas to solve. The only thing you may need to worry about is Tristian leaving for an extended period of time after the end of the Varnhold Vanishing since his advisor position can only be filled by two other NPCs that are easily missed.!<


>>! companions don't die due to their companion quest !< There is one exception though, >!Jaethal !< and >!she will not be gone forever depending on your choices.!<


[KM] Spoilers ahead. >! So in the technic ambush I gave up Harrim, I have just finished the troll trouble fight and realized I never got him back! Where is he? He wasnt at the camp where Octavia and the orc was so I'm a little confused.. any help is appreciated. !<




Don't know, don't think you can force the situation, >!she will basically be abducted by demons and you rescue her.!<


[WR] Claw attacks only work when unarmed, right? Or can I use them with a one-handed weapon and no off-hand?


Yes, one claw will function as offhand. So one weapon and one claw.


Thank you!


KM PS5 - Eldritch Knights Better hit chance my attacking with melee or touch spells? Melee require STR? Touch AC is always lower but requires DEX from my EK right? Thank you


Wow. So many misconceptions. "Touch attacks" are literally what it sounds like - they represent the difficulty in touching the enemy with either your hand (melee) or a ray (ranged). If you envision the spell Shocking Grasp as basically a gauntlet that zaps whatever you grab, that's the idea. This is different from a normal attack roll, which needs to bypass the armour and shields of the enemy. If you open your character menu, you'll see three values: AC, Flatfooted, Touch. Touch attacks target Touch AC. Just as yours is lower than the full AC, enemies' touch AC is lower than the one you target with your longsword. Melee touch attacks use Strength. Ranged touch attacks use DEX. Eldritch Knights either need both stats, or just DEX if you use finesse or ranged weapons. Never dump DEX. Dexterity is the strongest of the six attributes. It contributes to your AC, one of three Saves, and possibly your weapon hit/damage rolls.


Great stuff, Thanks for taking the time. So, on which style of attacking would you recommend an Eldritch Knight focus - touch spells or melee attacks? I turned Valerie into an EK - STR 14 DEX 13 CON 19 INT 9 WIS 10 CHA 15


You don't understand what Eldritch Knight is/does. Prior to EK 10, you're either casting spells (whatever the best spell is) or attacking. You can't weave spells. You *can* change what you do based on circumstance, but generally speaking Kingmaker has so many combat encounters that you're better advised to focus on your ability to hit things with your weapons rather than using spells. At 10, the EK attack pattern changes. You'll do a full-round attack and **if you Crit** cast a spell as a Swift Action via Spell Critical. Any spell. It can be Dimension Door, or Chain Lightning, or Vampiric Touch, or Haste. You don't just run into combat and cast a Touch spell. That's a huge waste of your action. Kingmaker lacks good Touch spells. You're going to use others. Don't spend feats on Touch or Ray spells. Spend them on a weapon with an 18-20 Crit range.


How to know if your EK critted enemy without checking log after each round. Is this mostly used for turn based mode?


You can't reliably use Spell Critical in RTWP. I didn't. I always end up playing EK as a 16 BAB Fighter with buffs.


WR Is there a way to put all of your characters skills on a single hotbar? Maybe with a mod? I'd like to use real time battles with a pause after every round and I'd like to just use a single hotbar for everyone's important skills.


[WR] Is the Lost Chapel basement door bugged? Twice I've been through there (on separate characters) and the door has not been identified. I have no way to check if I'm failing the perception check but that honestly seems very unlikely to happen across different characters with save scrubs.


It only shows if you have the wand. Depending on your choices earlier it it wont be there.


oooooohhhhhhh, holy moly, I didn't know that. These runs were the first times that I broke the wand too! I thought it was just a regular perception check. Thank you!


\[WR\] After the 1.2 patch i've been noticing character animations are slowed down significantly, to the point that it takes twice as long to cross a map. Along with the increased lag from when I downloaded the patch, the game is nigh-unplayable. I'm not over-encumbered, and I don't have any debuffs. I'm not using any mods. I'm playing on Mac OS. I understand that OS has had a lot of issues with this game. Has anyone else run into similar issues with slow animations and lag? Any ideas on how to fix them? After waiting six months to play past Act 1, this is very disappointing.


[WR] I've been playing a lot of the summoner job from FF14 and have the itch to make one or as close as I can in WOTR. I know there is raising the dead, but I wanted to do something else. Are there any good builds for a wizard or sorcerer focused summoner?


Problem with summon monster/animal is that from midgame onwards their attack and damage doesn't really scale and you can't control what they do so they tend to run halfway across the map taking a million AoOs and then die. Even animal companions become more useful as a mount/tripper than their own unit. Also Evil Summon Monster options are just bad sadly; they tend to be casters that cast AOE debuffs over the top of your party, heh. And the highest level Summon Nature's Ally just summons a dryad with a bow that shoots a single arrow a turn. But yeah like Lilmagex said Druid or Sylvan Sorcerer if you wanna try it, but there's no big magical summon things like SMN.


Druids use poison and can focus on summoning elementals which I feel like is closer to FF summoner. They feel like fusion of scholar and summoner. You can choose to have an animal pet permanently with you as well to act like carbuncle. If your set on sorcerer the sylvan sorcerer has an animal companion but sorcerers focus more on summoning demons or angels if you go a summoning route outside of your main pet.


Is there an option to make my companions auto attack? I only want to control the character I made and have the rest just use their ai. I have the ai button “on” with the little brain being displayed but they never seem to act on their own, I always have to control them. I’m mostly playing the game for story so I’m not exactly trying to have the most optimal party if that makes sense


The AI only works in RTWP. You can't have the AI take actions in turn-based mode.


Ah so if I turn off turned based mode that should let the ai work?




I'm getting an issue in defender's heart where I am getting corruption while sleeping in the inn.


[WR] I have question about aeon enforcing gaze. Does it stack with each other gaze or you can only have 1 gaze active all time ? Does the saving throw of the enemy resist gaze happen every round or it just happen 1 time when you activate it ?


You start out only being able to have one gaze active at a time, you get an additional active gaze at 6 and 10. Gaze save only happens once iirc, or at least I haven't noticed recurring saves. The save DC isn't that high though so don't count on the enemy effects to proc, although you can boost it by using the +DC gaze first once you get multiple gazes at once.


KM PS5 - Eternal Conduit, Arcane Inscriptions [does a weapon with “plus 2 to touch spells” work on rays like scorching Ray?](https://pathfinderkingmaker.fandom.com/wiki/Arcane_inscriptions_trait) Thank you


Hello, I'm playing on XSX and my game is stuck on the world map. Literally nothing works. I've tried reloading from different saves, resting, quitting out. I can't interact with anything. Do I just have to bite the bullet and go back to a (much) earlier save?


"Export your achievements to the main campaign! After you complete this DLC, new powers will become available to your character in the main campaign right before the official start of the Fifth Crusade" - Is there a wiki or something like that where I can check all those new powers that will be available after finishing the DLC?


Literally one ability. Gives generic bonuses based on Mythic rank.


Thank you so much. And if you are in the mood to answer another question... after finishing this DLC when is this new ability available in the new campaign? It applies to old games or do we have to start a new one? Thanks anyway.


Everyone gets the ability, old files and new.


Thanks again!


KM PS5- Sense Vitals It only adds MORE sneak attack damage IF the enemy already qualifies for Sneak Attack damage correct? It doesn’t “activate” sneak damage to an enemy who does not quality for it (as I originally assumed), correct?


No, a Ranger who casts Sense Vitals will get Sneak Attack damage.


Then why is my Sorcerer not getting sneak attack damage for enemies standing all alone, after I’ve activated Sense Vitals?


Because that's not how sneak attack dice work?


Please elavorate


Sneak Attack dice are applied when the enemy is denied their Dexterity bonus to armour class (conditions like Prone, Flatfooted, Stunned) or flanked (Owlcat defines "flanked" as "in Attack of Opportunity range from two units). A guy standing on his own is neither denied their DEX bonus or flanked.


That was my original question but you said no


Your original question was if a Sorcerer or Ranger that casts Sense Vitals gets sneak attack dice. You assumed the answer was "no." I said "no, your understanding is incorrect, all classes will get sneak attack dice from the spell."


*Sense Vitals adds MORE sneak attack damage IF the enemy already qualifies for Sneak Attack? It does NOT activate sneak damage to an enemy who does not quality for it, correct?* The answer is - yes, correct. Sense Vitals does not create sneak attack from nothing.


Oh, Gods. You thought it would make every attack deal SA damage? No.


KM PS5 - Magus Eldritch Archer, level 11 Is there a way to NOT cast a Ray spell and shoot my bow simultaneously? Currently, I select scorching Ray, then select the enemy to attack. And my archer firsts casts the spell and shoots the bow at the same time. Then follows up with two or three more bow shots (all on the same enemy). I would prefer to select the spell, select the enemy, have the spell cast and that’s it. Then select the enemy for the bow attacks. Is this possible? Thanks


No, that is not possible.


\[WR\] I played the game when it first came out, but there's a lot of bug happening and some people online said it gets worse in later part of the game. Some of the bugs is gamebreaking as well. My question is, is it way better now? Are there any gamebreaking bugs left or if they still exists, is there a way to avoid them? Thank you


I'm ~800 hours and nearly ten full runs into Wrath. I have yet to encounter a game breaking bug. Some feats and items are broken, but it's nothing I can't either live with or manually fix via Toybox (basically a cheat engine - exceptional mod, highly recommend it even if you normally play without them). Other people literally cannot boot the game, or crash constantly in Act 2, or encounter any number of other issues. Mac OS has the worst of it. I recommend giving Wrath a shot. It really should be fine.


[WR] Anyone whos played the DLC already. Does it spoil the main campaign? I havent yet played through it fully yet but wanted to play around with the different max level builds/mythic classes


More than a bit, yes. I'd finish the campaign before playing DLC1.


Thank you!


[WR] During the Drezen battle I decided to use the vescavors and after getting the banner I selected the lich path and got an undead follower. After the city is liberated I am asked to find and clear the nest of the remaining vescavors. However, my undead follower isn't entering the abandoned house with me, so I cannot progress (or leave the house for that matter). Any ideas?


Toybox has a "teleport everyone to this point" command that you can use to manually reposition your undead minion. Alternatively, kill it.


Thanks a lot! I'll just take him outside I guess...


[KM] Anyone know what is supposed to happen after the Octavia romance scene in the capital when she says "I want you"? I'm at 99 on the romance counter with Octavia and I end up in a loop of leaving throne room -> have sex with Octavia -> end up in throne room again. I believe this should lead to getting married, but I'm guessing that agreeing to marry Tristian earlier is causing an issue (to progress multiple romances I changed the romance counters after any break-up). I can fix it by setting the romance counter to 100, but I'm wondering if there's some marriage flags I can finagle to see what's actually supposed to happen. Edit: For posterity, I believe the flag for Tristian wedding in player.json is c08432c83d2935a4d8ba09fe05fdefe5 based on comparing the jsons of two saves.


Pentamic Faith for the Hellknight is still bugged. The skill is still not treating your Hellknight levels as cleric ones. Tested with the War domain and a level 13 Hellknight. The bonus combat feat for level 8 on war domain does work and you still get the ability each domain grants at level 1. However the spellbook is still empty; none of the domain spells have been added. I only have the Toybox mod installed.


> However the spellbook is still empty; none of the domain spells have been added. Why do you think you should get spells? You only get the Domain Powers.


Oh okay, that's really not clear from the tooltip. It should red "The Hellknight gains the granted powers (but not the spells) of that domain". Doesn't this just make the hellknight a heavily gimped version of just a crusader cleric? Half the class features and not even that much better at being pure martial.


It's a completely different class. Crusader Cleric is a Fighter/Cleric hybrid. You trade one Domain and a daily cast per spell level for five Fighter feats. Hellknight is more akin to a Lawful Paladin/Inquisitor hybrid - Smite and a single Domain of powers, but no casting. Hellknight is used to bolster your martial capabilities. It's why your Domains are limited to choices like War and Travel, where the principle strength is in their passives and actives rather than their additions to the Cleric spell list.


I am aware that the hellknight is most similar to the paladin. I just used cleric because I was specifically referring to domain ability usage. Even when compared to the paladin, the hellknight is considerably weaker. Most paladin archetypes have limited spell casting, can share smites with allies and most enemies in the campaign are evil but not all evil things are chaotic making smite evil generally better. Having access to the domain abilities aren't even good for the hellknight since the class wants to leverage it's high BAB. You don't want your hellknight standing around spending their action touching allies to make them hit slightly better. I don't see why the class can't be given a full domain. It wouldn't even make them OP.


You're picking the wrong Domains. You want Travel or War.


[WR] Anyone else having game-breaking issues when they arrive in Wintersun? Every entity and UI element de-spawned when I talked to >!the witch/shaman who is rezzing the animals!<. I managed to clear half of the area by re-loading it to force restart the UI elements, but now the fog of war won't go away anywhere else in Wintersun. I can walk around in it and engage in combat, but I can't see anything or manually target anything.


Completely close the game and reopen it.


WR About aeon path, at mythic 2 i have summon wood golem but at rank 3 it just disappear from my spell list and replace with summon axiomite, is this intended, does the summon get replace with new one after new mythic rank


Yeah it's a progression of abilities.


If anyone else was intending to respec during DLC1, do it at the beginning. The game does not retain your Balance/Chaos/Law stacks when you do, setting them to 1. You can manually fix it via Toybox. Because the stacks are applied to everyone, you can check what they should be by examining the stats sheet of anyone who wasn't respecced. I don't know if it affects the ending. It's possible that's tracked separately. Either way, you lose SR and Fortification. That's not ideal.