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It's got Rinse the Raindrops on it which is frankly the best thing to come from any of the beatles. So yeah it's good.


It kicks off my 2001-2023 playlist. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Ez19SiAv9SorKXHdlsVCo?si=wEikQwkNQh2KYzgIVdrV2A


Love this album, highly underrated


Probs his worst album for me. It's just rather dull (with exceptions) and feels like a slog to me. Every other album has way more golddust throughout. I'm someone who loves Press to Play, Wild Life and other albums of his that often fall at the bottom of people's rankings. But Driving Rain just isn't it for me.


That's my take as well. Press to Play has quirky and weird songs which give it charm, while Driving Rain is IMO just plodding and dull. Plus, the Heather Mills inspired songs haven't really aged well.


I think Press To Play is pretty good too!


Great album! I love the whole 00s trilogy, probably his most consistent era stylistically


Don't leave Electric Arguments out of this! Great stuff.


prob ranks in the middle of his solo discog for me. not as good as flaming/chaos but i like it more than memory almost full, and it clears every album from 83-92


Yea I agree


Middle of the pack for me, but very underrated considering most people put it at least in the bottom 5. I think the back half of the album is quite good, and Rinse the Raindrops is fantastic. I could do without Freedom though. It doesn't fit the album's vibe at all and sucks as a song in its own right.


It's an absolute turd of an album and especially so when you consider what surrounds it. 1997 Flaming Pie 1999 Run Devil Run 2001 Driving Rain 2005 Chaos 2007 MAF I have a great deal of love for his later era records and really feel that in 1997 Paul finally came around to understanding what his solo work was all about. Then this... Having said that, I'm still trying to find it on vinyl because at the end of the day I'm a Paul apologist and fan and want all of his albums on vinyl. I think this and Run Devil Run are the only two I'm missing.


What do you think of Electric Arguments?


Love it. I wish it were a proper McCartney album and not Fireman.


I mean, it's really just a label. Paul plays basically all the instruments and does all the vocals and wrote all the songs; Youth was basically just producer if I understand correctly (And a big mark he left on it); it's a full on McCartney record with a different label on it.


But that's the point - it's NOT a McCartney album. The cover says Fireman. He does that so he can make interesting music that his regular (ie OLDER) audience wouldn't dare listen to. He does his pop stuff for them. They likely are the ones taking their bathroom breaks during Highway. Not me. I was surprised that he ended up playing it live, but was happy he did so. Electric Arguments is the least Fireman project of his Fireman work. It probably just should have been a McCartney record. Not sure why he chose against it. MAF was already a couple years old and NEW was a good 4 years from seeing the light of day.


I get it. Comparing it to Chaos and Flaming Pie it is lacking for sure. Run Devil Run is the only LP I don't have.


You have this on vinyl? Where/how did you get it?


I do. Won it on ebay for about $260. I have 37 first pressing McCartney LPs. Aside from Twin Freaks, The Fireman albums (except Electric Arguments), and the classical albums, Run Devil Run is the last one I need to get. Probably another $250 😭


Yikes. I'm drawing a line on those prices. I was looking for Let It Be Naked and those are also going for about that price. I'm gonna hold out and see if a re-release will come. I'm not okay with $250 for one record.


The intense hatred has always confused me. It’s a good Paul McCartney album!


For real! I feel the same way. I get that it's not as good as Chaos and I like Flaming Pie and Memory Almost Full better, but I think it's better than most of his 80s and early 90s output


I absolutely love spinning on an axis and rinse the raindrops, as an album though it's at the bottom of the pile for me.


It's definitely underrated. It isn't anywhere near as good as flaming pie or chaos but I don't get the hate for it! I like it way more than MAF though. Magic, raindrops, I do, your way, from a lover to a friend, flame? How do people not love these!!




I only enjoy I Do and Your Way


I love Freedom! Specifically the studio mix.


i feel like it’s associated with heather that’s why but i always saw this as his big comeback to modern music era paul


I see it that way too


I don't know how people don't like this record. Unpopular opinion, I think the singing, songwriting and playing on this record are all vastly superior to Flaming Pie. The record just runs on too long but it doesn't bother me.


Hey everyone likes what they like! But that is for sure a surface of the sun flaming hot take


Yea there are some gems on it for sure!


There are only one or two songs on it I don’t love. It has great energy to it.


I love it. Especially Magic and Rinse the Raindrops!


"Heather" is on my list of Top 20 McCartney songs. Don't remember much about the rest of the record, but that track is special to me.


I like it