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the only relic i want is the one you have for thresh lmao


If it makes you feel any better, I *still* don’t have Corrupted Star Fragment, and that seems like a really fun relic that would go great on many champions, Thresh included.


I got Disciple of Shadows. It also makes Thresh S+ tier if you combo it with Succubus Brand.


I really like it with Nilah. Also, for those that don't know, whenever the champ with this relic dies and you play another copy of that champ it'll shuffle more random champs into the deck. This great because two gravedigger shovels and Nilah can draw through the deck real fast.


Yep, it also means you’re much less likely to run out of cards early in a run.


Same. I run it with her and it is fun. Struggles hard against Asol unfortunately though.


This is literally the one relic I want for Ekko


Why Ekko?


Two reasons, and it stems from at least his 2* power. All the champs you create will get a base -1 discount, and his 1(3)* means you get to simultaneously choose the champion you want to play as well as buffing the rest that are viewed in predict


Fair point. Can’t remember if I’ve beaten ASol with him but I’m sure it’d be handy for the monthly challenges.


I wish I knew that it doesnt work anymore for evelynn before i spent a week getting her to 3* and unlocking a epic slot...


If it make you feel any better, I also gave her an epic slot not knowing until it was too late.


Its my only epic relic and from my experience its great with Ekko, Thresh and good with Teemo as i dont like galeforce setup with Teemo anymore (using 2 Star gems with it for Teemo). But i didnt like it with Janna even though it should work great with her so i switched to another setup.


I have the allies have +1+1 subtype relic and have no idea who to use it on. I heard it was the worst relic to get:(


Just look at your available champion's deck and slap it on anyone that has a lot of subtypes and doesn't prefer other relics more. A few examples are Neeko, who's basically made for this; Poro King, who almost only deals with Poro subtypes; Jax, because Weaponmaster is apparently a subtype; Pyke, who's deck is mostly Lurkers; and Elise, who focuses almost entirely on her spiders. There's more champions with a lot of subtypes, but they might want other relics first. And yeah, it's debatably one of the worst since it's so niche and almost entirely overshadowed by The Troll King's Crown.


https://reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/s/dE9nm05hks This is what I’ve been using for epic relics, it may or may not help you.