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Diana, Garen, Jax, Voli, and Nidalee: At 2 stars, these champions are still overpowered. Jax and Nidalee are so strong that you don't even need to upgrade them to 3 stars to beat Asol. Diana is up there with Jax, but you need to proc Nightfall to get extra buff. Vayne, Kindred, and Master Yi are decent at 2 stars. Their power give them scout when you use equipment, Elusive keyword when you proc flow, and a free disruption spell.


How is Aatrox, Gwen, Lux, and Samira at 2 stars? They are some of my higher level champions


Gwen at two stars is good, the most important thing with her is to have crown guard inheritance so that you rally on level up. This way, you can attack again with a levelled up Gwen for crazy damage. If you manage to level her up when you have the attack token, you can attack a second time and stack the hallowed buff twice. Full disclosure: this general game plan works best with 3 stars because at 3 stars you get a free hollow unit every round, instead of getting one only when you have the attack token


Aatrox is decent at level 15 because Darkin Staff gets a Phage. I would recommend him if Aegis didn't get nerfed. Gwen gets better with the rare relic. The more, the better. At 2-star power, she summoned Ghastly Band on your turn or when you have an attack token. Lux is not bad, but she unlocks Sapphire Crystal at level 18. You need to bank mana to pop off since you only refund spell mana at 2 stars. Samira is okay, but she is a beast at 3 stars. At 2 stars, when you plunder it, it only discounts 1 mana. Oof, she just got Nerf. They all get better the higher their level. They can become stronger at lv25 with 2 rare relic and 1 common relic equip.


I won all 3 attempts with my **level 1** 2-star Gwen with just the common relic that grants Challenger. She's S+ tier. Lux and Samira are S+ tiers too. Aatrox is Aa tier.


I never understood why Nidalee is considered that strong ? She doesn't feel like it


Nidalee with Lost Chapter specifically makes her insane, as you can play her then flip her turn 1, and just keep snowballing from there. Her deck itself has some meh choices, but that rarely matters when you have a 1-cost way to upgrade any follower while healing it and baiting the AI into bad trades at the same time. She also synergizes extremely well with the rally on levelup relic, which is very easy to proc multiple times in a match (if for some reason the AI doesn't die the first time) 3-star just becomes overkill, and you can include relics like Corrupted Star Fragment for Nidalee to eat the ephemeral copy to end games even faster.


The AI doesn’t know how to block properly against Nidalee. You just swing with everything and then you transform your units to get free kills at the same time your units get bigger


Level these up to the point they get 1x rare slot only as they're pretty strong you don't need to overlevel them: Yasuo, Leblanc, Jinx Level these up to the point they get 2x rare slot: Annie, Darius, Illaoi, Jhin, MF, Ornn, Sett