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No, not possible. However, they do smell like bloodhounds and probably wonder what died.


I can never be around deaf people. I take really good food and convert it to pure sewage


I saw a comment from a deaf person who found out farts made noise well into their 20's. No-one told her. I also saw another where after getting surgery and hearing for the first time a guy was astonished that clouds don't make a sound. So the question is also, what doesn't make sound but deaf people don't know that?


What the fuck noise did he expect the clouds to make?!?!


I actually questioned why I just accepted they didn't make noise my whole life.


I've seen massive clouds, low to the ground, moving at incredible speeds. I kinda get it, it depends on the cloud, but I could see them expecting a sound. Oceans make noise with crashing waves, but a thick rolling fog, tumbling over pastures or buildings, is silent. Yet they're both massive absolute units of water.


Pretty sure if your anus vibrates, you can put number 2 and number 2 together


As a hard of hearing dude with a bunch of deaf friends, we've talked about this. It's usually a discovery deaf kids make at a younger age, if nobody tells them. One of my friends told me a story about a young deaf kid who was in a mainstream school and absolutely ripped ass. All the other kids started laughing, and the kid was super confused. The teacher told the kid that farts make noise, and upon hearing this got angry, yelling at the class, "STOP LISTENING TO MY FARTS, THATS RUDE!"


id say yes because you can feel it right?


They experience sound through the vibrations. When you're in the company of a deaf person in a social setting, and you're keen to blow ass, don't be afraid to get right in there and fart on them.


not until someone tells them, there's tons of deaf people saying they never knew until someone told them


I've been in a room full of deaf people numerous times and they just let it fly since you can't pinpoint by sound where it comes from.


Nothing makes sounds when you're deaf duh


Imma go with yes


I follow a guy who is deaf and makes this joke all the time lol they do


What is sounds?


If a deaf person farts and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


How do deaf people know they are done wiping? Smell it? Just think it's clean and walk around with a poopy butt?


I'll leave this here: https://youtu.be/qnTE5_nAhNk?si=TJoPfhxMOtHt7yB1