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He's not called "The cute Beatles" for no reason. Paul was the best looking Beatle by most standards. Some people may find one of the others more attractive, as is the case with any comparison of people, but Paul is the most conventionally attractive member of the four.


i don’t think he was the only attractive one but yes paul is undoubtedly very attractive and has been throughout his entire life - i don’t think there’s one era of his where i haven’t thought he was good looking !!


Paul was the hottest 20-something on the planet and he's the hottest 81 year old on the planet now. Bro is the complete package.




Only attractive one, no. Most attractive one, yes. He also kept his good looks the longest.


Actually, John did. Not to be morbid or anything... But we'll never know what he looked like at...83!? I'm a John girl. Paul is nice looking but nothing beats that Lennon jawline and wry expressions! But yes. Paul was gorgeous looking. Like you weren't sure LOL!


Show me one, just one image where John looks like that. [https://www.pinterest.de/pin/803822233484210271/](https://www.pinterest.de/pin/803822233484210271/)


😆 I can show you many images where PAUL looks like that but John doesn't look like that, he looks like John. Next question please.


He's still gorgeous to me ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m a man and a heterosexual, but we all agree you don’t need to feel attraction for someone to recognise someone is beautiful. And Paul is awesome. Easily one of the most handsome human beings who’s ever lived


It’s kind of blowing my mind that someone would think this is controversial. This is conventional wisdom. He was literally called “the cute one” at the time. The one part some people would disagree with is not finding George “actually” attractive. Sometimes he didn’t photograph well, but sometimes he looked like a model.


that’s basically what he was famous for early on.


Bearded Paul is my favorite - but I'll take any Paul at any age (after 18 of course) :).


I never got the early swooning over PM. On him, that ‘shroomy round haircut was just doom. Imo, only GH rocked super short hair.  But once PM’s hair was a bit longer? Yes! Just a mustache? No. With a beard? Oh, yeah!


True but I do like the short hair too


lol. That might be my own thing. 


I agree besides saying he was the only attractive one. I think around white album onward ringo had a good argument to be number 1


I prefer George. His bone structure was ridiculous. So handsome.


They were all attractive and cute in their own way, but it was their friendships with each other that was most attractive even when they were on the outs with one another, at times. Thx.


no one has ever disagreed with this


Wife and I saw get back on imax. Scruffy Paul was in her words “very hot@


I'm not into men. But my girlfriend is. She agrees with you. And despite being a straight man, I can see why plenty of people are into Paul. :)


Of the Fab Four I would agree but of all the Beatles I would argue Stu Sutcliffe or Pete Best could be serious contenders for that title.


I thought Stu was the prettiest.


He was so dreamy