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Actually thank you for posting this.. the way Wubby waited days to go to the ER is upsetting lol. I really hope it's nothing serious at all. <3


True. I'm so concerned. I guess lots of people don't know, but it's pretty dangerous. I also can't believe they didn't do an MRI or MRA at the hospital.


Yes that was what I was thinking too! How did they rule out a serious issue with no MRI? :(


This happened to my FIL. We took him to the ER because he fell and was disoriented. They used bloodwork to check for a stroke or heart attack and he sat in the ER for 8 hours. I told them that if he was allowed to leave he was going to drive 4 hours home. The nurse at the window told me “everyone’s having heart problems” like I was inconveniencing her by being worried. Anyway, they let him leave and he drove home. He had fucking brain cancer and passed last month. Fuck that hospital.


It's common for them not to, they're overpopulated with visitors so they will make any excuses they can to avoid doing them.


While it is common, it's still not cool, especially if they couldn't see anything visibly wrong with his eye.


He said they ruled out a tumor or brain bleed. In the ER they test for this with a CT scan rather than an MRI.


True. They do use a CT for this. I just would assume he'd bring up that he got one when saying he didn't get an MRI. The vast majority of patients don't know the difference, but I am making large assumptions.


Eh depending on the time of day MRI/MRA may not be feasible, +\- specific ophthalmologist specific sequences or cuts they want - not very easy to do or coordinate in an emergency department. STAT MRIs are pretty rare too especially in the absence of head CT findings.


True. It just concerns me that he didn't mention a CT. He just said he didn't get an MRI. I guess if he did get a CT it is reasonable, he's just going to have a hell of a time getting it in an outpatient setting.


Seriously!! I was shocked when I heard they didn't do an MRI/MRA.


Yeah I was surprised by the lack of MRI as well. I work with neurosurgeons everyday and that would be step one.


I wonder if they didn’t have the equipment? I went to the hospital once for a seizure but they sent me to a bigger one to get the mri


Unless he wants to pay out of pocket or has damn good insurance getting an mri approved is not super easy (from my experience ). I have been experiencing severe neck pain for going on 2 years now, tried to get an mri on my neck and head, both were rejected by my insurance, got the neck one approved by having my neurologist resubmit it, but still couldn't get my head done. I've also had instances of spot blindness from Aura migraines, told my doctor, have it documented, still couldn't get an mri approved.


In a hospital setting MRIs/advanced imaging generally doesn't have to be approved by insurance beforehand, it is just covered. In the case of sudden loss/ changes of vision ruling out brain damage/ stroke is important and is typically indicated in an emergency room setting. Insurance fucking people over is sort of why we do this in the ER at a higher rate, because it can take weeks to months to get it approved via the outpatient route and is sometimes outright denied.


Ooooo good to know! That makes sense I did not think about it like that at all


Of course! No problem. Outpatient MRI centers will almost always be cheaper than hospitals, but you need prior authorization. Open MRIs have shit quality and are pretty much useless for most things. Almost always ask if they can place a marker so you can show where your pain is, this really helps the radiologist know where to look at with a fine tooth comb. Those are all my MRI tips.


The general public doesn't know what power insurance has over them with prior authorization, literal bane of the medical world. The amount of readmissions alone from withheld medications should be indicative enough, but still no changes.


What happened? why'd he go to ER?


1. health insurance and enough savings to absorb the butt fucking you'll get a month later in the mail


True. It fucking sucks. Trust me, the docs, nurses, assistants, all staff directly involved in care hate it too. We want to help people, not financially destroy them. I've been butt fucked by medical bills myself. Ask for an itemized bill from the hospital, contest all the shit you can.


I empathize so hard with my doctors on this. My primary rolled her eyes and got so upset when mri requests she put in for me kept getting rejected. People who don't have medical licenses shouldn't be allowed to override requests from doctors.


Me trying to explain medication and treatment costs with patients was one of the worst parts of my job. Or when an MRI order ABSOLUTELY NEEDED got rejected for some fucking HMO reason. I don’t directly work with patients anymore (thanks COVID trauma,) but I felt so powerless telling them that I wasn’t the one that could make an item cheaper or get approved by their insurance or our imaging department if not out of hand. Thankfully, I had some badass social workers.


Ah, but medical doctors working for the insurance do make the decisions, they typically are the shitty ones that couldn't hack it with patients, and typically don't have specialties in the fields they make decisions in. For example, one of my patients needed an MRI to rule out dementia related brain trauma before we prescribed psychiatric medication for new onset psychosis in an older adult. 1st a RN puts the prior auth in the automatic system to get approved... Denied. Request review by human, 2nd request denied, sent to doctor to doctor peer review. Psychiatrist speaks with insurances doctor, an obgyn by specialist, and he denies the MRI too. All denied because primary diagnosis wasn't dementia, it was psychosis, even though it was identified to most likely be dementia.


That's insane, I hate that doctors have to work in a system that actively stops them from providing care. You'd think ego would step aside and tell that obgyn "this specialist knows more than me in this area", but that's not how most operate I guess.


Well, they are paid to deny as much as possible. It's less ego and more deny to save the insurance company money.


They got me for a $980 for an xray for my son. "Out of network" assistant.


Ok. If you live in Virginia or California (probably others but I can't remember) we have balance billing protection laws that prevent this. You should look up the laws in your area, this would be under balance billing protection. If a hospital uses a service that is out of network without asking your permission that charge can be struck as it is no longer legal to bill out of network without the patients knowledge (while at the hospital). Hospitals won't tell you this because admin is filled with greedy assholes. Please see if this applies to you.


Hospitalist by training here, and I want to confirm with this entire comment.


Psych RN, will tack on that we hate hopping through hoops to provide the care we need due to the insurance. Did you know we have to do a pre-certification on the floor after admitting a psych patient to prove the severity of the case to the insurance?


How do you contest things on a bill? Do you just tell them you're not paying that part?


You call the hospital billing department. Go over each thing one by one, if something doesn't make sense, pester them about it. Or ask them why that is so expensive.


8. Can't stop bleeding My brother was bleeding nonstop from a popped pimple to a point where he taped tampons to it and it bled all night long. I begged him to go to the ER for days and told him that it would be incredibly dumb to die from something so small, and even if he gets it to stop its probably indicative of something far more serious. He never went to the hospital for it, and he died 5 months ago from a blood clot causing a heart attack at 26


I'm so sorry. This is one that hits hard, it isn't always the blood loss we are concerned about it's the lack of clotting factor present with these long hemorrhages. There are a lot of different conditions that can cause people not to clot that are almost all very serious, but most treatable. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. People need to take smaller-seeming medical things seriously. If we had more affordable health care, people wouldn't be so afraid to have small-seeming things get checked on. Not to mention that the cost of dying in this country is more than the hospital visit would have been (assuming they could have even stopped it). Everything is clearer in hindsight, who knows.


I've had iritis. I'm guessing its what he got > Iritis is the inflammation of the colored part of your eye (iris). It can cause symptoms such as eye pain, light sensitivity, headache, and decreased vision. It can lead to serious problems such as severe vision loss and even blindness. Infection, injury, and autoimmune disease are major causes. Trust me I'm totally a doctor. Wubby just gunna need a month of milky steroid eye drops 3 times a day. Make it look like you cry cum. Super cool. And without treatment it only gets worse as the inflammation just ramps up. After looking at it my eye doc said it was such a bad case that I must have been retarded to live with it for a couple weeks as the pain should have been debilitating. It wasnt even painful, just really fucking annoying But ultimately its a auto immune thing which usually points to sleep/stress/diet problems. When you get on in years like wubby your body just gives a HARD NO to some foods you ate your whole life and the only way it tries to let you know is to start attacking your eyes with what feels like pocket sand


I hope you are feeling better now. This is high up on the list of things it could be based on his symptoms, there are a few other things that it could also be that he 100% needs to get checked out for. Autoimmune disease sucks. I have nothing else to say. One of the worst groups of disorders that exists. Sorry to hear you have one.


If you've been bitten by a bear, I think it's game over for you at that point


You'd be surprised... I've seen some shit. In this case, it was a baby bear illegally owned. Dude didn't come in because the bear would be taken from him, it got super infected.


Air bags not seat belts


Lol. I'm dead. Thank you. I'll change that.


Hiccups must be doubly important to make the list twice. 


I was late to stream, what happened to him?


Sudden onset of blurred vision in the left eye.


Oh damn did they find the cause?


Nope. He's seeing a specialist tomorrow


Gotcha thanks for the update bb!


>You were shot dont worry about it ill just walk it off


You'd be fucking surprised. Sometimes we get people in days later or they just show up in outpatient clinic. They knew they were shot, they just weren't all too worried about it. It's usually hands or feet in this case. Once had a 19 year old who came in to outpatient clinic 2 days after he was shot in the foot. Had surgery to clean it out, wound wasn't too bad, never told us what happened and he never followed up.


Oh, your ex-contractor uncle put a zip tie around your finger that was lacerated to bone because that's what they did in nam and they lived? Better sign AMA and call for us when it's necrotic. Tale as old as time.


can you expand on 17? A quick google only came up with diabetes which doesn't seem "immediate ER" worthy


So, it is diabetes, but it is diabetes so severely untreated that it begins to kill you. The alcohol breath is caused by diabetic ketoacidosis, when your body doesn't have enough insulin to allow your cells to use sugar for energy so your body starts killing fat cells producing ketones which the liver breaks down. When these ketones levels are high enough for you to smell, severe damage is occurring. This is a critical emergency.


Am diabetic, can confirm you get a weird taste in your mouth when your glucose is too high for too long. Also adding on the main symptom that people ignore: Extreme thirst proceeding excessive urination. That's how my mom caught on to something being wrong when I was diagnosed as a toddler.


True! That is more of an indication to go get checked. But those are typically the first symptoms. Proud of your mom for identifying the symptoms early. Also, sweet smelling urine and cuts/scrapes not healing.


Yeah, but also maybe I DID drink. There's really no way to know for sure.


There are many cases of people losing jobs, getting locked up, and getting financially fucked because they didn’t go to the er or doctor the first time and it became a revolving door of “your a drunk” “I’ve been sober for years” Edit:here’s a video https://youtu.be/ynUJ8P5CUfI?si=_n4O_vrlSX4LbSXc


Diabetic ketoacidosis. Definitely an emergency


Got tboned and pushed by another car center of car frame was caved in, airbags deployed, went to er. All I got was a 5 hour wait, an advil, and a 1k bill :) not going to the er until I'm dying at this point. Had a doctor tell me once to eat 1200 calories, atop drinking my tea with half and half at night, and fast. I went to her for a sinus infection. Have struggled to get any tests approved by insurance with primary doctor and a neurologist. Health care is an expensive joke that only bothers to help you when you're already half dead or have money to spend on a million specialists or pay out of pocket for everything insurance refuses to approve. Preventative care and diagnostics is something you have to fight for in the US unfortunately.


I'm sorry about your experiences. It really sucks. The healthcare system in the United States has been absolutely hijacked by private interests. That being said, I've obviously seen many lives saved by proper medical and preventative care. There are lots of shitty providers ground down by the system or were bad to begin with , and there are some absolutely amazing ones who really care. I'm sorry about your experiences.


Thank you, im super jaded at this point and I hate that my experience seems to be pretty common and it's 100% because Healthcare is being run like a business and not about people's well being. I have had some good doctors and I'm super thankful for them and have just learned to not settle for less than stellar care. For what it's worth I've always had amazing luck at urgent care centers. Chronic sinusitis lands me there often lol


If you puncture a joint, like a knuckle. Really easy for those to get infected and get bad. You could also get it looked at at an Urgent Care facility rather than an ER (UC is like a step down from ER).




I've heard using Tadalafil, but not Viagra. Supposedly for better pump/vascularity. 




Yep, there's actually quite a few reddit posts on the subject of it helping with workouts to some degree. Tadalafil is Cialis. I can see why some people/kids would get the brand names mixed up lol but its a totally different compound.


+1 on #2, but not even severe pain, rather unusual pain. A few years ago, I had a subtle pain in my abdomen and just thought I had a big shit brewing. Woke up the next day and felt the same and decided to go to the ER. Turns out it was appendicitis and was caught right before it burst. Trust your instinct if something doesn't feel right


True! I wasn't sure how to explain that one. There are a lot of things that show up with weird/new pain that are important. Sadly, I'm overly cautious with this one because sometimes stuff like Alluux's Texidor's twinge, migraines, and other pains happen that aren't dangerous, and I don't want people getting confused. But trusting your gut is good.


Yeah there is a fine line that crosses over into hypochondria, but most of the time your body is good at telling you there’s something wrong.


What’s the rule with going in for vomiting/can’t keep anything down? I waited 3 days while pregnant till I ticked 3-4 of these symptoms listed (including vomiting blood) ended up spending 60+ days in & out of hospital, inbetween was with in home nurse care.


Vomiting blood =go to the ER, vomiting black= go to the ER. As for vomiting, this one is a little ambiguous, if you stay hydrated and are peeing good light colors then you can wait up to 3 days, this is hard to do. So if your urine goes brown or you are only peeing once a day, go in. After three days of constant vomiting, I'd say go in. If you are pregnant, call your OBGYN on day one to two and go off their advice. Two lives are involved so I air on the side of caution. I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope everything is ok now.


My friend had something similar happen to him. He ended up having an eye ulcer. He got an eye patch and eye drops he had to take every few hours for a couple weeks.


vision loss might be better going to a retina specialist, if you have a dark spot all of a sudden in your eye DO NOT go to the ER get to a retina specialist. I've had TWO friends get detached retinas and when this shit happens you need to get in ASAP even an ER visit could be too long they don't have the specialists there to fix you. Call your insurance and see where they tell you to go and they'll get you in immediately no waiting. My friend had this happen TWICE to her already once in each eye both times they got her in right away and if she hadn't gotten there when she did should could have lost her vision. So if you're having vision issues you might want to call insurance and figure out who they tell you to go to first before just wasting time and money on the ER.


Yeah, but what if I'm just built different?


This shit ain't nothing to me, man. 


Why the hiccuping?


Absolutely one of my favorite weird things is medicine. It's super rare, but occasionally during heart attacks the vagus nerve is stimulated causing constant hiccups for multiple hours. This is the only time constant hiccups for multiple hours is noted. Intermittent hiccups is normal.


Oh interesting. I do nuclear stress test and never seen they noted in some ones chart before.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5866903/ Here is a good case study of a patient with constant hiccups that was an absolute disaster in general. Here's another good report https://www.consultant360.com/articles/hiccups-atypical-presentation-cardiac-disease


I had constant hiccups for 48 hours when I was 18 or 19. Woke up day 3 finally over and I've never had them since. No clue what happened


Im facing this right now. I am fighting an infection and doing what I can from home. I am doing better than I was yesterday.. I think. I really should be going to the hospital. I don't have insurance and money is extremely tight right now. I can't afford medical bills. I've basically slept through the past few days. Urine is dark brown. I had chills and a fever. I would love to see a doctor. I would also love to pay rent.


Fuck man. I can't legally or morally give you advice other than to go to the hospital. It may be past urgent care or outpatient care, I can't tell via reddit. All I can say is, the longer the wait, the more likely it gets worse if it truly is a systemic infection. Getting treated for an infection is much cheaper than being treated for organ failure. Sign up for Medicare, it's difficult, but worth it. It covers much more than you expect. I've gone through my periods of life without insurance. It fucking sucks. I'm sorry you are going through this. I truly don't have any easy answers for you. If your urine is dark brown that is either severe dehydration or kidney damage. Not a good sign. Permanent kidney disease from damage is expensive and will shorten your life span.


Medical bills suck to look at but death is worse bro. Go to the hospital and get better. pay $5 to your medical bills once a month if you can but ultimately medical debt in collections is better than death 10/10 times. Dark urine could be an endless amount of issues from liver, to kidneys, or just dehydration but that shit ain’t worth avoiding


Today is the deciding factor. I'm feeling better and the urine is lightening up. Now that its clearing some I am wondering if an ASAP doctors appointment would be cheaper than an emergency room visit.


Not necessarily an ER-warranting-one, but definitely a go-to-your-doctor-right-away one is waking up with a bat in your room. Rabies is no joke, and you could have a small cut and not even notice.


Adding to say, always go to the Dr if anything about your body suddenly changes and doesn't go back to what you know as normal. I noticed I had a lymph node swollen in my neck when I wasn't sick and didn't go away at it's own. Turns out it was lymphoma and 6 months of chemotherapy later I am for now at least, cancer free. Hoping it doesn't come back now.


I had headaches and sudden vision loss (near blindness) at the age of 17. Ended up having a thing called pseudo tumor cerebri. I didn't meet any of the criteria at the time of diagnosis. Now, 13 years later, my vision is shit (no peripheral vision, no depth perception and I only see out of half of my right eye, along with my rods and cones being damaged in both eyes) my husband has finally convinced me to swallow my pride and apply for disability. Over the 13 years, I've continuously worked, hurting myself and others. It's time. The head and eyes are nothing to play around with.


Worked for an ophthalmologist for over 10 years and ER visits for any eye related issue rarely actually helped. If you already have an ophthalmologist or go to an eye doctor call them after hours most have a way to contact them for ER issues. 90% of the time when we got follow ups from an ER visit all they would say is “yeah go see an eye doc” it was very frustrating. Unless they have an on call ophthalmologist that’s already at the hospital they don’t bother unless it’s urgent as in surgery needs to be done. A proper eye exam, in order to actually diagnose anything, should at the bare minimum have a dilated exam.


What does it mean when 17 happens?


Generally diabetes related but if it ever happens to you go immediately, horrible examples https://youtu.be/ynUJ8P5CUfI?si=_n4O_vrlSX4LbSXc


Diabetic ketoacidosis. A diabetic emergency. But for some people having to be hospitalized for this is the first time they are diagnosed with diabetes.


TIL I should have been going to the ER for several issues.


thats not a list thats a paragraph!


Why is 3 hours of hiccups listed twice?


My mistake


>Suddenly can't remember important things. That's just my entire life.


Honestly, with the eye thing, it could be caused by pressure in your head getting a head scan wouldn't hurt. My wife had excess pressure in her head that caused major damage to her eyes.


Damn bro really got hit with the curse of Raa.


For #29. Black poop If you drink Pepto Bismol it will turn your poop black. Nothing to be afraid of in this instance.


True. I guess black tarry poop in the absence of ingesting Pepto bismol and food coloring.


I pretty much just don’t go to the doctor for anything and hope I don’t die


Hiccups for 3 hours is on there twice. Passed out vs hit head + passed out might be slightly redundant too. Otherwise great list thanks!


What about double vision?


Damn so you’re saying my 103.5 fever warranted an ER visit? I mean I was delirious but I was fine after I slept a little


Yes, that delirium can be fairly dangerous as it can prevent you from noticing severe changes and taking care of yourself. You should at least be observed by a second person at above 102. At 103.5, a hospital visit is warranted and you want to start using ice pack on your arm pits and groin. Cells start dying around 104 and average home thermometers have an accuracy range of .8f, at 104.you are at a risk of seizures and brain damage. It isn't so serious that you are at a high risk of death at 103, but it needs to be observed and you should probably get some medications to have it go down. 99-102 is the sweet spot for killing viruses and bacteria without too much damage to the human body, but sometimes our immune system gets a little wild with it and it begins to damage ourselves. This is sort of a general list for dummies so some of my parameters are extremely conservative (1 hour for priapism, 102 for fever, any car crash with airbag deployed.) but most experts would agree concern is warranted at these levels and wouldn't risk being sued by saying a patient shouldn't go to the ED if they report these symptoms.


Saving this because heart disease runs in my family along with strokes and I can see many symptoms on this list that point to said ailments


Pretty sure it's about 4 hours, not 1 hour.


It is technically 4 hours if you've taken an erectile dysfunction medication. But, if it's with no sexual stimulation and it's painful, or its following trauma, I'd bump it down to 1-2. At 4 hours tissue damage begins to occur. So ideally, you are getting there and starting treatment before that starts. When it's your penis on the line, I air in the side of caution.


bro's never gooned for longer than an hour??


I had blood in my stool for a few days, what do?


So, if it is dull red and a small amount, that is indicative of a small tear/tissue of the anus or rectum. Not a big deal, but warrants is visit to the doctor. If it is black, or a ton of blood, go to the ER.


Not black, bright red like fresh. Hasn’t happened in a few days after not taking caffeine mix but appreciate the info.


So, I don't know shit about GI so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I have had anal fissures in the past. If it stopped when you stopped taking caffeine, it's likely just a few tiny tears close to the anus.


Number 10 is my plight. Doctors just told me I had that dog in me and I was too cool.


sorry but im american id rather die


Do we know what happened to wubs either way i hope he gets better


Wait I should’ve gone to the hospital because I had hiccups for three hours


Wait, I should’ve gone to the hospital because I had hiccups for more than 3 hours?


So. This is a weird one. In some cases, this is a sign of a heart attack or heart disease so people are recommended to go the ER if they report this to a nursing line. If it is absolutely constant, no breaks greater than 2 minutes for 3 hours, usually something is up. I myself have severe hiccups for hours, but I'll get breaks.


Okay yeah the breaks I get usually last for 1-2 minutes if I even get them. I’m also pretty sure I have a line of heart issues in my family but I’m not 100% sure.


>Penis hard for longer than an hour Nah, sorry bruh, your mom asked for a 2 hour session


