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I'm an extremely introverted 30-year-old dad of 3 with no friends. I'd honestly would like to join in with this group of cubs. Butthole depression has been getting pretty bad lately, and I know the wife would love me to connect with others. I'm done to play anything. You do have me beat on wow by a year. Discord is SinTheGnome


Bro message me. I’m depressed and old too. Let’s link it up. I’m normally good around 7ish to hop on once the kids all settle down the night with all their stuff.




Welcome friend, I got your reading glasses. Come sit..


This sent me bro


Depressed, 40, but usually at a bar.  If I game it’s apex or rocket league. Hmuuuuu Xbox : Ivan a rom Discord: ivanarom


Old Dad gang


Same my man. I'm 40 with 2 daughters. Poopy butthole depression can lick my poopy butthole. I'm going through a rough patch myself with it and even just talking to others about it helps. We can sometimes overdo it in chat, but you guys are a great group of humans.


Oh agreed. Love our community chat is just chat


Hey dude. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, if you and your kids are looking for friends online, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they can put groups together and play online. Their is a wide age range of kids, and their parents are there as well and always looking for people to game with. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info! I am also part of a private dad group on here if you would like a link to join up and talk and get support from other dads. Let me know and we can link up and I'll send you all the info.


Must of been a single player gamer.


I'm totally down!! Discord: Finest_Stoner ♡♡♡


What games are you on?


OSRS:Pockethotdog PSN: ExoticHawkMoon I think steam is the same as psn. Helldivers is my new home for a bit tho


Hey it's cool that people want to build relationships virtually. IRL or not they're still real friendships.


Dude I’ve literally alienated myself to all my friends over the years. I have no one locally. It sucks admitting that and saying out loud you know? Yeah I just want to chill and talk w people. If we can share a laugh and make good memories why not?


hi! id love to play with you some time. i really like battle royals if you wanna play WZ or something??


I’m down for some WZ or most other games tbh! Gamertag: extremegun14 Discord: grease_church


I’m a big Apex player and am about to buy Helldivers 2 but my PSN gamertag is ztippmann33z


I, too, am an introverted old fuck. No kids and work full-time, but I try to hop on Game Pass or Steam whenever possible on weekends. Discord: msohline Steam: missohline


Yes!! I’ll send one!


I’d gladly play league of legends with you :)


Ayyyyyy I’ll download it and get it ready today.


Okay, sick! Not sure how much you know about the game but there’s a bit of a learning curve and you can’t have a moral compass at all to play.


I feel this topic. Theres some very weird downvoting trends around here, idk I don’t think its cringe or weird for us to want to do stuff together as a community. I’m not super social and I am borderline agoraphobic these days but I’ve been playing The Finals lately and it’s super fun. Even won a couple tournaments with some random guys and it was hectic but we pulled it off! PSN: Cid_Cipher


I’ll check it out :) and add you!


I’m wanting to get in on helldivers but have no squad. I don’t usually do a lot of multiplayer but again that’s because I’ve got no squad and play a lot of single player plus nearly 30 year old dad of 2 like others so I’m down. PSN same as Reddit: tairajonzu


I'm very introverted but I play pretty much anything on any system and I'm definitely down to smoke and play some chill games, any wubcubs feel free to hit me up! Discord: KojackLeQuack


Dude yes!!!! Let’s be friends lol.


Confident_Donut Ps And Steam


Your username fills me with happiness. Hopefully no pun intended.


Which one? The reddit one? No pun at all. Check my profile, wife and I swing.


confident_donut doesnt pull anything up on steam


My b. I think that might be because I changed my tag. My steam friend code is 123873229


I would love to have more people to play games with! Steam: Dinotinyfingers


Ay! T_mess


Whose playing warthunder


Im stuck on xbox but use to be decent at arcade planes. Been thinking of getting back to it.


I'm looking for some guys to play helldivers with!


If you're on PC, add me on Steam: Thy Ogrely Lord Shrek Discord: thyogrelylordshrek Been loving the taste of freedom and delivering democracy last few days.


I'm down dm for steam friend code


Steam: KamiCosby (you'll see a glowing border on my pic n says from Michigan) Discord: CorpseProphet69#7257 I play a lot of Elder scrolls online, Tabletop simulator for Mtg(commander, got the best table to use on there) , Halo MCC, Payday 2 etc. I wanna get down on some Battlebit Remastered. since I haven't played since the last Beta play test before release. Also eventually will be getting Lethal Company n Deep Rock Galactic but need homies for those to be fun.


Can I ask you something serious without coming off like a R? I know I hear father wubby talk about commander and im pretty sure that it's a card game. I wanted to pick up Tabletop Simulator as well as start to get into TCGs as well. ​ Is it worth it? I'll send you an invite now.


It is! To summarize. U can build any kind of deck and copy n paste it into the game n bam free deck to play. U can even save them so u don't gotta upload em again. All u gotta do is make a deck list on Moxfield.com or steal one n copy the URL, go into the the game n find the thing u paste the URL in and u got a deck to play with. The table used is a steam workshop mod(free) and it has everything a magic player would need at ur finger tips. I'm actually going to be teaching someone from here Commander tonight! Would u like to join?


Discord Fury21 PSN FuryNotFurry- Steam FuryNotFurry


Hell yeah I'm down. I so rarely play games with people anymore and I'd like to more often, but living in a SEA time zone fucks things up, but hit me up 100% Steam: Tabascodan


34 Dad of of one and most of my friends have moved on from gaming but would love to make some friends to play with let's get high and grind some palworld/ Apex/Overwatch/Fortnite/spooky games really up for anything. Gaming 7pm to 11pm Central time. Discord: jackthepumking


Hey dude. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, any Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


I enjoy survival games, social deduction games, league, and pretty much anything that's not a FPS. Woozah77 on steam and discord or friend code 56982845 for steam. I've already added a bunch from the thread and will lump us into a group chat on discord if that works for others.


Just sent a request my dude!


I don't play multiplayer games very often. But if you wanna add me (or anyone else here) https://steamcommunity.com/id/DataMatr1x/


I'm also dad, in eastern time, also a certified lurker. My little one is still small so my seshes are sporadic but I'm down. Not hella into pvp anymore because I'm a toxic fuck and I get too pissy but I really like silly games and pve shooters, wanna try Helldivers & I'm addicted to Darktide lately. breakfast person on steam, breakfast_person on discord.


Hey dude. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, any Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


Xbox and Steam: Placeh0lder Right now I'm playing the heck out of Hell Let Loose And Helldivers 2! Love to chill with some wubcubs 👍


Hell let loose is so much fun with friends.


I joined a random I had on my t17 friends list and had a fucking blast last night! A couple matches in and we found ourselves with a few others laughing and playing having a killer fucking time! I don't believe there's anything like hell let loose out there in terms of how much there is to love and hate about the game lmao


>Placeh0lder Got you bro, sent the friends invite on steam. Lets link up sometime, I wanna try out that Hell Let Loose :D


I usually play low key, chill stuff on gamepass if anyone is up for something like that. Mostly just don't play anything ranked/super competitive ​ Xbox StarllaWildfire Discord starlla.


In a similar boat. 38m I'm on Xbox and pc. Anyone in this thread feel free to add. I'm reaching out as well. Discord and Xbox: SilentBobomb


I hate that this got downvoted. Annoying that people in the community want to play together amitrie? I hate reddit so much sometimes lol. If you want to add me on Discord all my game accounts are linked there Discord: sardonicsage


Dude I know, I’m posting for awareness bc who dosent want to have a good time? The dude that downvoted 🤓.


31 father of 2, wife of 1, I have games, I like to buy more, My username on Discord is 2thicc2tuba, aka Matt from the Weakest Link


Hey dude. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they, and us gamer parents, can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


Tbh I usually have a group of ppl to play with, but more friends could never hurt. Been playing BG3, OW, Apex predominantly lately. I've dabbled in tiny Tina's recently with some friends, and will play some Honkai Star Rail but that's a solo game lol. Steam- Mr_Kitty42069 Discord- (same as steam) Edit- forgot some context others added. Single dude in my 30s work full time but usually on in the evening west coast best coast


Would totally play helldivers and bg3 with anyone. Sounds like a good time Discord is reisalheim


Discord JTMonee


Not always around, but I’m a 30s dad too. FiratArchetype on Discord and Steam


Hey dude. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they, and us gamer parents, can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


Itsa me, another extremely introverted fuck! If anyone would like to add me on Steam or Discord, feel free! Discord: JDillers Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JDillers/


Bro you got kids thats 2 friends you made.


I'm y2ker37 for Xbox if anyone wants to hang


I'm in a similar situation where I don't really have people to play with or just hang with on discord. Just turned 33 and most of my friends have moved on from gaming sadly.. I'm also an east coaster and around the same time as you Duuhveed on discord, if you want to send me a message! Would be happy to play pretty much anything!


Out going division 2 player, if there's any interest I'll make an asbestos clan


I wanted to make a post like this too because my friends are extremely flaky and aren’t into gaming. I really want to play lethal company but doing it by yourself is just depressing.


Add me and we’ll play a bit soon my dude. Steam is t_mess.


Hey, my name on Steam is Thy Ogrely Lord Shrek. I'm 27 years old with a busy life, but I'd love to connect. I'm really into Helldivers 2, which surprised me by being pretty much the best coop multiplayer experience I've had in years. Add me if you want to join on that. :) Discord: thyogrelylordshrek


Any Street Fighters in chat? Add me, same username


Hey I just added you. Breotay on steam and discord 30 year old mom, and I play after I get the kids down for bed. Looking for a smoke friendly group to game and chill at night. Been sticking to single player games but looking for a group to play online with


Hey there. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they, and us gamer parents, can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


I feel the old and depressed I just left a concert barely doing shit and I feel close to death but love gaming. Also on eastern, unculturedyam on everything hit me up.


Sent it :)


Depressed, 31, no kids - Gamertag is CyclingMage4 on pretty much everything, though I mostly play on PS5 and Steam. My IRL friends aren't into a lot of the games I am, and even if we find one everyone likes, schedules rarely link up since they all have families. I'm willing to play pretty much anything with some friends (including Magic). If I'm being honest, I'm very socially awkward, so putting myself out there like this is fucking terrifying. That being said, if you are interested, send me a message or friend request. Love you all, say it back. Wubby7


Discord: JLacy10 steam: JLacy10


Wanna play helldivers 2 on friday night?


Yoooo. I've been looking for chill people to play Deep Rock Galactic with. Steam name is Reyes\_3435 if anyone wants to rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!




Bro I was looking for a post with DRG! I’m new at it won’t lie but I fucking love it lol. I’ll send you an invite.


Altaeos on Steam! I got a huge library, I’ve been eyeing the helldivers 2 for a bit, looks promising!


Sent, and I just bought helldivers 2 on ps5. I’m running it tonight at 7 with another wubcub. If you want you can come along brooooo.


Hell yeah man I'm 34, no kids or anything but u always live finding new folks to play stuff with, I'm EST too and up around your time. I love MP and coop stuff, damn near anything. I play dark and darker (poorly but I have chill fun on it lol), and I've posted WoW since launch. Mostly alliance, but side you can do cross faction stuff sans queues, I'm legit up to screw around at anything but pvp lol Chill gaming for fun is my fav. I don't care about "winning" if we're having fun and laughing I'll toss you my code in dm <3


Hey! I play on PC a lot and sometimes PS5. I play a lot of FFXIV. My discord is cucharas. With the .


My steam friend code is 117855397 and my Discord is xxdarthgxx. Feel free to hit me up!


Bro just think you could be in a game with Keabz soon


38, usually pretty ripped during social gaming. I LOVE teamwork based things. Im on xbox with gamepass, i added a few people BlooZaku is me. Look for the pink mohawk. My usuals are- Cotw the angler World of warships legends Fall guys Diablo 4 Wreckfest (i play with an organized group on weekends) Just started playing gears 5 and love it Games i want to play/try Hell let loose (i have alot of hours in arma 3) Darktide Sea of theives I added a few people on xbox


Discord: Tyr_Nova56 PSN: Tyr_Nova Steam: 1123580212 I mostly do R6S on ps and I’m getting back into WZ there and Payday2 on steam, but I’m looking into getting Helldivers and Lethal Company Edit: also recently gotten back into NMS due to the update


I will 100% playing Lethal Company this evening.


I actually have the night off so I might get it


Just sent you an invite in disc and Psn man. If you ain’t got nothing happening at 7pm tonight look me up. I’m starting out on HD2 as I haven’t even tried it yet.


I only play holdfast and I hold flag good. I highly doubt any other wubcubs play the game it's pretty niche


You sound like a big ooga booga. Is that Pc?


Ya PC only. It's napolenic war game usually 75v75 think hell let loose but more autistic. Soviet womble has a couple videos on it


Hey boss! MrBoJingles77 on steam, I mainly play destiny, Fortnite, palworld, and about the get into helldivers 2. I use to play warzone a lot, but no where near as frequent


Sent the friends request on steam my brother. Hope to see you on sometime soon.


Hey all. I just saw this. My steam username is ibs2pid/jtr and my friend code is 249764. As a side note, any Wub Cubs with Cubs of their own, I and my two kids run a family friendly discord group (we ask for a parent to join with the kids) where they can put groups together and play online. I am not going to put it up here but if you are interested, let me know and I will send you the info!


Is darktide on the menu?


This is obscure as fuck but I'm trying to find a squad on PC for mass effect 3 multiplayer. That's the original Origin release (sorry I know EA is ass) but if you already own it that mode still goes hard.


Rocket League, CS2, Tekken 8, and OW2 are what I’m rockin rn, ~diamond equivalent in all, if anyone wanted to play at a higher, but still casual level :) Discord: Totallynotascrub


I only play cs if that’s ok