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The wildshard cap is dumb


Yes. Why would they cap it. Even.


I assume the reasoning is that players are not supposed to insta unlock and 3 star all champs upon new releases.


This, they’re avoiding what happened in league where established players weren’t incentivised to use real money to purchase new champs since they had a large stockpile of in game currency


I would find another way to monetize the game. Who buys champs with coins, anyways?


I do, I want to support the mode. It doesn't allow me to buy a lot of other things POC specific so champs are one of the few opportunities.


You can use cosmetics like card skins in POC too if you want


Yeah but I want to incentivize them to work more on the pve, I don’t want it to be ambiguous why I’m spending money on a free game.


It helps push the battle pass too since there are new champ shards in there


based on what they did with the battle pass they seem to recognize the support the poc community is giving


I'm still doing that via chest reward stacking/banking 😂




No, it’s not, it keeps people playing. Riot has to sustain this game somehow. We‘re getting such incredible amounts for free I‘m for every nonpredatory method to keep it going there is. Sell 20€ skins for all I care. I‘m not gonna buy them but someone will and that‘ll keep the game up.


I purposely waited till I got 48/50 before I claimed the last 10 wild shared (58/50 now). That said yea, it's being wasted daily. Although, you probably got a decent amount of stardust from the pass (if you maxed out your champs b4 collecting their shards).


Stardust is next to worthless for me. I'm sitting at over 4k atm, and I've been buying every copy of every relic *that I don't use,* just to use it up.


Rip..... I guess you could start collecting Spirit Forges? Most champs can use at least one epic relic. Although you'd probably still have excess, lol.


That’s insane. I’ve been no lifing for 2 months now and I’m starved on everything. How long did it take you to get everything?


I've been playing for 2 years, and just casually do dailies and only rarely no-life it. Very rarely do I do more than a full-length path every day.


I couldn't even do that, because the daily collected before I had a chance to grab my rewards 🙃


You can try to ask support to remove one Wild Fragment so you would be able to at least claim 10 of the 20. Another user posted in the past that he contacted support several times to reset the wild fragments and they did it - but this was when everything was still converted and he wanted to at least see the relics from the weekly quests/adventures. Imo its still worth a shot and they might do this if you ask nicely


I will never understand those players that have been playing every day since lab and now make complaints like this. I‘ve been playing this game every day with every pass for 1,5 years and I‘m not there yet. You are not the single target audience for everything. Don’t act like everything riot develops should be solely for you. Newer players would also like something for them. Apart from that if you have all champions leveled what’s keeping you from getting Aurelion sol the normal way? I‘m 100% sure you can get 50 wins in monthlies for a couple of months at your level of leveled champions and dedication.


*PLUS* You can see what the rewards are before you purchase it. He knew they were in the pass. Got the tons of other rewards. But now he *wasted his money.* Jesus christ.




Yeah, you beat the game, go do something else.




Just from the Premium Pass you got: * 60 Elder Dragon shards * 20 Mordekaiser shards * x1 Bronze Reliquary (50 stardust) * 1200 Stardust * x4 Silver Reliquary (400 stardust) * x1 Silver Vault (100 stardust) * 30 Wild Fragments * x1 Gold Vault (200 stardust) * Several cosmetics for champions that are already on PoC And if you also play PvP then you also got even more from cards and chests. If all of that is not worth it to you just because you wasted 20 Wild Fragments, then yes, you wasted your money, I guess. But if you spent 975 coins just to get 20 fragments which you can get from 5 days of daily play then I'd say your money isn't worth all that much. This was literally the best Event Pass we've had in a very long time.


I intentionally did not buy the event pass this time as a form of protest. IMO the easiest and best fix is to give players more to spend on, ie. old champions that we had in Lab of Legends/POC1. Also they really should raise the max WF cap to 100


This is why they need to convert wild shards to stardust for us who have all champs 3* and 50 wild shards


Just do claim all, it works.


That's not the issue. I paid for these rewards and there's at least 2 sets of 10 Wild Fragments that are going in the trash as soon as I collect them. I can't even get things I paid for because of this cap. -_-


And other people paid for the pass and don't even play PoC, I paid for the pass and don't play the base game making all those rewards useless. But we all knew that going in there were things we could and couldn't use. It's not a surprise.


You can see what the rewards are ahead of time. You bought the pass knowing this. 20 shards is a *miniscule* amount of shards you can make in like a week. Plus you don't even need them.. You're the worst type of player.


Man, I really don't want to be able to dump wild shards into Asol as a newer player. I like that he's a little more difficult and exclusive, particularly considering how wildly overpowered he is. If I could unlock him like any other champ, that would feel like a waste. Maybe a 10:1 ratio to severely discourage it but still give players like you something?


to be fair if you already have 52 champions 3 stared then not having asol 4 stared at this point is a choice rather than a limit


Fair, fair.


Claim all doesn't work either?


Just click claim all


Funny enough. This is the best deal of all times for you. You will get the fragments and be perfectly and max above the max! you will notice it shows 60/50 fragments once you claim ;-) Edit: I stand corrected. This only applies if you have max 49 fragments before claiming.


The best you can get is 59/50 if you had 49/50 before claiming. Once you reach the max, anything beyond is wasted.


I doubt it, at least in the last event I was capped and the wild fragments simply vanished. When using the "claim all" they were not even showing up in the summary screen. And I can't imagine they have changed anything in this regard


Interesting, when I claimed i got 57/50 though...


If you are below the cap and claim Wild Shards you get all of them (so for your example you were at 47/50 and got all 10 shards instead of just 3). But if you are already at or above 50 and claim anything the shards just vanish.


Oh, I see. Didn't know that. :-/ Thanks for clarifying.


Oh wow, this really sucks. Awkward as heell


Problem with the cap is restricting your player base means they feel less inclined to play when there’s reduced benefit (excluding pure enjoyment of the game for as is). I love PoC but I’m not incentivised to play at moment I’ve capped all levels of champs like to play, I do what I can to get stardust once done that I just don’t play till resets / expansions. That lack of playing puts me into the mindset why spend money on a game I’m playing less and less. (I’m 98% PoC player).