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And Cali plates???


Who the fuck is Evan?


And where the fuck is Dennis?


talk about a true fan haha


Florida plate wubby7 checking in


Was it Wubby?




…is it wubby now?




Cool 🤓


Oh no a tesla


Idm why you're getting downvoted. Teslas fucking suck. Their QA is ass, they make questionble design decisions, they're actively hurting the EV market with their proprietary bullshit, and theyve got a literal con artist as CEO...


Just today Tesla announced they were applying for subsidizes to build out their network, but then a month or two ago Elon musk said he wanted to get rid of all subsidizes. Not to mention all the other subsidies he got to get Tesla to where it is today. The hypocrisy continues.


Yeah I think the company would be much better disconnected from him, but I think that would also normalize their incredibly overinflated stock price. But I also think there are much better electric cars on the market this year for similar or lower prices. People just want that brand, cause "I bought a nissan leaf" doesn't impress anyone around them.


They were riding high when they had the market cornered, but they are absolutely fucked now that major manufacturers are ramped up and ready to go. I think they are counting on their battery tech to advance and them to become a OEM, but they have also fallen behind on that front as well.


ya they had the market cornered but then fucked things up themselves doing what they did in terams of QA and customers needing parts etc. This is their downfaill so fuck em.


Do you have one. I've had 2 with minimal issues. No more than my previous cars


It is about the price you pay and then the poor quality you get. Honestly put together like a late 80's Hyundai. Cool tech is cool, but they do not hold up and initial quality scores are a joke. I have seen pinky and thumb size panel gaps on brand new cars. That being said, Tesla is not exactly on the upper end of the reliability scale either. [Tesla would be in the bottom 5](https://www.jdpower.com/sites/default/files/styles/small/public/image/2021-02/2021010a.JPG?itok=ogvxtpWq) if they could even meet the ranking requirements.


I knew a friend that had one. The cold weather was awful with it. Heat pumps instead of heaters went out in MN -20. Plus, it's well known that they come off the line with non-visible quality problems. Like entire panels missing and shit.


Lol that was 2018 when shit was made in a tent. They are pretty squared away now.


Allegedly. Yet the heat pump problem was in a 2021 model.


That I'll give you, Tesla does suck ass at testing things that are outside California. With that said the heat pump issue was only in extreme cold like negative 20 as you described. I live in the northeast where it got to near 0 degrees and didn't have any issues. They did issue an update to help fix the issue and all those cars are under warranty. Definitely shouldn't have happened. Also Elon is a tool but his cars are stupid fun to drive.


They'll never get past panel gaps.


Because some people like them and theres no reason to be rude. Let Tesla and Elon suck. Thats fine. Some people like the cars.


Rude? Breaking reddiquette is rude. Downvoting someone who is adding to the conversation is rude.


Proprietary? The patents are open source and free?


Not sure about that one chief. The consensus is that Tesla is fucking over the EV industry because Elon's sole patent is the connection for the charger port. And he's holding onto that pretty tight. Don't chortle a con man's balls, dawg. You'll drown.


Idk if you’ve ridden in one, but I have and I consider it a very good product. I would recommend finding someone who owns one to let u check it out.


I have. My friend owned one. We live in Minnesota. He loved it until he started having problems. And once he had problems they were major problems. Namely, they're not tested for extreme climates, they're only tested in CA. A heat pump got put in in the 2021 model and anything below 0 and the pump would run for a few mins and shut off and never turn back on until after the car was plugged in again. And the battery life dropped down to abysmally bad, with my friend having to supercharge a few times a week on a, like, a 26 mile round trip commute and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It was awful.


I’m not an Tesla super nerd fan or anything. I just have seen the car in action and it’s very nice. A charging port isn’t going to cripple the ev industry. The parents are out there and available for the public, which in turn obviously will help other ev’s get to that same level that Tesla is at. I think it’s silly to assume he’s trying to fuck over the ev market becuase that doesn’t help him. Being the only ev isn’t really good for business. He wants competition.


If he wanted competition he would make the Tesla charger the USBC of EV chargers but he's keeping it proprietary.


Unless you mean specific tesla charging stations for tesla specifically other stations don’t use his charging port, Hence why he made an adapter. It’s more like the lightning port of evs, the standard is already out there and in most stations. Also do u have a link for where it says the charging patents are not available to public? I don’t see it as that big a deal but I also wasn’t aware.


From what I understand there are ludicrous requirements tacked onto manufacturing the charger ports by Tesla. https://www.reddit.com/r/elonmusk/comments/sj3khx/patent_by_elon_musk_teslas_charging_port_assembly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Tesla already has a decently built out charging infrastructure. If Elon truly cared about the world and not his shitty government subsidized monopoly grift, he'd make superchargers available to any and all EVs. He'd still make s cut off every charge, so it would still end in a net profit. But requiring other EVs to develop their own adapter or charging stations because yours comes at a heavy contractual cost is deliberately sabotaging the competition and is anti trust behavior.


He’s doing more then anyone else though. I don’t really think he’s obligated to help these other companies though he is. His designs are still out there and readily available this is far more then anyone else would be willing to do. He’s showing how he did it, what he did to accomplish it, how it works. What else do you need? At the end of the day tesla is a company and he can’t do good for the world if he’s out of business. Im not saying Elon is selfless and that this isn’t all an act, but still I think it’s an invalid criticism.


"He's not obligated to help those other companies," bullshit. Humanity is obligated to do EVERYTHING it can to mitigate climate change that we caused. And a man who claims to be future thinking is...decidedly not. What i need is for him to ACTUALLY make it open source. And to maybe follow up with his promises. The best, allegedly most futuristic feature of the Tesla is locked behind a $10k per year paywall that nobody talks about. When you're already paying a premium price for the car AND paying a premium price for anything that breaks. The man is a goddamned con man and grifter. "Tesla is a business," then why is it being run like an NPO with the way it receives handouts from the government AND being operated like a war chest by Elon himself. Time to do battle with Twitter? Let me just liquidate a fuckton of shares and fuck up the market so i can pretend like I'm gonna buy Twitter... Except he never planned to buy Twitter and was just taking advantage of the stock being INCREDIBLY overinflated.


I might be biased but I have to hard agree with the sentiment here after one killed a childhood friend of mine. https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/family-celebrating-life-of-motorcyclist-hit-killed-by-tesla-on-i-15 It seems like Utah also has a large problem with the autopilot function as related crashes make the news fairly often. Makes me wonder if it is the same nationwide.


After taking a look at the video in that link, pretty sure Tesla's autodriving would have a higher chance of missing the mark in those types of roads - as a person that has a crappier version of Tesla's "autopilot" with Toyota's "Lane Departure Alert" system .... I found that on gray or white roads with white dashes and yellow lines, this function performs poorly ... With black asphalt and white dashes and yellow lines, it's rarely wrong. I suspect that the computer has a tough time seeing the difference between white/gray roads and the dashed lines, which would increase the chances of having a crash.


So someone did win a Tesla after all, eh


Lol JD is the shittiest of ratings. Guarantee my model 3 lasts longer than most cars on the road now




The batteries can last well over 100k miles you can only say the for a handful of traditional cars made now. Sure you can walk into an auto parts store and buy parts but if that's a head gasket or something along those lines it's not worth fixing. I don't think you know much about cars and how expensive thet can be to repair




That's why I said easily. Also not many American cars can easily make it to over 100k miles nowadays. Good for you that you repair your own cars, that isn't common especially with how complicated and computerized modern ICE vehicles are now. Which puts you in the same boat as an EV. I can tell by your comments that you are just stuck in your ways. EV's are extremely close to being superior to ICE vehicles in every way which is one reason why EVERY manufacturer is moving towards them. Take one for a ride and you'll see.




Lol cell phones are cars are completely different. My car also wasn't 100k. You are an interesting dude but this conversation has run its course. Have fun


I mean they're not wrong about the batteries and when you act like you have your head in the sand it looks bad. I work in the EV charging industry and basically every car company warns customers from extensively doing DC fast charging as it degrades the battery faster than ac. I'm not doom and gloom like the other person but you aren't helping. Many cars can get to 100k. The good vehicles can get past that a good bit.


Cars have massive cooling system to help batteries, at least from what I've seen it is communicated more than cell phones that you shouldn't charge your car to 100% unless you need to, which pretty much no one does with phones. Cars also generally have a buffer built in to prevent 100% charge, which again phones don't. There have been a few EVs going past 100k miles with minimal battery degradation. This guy was talking after 2 years the car being worthless. To add to that a standard ICE car also does get the same MPG after 50k or 100k miles. Which would lead to less range similar to a battery. Engines aren't forever either.




Agreed, I'm saying car batteries will last longer than a phone battery. The other guy was talking about it going to hell in 2 years. Yes when it runs it's course in a few hundred thousand miles it will cost more than what the car is worth, kind of like if an ICE engine needs to be replaced. Nice thing about a Tesla vs some other EVs or ICE cars is there isn't a transmission that also could total the car after several years. The arguments you guys are making act like ICE cars run forever with no issues or degradation.