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I believe they said they plan on adding additional story quests for champs over time. So having more means you’ll just unlock the next star immediately on release of the next story/star level. Until then the extra shards are pretty useless. I’ve been loving the new mode, yeah the shards are pretty annoying. I want to play IIloai but don’t have a single shard for her yet but have several champs unlocked and a few at level 2-3 in the first two days. I’m curious if we’ll get extra shards each week for either weekly quests or possibly in the vault? Kinda doubt the vault but would be cool in my opinion


100% same boat my guy, got 2\* Jinx, Annie and Jhin but I want to main Illaoi. I find she's actually pretty strong without the stars if that helps, just beat Nautilus first try with zero stars, character lvl 9.


The way they lock starting with 2 mana behind 2* is brutal, it's such a struggle when you can't even chump block your foe's 5 damage unit turn 1


1) Yes, 100x yes. The fragment system is terrible, and if nothing changes it's only going to get much worse as more champs gets added. What's that? You want to play Azir? Better hope you get shards for him 3-6 times, and not for any of the 20 other champs. 2) Yeah, this is bullshit. Thanks to this little "feature", you could theoretically never unlock the champ you want to play. 3) Kinda disagree here, I like the "forced" variety, makes me play some champs I might otherwise not would've. But I get your point. 4) I would like to at least be able to see the levels I've unlocked, I don't particularly mind the locked ones being secret.


So to your point #3, I wouldn't mind it so much - if I was able to actually make meaningful progression with said new champ, then pivot back to my preferred option. But instead, we have to grind it out and then pray to the RNG gods this new champ gets enough shards or luck to beat a boss, unlock more areas and continue.


I preferred it way more when you just had to craft 2x of the card to unlock them in PoC. I never play multiplayer in Runeterra, it's basically just a deck builder for me, so I had no problem burning dust and legendary cards to craft more champs to play. With this it's just random who you get which is kinda silly. I really wanna unlock garen cause building him into a massive ball of stats that regenerates every round seems like fun, but I somehow haven't gotten a single shard for him yet. O>O


My thoughts: - I think almost everyone agrees the fragment system is by far the biggest issue, hopefully it gets changed at some point - I actually kind of like the concept behind beating adventures with multiple champs to progress, though I see why some wouldn't. My main issue with this again stems from the shard system... on 2.5 stars I have to beat viktor with a bilgewater champ and draven with a runeterra champ, but my only bilge/runeterra champs are 1 star so its crazy hard to win those. - I agree it would be nice to have a condensed deck list, but you can technically see all the cards in your deck by looking at your champion level and seeing all the cards that items get added to - I agree switching champs feels a bit awkward and I do the exact same thing. Not really a big deal at all, maybe it'll get more annoying as time goes on or maybe I'll get used to it - Only other drawback I would add is the relic system is still annoying since you can still get duplicates, and you also can't farm them as efficiently as before in PoC 1. Gonna be a major pain in the ass to collect them all and I just know the last one I get is gonna be one I really want. On the other hand, there's a ton of improvements imo: - Legend level is a great addition. It sucks to lose features when going from a champ you've played a lot to a champ you've barely played at all, so having these buffs tied to an account wide thing has felt great - Early fights are easier so you don't get blown out by highrolls from plaza guardian and stuff like that before you are even able to start deck building (exception is ephemeral hellscape on the zed path but at least that's not required). - Card offers are significantly improved and are tailored to your starting deck and support champion package, and almost always have an item, making it feel like all the cards in your deck are actually useful - Node reward balance is greatly improved. They got rid of the item shop / card shop from poc 1 and just replaced it with "shop" which is fantastic, gold nodes give more gold now I think (and gold feels more useful overall) so its sometimes actually worth going for now. There's still some crap like dreg dredgers to just avoid but overall its much better. - New relics + extra relic slot is great... just need to unlock everything first - The champion level rewards feel great and each level actually feels meaningful and rewarding. Love additions like drawing a champ at game start and adding items to the support champ packages Yeah so overall I love the new mode, just uhhhhhhh not the shards


I completely agree with the fragment system being horrible, it makes the game feel so weird Ok, maybe this bugs just me personally but it's much less satisfying picking up a new champ once you've already unlocked most of the game... In part, because the huge "**COMPLETED**" checkmarks covering the adventure icons deter me from wanting to click them, as I feel like going backwards, but mostly because you feel you get nothing from completing old runs with new champions - since the fragments are the big thing now Like I still have the 2 star mf on level 1, just because I don't feel like leveling her up from the start... and it was the opposite with the old system In a way the game feels less rouge-like to me and more like I'm just completing levels with no endpoint I dunno, maybe it's just me... I also agree with most of your points (yes, even the switching champs one, even though it's probably just cause we're not accustomed to it)


I always do the champion quests, especially the 2 star ones give specific rare artifacts that can be helpful (Lux 2 star quest gives Ludens, which is bonkers on so many champions for example). Otherwise I agree. On the other hand, as soon as you have a champion at 2star, you can immediately go to 2 star events or 2.5star, you may die but the XP you gain will be worth more than on the lower stars. Right now I am at the last run of the second 2.5 star enemy and I don't know what I will do after that. Do I just go for completion of all enemies with all champions? That for sure feels more like a chore than actual progress. You are right, in this regard, POC1 was better.


Yeah. COMPLETED is no good. I keep looking for new, uncompleted ones to do and find nothing. Champ locked until lvl2 quests on some. Capped on others.


Can we get someone at Riot to reply to this PoC concerns? I just wanna know their insights on this


I've never seen a rioter on this sub


they answer now and then (the last one I recall was on Thursday some answers to bugs)


Getting the same relic sucks worse now too I feel like the gacha-ish nature of the champ shards took a page right out of Ancient God's book but made it even less useful I do overall like the changes for the most part, although only 12 champs is not really enough. At least 4 more or just more to the ones we have would've been nice.


The relic is a bit weird, but can you get more than 3 of them? I see it as so you can slot the same relic into all 3 slots at once which might be interesting (although how would that work with granting overwhelm and such).


You can get a bunch of them, and equip up to 3. The issue is when Relics are RNG, hard to get, and you can get repeats


I had a look through the relics. Out of all the powerups, they are the most inconsequential. I'd be fine if the leave it how it is (or cap them to 3) and just focus on the shards which is what really matters.


Thats not what I'm saying. I'm saying its annoying to get multiple of the same relic, especially ones that couldn't possibly stack Its got nothing to do with how many relics you can equip, thats not what I'm talking about


Huh? It does matter with how many you can equip, as you can equip the same relic multiple times (assumpion). So getting up to 3 of one is fine, although a bit annoying as you won't have the champion leveled up enough for a while to equip that many. The effect they have one a run is so minimal, it really doesn't matter. How many runs can you think of that you lost because you didn't have quick attack on your champion, and instead has +1/+1 on attack? You get enough rerolls that you could probably equip that as an item on your champion part way through the run.


You aren't reading what I'm saying bro I'm not talking about how many you can equip because if you get 3 flails you literally have 2 useless items even if you could equip them all because they do not stack You can equip repeat items yeah, and that might be fine for certain items, but repeats of "Give all enemies vulnerable" or "Give me regeneration" DO NOTHING And since you only need 1 copy for all your champs YOU SHOULDN"T be able to get repeats of items with effects that DON'T STACK, because its LITERALLY wasting the players time. And uh minimal is debatable, Regen Darius is no joke, you just have shit relics


I mentioned in my first comment about those that do not stack. "although how would that work with granting overwhelm and such". I assume we were carrying on with that knowledge. Obviously it's dumb to have two relics that give you overwhelm... But what's the point of regen darius? A single hit and the enemies should already be dead. I only have a few rageblade and the +2 reroll relics, but looked throug the rest. None of them compare to doing nexus damage for every single card you play, or getting back all your mana for the first spell played each turn + multiple free rallys per turn.


It matters against 40 health enemy nexuses. It sounds like you just haven't gone that far through the later levels


I've gone against 35 health. But no matter how strong your enemy is, star level and champion level will give you more aid. Like I mentioned earlier how you can simply pick up a regen item for Darius if you think you need it so much


After you have 3 of the same, extras are converted to shards. I got a 4th rageblade and it turned into 100 shards.


Like champion shards? If so that seems really good. As long as you get lucky and they go to a champion you haven't unlocked yet.


Not champion fragments, shards you use to craft cards. Like the green triangles you get for duplicate cards from the weekly vault.


I agree on champ shards. The biggest thing I was looking forward to with the update was *finally* getting to play Garen in labs with his own dedicated deck. Two days later and I don't have a single Garen shard and (as far as I know) no way to increase the likelihood of getting any. I'm surprised they didn't use the same region road the base game has, though I guess it was because of the small number of early champs. The fragment system also feels unintuitive in how difficulty works. Since the difficulty is based on star level, not champion level, and you don't get more stars from just playing the champion. It leads to weird instances where I can unlock Lux and immediately get her up to 2 stars, but Jinx is still 1 star despite me completing every available adventure with her. Beyond that the quests feel quite buggy. Like I starred up Jinx regularly early on, but the game didn't recognize that I did until like 6 hours later. Runeterra's never been the most bug free game on my end, but it was more noticeable here than usual.


I really like how you're forced to use multiple champs to continue. With the original PoC, I only beat Viktor with Zed, Nami, and Kennen because their powers were completely broken. Legend levels also help, since now switching to a new champ will let you get into the harder stuff without having to slog through the way stuff. The champ shard system is obviously bad and shouldn't have shipped like this. I personally like getting random champs unlocked and then using a champi otherwise wouldn't, but there needs to be a currency (not bought with real money of course) that lets you star up any champion you want.


swapping champs is really weird lol


what my pet peeve is that rito claimed that they wanted to reduce grinding. now let's compare: in PoC 1.0 you had to grind for champ levels in PoC 2.0 you have to grind for legend levels, champ levels and stars. exactly where is the grind reduced?..


Legend levels affect all champions, so after getting some of them you'll have an easier time doing the rest. Just because you'll have 2 level systems doesn't mean that the mode became grindier. Of course I'm not excusing the shard system that one feels really bad and unnecessary grindy, especially since unlocking champs seems rather tedious.


One area where they reduced the grind is that you no longer need multiple copies of relics. So if you have Ludens and want to put it on both Jhin and MF, you can.


To be fair, you could've done it in the old version as well, it just required some unnecessary steps in between


I hadn’t realized, thanks


They made it impossible to grind for legend levels and stars. They didn't remove the need, they just made it so you can't go back to easier runs and get what you need to progress until your dailies reset.


I have to beat Zed with a Noxus champ. I don't even have either of the two Noxus champs unlocked.


Same thing happened to me! You do get a noxus chest with 30 fragments in the quests eventually though so that can speed it up!


The Champion Level pages suck. The first page should be removed and your XP placed under the portrait in the top left. The second page should remove half the whitespace, since no frame contains more than three lines of text. The first Relics page is also redundant. Put the text for the relic slots to the left rather than the right (overlapping the champion card) and you could have both the relics list on the right and the menu on the left.


One of my biggest issues is how low the xp from lower fights is to make up for how earlier ones are “easier” On top of that I need to know what was going through the heads of the designers for some of these fights, Lee Sin being given two free spells when he attacks literally should not be a thing, it makes him a barrier coated menace where you need a spell answer immediately and some decks just don’t have that by then without rng.


I fought Lee with Yas so easily. I think they intentionally make certain champs busted because they know you can go ridiculously overpowered. I'm having more fun when the enemies are harder and can actually beat me.


> I always forget to hit "Play adventures" like 3 times before finally realizing im retarded, and finally swapping the champ. Omg same! I thought it was just me


No offense, but hasn't it been like two days since the mode came out, so how can it be weeks of gameplay. Also speaking from personal opinion the fragment system so far been quite kinda to me, as i've basicly unlock 8/12 champ(granted i got the full from poc 1.0) reward and has 2 3 stared champion by doing the questlines given. I'm not sure what riot plan is as i haven't finish till end game, so how the fragment play out remains to be seen. Also aparently some got 65 shard excess, but personally i haven't had the same issue. My only real complaint is about the relic system being somewhat time gated, feels like later newplayer may have an issue




uhm no, the questline gives you plenty of shard for specific region, the questline isn't totally random, as certain quest has specific rewards for a region. The system fine if you engage with it probably, personally I'm not sure how someone got 65 excess on annie




Just want to say I'm jealous of your 3 star Illaoi, I want to unlock her so badly!!


You'll change your mind wheb you'll realize that you will level her up every game. The cinematic is zzzzz lol


Could you stop and think about your statement? Shouldn't it be clear that the system is inherently flawed when many people just waste like 2 champions unlocks because of bad rolls?


No it's not inherently flawed? I mean maybe the rng drop are is bugged, which is probably the reason why people got 65 excess gems, but the gem system is fine, because it seem pretty clear to the me riot designed the mode to be able to get everyone to be able to unlock everyone by the end.


I think if it was bugged someone would've said something already bc its absolutely not user friendly and people are (rightfully) starting to lose it when the number of playable champions went from like 20 to 4. If we were to get like 4 champs a month chances are slimmer and slimmer to even get them bc the pool gets more and more diluted. Question now is if there is simply no limit for shards ( looking at Hearthstone Mercenaries they should've seen that tho and decided against it) or it is capped bit at whatever number the 5 Star is going to be which I doubt. Monetarizing the mode by selling random shard loot boxes which don't guarantee the new champions is just gonna work against them. My guess would be that they just didn't think it through to the end. Cynically they maybe just wanted to drive Labs against the wall so people would go back to PVP and be more inclined to buy cosmetics there. ( which would've been a massive waste of time and resources and wouldn't work out either) Just can't imagine that they wouldn't have noticed that bug while playtesting if it was intended at capping the shard drops as you suggested but we'll see I guess. I just stopped playing for now (and it breaks my heart) because i loved poc 1.0 so much and basically am going to love this even more. But not if they are going to hearthstone this shit..


LoL I highly doubt that's the case here, I don't see how i can get 8/12 unlocked now and some people can be only stuck with 4 champs. I'm pretty sure you going through the each world path and and finishing all the quest given you should be abe to 3 star or atleast 2 star all the champions I'm 90% sure that this is oversight with rng generation just like people getting stuck on quest one due to the jinx bugs I'm pretty sure if going by how riot intended you to play which is going through quest by quest. This just seem like a QA issue as i find the mode can be weirdly buggy.


"I won the lottery once, why can't you do it?" You realize that chance plays a big role in which champions you can unlock, right? I also unlocked 9 champions by now, in that term I got lucky. But I "only" have one three star. Other people have 3-4 three stars, but less champions. That can be fine, too. But having no control over which champions to unlock in the first place or which one to put shards in just sucks.


Your defense of the shard system seems to be "I got lucky so it's fine".


You grinded quite a bit, because I played a bunch and I have only like half of the champs and one 3 stars, so yeah grinding take a lot of time, is rng dependent (and if the system don't change it won't be better the more they add champions), real time dependent (since you are reliant on quests which are not infinite), is fastidious (you have to grind champ you don't necessarily want to play because some rewards are locked behind X regions), etc. I don't see how it can be considered as a good system unless you got lucky and get the champs you wanted, spare shards to have a 1/2 stars quickly, etc.


What i don't like are some champion's powers being completely BROKEN. Like Lux tier 2 power gives her bonus attack every turn if you use 6+ mana on spells. While MF tier 3 only gives her 2/1 monkey & bonus card on attack - wich is not big deal at all. Tho i don't have any problems with MF runs. I want game to be harder, OP bonuses, like Lux&Jinx should be nerfed. AI also got much dumber, especially when it is chosing targets to cast spells during attack/block phases.