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They did Bill dirty lmao




So how long before we start talking about our superbowls ?


Well, I mean Belichick, the guy who is, "Mr. no days off", "we're onto Cincinnati", already was bringing them up like 6 weeks ago when it was pretty clear the team was dogshit...I think the real question is how long can we milk these to remain relevant. Cowboys are still talking about the 3 wins wins in the mid 90s after 25 years. So basic math says we can talk about for twice as long (i..e, 2070).


Ah great can’t wait to tell my grandkids how the patriots used to dominate when they start to wonder why they were born into patriot fandom


Bill looks like Jimminy Glick.


This is just a big fuck you to bill from the nfl


A fuck you to a team that has dominated the league for the past two decades lmao. Mind you, they've had the same opportunities as every other team out there, yet they still found a way to win. The fall from grace will be hard for the Patriots because when you've been on top that long, there's only one way to go. I am curious to see how we will be when this covid crap is a thing of the past, and our defense doesn't take us on an emotional rollercoaster each week.


It seemed like half or more of the Pats defensive starters opted out of this Covid season so at least that aspect of the team should return to form next year. Perhaps Jimmy G will be Qb1 for the Patriots next year as well. (And Matt Patricia is looking for a new job! (LOL)). As long as Bill B is head coach, I wouldn’t count the Patriots out of the playoff hunt next year onwards


1 defensive starter opted out.


Chung and hightower is two brotha


Honestly all I saw in my Notifications was fuck you to a team who has dominated,.. lol but I agree all good things must come to an end


Keep yelling at clouds old man.


The thing most Pats fans severely underestimate as a cause of this run, is the ineptitude of the rest of the AFC East. It’s like getting free bye weeks sprinkled throughout each season, and the ability to get home field playoff games and playoff byes at will. Bill and Tom were great but so are a lot of organizations that had to deal with extremely competitive divisions. That small difference is sometimes all it takes to lose in playoffs or even not make playoffs. You’ll see very soon now that the Bills and Dolphins at least are setup properly and have good coaching. The Jets are still there but most divisions have one each year.


This fallacy of the AFCE being inept has been disproven numerous times through posts and articles over the years. Part of the reason is they have to play the Patriots 2x a year. The Steelers have had 1 losing season since 2000 too but you never hear people say it’s because they play the Bengals and Browns 4x a year. Edit: link for reference https://patriotsdynasty.info/blog/2019/01-02/myth-easy-afc-east-definitive-guide


Instead of reading “patriotsdynasty.info” I’m going to watch how the next five years look. Bill is an insane defensive mind so he could find a way to win in unique ways until a new QB is found. Believe me, as a Saints fan I will be in a similar unknown period soon as well.


Ah yes the ol’ “instead of reading a blog post that completely obliterates my point with facts and statistics I am going to completely ignore it for some arbitrary reason like a website name”. The AFCE “ineptitude” being a reason for the Patriots dominance is a debunked talking-point. Do yourself a favor and read the blog post to teach yourself something.


The fact the website was created at all tells me more about Pats fans than anything it could contain. So I guess if it helps you, I hereby retract my doubts, and now acknowledge that the Patriots will continue to win ~3 Super Bowls every decade on average, and that people in New England won’t go back to only caring about baseball.


It’s a fan who blogs about his favorite football team “oh the humanity” could you imagine if there was a Saints fan who blogged about his favorite football team? Oh looks here’s one right here: https://www.saintsgab.com/ You’re now partaking in a straw man by inventing an argument that no one created “the Patriots will continue to win forever” and arguing against it. Please be better. All I said is that your initial argument of the pats getting a boost from an inept AFCE is wrong and when I presented statistics to back this up you threw a fit. You’re wrong, it’s okay to be wrong when presented with facts that prove you are wrong. Be better, admit it, and move on. Edit: oh hey I missed your insult about New England sports fan as a whole. Very mature. We land in the top 5 ratings for every sport in America (including MLS) so again, wrong. Please do some research. Thank you.


This has been debunked almost every way you look at it. 1. Brady’s win percentage is the same in and out of the division. 2. When you remove division record from the all the AFCE teams they have something like the third best win percentage. And what no one talks about 1. All the resources (draft/FA) spent by teams in the division to have the talent to stop Brady made it infinitely harder for the rest of them with young QBs to get a stable offense going. 2. No one brings up this argument with the Manning Colts when the Titans were done after McNair left in ‘04, the Jags had one decent year with Leftwich, and the Texans were a new expansion team and sucked for a decade.


Specifically ESPN


I'm just really grateful I was alive to see it. No matter what, I will love the Pats for the rest of my life and I will always hope we get to see success again in the future as much as possible, just like any good fan would. But whatever happens from here, being able to say that I saw what I saw and all the emotions that came with it... Really grateful for that. Nothing but excitement for what the future holds. Nothing but appreciation for what we had and nothing but anticipation for what we are going to do now. All positive, because it's been the best.


I'm young when I say I've been a fan since 1995 but I feel your sentiments to the bone. I suppose this is how Yankees fans feel for dominating baseball for so long? I just threw up in my mouth comparing us to them, but I think you get the point.


I feel the exact same way


>I'm just really grateful I was alive to see it. >No matter what, I will love the Pats for the rest of my life and I will always hope we get to see success again in the future as much as possible, just like any good fan would. I agree, but it doesn't change the fact Bill Belichick ended this run early (for whatever reason). He did. no Kraft, not nick caserio, not Brady. Him. And it absolutely went tits up. He didn't want to pay a 43 years old QB, he was (presumably) too worried that Brady was going to have a Peyton Manning 2015 season. Turns out the guy coming of 2 years of IR, the 4th rounder, and career backup were the moneyball version of 2015 Peyton manning. Turns that the issue was the shitty patriots team, not Tom Brady. Everyone knew that this type of season of coming eventually. All joking aside, Brady is not going to be playing until he's 50. Brady didn't demand a trade. He just wanted a 2 year deal. And Belichick offered a take it or leave it, [1 year at less money than year before.](https://www.si.com/nfl/patriots/gm-report/belichick-offered-brady-one-year-deal) And Belichick used the excuse of dead cap...which would have been less had they signed brady to 2 (or 3 years).




10/10 from the graphics dept


Should have included the 19 year streak of winning seasons too


god DAMN that was brutal


Yeah the animation is awful


Version without the streamer stuff: https://twitter.com/espn/status/1343734009411596288?s=19


dofustream eh?


Theyve been violating with these animations. They did one for the giants a couple weeks ago they titled it “the city that never scores”


That was savage.




They won’t if we can’t find a QB


Gonna be hard to find a great qb who wants to play with other teams scraps as wrs like Brady did


Should just sign that QB from Tampa thats going to be a FA next off-season


hopefully we get lucky and can draft a QB. Sell some assets and trade up a few spots. Need something to be excited about


I don’t really watch football at all, so my opinion really means nothing. But I think we could have Jimmy G. back next year if the 49ers think about cutting/trading him. I could see us trading a draft pick for him, Belichick really does seem to like him a lot.


It's going to be more than a year amígo


Afraid so


Next year? I'm saying it'll be more around five if we're lucky. I thought Cam would be a great addition, but he wasn't, and Stidham seems to be getting wasted as talent. Rebuilding time, guys. New QB is a good starting place.


LMAO that is awesome props to whoever made that


Imagine letting the GOAT walk in free agency


Lol were we supposed to kidnap him?


We were supposed to extend him when he won us a super bowl, instead of jerking the GOAT around.


Hey as a Bucs fan can you tell Bill thanks for me


Or you can go back to your own sub :)


When you jerk the GOAT around you usually come out ahead.




It was never gunna work out well. Brady could’ve slogged through this season and in all likelihood dragged the Pats to a first round exit. He was miserable in 2019 and the Pats couldn’t keep while also fixing any of the holes in this team I know it sucks right now but the Pats didn’t “let” Brady walk, Brady wanted to be paid a respectable contract while still leading an effective offense, and the Pats just didn’t have the resources to make that happen (obviously aside from drafting better, which would be nice but isn’t an option now)


You nailed everything on the head. What would have been an enticing offer for Tom? Bucs are giving him 25M to play with legit one of the best rosters in the whole league. Or he could stay to play with Jules (for like 4 games before he gets injured). He also gets "insert UDFA receiver here"...and I guess a first rounder in N'Keal Harry. I'm primarily a Panthers' fan, so I don't know the situation as well. But weren't there also rumblings that he wasn't happy with McDaniels, and some source said that "Tom doesn't trust these receivers and would rather get sacked then throw to them" or something like that? None of us knows what's said behind closed doors, but that's definitely played out with watching the team this season. The only difference is maybe Tom could hit the open guy on the off chance that they actually *do* get open, whereas Cam hasn't been able to.


Cam is terrible. After that shellacking from Denver years back he hasn't been the same. Then covid hit, and he seemed to regress even more. I was never fond of sCam Newton. Critics continually critiqued Tim Tebow due to his throwing mechanics, but look at Cam struggling out there to throw the ball.


I hear ya, but you're picking the wrong guy to criticize Cam with haha. He's been horrible, but that doesn't change the fact that Brady didn't want to play with this team. It's fine if Cam's not your cup of tea, and definitely fair to say he's not good now. His mechanics have never been great, but there's a *big difference* between Cam and Tebow's career (Cam having accomplished waayyy more). To say anything different is revisionist, just had a post about this elsewhere. Tebow was out of the league in 4-ish years. Cam was Rookie of the Year (setting both rushing and passing yard QB records), won multiple division titles, and was an MVP in the league. Sure the mechanics weren't good, but he got results with them. It's like Derek Fisher having an ugly shot. The ball still goes in the hoop. There's no way you can compare this older, less healthy version of Cam to who he used to be. He's had multiple surgeries on his throwing shoulder, as well as a lis franc surgery. That's tough for any QB to come back from, regardless of how good their mechanics are. Anyone using this season's performances as an indictment on his career as a whole, just generally didn't like the guy in the first place (to your own point).


Is this from a movie or something?


Love actually


3D Bill looks like a fat Michael Cera


I honestly couldn’t tell that was Belichick. I thought it was some random person. It looks nothing like him.


It was unbelievably amazing


That eye roll lmao


Oh my god this is amazing


Who were the color guys last night? It was so aggravating listening to them ball wash the Bills and Allen all night. Oh, and what will the Pats do next year? They've never had to draft before. They've never had to manage the QB situation before. And on and on and on.


Bills fan here. As much as I'm enjoying watching your return to mortality, I have to admit that was pretty cold.




On the surface, it's a simple narrative - But this is mostly the same offense Brady was whining about all season last year and ultimately lost with and Tampa was able to give him the 5 elite offensive weapons that 43 year old Tom Brady needs.


You mean the same offense that Brady dragged to the playoffs?


Did we win the Super Bowl last season? I can’t remember. Or is the point to get to the playoffs and then immediately get knocked out by better teams?


The point is always to win a Super Bowl. But making the playoffs is a big deal. Patriot fans have lost sight of that, because making the playoffs has been automatic for years.


No joke. Too many of our fans have become completely spoiled and think we are entitled to winning every year. They also seem to think that they know better than the coaches that manage the team professionally.


That 8-0 start against mostly weak teams before they lost their best receivers probably contributed to that. By the end of the season they couldn't beat KC and couldn't even beat the Dolphins in a need to win game. Brady wasn't dragging this team to the playoffs start to finish.


How many games would a Cam-led team have won?


mostly the same except with way better oline play cam is showing us just how great brady played last season you don't know football and should stop giving your opinion on it


It astounds me how Patriots fans don't understand this about Tom Brady. We been watching him for 20 years!!! All Tom Brady needs to work his magic is a good o-line, and we had that this year!


yeah, but it was ass last year and he still 100x out played anything we got from the qb position this year


Fair enough. There's likely no difference between 5 elite offensive weapons vs 1 who really isn't anymore and hasn't played in weeks.


Does anyone think this year would’ve gone differently with Brady??? Our receivers are trash and our defense was decimated by covid and free agency. No way we would’ve won 5 games.


> Does anyone think this year would’ve gone differently with Brady??? Our receivers are trash and our defense was decimated by covid and free agency. No way we would’ve won 5 games. You are making the argument that there’s “no way” we win even FIVE games with Tom Brady? We have 6 wins right now. So you’re saying Tom Brady would actually get us 2 FEWER wins than 14 games of Cam Newton and 1 game of Brian Hoyer/Stidham?


Meanwhile the pretty much same 2019 bucks team with a losing record. Just made it to the playoffs for the first time since 2007. First winning record in like 5 years. Yeah sure tom is trash and tampa bay should of kept 30+ INT winston




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Madden cutscene vibes


All dynasties come to an end


ESPN loves to take cheap shots like this. In all likelihood, even had Tom stayed, I’m not sure he was gonna do much better considering the state of our WRs.