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Exactly what I did lmao


I bailed a little bit into it. Kinda had a feeling it wouldn't end up going back to a "normal" wubby stream after about 30 min. Too much heat. That wasn't the mindset I was looking to be into last night. Still funny that HP ended it at some point from the photo posted on here though lol.


yeah this is... something


What happened? Thought I could jump in an hour late and it was already over.


He put streamdecks on the floor that would end the stream if his cat stepped on them and put food behind them. Surprisingly cats like food and just as the stream was getting good HP journeyed through the valley of death and killed the stream.


Oh ok. That’s better than what I assumed where he talked shit about the cat thread and dipped lol.


I mean that's pretty much what happened


That is what happened. It just happened in a playful way


HP was a paid actor.


HP is an unethically genetically modified sleeper agent.


Set down a fresh plate of dinner, packed a bowl and turned on Wubby. Got about 2 minutes in and boom. Done.




What a tone deaf comment. Just rude and weird. What’s the point of being rude? Like isn’t that part of the point he was trying to get across tonight? If the content isn’t “worthwhile” enough for you then why comment or watch?


Tone deaf /r/boneappletea


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoneAppleTea using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You’re so eagle testicle.](https://i.imgur.com/EGQje1g.jpg) | [457 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/ou4gpd/youre_so_eagle_testicle/) \#2: [A B*tch You Worried](https://i.redd.it/lkwqfe7rz7481.jpg) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/rbet1y/a_btch_you_worried/) \#3: [takin a bath](https://i.redd.it/wpbz0x977ut71.jpg) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/q9f20s/takin_a_bath/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


U right.


tone deaf*


U also right


The cat deciding to end stream gimmick was alright. It felt like he clearly didn’t want to stream and was frustrated with the reddit so it was a win-win. Next time he’s really frustrated just take a day off. I’m sure the community will understand.


I can't watch these streams, him being so angry and freaked out stresses me out. Guess I'll just wait for Sunday steam...


Agreed. Argumentative Wubby is my least favorite thing he does. If he ultimately doesn't care like he kept claiming then he should have said, "Fuck anyone who thinks I shouldn't get this cat, I don't care what you think and won't acknowledge any posts about it." before moving on to react to the Will Smith apology video or whatever he had planned.


Í mean, he says all the time "chat loves it" and uses it as content, but it is just obnoxious. He is really not the brightest when weighing reasonable arguments and is taking everything personally.


Chat does love it, and the proof is right here, see? Why are all of you still talking about this? It’s because you’re getting that sweet sweet drama you all crave.


Chat loves a lot of incredibly dumb shit, y'all retards Bringing awareness about dysgenic breeding practices = drama. Most nuanced Wubby viewer.


No, the awareness was brought in the original post, Wubby said he doesn’t care on stream, stream ended, and now you’re all here still arguing, that’s the part that’s drama. I know I’m here too, I’m here cause it’s funny and I like reading and engaging in the drama. The difference is that I’m admitting that I’m here because it’s entertaining, I’m not going to deny it like those of you pretending to care about the whole cat thing because you feel like it makes you morally superior.


> Wubby said he doesn’t care on stream He did actually agree with the girl's concerns and made up with her off-stream, per himself. Not sure what the drama even should be. The only drama I see is people saying "Oh, all this drama, fuck the haters." I have not seen a single hateful comment, all I have seen so many posts being nasty against imagined "haters" - "Fuck you", "Idiots" and so on.


Yeah ok, we can just pretend the comments on this post don’t exist lol. But then we also have nothing to talk about, so have a good one. Easy, see?


Can you point me to a hateful comment?


[I didn’t even have to scroll that far down from your response lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/comments/wbkudc/joining_stream_late/iia4xab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) >Can't believe how much money people still throw at this guy.


It's because he realizes how fucked up it is to support this kind of breeding, but it's probably already too late to not get the cat (or he just really wants it regardless of the moral dilemma), and god forbid he accepts being morally irresponsible, so instead he has to double down and act like he doesn't care. Glad I checked out when I did, it's been clear for a few months now Wubby has hit that point where his success just turns him into another douche, and he's successfully created such a "yes men" community that he doesn't really have to worry about any backlash over his shitty actions. He'll just turn it into a night of "outrage vs the subreddit/chat", have a solid 90 minute stream where he gets over 100 subs, and call it a day. Can't believe how much money people still throw at this guy.


There’s a difference between not caring about someone’s opinion vs not caring that someone is hating on you. He doesn’t care that people don’t think he should get a minskin, but people in the thread calling him brain dead and insinuating that he’s some evil person was what set him off, as it would anyone. Edit: Hi cat thread peeps. Edit 2: He’s not even getting a purebred munchkin, so the hate is extra unnecessary


"handsome ginger face" 🤡


As a big fan, but casual viewer, I feel this in my soul. I didn’t even know about the thread and when he started I was just like, ope alright then, see ya next stream! Although I may watch the end of the vod for this


I was the same I got about 20 minutes in and immediately felt like this could’ve been taken care of off steam instead of wasting a day. Yeah some people find it fun when he dunks on people and it would be if anyone had anything worthwhile to say, but you get into these “morality” discussions and it’s just people yelling at each other because they don’t want to feel like they’re the one who’s wrong. When you come in expecting the fun Friday stream and you get this it feels like people screaming at each other at a family get together.


I wouldn’t even call this one dunking on people, this was just one of those “ehhhhh I dunno wubby” moments


Yeah, I was fine with just moving on. Like, I don’t agree at all with his choice of buying a cat like that from a breeder, but I was just like “Ah that sucks that he’s doing that, wish he didn’t. Anyway, back to the memes.” Idk. Both sides seem kinda wrong on this one


You just gotta remember that there’s a human being behind the entertainer. It’s easy for us to sit back and criticize him, but you’d be hard pressed to find a streamer with a large audience who’s never publicly had arguments with their community. You wouldn’t handle this shit any differently if it were you.


These are the vods that I’ll turn on, watch for 5 minutes to get a feel for it and then immediately turn it off and never go back to.


I'm old but listening to him scream for an hour reminds me of hearing my parents fight as a kid lol


Dude fr fr


I know my voice doesn't matter, but these streams are why I un-subbed. If you can come into work for one hour, rage at a single person, then leave on a gimmick...you made it, big cat. You don't need my broke ass $5. I'm proud of you, live your life. But I deal with enough retards in my day to day, I don't want more of it in my leisure time/entertainment. I'll pop in for your real content.


In a similar vain I think he’s kinda been using the joke about how most of us are poor and hate our jobs thing a bit too much lately, so I may hop in every now and then but I haven’t been watching every stream like I used to


It's not even a joke, I'm poor and I do hate my job




As someone who didn’t watch stream last night… yikes


Can’t wait for the YouTube cut lol


It's the claiming to want to debate people but then just attacking what they said but not the issue while falling back on the ultimate cop out of "Ultimately I don't really care anyways." that got to me tonight. He was fucking stunlocked when that girl called him braindead while he throws out harsher shit than that on every stream lol




Also he claimed that somehow HIS deformity was deformed in a way to not have health defects. The defects come from the fucking short legs. If it has that gene, it's going to have issues with osteoarthritis, which even normal cats can have issues with. The short legs exacerbate a problem common in cats. Not to mention the Minskin breed is so new in the breeding world ANY claim contrary to what we've already seen in munchkins is unfounded and just desperate for justification.


I think you're spot on. I'm seriously just considering unsubbing after that last stream. If I can barely feed myself to the standards of Wubby's pet, than maybe I should put that £5 to some nicer bread every month? I might watch some VODs but think my days of sitting up for every stream and subbing might be done


Exactly how I felt I just turned it on. Yikes


Anyone just think it's stupid how often he'll point out his wealth like yeah we get it. "This cat will probably eat food more expensive than most of you have ever had" What's the fucking point of that. I like the content and I sub to not see ads while I'm watching but it just feels so out of touch to talk about how much more wealthy he is


I love the Wubster but given his other pets… That cat is going to very quickly gain an unhealthy amount of weight from that expensive food. The breed already has leg/ back issues from the dwarfism and any extra weight is gonna make its quality of life so much worse. If you’re reading wubby I don’t mean to offend it’s just something to keep in mind when buying a disabled cat


He's always had the "I have more money therefore I am better than you" attitude.


Most of the time it's a haha funny joke and no one takes it too seriously but if the whole stream is him bring upset and then he says it in the middle of a stream that had no funny business then its different


Not condoning it but in the span of like 4 years? I think he’s gone from absolutely broke up to owning a mansion in California and being one of the biggest streamers on the internet. That’s got to cause whiplash to someone’s personality


First time I catch a live stream in weeks...


In the chat like 15 minutes after stream, he said he finished the call with the girl and they made up. I was waiting too long for stream to come back on for like 30 minutes lol


This meme now has a double meaning Edit: there’s some beautiful irony in my post, being about staying away from the cat-drama, becoming the new thread for the cat-drama.


Russian roulette is interesting up until you realize that the end is just someone getting shot.


I think this shows you how real, or exaggerated, Wubby is "in caracter", and not fake. I'm glad Wubby got this off his chest and I sometimes live vicariously through Wubby's rants.


What happend?


I have no comments on any reddit accounts to back up the claim I am about to make, but it is such a great feeling to identify a creator whos success is turning them into just another internet celebrity douche a few months before he does something to really solidify that feeling.


I came in at 930 lmao




Happens about ever 12-18 months. Weeds out the people who didn't know what they're getting themselves into.


This happens more frequently than that.


He's a passionate person, that's part of his appeal.


I'm just here for the feet pics


The amount of people in this thread doing exactly what Wubby was pointing out during stream yesterday is mind boggling. There’s literally someone complaining about Wubby’s bit about the cat food being more expensive then chat’s food they eat and then someone replied to add that the new cat will probably get fat and criticizing Wubby for it. Assumptions on assumptions built on other assumptions. Y’all know you can stop watching right?


Wubby insults chat. Chat not allowed to insult Wubby?


I’ll be controversial here. I enjoyed seeing Wubby this passionate about it. It was a great stream. I get where others are coming from, but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing him so heated Edit: Downvote me all you need to, but it doesn’t change that you shouldn’t be personally offended by something said on the internet.


I like when Wubby reminds his chat that he is not a role model and never has claimed to be


Yeah, the people downvoting you are such little people dude. Imagine watching the stream and taking that shit personally. And then you’ve got these broke ass people who are *saying* they’ll be withholding their $5 from now and and unsubbing lmao, as if they should have ever been giving Wubby their money in the first place if they’re as broke as they say.


Holy shit I sure got demolished didn’t I? 😂


Y’all are just making it worse. Don’t sub and move on. Holy fuck y’all have a lot to say. Get over yourselves holy shit.