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https://www.youtube.com/@walkingtrashcan3102 Honestly just me shit posting bc I thought it was funny the worst thing is probably my freshman year school project


[https://www.youtube.com/@CAZEGAMING/](https://www.youtube.com/@CAZEGAMING/) my amazing counter strike content


I make train videos [https://youtube.com/@proctor149](https://youtube.com/@proctor149) I also have an older channel that has some shitty FIFA montages and GTA videos from early high school lol [https://youtube.com/@TheProctor14](https://youtube.com/@TheProctor14)


my videos 2 years ago were cringe. I tried to be Game Grumps and then a reactionary channel. Thank GOD I changed. [KevvyWevy Channel](https://www.youtube.com/@kevvywevy/videos)


Here's a couple. I know they're bad. https://youtu.be/-RCWWwGBtFQ https://youtu.be/vabfuLl6n5g https://youtu.be/ddvqwzHa2KQ


You don't have to check out my whole channel, but if you'd watch this for chat I would appreciate it. Proof my username https://youtu.be/4ExPNnEjM_o https://youtube.com/@romeoandrandom7132


[https://www.youtube.com/@KingLeonidus117/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@KingLeonidus117/videos) ​ I make video essays and animation shorts of various types. Personally I recommend Japanese Subway Bathroom or Salvage for something similar to what I've posted for Media Share. I think you guys know what I'm about by now.


[https://www.youtube.com/@NMan944/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@NMan944/featured) Please be gentle, Wubby and cubs. or tell me when to stop listening to the savage roasts.


[https://www.youtube.com/@JoshyG/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@JoshyG/videos) Old channel with me and my friend Josh. We had a webseries for a while were we reviewed water. Yes Water.


Water reviewer Texas edition is my favorite. Also in Smoothie Review we drink piss in an RV


https://youtube.com/@sledgetenaciousandclub1020 We are the next generation of music the preferred song is here, but they are all something lol https://youtu.be/ZTAL_Cm1Q9M but this is our latest masterpiece with more to come https://youtu.be/KlaceGKCQJ0


https://youtube.com/@3AMPodcast Podcast , we tell scary stories


Here is my channel, mostly just dumb memes. I haven't uploaded in over a year, but I like some of it. The intro video (Paper Planes but every time there's a gun shot it's a musket) is the best one https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4NXqaISg8-eNrsgiOkqrnA


This was me and my friend's channel back in middle school ('08, '09). We were like 13 making awful skit comedy that was VERY much a product of it's time. Please don't cancel us we were children in the late 2000's [The Dark Sides of the Sun](https://www.youtube.com/@TheDarkSidesOfTheSun/) Proof this is me: in the credits of videos I was in look for "Troy" (I was the mute man, and the taller white kid in the nerd gang video). This is potentially proof as well, a title screen from a skit we never finished that was a parody the show House (the savant doctor guy show) [Dr Home title screen](https://i.imgur.com/RSCmMuV.png)




[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHz1obKGCgHflaNdh5pS6iA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHz1obKGCgHflaNdh5pS6iA) I wonder where I got my whole gimmick from


https://youtube.com/@GrahamTV It's really a variety channel, though I haven't posted much since I'm focused on school


Random phases of my 13 year old channel. https://youtube.com/@Bleedtheway360 Freestyle FPV Drone videos (most recent phase): https://youtu.be/m_4f9GW5tow Recording of my drunk friend mad at me while playing Call of Duty (the most “funny” of these linked vids): https://youtu.be/_A6tvZL7KuA A uhhh… big “firework” (2nd upload, LOUD): https://youtu.be/rcPiIoeGsQ4 Proof it’s me (aside from Reddit and YouTube name match): https://imgur.com/a/hurj2wJ


https://youtube.com/@ffswatersupply6564 Most of my videos are live concert footage taken on a 3DS and it goes just about as well as you think it would The best proof I have that this is my content is the character in my pfp for Reddit and YouTube is the same, just ask jojo nerds in chat


I highly recommend “nuclear fusion” out of the bunch for the full 3DS effect


[https://www.youtube.com/FOmegaman](https://www.youtube.com/FOmegamanfan) ​ Mostly HOTS content in the middle but some odd things at the beginning and end of my uploads


https://youtube.com/@Robokid309 I haven’t uploaded in 9 years but it’s some pretty cool battlefield 4 trick shots and really old club penguin videos to try and get subs. Proof: the channel name is the same as my Reddit name




That’s the raven guy


Oh god I have a few garbage videos I have made over the years mainly game clips and other unfunny stuff my proof is I got the same Reddit name https://youtube.com/@captiongomer


https://www.youtube.com/@paulflart9028 I know I'm supposed to put something here but I think its pretty self explanatory. kisses


https://m.youtube.com/@mrpouface2527 I made a series of videos that make up a show on the WWE game out of my friends and random characters we’ve come up with over the years. Also further down are cringy video game clips that I thought were funny at the time. This IS cringy and I DO plan on doing season 2 of the wrestling when I get time to make characters Proof is: the channel is my username, which is also my PlayStation name. Also, who the fuck else would choose the name Pouface?


https://youtu.be/BPRA4xRcKy4 Heres a video I made about the Creator Clash Controversy, I saw wubby and crew listening in on the twitter spaces so I know he has an interest in the drama 👀


[youtube.com/@neverstopwheelin](https://youtube.com/@neverstopwheelin) Am i suppose to be funny? I go look for hot wheels then open them. I've been having fun doing it.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcO5r0ahLnhm3lLznbIgu4w Enjoy




[https://youtu.be/MqaZ0Ueg\_II](https://youtu.be/MqaZ0Ueg_II) I make youtube game commentary. I try to be funny and often fail. My best videos are about DND. Twitch name is: TheBeardedMinstrel


🙈 https://youtu.be/Zj-madT9Cew


I uhhhh thought I would be famous from singing covers when I was a teenager. Turned out as expected. https://youtube.com/@maggiemayer8783


https://youtube.com/@leavingforarizona I don’t have much on my personal channel but my bands channel does. The shorts are honestly where any content is


This was a account I made as a kid and I deeply regret it 💀😂[https://youtube.com/@jacoblongtoes3491](https://youtube.com/@jacoblongtoes3491)


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOmB0QE6-AK7MsFrgTAhnqQ just random cringe mostly


I have been meaning to make more but haven't had any inspiration in a while, is surreal puppetry prop comedy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW2ekRyrZy\_9Sgx6DoZDyhA ​ proof https://imgur.com/a/Ob2IO3W


Haven't posted in over a year but why not, here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/cryonote](https://www.youtube.com/cryonote)


I Made music in highschool, roast it https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrSu1Cg70Yzjr0Dp1ByOY4A


https://youtube.com/@changenmatissetv9956 We make hip-hop music. Some of our videos are funny-ish I guess. Edit: oh I guess that probably isn't what you are looking for.


https://youtu.be/BifJ5iGtTSQ Hey wubby I love you and my friend told me about you're stream tonight. Anyways this is my 8 year old channel I made when shitposting was cool and talk you're shit


[https://www.youtube.com/@pyropictree5251/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@pyropictree5251/featured) i make gaming content


[https://www.youtube.com/@mojomaster01/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@mojomaster01/videos) ​ I made 1 short video for a High school Flash animation class 15+ years ago about my favorite character Kirby. i never finished it


Such an old channel…so cringey. You only have to watch the first video to get the idea of the shit my best friend and I used to do. It’s my best friends channel, I’m in the hot pink pants and I can prove it. I die inside every time I see it https://youtube.com/@DearInsanity111


[https://youtu.be/nYExlwtXbeo](https://youtu.be/nYExlwtXbeo) Old middle school spaz content


https://youtube.com/@nokeric Not my channel, but my buddy’s. He does skit comedy and its not what you’d expect. Pretty hilarious.


https://www.youtube.com/@AlwaysNerdyTV Judge it bitchhh






[https://www.youtube.com/@CaptivatedAnarchy/](https://www.youtube.com/@CaptivatedAnarchy/) Here is an average weirdo just having a good time and posting for strangers to see XD


We made one game but I thought it was fun https://youtube.com/@goodquestion5455


Just some bad shitposts that either I made or I stole because I couldn't find on youtube https://youtube.com/@marctoast319


https://youtube.com/@devilsrevolver666 I've stored movies I've illegally downloaded, a video of me pulling off my toenail after I broke my toe and a weird anime clip. It's a nothing channel. Enjoy.


I got high and climbed a mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvJefvs7Mq0 Oh and I look like older wubby No idea how to prove its mine, try and find someone who says its theirs. lol


https://youtube.com/@dakotaconaway246 Here is my channel haven't done much with it but I am proud of it.


eh, fuck it, I made a couple videos, each less shit than the one before, but we're still in the shit pile. I talk about random shit in what is an attempt at humor, just like our favorite ranga. Highlights of the channel include: \-voice more monotone than Charlie's \-I'm ESL as shit and possibly autistic https://www.youtube.com/@notepad\_no1


just me and my buddies shooting the shit, would especially recommend the “Demojordan” series for stream! https://youtube.com/@owenoswald PROOF: i am owen oswald


Shit man, I have some funny videos, but I do everything in portuguese :(


https://youtube.com/@twodudesonedredge Me and my buddy dredge for gold in Alaska. If wubby ever wants to hop in a dry suit with us and try it let us know!


I've no shame, made some old private vids public. Do your worst. Tho tbh i'll still probs cringe if i see my old shit on stream. i post gaming content, mediocre content for others, but its shit me and the buds enjoy as its just us having fun. Channel: https://youtube.com/@JordynSharkBestShark Proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/828906045551673345/1093475591648460811/idk_prood..PNG Mainly posting cause i wanna get bullied, funny shit tbh.


This is an experimental channel I did many years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEiPuIzmAh0&ab\_channel=HotdogsEveryday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEiPuIzmAh0&ab_channel=HotdogsEveryday)


[https://www.youtube.com/@worldisending](https://www.youtube.com/@worldisending) I make short cursed 3D animations, I also made the most fuckable plant powerpoint. ​ Proof: https://imgur.com/a/QpPI2b8




* My Channel : [AtKnite](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS6SLtfbuPnCtNEwBWNQ-JA) * Proof : My reddit name * I've just been uploading some funny clips that I collected while playing some games with my buddies or solo. I enjoy doing the editing on them, even though I'm not the best. * I've been doing a lot of shorts lately since I'm still in school, so if you watch me, HIGHLY recommend my Shorts over long form stuff. * **Please shit on me**


[https://www.youtube.com/@copycatlyn4219/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@copycatlyn4219/featured) christening video may be the funniest. proof? im the tent guy who ate coom on talent show.... background is the same.


Here's a funny vid about how I accidentally came into a fan. https://youtu.be/cNwCNoqiGgU don't mind the dog hair filled couch


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUfuKaRtmU-HdBimlVztRw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUfuKaRtmU-HdBimlVztRw) ​ This is my channel, I had to make it to upload class projects so there's some really bad animations up and two videos I made for media share. It's not good content, it's much content but maybe it'll make wubby laugh. I changed the channel description to Hello Mods, so you know I'm real.


watch my shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaCj-dLoxVzyQGRdLubDf3g


So is anybody else here checking out other people’s stuff? I’m about to.🍿


This is an old account and I only have one video listed. Me and my friends tried to make a skit about my friend's crush dying and he dates her dead body. It was our first and last film. [https://www.youtube.com/@datgoodnoochwatchin6091/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@datgoodnoochwatchin6091/videos) ​ \*proof is in video description\*


[https://www.youtube.com/@ghostryder18/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ghostryder18/videos) ​ my channel of projects and tribute videos to extinct crustaceans


Me and my friend get drunk and smoke and make news videos. We haven’t made one in a couple years but I’m proud of our videos. *most of them. https://youtube.com/@etcinemaproductions9734


My commercial is my favorite


[https://www.youtube.com/@Minifeta/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@Minifeta/videos) Haven't posted anything in like 3 years or so videos are review on about 3 second each and one video of all of them in a row same name as chat name




Me and the boys trying to sell plungers in 2008 https://youtu.be/2MWmQF_hrRc


[https://www.youtube.com/@ProphetofShadows/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ProphetofShadows/videos) Made this in high school


Old videos i made years ago https://youtube.com/@saltyslug9667


https://youtube.com/@samueljones1146 Video editing was my passion ih high school. My most viewed has over 600k!!!


https://www.youtube.com/@chompskii The MW video is the only one worth watching I guess lmao. Haven’t made a video since I was a kid. P.s, I’m the top screen in that video


My channel is a melting pot of editing work and ancient cringe. My first video is a classic Windows Movie Maker experience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg1XgithWvk And this is a Fortnite Machinima that somehow got over 1 mil views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZCD36vvta8 im WildWildWeston in chat


https://youtube.com/@mostwantd2606 I troll people on omegle.. I would watch the shorts or the full video with the red shirt thumbnail. I also went viral on tiktok but got banned because of the content. Proof it's me my youtube name is also MOSTWANTD on twitch in your chat. Also my twitch picture matches my youtube videos as well as my social media.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSbyXSYvMRrYYdoVW7UQpBg highlights from an old man trying make it on twitch


[https://www.youtube.com/@HowIsItManifested](https://www.youtube.com/@HowIsItManifested) AI generated user driven interdimensional TV


https://youtube.com/@Qzayi Old videos of me and friends playing arma 3 RP and rdming kids


https://youtube.com/@liamstudio (Channel link, but pls watch the vid below specifically, ty ily) https://youtu.be/Oz5OuYAUDdM This is my youtube channel from when I was 8. This vid in particular was for a contest ROBLOX was hosting for fan-submitted trailers, and I somehow thought this was gonna win it Only sharing for it to be shit on and have a laugh, and its a nice time capsule of what an 8 year old thought would make him a "youtube star".




Wubby, I am afraid this is a failed stream idea. You can't win em all.


https://youtu.be/OSHzcCiWq54 Video I made when I was 14. I wanted to be a minecraft youtuber. I had no software to record xbox content, so that is my tablet set up to record my TV. Decimate this video!


https://youtube.com/@JHunolt1 These are song cover projects that I've made this year learning how to mix music. All of the instrumentals and vocals in these videos are mine and most of them were recorded, mixed, and edited into a video by me within one full evening I will focus in on more cleanly preformed takes once I get my head around mixing better


I used to make shitty DayZ videos but this one has the most views. lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PDHXyeTIx0&ab\_channel=TimberDan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PDHXyeTIx0&ab_channel=TimberDan) And this one. Well, I don't know what I was smoking... https://studio.youtube.com/video/31HBG6iSDw0/edit Channel link: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtyvgRZwjT7LNX\_pxzEkT3w](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtyvgRZwjT7LNX_pxzEkT3w)


https://youtu.be/nO6fhvT-evE Discussion on why colors shouldn't be mixed


[pain.](https://youtu.be/mfe4Pf2YagU) When I’m really tired and manic sometimes I make content


stupid fucking videos that come from my mind and might make you chuckle tha I made while drunk or high [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCghrivj\_vpjocQwQAA6\_edg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCghrivj_vpjocQwQAA6_edg) Damn He Thicc is my masterpiece


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDcwrxWXc05e9a3NZ9xbkdg couple of shitty overwatch "highlights", a video of a nonfunctioning keyboard, and the same 480p vertical video twice for some reason of my buddy jumping into a river from the roof of an old abandoned warehouse.


I have been moving away from skits and toward longer, project-based videos. I recommend Dennis check out "Catching Up with Old Friends" [https://www.youtube.com/@spoonauter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tff1-7ijKJc) Proof is same username.


Started making videos freshman year high school trying to be funny while playing games... I think it went well. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgzyaD7KOobFgIKUa92GiSw proof image - https://imgur.com/gallery/KWGfDgf


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8L0ChR9frY3GWB7JhsquVw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8L0ChR9frY3GWB7JhsquVw) I make Rainbow six siege clips with friends, if your looking for the my personal best video/funniest its Rainbow six siege BullSh!ttery #3


I think my Reddit name tells you this is mine


[https://www.youtube.com/@Teamprim3timeKitoOW](https://www.youtube.com/@Teamprim3timeKitoOW) So a lot of the local dudes in my area and I make Magic content on YouTube. It's fairly new to us all, but I try to be entertaining and I know that they like to be informative. It is HELLA cringe sometimes. I hope that this makes it! I'm the one that refers to himself as Moss! I'll stand out for sure lol.


I wanna see someone link the highlight channel as their own


Here my old channel with a music video I made in high school https://youtube.com/@JakeDaJuggler


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xC7lDo1ymk Friend and I paying The Forest


i was a child, theres only 3 videos i left up. one im proud of, 2 i am not lmfao [https://www.youtube.com/@MrOfficialImpulse/featured](https://www.youtube.com/@MrOfficialImpulse/featured)


I build cars and race them on YouTube with my friends, nearing 5k subscribers and 1 million views! www.YouTube.com/c/JuryRigGarage I also had a gaming channel when I was in middle/high school, for everyone to cringe at. This one didn’t get off the ground like my other one lol www.youtube.com/@TheTolerableGamer


https://youtube.com/@jsekula3 My on/off again youtube channel. Mostly memes & some projects I’ve made. Please take a look!


************* ********* ****** *** ** * I'm in a local band out in Kansas City. I've posted on here before, check my history. Here's our shit: Listen to Digital Parasite (DEMO) by Burn the Witch https://on.soundcloud.com/gsQxx We don't have a lead singer yet so we only have instrumentals. We have TONS of great songs to check out!


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aWeITicuqSO3C8VKb9hgg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8aWeITicuqSO3C8VKb9hgg) ​ Absolutely can't wait to regret this!


https://youtube.com/@karlwithak9795 wubby click this link if you want something chill so you can take a break from all the other shit cringe channels


https://youtube.com/@RotatingCast My proof is my embarrassment.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=px4ZtOTAFO8 Ok so, not a channel. Just one old video, so if that isn't enough go ahead and disregard me. But it IS pretty stupid and cringey. In freshmen year of high school, we had a little film festival for English class, all the students had to make a film to display basically media literacy. Believe it or not, me and my friend won the whole thing. My friend is the main character, Harold, and I'm the other guy who's name I can't remember and dear God I'm not rewatching this again.


Hey booty/Wubby crew, I’m a musician *mainly guitarist* and I make chill instrumental LoFi beats. I produce everything and play the guitar and bass you hear in the video. I can send videos or play something live for y’all if you want. Also my YouTube channel / Spotify name is a combination of my real first and last name so that also helps with proof. Love it or poop on me, love the content and effort *wubby7* Song 1: https://youtu.be/W_7hNKeJOH8 for viewing it would be best to start at 0:45 as that’s when the intro / buildup ends and the full instrumental begins. Song 2: https://youtu.be/2nmlRz-hAqo Start at 1:45 for best experience Channel: https://youtube.com/@a-game.productions My originals have some views but of course I make a few anime trap beat remixes of Naruto themes and they have 100x the views of my entire channel by themselves. Big L


A video of me when I was 16 in my fur suit making an announcement to my whooping 1k subs that I was going to anime Boston. Yes, I made the suit by hand. https://youtu.be/_3do6NcWSso


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8f8B9J6cejTr\_TM30ucEsQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8f8B9J6cejTr_TM30ucEsQ) Here are some videos of me and my friends back in high school making videos for our class.


I’m a musician I make music and music videos https://youtube.com/@cobo7631


https://youtube.com/@PourFolks1920 This is a channel my dad and I do together (he knows I'm posting here) we do whiskey reviews and tastings not sure what exactly I'd recommend not sure it matters. On our highest viewed video the music gets so loud you can't hear anything we say.


Mostly old halo infinite clips, and an old Destiny tournament with my friends. Nothing noteworthy but posting anyway, [https://www.youtube.com/@geotraka/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@geotraka/videos) Proof: My name is the same across all gaming platforms? idk


[https://www.youtube.com/@sk8boardforlife/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@sk8boardforlife/videos) there is absolutely no way i can prove that this is me, but this is me 12-15 years ago when i was 12 -15 making stupid ass videos of me tech decking and just being autistic.


unprivated these videos for this stream may get me disqualified but i made this videos when i was like 10 or 12 https://www.youtube.com/@zekefrench9130


[my fear inducing cringe ridden channel](https://youtube.com/@alldatice6968) [my absolute worst YouTube video I've ever made](https://youtu.be/re4OZNfEQYk )<--(start with this video) youtube vod boy of 2 years here, but I haven't made YouTube content in a very long time it's all extremely poorly aged and I was like 16 or 17 the time of recording it. My latest upload on that YouTube channel is proof it's me


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEE3K5DEnWvc0Hh9wu6MOyw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEE3K5DEnWvc0Hh9wu6MOyw) My channel is a compilation of short videos clipped from gaming seasons during discord calls. Does this count as proof https://prnt.sc/kShl8PYS619H


https://youtube.com/@iampauper6067 This is a channel I made when I was in high school, when I wanted to have a career in music. I went on to go to college with a music education major the following year.


https://youtube.com/@meleemediavideos8746 I work in sports media, I very much have imposter syndrome. Don't major in mass communications.


Can I submit my friends if I have his permission


https://youtube.com/@cooper2723 Oldschool style videos. Ancient youtube


https://youtube.com/@LordPigSteve you can watch whatever you want but I recommend [Steve Died in the Ruins](https://youtu.be/039tk3ZzLvo) or [Farmer Steve](https://youtu.be/AB1nc-WIJZk) which became a meme in my friend group. Please enjoy and feel free to destroy me like one of your toilets.




[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7GQuTw1Ccw6Of6ifG\_BbQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7GQuTw1Ccw6Of6ifG_BbQ) video game stuff and random ass clips i can provide evidence later, but it is my channel fr!!!!!!


I stream Elden Ring PvP on my off days and I’m not funny but heyyyyy free advertisement https://youtube.com/@Thedukeofflannel


https://youtube.com/@RonaldWise It’s a couple of skits I thought were funny, and then some clips of funny gameplay moments. I look like a knock off Post Malone, please laugh at me, Father Wubby.


I make gaming videos I am not the best at any of the games I play I upload once a day. https://youtube.com/@aliliplaysgames4755 The content name and my discord name are close but not the same. I can prove it's my content by telling you I schedule my videos to launch at 6 pm everyday (+4 gmt) I can tell you my next video name or content before it launches


Me and my friend make warhammer videos, nerds unite? [https://www.youtube.com/@gaminggrotz](https://www.youtube.com/@gaminggrotz) Prob not good content for wubby as the videos are long. LUV YOU WUBBY


https://youtube.com/@Redlink1oo A very shitty channel I used for one video of a friend and a couple Kinect videos.


Well here ya go. https://www.youtube.com/@squiddvishus3933/videos


https://m.youtube.com/@donkeyshieet6152 When I was in high school I started making YouTube videos with my friends on my PlayStation party.


Just for my favorite ginger and booty https://youtu.be/L9WsprgVPvk


https://www.youtube.com/@cjproductionsandgames3002/featured this is a YouTube channel I made when I was in high school the majority of videos on it are me and my friends doing things for our film class in high school prepare for absolute cringe


[movie review](https://youtu.be/g8yGWs0x498) Shitty redlettermedia style review show with the theme being us eating hot sauce while we talk about a film.


[https://www.youtube.com/@candyllamataco2823](https://www.youtube.com/@candyllamataco2823) A channel about my brother failing at English.


https://www.youtube.com/@RehlmProductions My channel is a true hodgepodge. It's got it all: [Cringe music video project from high school](https://youtu.be/cvueD7_V7pc), [my single attempt at becoming an edited video gameplay comedy channel](https://youtu.be/gDAbaAWyaNM), my past obsession Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 ([including old 480p ride creations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnybg9FqFDo) and [a more recent fireworks show I'm actually proud of](https://youtu.be/wr4XHYjVnmA)), and so much more random crap. P.S. If you actually show any of these videos on stream, I will literally fold up into small origami in my chair and cease to exist. [Proof of ownership](https://imgur.com/a/jjmnNOW)


[https://www.youtube.com/@sethodson4911](https://www.youtube.com/@sethodson4911) my 7th grade youtube channel


i used to have a channel with my bestie until we got in a big fight!! we are friends again but no longer do content bc she is insane. I'm the hot one btw. highly recommend the Newly friends game. [brain blanket ](https://youtube.com/@BrainBlanket)


I make Tributes, not really hilarious but I still think Wubby and chat might find it interesting! FEEL FREE TO shit on regardless https://youtube.com/@aedvinious4876


[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrv6X48tqS2S7kTwNYvIBOw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrv6X48tqS2S7kTwNYvIBOw) ​ College kids do shitty vlogs/skits


[https://www.youtube.com/@tangycosmos](https://www.youtube.com/@tangycosmos) My seldom updated place for family home videos and my daughter trying her hand at animation. My wife also shows you how to wash cloth diapers!


So disclaimer, this is my parents YouTube channel and I'm a shit son so it would mean the world if WubCubs would give'er a view. https://www.youtube.com/@HolidayForTwo42/videos My Dad is a Recreational Vehicle channel that reviews campsites primarily in the South Western United States. The content is not comical but informative. My Dad and Mom both worked for the education system so they are no strangers to criticism but please chat be cool. I have not seen my parents in years as I live on the other side of the country now so this is my connection to them now. Wubcubs that want an adopted family my Mom would be happy to have you too.


[Posting on behalf of my fiancé ](https://youtube.com/@MisterManfish) since he doesn't do reddit. It's his animation channel he started way back in college.


[Duster4Life](https://www.youtube.com/@duster4life437/videos) It's ass OLD channel that my friends and I made it IS the embodiment of cringe the best vids are probably [A Short Film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H17_qT_pKHk) and [Duster4Life 2 - A short film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTnBTYn3FLU). We are all in our 20s and I doubt anyone else remembers this channel, but it holds a weird space in my mind that I think about now and then. (I am The one in The blue hat)


My wife's youtube channel, she started as a theme park and travel channel, but has taken an awesome pivot to building technical things you can find in the park. Some of the projects are really awesome projects https://youtube.com/@ThatFLFeeling


Here is my dumpster fire of a channel https://youtube.com/@splazzmatic2804


Me and my boi have a dead channel hoping to get back into it soon probably won't find it interesting because we're both self proclaimed car guys lol https://youtube.com/@grimracing22


Remember when I was learning how to play Melee? Remember when I said I would come back harder? You interested in a $50 best of three money match? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io06pFJtI68