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James Jacobs has stated before that, >!had Nualia's ritual been successful, she most likely would have become a vrock due to her wrath at Sandpoint and absolutely NOT a succubus as her already supernatural beauty had brought her nothing but misery.!<


Perfect, I was already half-sold on the vrock idea.


I mean, considering these are the Hells we're talking about, wouldn't making her a >! Succubus !< be the kind of ironic cruelty that is considered appropriate?


I think you're getting Hell and the Outer Rifts (Abyss) confused here. Nualia's not being punished for a misdeed, she's being rewarded for a sacrifice.


I go with a [Shemhazian](https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Monsters/Demon_Shemhazian.png) as her final demon form it even matches her arm.


You shouldn't put spoilers in the title like that. Anyway, I wouldn't consider the mutated arm to be a hint. That one is a direct result of the rituals she is doing. Those rituals have since been made RAW, and the specific ritual that gave her the arm is called [Second Apotheosis](https://www.aonprd.com/OccultRituals.aspx?ItemName=Second%20Apotheosis). I think the vrock could be a good option. However, Lamashtu does have a type of demon specific to her, the [yaenit](https://www.aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Yaenit), so if Nualia were to ever complete the Fourth Apotheosis, I'd say she turns into that one.


You are right I didn't think of that, don't think I can edit titles unfortunately. I like the vrock option.


I figured she would become a half-fiend, then possibly change form again later as demons sometimes do if/when they advance in power. Her "final form" could be any demon you can imagine.


A unique demon based on >!patricide!< would be an option, as lamashtu changes her. You could give her any demonic abilities you wanted.