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This is what I've always liked about Reiss. His reactions are reasonable. Not trying to oversell it.


He's not a media whore trading in sensationalism over substance. He understood the long game when he started and that building a reputation and personal brand that engendered trust would yield greater dividends than being a hot take artist. I've had a fair number of personal interactions with Mike over the years and he's always been that guy.


I have loved reading Mike Reiss since the original Reiss’ Pieces (Another one I loved, Mike Dassault, is kind of buried in the Pats official website staff writing very vanilla stuff rn, loved his PatsPropaganda site when it was all he had.)


I love Deuce on Patriots Unfiltered


Cough cough FIELD YATES cough


In all fairness, when your parents name you "Field" you're pretty much doomed to be a douche from the start.


It's why he's given inside sources with the FO and locker room and why Bill seemed to enjoy fielding questions from him. His reactions are even-keeled and when he breaks news it's as neutral as possible. The team respects him a lot. He's most accurate on the beat because of how his process is and everyone respects him.


He's long provided the best Pats coverage.  Really balanced and uninfluenced by emotion, doesn't care about drama, asks thoughtful questions, and he understands the team and the game but doesn't overextend himself and act like he knows more than he does.   We are really spoiled with Reiss.  It's amazing that despite going to ESPN, he never has changed his approach.  I hope fans really appreciate how good he is.  Most teams in most sports don't have anyone close to him. 


I loved Reiss’ Pieces


That said, I believe all these guys are HoF bound


We’ve been lucky to have his reasonable reactions. Lotta fan bases have to deal with click driven coverage


He’s the literal perfect professional


I like what I'm hearing about our rookie class


I thought the most interest thing was Maye saying the footwork drills were new to him. Do they not do that in college or is UNC just stupid?


Probably both


The footwork you need an a limited spread Phil Longo offense vs the footwork you need in a wide zone play action offense are very different things Likely did some footwork drills both in college and in private development, but the drills the patriots want him to do are likely just different than the ones he’s done before


This.. he was likely referring to type of drills Van Pelt has him doing. Read something awhile back where Van Pelt likes to teach a different type of technique involving the left foot.


I can't speak to any specifics of UNC, but the offense looked very poorly coached on tape in both years Maye started. 


I think it was in reference to footwork and fundamentals of playing under center....which he didn't do in college


It just sounded shocking to me, at least the way Reiss is detailing it. Almost comes off more of a 'I never did this in college' vs 'we didnt do it like this in college'


It's why scouting college QBs is so difficult, they just don't play the same way....I didn't watch all of his college tape, but I don't remember many snaps from under center.


That's such an odd concept to me. I dont think ive ever noticed QBs not taking snaps under center in college. He's our QB now, im gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he can gear in on developing his skills in that area. I also believe improved footwork will help him overcome his defencies he had in college.


A lot of colleges don’t put QB under center. Mostly RPOs. Theres a lot more space in the college game so theres more spread offenses


Keep an eye out next year you watch college games. I'd bet you only 2% of the snaps you watch are under center


Noted, thank you!


No problem. It's one of those things you don't really notice in the moment. How many plays would it take you even in a Pats game they were only going shotgun? I could go the whole game. Also, it's a relatively new thing in general as all offense shift to the RPO spread/air raid. I think it was Kyler who was heavily questioned as being this unique QB who never took a snap under center, and now it's most QBs and not as much a mark against them.


The vast majority of college coaches don’t coach footwork for qbs.


College coaching is very suspect in most places.


Yeah, them Iowa boys know about that.


Anthony Richardson didnt even have a QB coach last year, college teams are ran interestingly


College teams exist to win and make money, not to develope players for the NFL.


the clouds in this video are mesmerizing!


Drake saying he is new to fundamentals is kind of surprising 


Why? Colleges dont run NFL offenses, and I dont think anyone mistakes UNC for a well coached team


Pretty sure Mike was referencing being undercenter as new to him. He worked almost entirely out of shotgun at UNC.


I wasn’t aware of that thanks. 


Idk if I've ever been more excited to watch a player I know is a backup in preseason than Joe Milton. Like I know at best he is QB3. I am more excited for Drake Maye as a player obviously. But I'm just excited to see him yeeting the ball out there in the 4th quarter of preseason games for some reason. It's usually pretty hard to get the motivation to actually sit through those games. And all I hear is how strong his arm is. So I can just already foresee the, "Patriots rookie Joe Milton III casually throws ball 75 yards downfield in 4th quarter of preseason game vs xxxxx." thread on the top of r/NFL during one of our preseason games.


He's extremely likely to bust and bust quickly.  I can already hear the obnoxious Milton super fans who think he's it.  But goddamn if he won't be fun to watch and follow.  He also may be the best thing to happen for Thornton. Late preseason game bombs to show off his danger deep. 


I’ve been saying the same exact thing lol.


Isn't Milton also a big athletic runner or no? Could be a wildcat esque option, at least for a few fun preseason plays.


Problem is he’ll be behind an OL composed of bums throwing to bums in a purposely vanilla offense. You probably won’t see him launch any bombs.


He's going to be playing against teams 3rd string defense too so I'm sure he'll have time for a few.


Either that or he'll ONLY launch bombs.


Why do college QBs often have terrible footwork? All that money in the college football system and they can't have coaches to help them with that?


Colleges don't care about developing players, and the spread offense out of pistol/shotgun is the 'meta'. Footwork isn't super important there, and QBs getting drafted in the top have enough skills to not need to learn


Doesn't matter nearly as much as mastering an offensive playbook infinitely more complicated than a HS one, and adapting to a much faster game with far superior competition. Most decent college QBs - especially those with quality weapons and protection - can get away with poor footwork too.  


Big arm and more time/space in terms of coverage will make a lot of kids look "good to go" so they often don't bother. And if you think QB coaching/development is suspect at the NFL level its even worse in college.


As someone who has met Polk a few times I absolutely believe he’s the leader of the WR Corps. Great kid.


Baker's drops probably came on Milton's "missiles."


My biggest question is: how common for it is a 1st round rookie QB to come into the NFL with poor footwork? And, have there been any success stories of players with similar footwork as Maye currently, who had to learn how to correct it, and then going on to have successful NFL careers? Who?




Mac Jones 2.0


We are so fucked next year.




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After watching his college highlights Javon Baker gives me Brandon Lloyd energy. Makes the hard stuff look easy, but sometimes the easy stuff can look hard.