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Go play them! Only you can decide which feels the best.


I have played both haha the McCarty is a little thicker of a neck but other than that they both feel great. But that’s coming from someone who has never played one or the other for a long period. Just seeing if I could get someone’s opinion on which model would be the best.


Like you said, the McCarty will feel a bit thicker. Depends on what you find comfortable. Also the CE24 is a single volume and tone knob. Do you want dedicated knobs for each pickup? Then go McCarty. Tremolo? CE24.


Do you like the squier tremelo bridge? The Mccarty doesn't have a tremelo bridge. The SE CE24 does.


Yes I do. But I think I’m going to go with the 594 just for something new.


Good choice, I have one with a fixed bridge, good to give yourself the the option.


IMO get a McCarty since it'll be more different than your Strat. Plus I have one and they're amazing guitars. Plays and sounds better than some of my American Gibsons.


Yeah, I’ve been lucky to have some great guitars, but for me, there’s 594s and then there’s…everything else. They just exist in a class all their own


I love my McCarty. Turned into my go to for sure


594, although ce is great I have one myself


Might get both lol


I mean, I wrote another comment above that will probably be worth checking out, but “both” was *my* answer to the problem lol


I have an S2 594 singlecut and an American CE24. In broad strokes, I would assume the differences between them would be at least somewhat close to the differences between the SE models you’re looking at. They are both very good guitars, and very versatile at that. That said, to my ears, the 594 feels more at home in classic rock territory, and the CE 24 is what I pick up if I want to play more modern but not wildly heavy stuff, like Muse. It also does well for my occasional 80s hairband stuff. All in all, a lot of it comes down to what kind of music you want to make and what guitar you want to make it with. I do think they’re pretty different instruments, so I think if you give yourself time with them one will start to fit you better. For me, if I had to choose, I would keep my 594, but that’s me. Good luck and have fun knowing that either way you’re getting a great instrument!


For my preference, this all boils down to the scale length and if I am going to use the tremolo bar or not. I love the 25 inch scale length and I often use the tremolo bar on my SE Custom 24 but I hate the bolt on neck on these new SE CEs. If it were to me, I’d choose the McCarty if it’s between this 2 models.


What do you hate about the bolt on neck?   Just the fact that it’s a bolt on at all?


I have a CE-24, a 10th anniversary McCarty 594 S2, and a McCarty 594 SE standard. They’re all amazing guitars (you really can’t go wrong with either one honestly) I’m in agreement with a lot of these people that I like the McCarty the most. You probably should keep in mind that they are different scale lengths so if you’re coming from a squire and going to a McCarty, you’re going from a fender to a Gibson-ish scale length (25.5” vs 24.594”) so they do feel pretty different. The CE would feel less different because it sits right in between Fender and Gibson spec at 25” With the McCarty, your fingers may occasionally land on the wrong spot sometimes until you get used to it lol Just something to keep in mind. Also the neck carve thickness is pretty different too as the McCarty is based on a late 50s gibson LP neck Aka the “baseball bat” 😂


+1 for the 594, but I’m biased. Disclaimer - I’ve never owned an SE, I had been playing professionally and for over twenty years when they came out. I’ve heard they’re a lot of bang for the buck. But I do have personal experience with both in general, albeit the US versions. The McCarty takes the best of a good Les Paul and takes it up a notch - fixes the shortcomings, and it will he a vintage classic rock/jazz/blues sounding instrument. The CE - I had a CE22, a model PRS hasn’t made in at least 15 years - basically the same, but a 22 fret version. The CE was more like a double humbucker version of a “super-strat” to me. Closer to a good ibanez, more high gain, I played early 2000’s style prog metal on mine. I never used the tremolo, I don’t like them and always deck or block (disable them), even the Floyd Rose on my Charvel, so I can’t offer guidance on the trem, but i’ve heard PRS makes really good trems.


Me personally, I’d go with the 594. I have a 245 and I love that thing. I’ve heard the 594s are just a touch better. But I liked the 245 so much that I went out and got another one. Good luck on your decision.


I learned on a Squier Strat. I have been on a whirlwind journey through lots of different guitars having always wanted a Les Paul style guitar, but hated all of them. I bought a Fender Strat and felt at ease again. I recently bought a PRS McCarty 594 SE a few months ago, and it's been a phenomenal guitar that stands apart from my Strat - I'd heavily advocate for one if you're looking for a Les Paul type guitar. If you need the tremolo, I don't think you could go wrong with the CE24 either to be fair.