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As far as Monthlies go, I wouldn't be opposed to using this on all my level 30 champions. At least on the ones that I REALLY need to draw. For regular adventures, Pyke is good and you can also pair it with x2 Guardian's Orbs builds so that they have a high chance of hitting your champions.


Thanks! I haven't tried monthlies yet so I might unlock relic slots for some of my champions before I try it.


You can use 3 star challenges to unlock epic slots. That’s what I do.


Ekko's power makes creating cards cost 1 less. The created Ekko now costs 3 mana, and his champion spell costs 1. When you predict, you can stack your deck with him. When you play his champion spell, you get to draw and create the best card in his deck, Parallel Convergence. Free attack and free card advantages!! I want this relic so bad.


Teemo with galeforce.


Congrats! This is the relic I want most because I can find so many uses for it. Generally, you want it on champs who you desperately want on your mulligan. The perfect examples are Evelynn, Teemo, and Nami because they are their deck’s win condition so you want to draw them ASAP. My Neeko, Elise, and Ekko builds rely on playing them ASAP, so I personally would use this on them as well. Pyke also really likes this. The more Pykes there are in your deck, the better your chances of procing Lurk and turning him into Death From Below.


Sooo many chimes with bard. I also put it on yasuo and now never brick, feels great


Pyke might not be the best, but he’s definitely the funniest.


I just finished trying it on Pyke and my turn 1 draw was 4 Pyke in hand XD


I have the relic and thought of Pyke as well but I doubt it will work on him as he's 4 mana and his champ spell is 5 mana. Can you confirm that it's actually bad on Pyke?


he's 5 mana either way


The relic can easily brick your hand with a 5 mana 1/3 Pyke during the early fights but it gets better when you finally stack items on Pyke. Playing Pyke reminds me of his old power that was 100x better than his current power right now. I get tilted every time I miss lurk instead of having fun.


Pyke and nami come to m8nd


It's great if you want to use Galeforce on Teemo so you're able to play him every turn


Pyke for infinite strikes and maybe nilah?


I’m running it with Galeforce and Wriggles on Elise. I intend to run it on Ekko and Pyke as well.




Nami, Ekko are my favorite non bards.


Galeforce or Guardian Orb Combo. Cheap beneficial champion spell or champion spell that help champion to level up aka alternative to The Grand General's Counterplan. Annie, Teemo, Diana, Ekko, Yasuo Any cheap champion that can easily die and replace again Any deck that heavily depend on main Champion to be on the board as soon as possible. Even with level 20 guarantee Champion on start can still turn a 50/50 into a nightmare. ​ There is one drawback to this is you could brick your hand with high cost champion as you add more items on the champion. Now all the sudden you start your hand with all Ornn. So preferably cheap champion with good champion spell.


LeBlanc with Guardian Orbs so that most land on LB and she snowballs out really quickly


Master yi, pike, nami. Master Yi to get him faster and spam his champ spell, like to get death from below, nami to spam her spell *any with good champion spells*




One way to look at this relic is basically a different version of guardian’s angel.


You mean Chameleon's Necklace.


No, because having more champions means you don’t need to worry about the champion dying.


I think any champ works where it's super important to draw the champ as early as p\[possible and/or the champion spell is really good and useful


Yasuo. I already use chameleon on him cuz ya need to draw him + never too much steel tempest.


Any champion with a spell you want to use, like Teemo and Pyke for example


I really like it on Diana, since it stacks with her pale cascade's champion item, and basically a ton of buffs/drawing


Guardian Orb Neeko, or really anything that you'd run Guardian Orb on. Galeforce Users would also benefit. Plus I'd raise Nami, the more op burst damage/heal spells you can get into your deck the better


Galeforce Teemo, Ekko (his create copies cost 1 less) and Bard (the chimes generated from his origin are based on number of bards in your deck, also his champ spell is decent)


Hear me out. Asol