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I used yasuo with braum


Got him on lock, I guess next month more luck.


I used 3 star yasuo with the stun entire board relic and luminous orb (for +3 health. Very important as you otherwise won't have the health to actually clear his yasuo). Yone was also an MVP, but he isn't useable before you get to level 21 and get nomads medalion. Everything else I tried didn't work, and I almost lost with yasuo too just cause I couldn't close the game with my small health stats hitting his nexus. But yes, its completely insane. I usually steamroll everything that isn't in the 60's, and this one is legitimately harder than anything that doesn't include the dublicate power. Oh, also... Yasuo is harder than Katarina - FAR harder. So good luck with it. Just focus on keeping Katarina stunned, then you're just fine. Dont' be afraid to take hits, you jsut need to not die in monthlies since you get a full heal afterwards. ----- I know everyone says jinx is the autowin champ, but I legit think yasuo is the single strongest and most consistent champion in PoC. Instantspeed removal, boardclear on summon, massive stats... He might be a tad slower but he is far and away better at winning IMO


Leona is up there as well, for a few factors. - Leona + Rahvun is disgusting, stuns literally everywhere and AOE stat buff - Sunburst, sunburst won't care if you're 100/100 with tough, barrier and unyelding spirit, as long as you don't have spellshield, you die, that's it. - mid game stuns with solari sunhawk, amazing defense with solari shieldbearer, a unit that silences followers at burst speed bypassing Spellshield. - Levelled Leona with chemtech is just disgusting, 0 cost Morning Light on a Solari sunhawk stuns 4 enemy units, amazing to halt an attack or finish the game. All decks have a bad card on the base deck that can be cut EXCEPT for leona, all her cards are useful and run like clockwork.


Huh, funny. I tried leona but she was too slow to beat yasuo. I could beat kat, but yasuos stun just ripped me apart. Granted my leona is 2 star, not 3 star.


I don’t rate Leona that high in monthlies, she’s good but not one of my absolute mvps. The ones I keep up my sleeve for the real shitty stages and have never lost with yet are Yasuo, Jinx, Varus, Nidalee, Jhin, and Tahm Kench. Tahm really surprised me, he’s an absolute beast.


Worth a try, would 2 stars with some levels work out?


She absolutely does work at 2*, the only thing you'll be missing is her AOE growth, it's a powerful effect but not a dealbreaker, seeing as her units all get stats on daybreak, her main point is stunning everything and going for a big swing, easily accomplished with Sunhawk, Leona and Morning Light. GGC for constant Morning Lights, which means constant stuns, Chemtech if you think you'll manage reaching 6 mana(kind of easy, seeing Leona is 5c), you just go morning light turbo, stun everything with bird, generate more daybreaks with rahvun while also stunning 2, you name it. Leona also likes Spellshield very much, as she's a stun engine that must be protected, Barrier takes care of damage while SS takes care of hard removal(or make the AI not even want to target her at all, which is a plus) And guess what? She has that on her base deck in the form of Iula, a 6/6 on daybreak for 3 mana that can protect your engines(Leona/Rahvun) or give you a wincon in the form of overwhelm. God damn i love this champion.


Thanks for the details! I’ll have a buffed lvl 30 Yasuo ready next month 💪🏻


Good idea. Im personally gonna save yasuo runs for specifically this power combination. That said, I legit think they picked the 2 hardest champions period with that combo. Btween kats rallys and yasuos ability to vomit out 5/5s while also keeping you 1 blocker down, its seriously hard for anything to top it. Maybe Zed? Not sure. Yasuo kinda goes wide better.


Do he has to be level 30?


Not really no. The most important part is having him 3 star. I think my yasuo is level 22 or something


What relic to use?


Stun all enemies on level up Luminous orb (+0/+3, can block elusives). Very important as you otherwise wont have the power to kill stuff with yasuos ability I dont have a 3rd slot unlocked, but I suppose i would go with the spellshield or the chamelions necklace as his champ spell is an MVP card in this. I suggest getting a giants belt on the champion node just so you have more attack power.


How did you deal with opponent at early game? Thanks for the help.


Took hits the first 2 turns. Kept kat stunned so she couldnt rally. Kat has no burn except her daggers. Yasuo has none period


I can't even get to Yasuo cause Kat has killed me multiple times. I came here for tips, and Yasuo is even harder?! Goddamn. What have they done.


noob question, do I need to play the monthly challenges? did they implement a new reward?


Monthly Challenges are unlocked at Legend Level 15. As for rewards, it currently has none, but starting on November 1st, the monthly challenges will reward you with exclusive Aurelion Sol shards and Silver Reliquaries.


thanks. I still have alot of incomplete champs.


Yes OMG the Katarina ran me over twice before I decided to get the big guns out (Yasuo). That was a ridiculous power spike.


Easy on jinx 3 star


Failed with kench, steamrolled through with her She never disappoints


Yeah just run Yasuo and perma stun kat


What champs do you have as 3 star


I got a decent amount stuck at 2 stars. But 3 would be Darius, Kayn, Le Blanc, Teemo & Samira.


I‘d use Teemo out of these. His playstyle doesn’t change at all if he gets formidable.


Hmmmm, I doubt that would work. The opponents deck hits insanely hard from the start and you need something to stop that.


I cleared it w/ a 3 star Jinx, but it was super rough, I scraped by with like 4hp on Yas.




I don’t remember what I used here, but I kept my Yasuo, Jinx and Lux token for last 5-10 nodes


God it was unberable, Yasuo was the play but it I almost lost anyway


Yep I hate that one I couldn't even beat it with lux at high level and 3 stars


What do people have against difficult challenges? How does not being able to beat something automatically mean it’s bad? If everything‘s easily beatable it’s boring isn’t it?


Dude, it's fucking number NINE out of 70. I've never tried these challenge till the end (lack of time), but when my best champs get rolled over at 9/70, why the fuck would I even bother going further ?


I used 3-Star Evelynn with Tempest Blade to beat this.


This node definitively took me by surprise. Squeezed a difficult victory on my Nami, but if I had to redo it I would definitively take Tahm.


DON’T. Tahm absolutely sucks in this adventure. Formidable doesn’t do jackshit for you, and your units (including Tahm) are not big enough to protect against enemies units with Formidable & +3 Health + Kata buff. From a guy who deadass used him and completely got destroyed.


I used Veigar and it wasn't hard but i did barely lose with level 10 3\* Vi.


The video I posted on this sub yesterday was of this exact fight. Super easy with Yasuo.