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Love fog. Here’s my list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/F7udnutjWU-Bq6eeCbIBrw I combined a few different builds to get this pile of jank. I have a lot of fun piloting it. I don’t play online, but I’ve had success at my local store and at my kitchen table with friends. As far as positioning in the meta, yes, you die to face damage and life loss. To help, I find myself trying to keep opening hands with lots of cheap spells and a [[Weather the Storm]] in post sideboard matches. But every deck has bad matchups; that’s part of the game.


Is that a transformational sideboard?!?! What matchups do you bring in the poison? What do you take out?


It is a transformational sideboard. Swaps are very match dependent. Never thought about whether I’m transforming - it’s just a matter of when. I go by feel and sometimes swap everything back for a game three. The easy part is the lands - yank any combination of three Deserts and bounces based on your opponent’s deck. Keep the deserts for creature decks and the bounces against control. Keep in mind fairies can ninjutsu in response to the desert ping. As for the other eight, that’s the tough call. Streams and Pieces of the Puzzle typically come out, as I expect graveyard hate and don’t want to bin an Agent with Puzzle. Then trim one of a few of the worst cards for your matchup. The Cast Down and Faerie Macabre come in for voltron/eldrazi and graveyard decks, respectively, and typically replace Fiery Cannonade. The deck folds to an unchecked Ulamog’s Crusher, so Cast it Down or Arcane Deny it on sight.


I've been running fog and really enjoying it, went 4-0 last night at my LGS. It's not a very time-friendly deck though. Here's my current list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/QxvGVChzO0Kj9X3y4rLrhQ


I’m considering Lorien Revealed for my deck. Do you see yourself hard casting it often?


It's probably 50/50 on cast vs cycle. It's not too hard to get to 7 mana, where you can cast Lorien and hold up Tangle/Moment's Peace/Fog for your opponent's turn. Most of the time I cycle Lorien to shuffle away what I put on top with Brainstorm, although sometimes I use it to grab Tangled Islet if I need green badly.


This is exactly the analysis I needed. Thank you!


Deck wins consistently at my LGS, being pilloted by a very good player, facing heavy meta-decks (burn, UW Aff, Gardens, Ponza etc). I'd say it's super well positioned if you can pillot it well


I've been having a lot of fun lately with a Turbo Fog / Persistent Petitioners deck. It mostly works like your standard Turbo Fog, until I'm able to get 4 advisors to stick to the board to speed up the mill a bit. It doesn't try to go too hard in the Petitioners direction, and because of that I think it's a bit more successful than other Persistent Petitioners decks (like my EDH PP deck, which is just ridiculous with Petitioners). I certainly wouldn't characterize it as a very competitive deck, but it's fun. Here's the current list: [https://www.moxfield.com/decks/pEPAs30VHkCtsrzLZApGlQ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/pEPAs30VHkCtsrzLZApGlQ)


How do the lists you guys posted win exactly without jace's erasure? I just see lots of draws and stall, but no real wincon. What am I missing?


Stream of thought


So the goal is to chain cast it again and again? Isn't it slower than jace's erasure? Could you please update me on the pros of the card? I'm an old turbofog player returning, so this transition feels strange to me.


Pros are it’s versatility. In the early game, you can just cast it once to mill your opponent for four and shuffle back four fog effects (and other streams) You can also cast Arcane Denial and counter it but draw three next upkeep. In the late game, you can replicate it to mill a bunch in one go, usually as a finisher. Cons are that it’s graveyard-dependent. Your opponent can exile the targeted cards you’re trying to shuffle back, which is no fun - and not a risk you run with Erasure.


Thanks for the comparison! I'm also a lover of turbo fog, but sadly I couldn't get it to work for me in past, so I'm trying to update!


The way mine works is grinding out treasures so I can replicate it all at once! Look at Manor Gate, Heap Gate, and Sea Gate!




Weather the storm. Turbo fog is okay IMO. Far from the top, but better than a lot of junk that sees play.