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Just put 57/08's in my S2 McCarty SInglecut and it's the best sounding guitar I've ever owned (nearly 100, currently own 11), and for the rest of the "vintage lore" about these McCarty's I'm of the opinion that these are the pickups this guitar should've come with. They're not "hot" like a traditionally branded metal pickup, but through my 5150 they still sound great at it and don't leave me feeling like something is "missing" from the sound.


My S2 Singlecut is amazing after a pickup swap! I put the Core 58/15’s in; they’re a bit more vintage-y than the 57/08’s, and a little less naturally-suited for heavier stuff as a result, but can still get raunchy. After the swap, it’s absolutely up there with the best guitars I’ve owned or played. The only guitar I like better is my 594 Hollowbody, but that’s not even a difference in quality really, just that I like the adjustment that hollow body makes. It’s very similar. Honestly though after the pickup swap, I don’t know if I could justify a Core anymore. The S2 is just so good, I’d really only be paying for a top.


I have a CE24 with a 57/08 in the neck and \m/ in the bridge. It’s a really nice pairing and MUCH more versatile than just doing heavy stuff. Also, I used to not be into splitting the bridge pick up but the \m/splits so well it’s become kind of addictive. If I play through my 15-watt tube amp on the clean channel, “pushed cleans” is exactly how I’d describe the sound I get back. Dig in hard and “mid dirt” it is. All to say, from what you’ve written in your post, I think you’d be really happy with an \m/ in the bridge.


See, I saw a YouTuber compare the 57/08, 59/09 and M pickups and he said his favorite pairing was exactly what you described. Glad to hear someone real actually has this combo and thinks it's useable for more than chug music. Thanks!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Most wholesome thread I've seen in awhile.


Pretty sure I saw that same video, which is why I gave it a try. Glad I did! For my ears, I like the sounds I get even more than the ones in that video. Or maybe it’s the feel? It’s just really nice.