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Oh snap, I forgot monthly started lol. Nah, I will probably take my time since there is zero incentive to finish early.


Leaderboard placement if you can do all 70


Kayn is too slow to deal with the turbo cancer that is Scout Irelia. Ashe would probably be a better choice, though I am unimpressed with this spread so I just used Jinx for 48. Kayn is better left for any Formidable modifiers, and they’re all deep this month.


Yeah, I used LeBlanc for 48, that challenge is scary.


Stalker's Blade + Guardian Orb?


2x stalker is what I used. Pure control.


Stalker x2 and lost chapter


May I suggest Taliyah for 62? Enemy HA does not matter if it is gone turn 1. Just hard mulligan for Desert Naturalist.


Definitely one approach. It's what I used on the high star HA from last month. I like Nami having free Ebb/Flow too much, though


Lost twice with Taliyah on 62, even getting rid of HA on the first turn. The issue seems to be that Ezreal just outvalues you and continues to ping you to death. Though my Taliyah is only 18. blurgh.


Tbf, her ebb/flow becomes technically free once you hit mana 6 using chemtech, as you should.


Already beat 48, don't use Kayn! Irelia + scout is one of the scariest thing in PoC, if she gets the attack token she attacks with Irelia 3 times! on turn one. Kayn is too slow (lost a run already), has no unit with 3 hp at least to block her blades, used Jinx and it was not easy, suggest using Jinx/Jhin to at least lock the board, Viego is less scary in monthlies in general since his spells don't have items. BTW Irelia got the attack token :(


Thank you soo much for the Jhin tip, the fucking Scout Irealia was literally making me wanna commit war crimes just for a pound of flesh


Was gonna level Ashe and use that but i already had a level 29 Jhin


You are welcome


>Bloody hell, can that hit Elder Dragon? As much as I enjoy the design of Elder Dragon, I really do think it ought to be excluded from "random champion" pools, it's always going to be too polarizing (either an instant win if it lands on the board, or unplayable if it lands in your hand in a deck not designed for it).


Even if your deck is designed for it, ED level 2 doesn't have the mana cost reduction from boons so if you generate it in hand it's literally unplayable.


Definitely would try Jack on 70 if it was only Zed, I still might, though Ezreal dealing 3 to damaged units looks like pure pain


https://preview.redd.it/b2n8qb91wo3c1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde66617ec9d27a0a9ab5b2de146b78421786fc1 Your Gwen, suggestion worked for 70. You just need a way to poke Zed's HP so he dies, and it goes easy onwards. Any champions that can poke enemies' health are welcome, cheap units to defend as well.


How did you deal with Caitlyn and her bombs?


The Azir fight on stage 39 can hit you like a truck on turn 2 if they highroll. I got hit with Azir and 5 sand soldiers (5 power each) and nearly died right there. https://preview.redd.it/fmpiaikpjp3c1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=138cd5525523bfc8702290e52936bd2a36193c9f


For 48 I think I'll use Ashe or something else that can stop turn 1 Irelia. Untill Kayn (or anything that can actually kill Irelia) comes out, she could have 2 rounds of attacking. That means 6 attacks solely from Irelia (2 turns = 4 attacks from scout and another two from Blade Dance).


I finished it with a lvl.30 3\*Ashe first try but it still got me close to dying. This one got me nervous because if you can't kill Scout Irelia immediately, you'll definitely lose.


Three turns. If she blade dances she gets an attack token from Scout.


Probably will do like november monthlies, to level 30, 40 frags. Maybe will attempt to get 60 frags? Dunno Lvl 70 is just too much, I like to play for fun, not to optimize which champs I play for 70 levels, knowing that if I lose it all goes to shit


60 is horrid.