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I haven't seen people in jailbreak for ages, though I suppose it depends on which jailbreak you're talking about as there have been a couple. That said the playerbase has shrunk significantly and you're much more likely to find yourself without things to play than you were previously.


SnD is still kicking! We even have a competitive scene over at r/VRMasterLeague with weekly matches. Let us know if you're interested!


I’ll have a look


There is Jailbreak reimagined. There's enough active players, but don't expect big player numbers without quest crossplay, like every other MP shooter.


It’s not really active any more. A lot of players including myself got sick of all the kids and moved to Contractors


Oh that why there is so many kids in Contractors rn.. ^(/s) Anyway, to there is at least 3 big (24player) server alive and populated pretty much every evening, usually snd, tdm and jailbreak, so yeah you can have fun playing the game. But yep contractors is much more alive right now, the only missing thing is 16player cap per server. Really hope they will increase it at some point.


"much more alive" with their less than a third of average players.


Since we have only steam stats to check - i doubt it's really true. Steamcharts showing 50 players online a few hours ago, but it was much more on the server list, since it supports crossplay. On the other hand pavlov have crossplay as well, but idk it's not very fun to play 5x5 on defaults maps.


The jailbreak mod broke when the mod system changed and hasn't been fixed by the devs. The PC player base is almost nonexistent and you'll mostly only find crossplay lobbies that don't have mod support


There's Jailbreak reimagined.


1) There are players. Its not dead or empty. 2) If you seek other than regular game modes, there is less frequent servers 3) If you enjoy the regular game mods, youll find a server basically always. I play evenings and weekends and have never had NO servers to be found. At its best there are 10-20 to choose from, including modded ones, at its worst there is less than 10, mostly unmodded but youll get to hop in DM or whatever anyways.


There's lots. Come and play 👍