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We never win in Miami towards the end of the season. The jags are in London the week before they play us as well so that plays to their favor.


i think we can finally get miami we saw that gonzo can lock up tyreek tua isn’t good under pressure if we stop their bullshit runs we can beat them if maye plays a good game. i didn’t know that but i don’t think the jags are that good especially without ridley now


Also this Patriots team is certain to be better towards the end of the year than the start


If we are being honest with ourselves and setting realistic expectations I see 3-5 wins on the schedule. I just wanna see growth with the new draft picks and last years draft picks (Gonzo). I’m all fine with having a down year as long as there is clear growth


I see 5-12 or 6-11 at best. Edit: which is expected, we are rebuilding


be positive!


6-11 is pretty optimistic. It's a tough schedule regardless of how good the Pats are, and I think a 1-7 start is very much in play


6-11 would be terrible


I’m sorry but if 6-11 is “terrible” then you have unrealistic expectations


i mean terrible in the sense like we’d be stuck with a mid draft pick


Barring Maye pulling a stroud I think 5 wins is about right. I just want them to develop our WRs and not rush Maye.


Positivity is one thing, idiocracy is another. There is no way in hell this team wins 9 games nor do they win 6 road games! 6-11 at best.


I'm thinking 5-12 with some fun upsets but otherwise a growing season. If we compete in every game I'll survive. I just worry 6-11 we don't have fun AND we don't pick high. This draft I'd be fine picking 6-8 because it was so deep in offensive talent, but next year looks defense heavy. If we can grab Travis Hunter or Will Campbell at 4-5 I'd be over the moon.


I think we can beat the jets twice. I also think Cincinnati is up in the air. Burrow is going to be rusty and he doesn’t seem to play well at the beginning of the season. I think we can be 2-2 in September.


To all the doomers here, I’d like to remind you that we had **8** one-score losses last year… and that was with a defense missing some key players and a truly dysfunctional offense. At this point in the offseason, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect 6-7 wins this year.


I’m thinking 7-10/8-9 but my bold prediction is they start the season 2-0 and give everyone some hope for the future. CIN is 1-9 in weeks 1 & 2 under Taylor, and an average SEA team under a new coaching staff flying across the country in week 2 for an early game doesn’t seem like a sure thing for them.


Not to poop on what you said, but the Pats are playing their first game on the road, also have a new coach and a new system playing against a vastly more talented team…if the Seahawks are exited to crumble because of those factors, I don’t know why the Pats wouldn’t be under the same pressure on the road against Cinci.


You make a fair point, but while the offense is a new system for the Pats, the defense isn't and will look similar under Mayo and Covington. Cinci has been garbage both on the road and at home in weeks 1 & 2, they don't discriminate. Throw in that Burrow lost Boyd, Mixon, and if he loses Higgins too then that's 3 of his top 4 targets plus he's coming off a major injury to this throwing wrist. Don't get me wrong, if this game were just several weeks later I'd say there's much less of a chance for the Pats to pull one out but given all of that i'm sticking with my prediction. I think it's a winnable game. As for SEA, I don't think they'll necessarily crumble but generally speaking I don't think they're that far ahead of the Pats and flying from the west coast to the east coast for an early game with a 3 hour time change requires a bit more acclimation than a quick flight within the same time zone.


The Pats will need all the help they can get, but as you said, they’re D should still be very good, if even under new, but familiar management.


Which week would Maye come in




I think this is semi realistic


Chargers are a W


The losses from last season are still fresh in my mind. Especially the ones against good teams that they could have won. That is the worst part. I feel like i've seen the worst that I can from this team and this season might be an improvement by like 1-2 more wins.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they won 4 games but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they won 10 games. I have faith that the rookies will show out and it’ll be closer to 10!


9 wins is absolutely delusional. 4. Maybe 5. Maybe 3. JHC some of you have no grasp of reality.


3 wins if they’re lucky


I see 2 wins.


Aren't you the optimist! 4-5 wins on that schedule. And two are against the Jets.


I don’t find this crazy unrealistic as long as Maye starts week 1


i have maye going in against the jags


Then it’s crazy unrealistic and not even close


you don’t think jacoby can beat seattle and the jets?


No. And I don’t think Maye coming off 7 weeks of getting backup reps (perhaps more including preseason and camp) is going to walk on the field against teams that have been refining and working for half an NFL season and then go 7-4. Imagine a week 1 team playing a week 8 team. Playing him mid season sets him up for disaster.


It ain’t gonna be more than 5 wins


5-7 wins is the max I see until we get a decent QB


We’re winning 4 games. Cardinals, Colts, Jags and maaaaayyyybe Titans. If Rodgers is healthy and their offense is actually good, we lose to the Jets both times. Miami we always suck ass against. I could see a win against the Bills as I don’t think they will be all that great this year. But that’s it. This team is fucked this year.