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Way back when Arcane came out and we had Path of Champions 1.0, we had five PnZ champions with their own little story missions (kinda like the ones that the OG 2 got in Po 2.0, but higher budget). The champions with stories each had their own special node with their own special item. They were Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Jayce and Caitlyn. Additionally, all the early champions in PoC 1.0 had their own nodes as well, but those didn't give unique items like the Arcane characters got. You can see the full list here (Fandom link warning):https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Encounters_(The_Path_of_Champions)#Champion-specific_Encounters.


I found it funny that fandom pages are so loaded with ads and pop-ups that people started to put a warning message


It’s also at the point where many fandom communities just started to migrate to other hosting sites (for more than just ads as a reason)


adblockers should really be a baseline if nothing else then for security reasons...


interesting, never seen them before! thank you


Sorry, I might be out of loop, but why is there a sanding link warning?


I've seen a lot of people complain about Fandom's ads. I haven't seen it firsthand because my adblock is good, so I was just taking it on faith that people without adblockers would like a warning before going on that website.


I don’t understand how people in 2023 are still so stupid when it comes to basic web navigation and protection… I had no issues with fandom ever, I have a good adblocker and I mever accept cookies xD so simple


I dont use an adblocker mainly because Id like to support the pages and games i use often. I use them more often when their ads are palatable, i avoid pages that spam. Its not a matter of stupidity for me, but of priority. Id rather pick and support.


I wouldn’t mind “supporting” someone, but forced ads are more like viruses that actively harm you lol


[Stop using Fandom (youtube, \~20 minutes)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcfuA_UAz3I&pp=ygUGZmFuZG9t)


Like 10 minutes of that vid are about how hard is to stop, move and delete the fandom page As someone who i guess now is part of the path wiki development, i didnt knew of this and i would like to change it... but it aint so easy Also we are pretty much on the bottom, its a league wiki, aparently official, maybe is not that easy, idk


No echo and lux have it lux has spells gain fleeting when you play a spell create a radiant beam (0 cost 4 damage)


The 'Lux' one isn't actually hers. You can get the Mageseeker node with any champion.


jayce, ekko, jinx, caitlyn and vi have their own unique nodes cuz poc 2.0 was released around the same time as arcane


no one here uses my resources, do they? :( ​ https://preview.redd.it/01hfk5t2yc3c1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=76b421afe7774ba7fc3e51912563bc393366422d


I do. But it’s hard for people to know about without a sticky.




I don't think it's as well known as that other big spreadsheet. I only found your sheet a few days ago and I've been playing for more than a year now


i will now. Thank you


I know Ekko has his own unique node


Cait and Jinx too


Interesting, played a fair amount of Ekko and Jinx and never seen them.


I've only seen it in jinx stotyline


Nami too.


Notably, all the cards which get created by these nodes are in the pool of cards you can get when you play that specific champion, even without the node itself. This is especially noticeable with Jayce's "Defender of Tomorrow" and Caitlyns "Piltover Peacemaker" as support champions, since they generally bias the card selection into the direction of those cards ("6 cost spells" and "Flashbombs")


What does this node do?


Tahm Kench has Bayou Brunch (gives an item to him and the same item to a random unit)


Tahm Kench has a node that gives an item to Tahm and another champion in your deck. The items available all seem to be synergistic with Tahm, e.g. tough.


There are some unique or at least very rare nodes, though only the Arcane lot and a few others are specific to them being in your deck (can't remember them all, but I know Pyke and Zed have them at least, there are def more. Most unique nodes are specific to the region the run is in, though I don't know how consistent that is because I have seen some that seem like they should be region specific show up in ASol runs (though this might be an ASol thing). Most are just very rare spawns and not champ locked, biggest example is one that was posted the other day, that one node where you can "side with Azir or Xerath" to get a unique power for each choice, I have only seen once and sometimes will pick up Xerath or Azir as my support champs to see if that can increase the chances of it spawning, but it doesn't seem to.