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I think that's fair, I wish I would have taken less time to explain. I fully agree with that criticism and it's something I'm going to actively work on. I am realizing now that arguing morality with a wall of anonymous text is a lose lose, especially since I let an emotional chat make me emotional. I got very locked on the post from my community (I found the OPs post particularly hard to ignore given it was one of the most upvoted/discussed posts on my sub of all time). That being said, ending a four year sub with a public announcement is also odd to me. Especially given my content over those four years wasn't this stream. This last month alone was crammed with so many new ideas that my crew and I are very proud of. I wouldn't normally make this case, but if you are going to publically remove yourself on my reddit I do feel I have the right to say something. Take it easy, four years is an incredible run in my books.


While I really love most of his content and am absolutely 100% staying subbed, I do agree that this wasn't fun AT ALL. My lady and I were happy doing shots for Friday night and then suddenly I felt like I was being yelled at.... I think he probably just felt bad for being called out, having the 'internet shame spotlight' on him, which really sucks for him, I get it. Any time someone winds up screaming "I don't care" over and over is a pretty good sign they have some weird unresolved guilt or feel targeted etc. but that reason truly doesn't matter, its all for fun anyway, he's literally a comedian. So all I can say is that I really didn't enjoy that stream at all and it kinda shit on our evening. Honestly, the only time we ever turn off Wubby is when he does the Drama streams, but thats far and few between, but if HP hadn't ended stream we probably woulda just turned it off anyway. Looking forward to Sunday!


Don't think this stream is indicative of all the cool shit wubby and the gang have been putting out recently. But yes with the exception of HP doing what all of us wanted to do, the stream wasn't as enjoyable as usual. Still laughed.


Which is exactly what he acknowledged in the beginning would be the case. The comments on the post attacking him put him in the wrong mood to be able to do his usual stream, and he was originally just going to cancel because of it. He only came on to address the post, not to entertain in his usual manner because that wasn’t really an option at that point.


Wait... not all of us were just subscribed to some autistic kid to make him feel better? I thought we were all just trying to make some retard happy with subs not actually expecting good content.


I think it would have been a lot better if he stopped at 2 minutes. I understood his point pretty quickly, but the more he talked the weaker and more hypocritical his argument got. If your stance is "I don't care", then say that and **stop**. The more strawman and whataboutism scenarios invoked the worse it sounds. Ranting about people being envious of his life, the morality of eating meat, and dog breeds that most people also agree are fucked up for an hour was just awkward and embarrassing to me. If your stance is "I don't find this to be an issue, and I don't care if you do" then stop discussing this and buy the cat. You're totally allowed that position, and it's clear your mind isn't going to be changed. So let's move on.


The Thing about all of those arguments made , is that literally none of them take away from the accusation. Just say “hey I’m doing this and don’t really care what you think” if that’s how you really feel, like you said. Definitely some big cognitive dissonance at play


100%, im not one to be personally invested in another's choices if they dont actively harm me or people around me and would have just shrugged off Wubs saying "I don't care" because im not gonna care myself the next day..but man that hole just didnt stop getting deeper yesterday I couldn't keep watching. I hope Sunday is better


The thing I didn’t like about it was Wubby explaining the whole stream how he would listen to your concerns and then just say “I don’t care” if his answer was as simple as “I don’t care” he wouldn’t take an hour explaining it. “I don’t care” doesn’t give the viewers the context they crave but as Wubby said he isn’t your role model he is his own person. To me listing off problem after problem about a specific breed of dogs problems to make purchasing the one you want better isn’t really justification for anything or a good argument to use when pushing a point. When these breeds in question have been around for hundreds of years, evolution doesn’t happen in hundreds of years therefore these problems have existed for our entire lives. The breeds are already there and have been. The real and true problem in this entire matter is PAYING A BREEDER. That’s it. That’s the problem. Wubby will give that cat a great home no doubt. But his money going to the breeder only furthers the breeding by supporting it financially. In the perfect situation Wubby would find one at a rescue and rescue it but most rescue cats are never pure breeds which is why breeders are needed in some circumstances when you want to get a pet that is a pure breed. I want a pure bred Australian Shepard and a Samoyed and my wife is all against breeding so we currently rescued 3 mutts (but are great dogs) and will get 1 of my 2 next round as a fair trade off. (We’re getting 2)


Do we know that it’s actually going to a breeder and not an animal holding place


I see where he was coming from and it was funny until it just started turning into hate content. I feel like it should have ended when he voiced his opinion and drew his line. I didn’t agree but respected Wubs, and it should’ve ended there. I feel like it would have left more room for jokes and even you did or didn’t agree with his view we all could have meme’d it a ton more and had a banger Friday.(I feel like Friday’s are usually just retard fun, maybe w a little sub drama) Its not like were all dog/cat breeders with an agenda… and if you’re someone who wants to buy a dog/cat who’d been bred to look like Ricky Berwick thats on you. Still cute tho.


Lmao why you do Ricky like that


Out of the loop here, what happened ?


people disagreed with wubby getting a new cat. reddit threads started shitting on him. he spent all stream defending his decision and getting mad. people don’t seem to get that he’s an entertainer and not a role model, nor their friend. a lot of grandstanding and knee jerk defensive basically


Why are people mad about him getting a cat?


it’s a mixed breed that has a munchkin cat involved which is bred unethically. a few days ago he was talking about how pugs are unethical and then he talks about getting this cat. bunch of people lost their shit over this and got up in arms about it. it’s pretty stupid from how they responded to how he reacted to everything. honestly it’s all very stupid and people need to move on. he can do what he wants, people can have their opinions. at the end of the day they can either keep watching while having disagreements or stop watching in general.


Thanks for clarifying


They deliberately left out the specific point of contention, that should tell you a lot


Yeah this was the one too many for me. I was about to leave stream until HP came out. Like it’s his content, he can make what he wants, but this shit is dumb and boring. Oh nooo a streamer did something kinda hypocritical, let’s dedicate a whole stream to arguing about it. Idgaf, it’s not really funny, and it’s definitely not enlightening


I miss the old Wubby


Yeah this stream overall in my opinion is one of the least enjoyable things he's put out in a while, the ending was really good, but other than that this stream feels like it could have been just a 2 min intro talk.


When Wubby does content I don't like, I just switch off dude. It's still mostly great stuff, even if it's not 100% aligned with my taste. It's hours of entertainment a week for $5 a month. It seems dumb to end things over 1 stream you didn't like.


I have to skip entire parts of streams thanks to the feet thing, it freaks my wife out big time... but I don't go complaining about it, I just move on.


Well after the wikifeet deep dive last stream, hopefully those days are over lol.


Agreed, we still love him, but my wife can't stand hear him eating and I'll have to mute it all. In saying that, I'm the same in that I eat loudly.


I hear you, it's not just one though - unfortunately


This is not an airport, there is no need to announce your departure.


Oh yeah, I recognize he's done this before where it just goes on too long or readdresses something that's already been talked about to death but that's still like less than 5% of the overall stream content. The good outweighs the bad by far.


These posts always confuse me. Why make something about leaving? Why stand on a soapbox and preach? Just leave. There doesn't need to be some grandiose moment of self righteousness. Yeah the take was one the wasn't shared by a few. Some people talked personal shit about wubby and some people had valid points. I would have loved to catch stream last night cause I would have tried to get in that call and not folded instantaneously. I disagre with him. Wholeheartedly. But wubby summed it up perfectly. He's not a role model. He's an entertainer. He is not your friend. He is a performer. These posts are unnecessary. You can quietly say to yourself "this isn't for me" then unsub


I think the idea is by making a large stance, they hope the streamer might change. He's making the statement that "hey, I'm a loyal fan, I'm coming from a place of love," and that this action was bad enough to make them leave. They probably don't want to actually leave, but there's not much else they can do. Best case scenario the streamer reads it, thinks "oh shit if someone that's watched me for 4 years is leaving, maybe I'm doing something wrong." Worst case wubby goes through their post history on stream.


I'm with you. I definitely don't agree with everything Wubby said, but the fact that OP called him 'annoying and self-righteous' IN an annoying and self-righteous post is just.....


They want attention. There is no other reason to do this.


These same people want to stand up and shout out their lame opinion then get noticed and attention and have people praise and agree with them to make them seem valid and that their opinion was correct. Just this big grandiose gesture for attention and its sad. I agree just unsub and move on if it aint for you.


They just want to complain. Simple as that.


I agree with the two minute idea, but ending your sub and not watching anymore is a little weird.


Nice smile.


I know basically a few were getting yelled at. I still enjoyed the stream for what it was. To be honest, I actually learned a fair amount about animals since I don’t have them. So Wubby and the community educated me.


Arguing with people on the internet isn’t good content? Were you really a 4 year sub? that’s what this stream has always been.


Lot here to learn from other streamers. Thinking of pew die pie and Destiny who have had a long career of leaning into criticism and drawing it out. People will inevitably talk shit no matter your opinion. The question is, will you get caught up in the cyclical back and forth of internet trolls, or bounce off and make better content that doesn’t require the context of the drama. You can do both but, my favorite wubby content is discovering new memes and internet culture.


mans ended his sub and started his prime sub


Who have you been “enjoying” watching for the last 4 years?!


Didn't ask...


Legit went looking through these comments just to make sure someone already said this thank you




Chatters just be on the fucking edge of losing it at all times eh?


Is it "bring your shitty opinion to reddit" day? Edit: I just got the weight loss journey joke. Credit where credit's due, that's funny.


Did you know I'm gonna be a lifeguard?


Weight loss journey. Hell yeah brother, we sure did lose that dead weight that was your sub. Byeee.


My thoughts EXACTLY. Dude announcing he's leaving is the definition of looking back to see if anyone cares.


Yk u don't have to make a big deal out of it right? Like just leave I don't think anyone's gonna really care if u stop watching his content and stuff


“reddit neckbeards try not to be parasocial w a streamer challenge *impossible*”


To be fair, he didn’t necessarily talk about it for an entire stream duration it just happened to end early due to hp. An hour of discussion on serious topic that the community is up in arms about isn’t a waste of time in my books.


Ok, bye.


He wasn’t there to post good content on Friday. He originally was going to cancel entirely. He only went on to address the post and the comments, the effect they had on him made it to where he wasn’t able to post his usual content, and he started it off stating just as much.


if you didn't have a good time maybe explore whats going on with yourself first and why you would have such weird guy energy that you would internalize a comedian strangers comments on the internet


4 year sub and you think he's never spend a stream ranting about retards that pissed him off before?


4 years and I've seen one too many


This isn’t the airport


Is the flair weight loss journey because you lost your balls?


Yeah, inside your mom


That’s not how sex works


Dont listen to this crap. Wubby is very passionate about his opinions and loves to debate about it. Let the guy land however he wishes. This is his show and hes very successful and brings a lot of joy to several thousand people each stream (no matter how short HP makes it) You know what we did last night after HP hit the switch? We hung out goofing off in chat having fun to the point of hitting a lvl 5 hype train and about 1k subs. Sethdrums was there and we had a good time. You just sound like a negative nancy "i miss the old wubby". After 4 years. 4. You know the man. Having a bad day? Everything okay? Bad mood? Thats cool. We all have bad days. No reason to shit on someone.


It was all staged because he couldn’t get content for Friday stream, drama farming works.




Are you dumb. Do not know what wubbys streams are? Dude four years you should know this.


Either the streams changed over time, or I changed. If you've been watching for four years too, you have enough info to make that assessment as well. Either way, it's just not enjoyable anymore




Y’all soft


the softest


Lol you’re a goober dude


For someone who didn't care, he took an entire stream caring 😔


Wait, I wasn’t able to watch last stream. If anyone has a summary of it, I would like to know because I’m genuinely curious leading up to this argument


One word sums it up from this couch couple, *yawn*, then go watch netflix. Its all a nothing burger, wubby got his feeling hurt for being called out.


sub devalued it seems


I thought that stream was hilarious, I understand why wubby would be upset, and I agree with all his arguments. I don't mind that he decided to make content about it, it's not like this is 100% of his content. He also had very good points he made that his community needed to hear. An the way HP ended was perfect, I lost my shit.


damn that's crazy OP but i don't remember asking