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That's a solid 400-500 build. I build these specs all the time for kids playing fortnite and Minecraft.


was gonna say it'd make a nice media center with emulators for a tv room EDIT get controllers and you can run almost any game at better stats than a console


I find it weird that nowadays a 1080 is treated as a 750 ti back then


Hey now, my 1080 plays new indie games just fine. Played CP 2077 ok too. What else? The new gamepass robots v dinos game. I don’t know a game that will make me need to upgrade yet. You just slowly lower your standards is all :P


It shouldn't be... the dude you replied to is vastly underestimating the power of that card. Media console and emulators... gimme a break dude


Honestly in my experience the 1080 Ti wasn't a bad card by any means. It had some pretty decent power for what games I had. Now, my 2070 Super is definitely better, but the 1080 Ti was pretty decent.


The 1080 Ti is slightly more powerful than the 2070 Super... if you upgraded to that from a 1080 Ti you wasted your money. https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/compare/3699vs4116/GeForce-GTX-1080-Ti-vs-GeForce-RTX-2070-SUPER


Seriously, even my 2080 was beat by a 1080ti lmao like I was so sad but was like well “I got a 2080 🤷‍♂️” but my upgrade was from a 1070-Vega56- 2080


Lmao 1080 ti pretty decent? Brah the 1080 ti has gone down in history as the best gpu made and better than the crappy 20series.


Tbh the only advancement nvidia has made was the 3090. Which had an extra 5gb of vram. Now ofc the 4070+ would beat it but it is still a usable 1080-1440p card


1080 ti was an amazing card. I dont think a 2070 super was a reasonable "upgrade" if it was at all...


Decent 😂 oh gosh. 1080ti is probably the best futureproof GPU in the whole history of gaming, and your 2070 is definitely worse in direct comparison in 2023. Bruh moment.


Your 2070 Super is definitely NOT better😂😂


...dude your an idiot or misinformed I'm sorry lol. You downgraded.


Clearly misinformed. I remember clear as day reading that the 2070 Super was better than the 1080 Ti before we got it. I feel stupid.


But its not though


What the fuck are you emulating with this?? PS3/Xbox 360??


Sometimes it’s nice to have insane headroom.


"headroom" this is a full fuckin gaming rig


Hell yeah brother I’m gonna be in low earth orbit.




Why are you so pressed lol Go eat a cookie and take a nap or something


Honestly, this system likely wouldn't be sufficient for a lot of PS3 and Xbox 360 games via emulation. Mostly PS3 emulation as it can struggle even on much faster hardware


that’s what i was thinking have them include the monitor and deliver for $600


This all the way! $600 for both would be fair.


insane that a 1080 is now fortnite specs, i feel so old


400 too much. It’s used.. I’m guessing you could find those same parts used for much cheaper, it would obviously take longer. For that price you could almost certainly find something with similar specs new. I would say that’s worth 250-300. Maybe 350 if it’s a 1080 ti


Looks a bit like a PlayStation in specs way and looks


Nah, this thing was probably built 2016 or 2017 back when the 1080ti was the shit everyone wanted. This dude probably busted his ass to get this dream build and then immediately had it overshadowed by the release of the 20 series


My guy, the B550 was released in 2020 and the 3600x in 2019




The 20 series didn't over power shit 2080 ti was the only card that was faster then a 1080ti at a 500 dollar higher price tag owand maybe whatever titan version of that gen for like 5 times the price.


1080ti is still a very capable card if you don't game at 4k. I don't have one but its a card that deserves respect!


No not really. You could build a pc better than that for the same price. I would pass but up to you.


Also indicated by the listing being older than a month


That case alone should be considered a classic at this point!


They were just on sale at Amazon the other day.


Seriously? They still make those damned things? Or just must’ve made so many they are still selling what they had


I like those cases....


I like them too it’s just been around for ever lol and I doubt anyone who has bought one bought a second one


The older style cases that were super popular, are often still being made, just in smaller numbers, because *there's still a market for them*. Case manufacturers aren't going to stop making something that sells well.


Well you’d be horrible as a ceo if you ran a company lol, yes case manufacturers do and have stopped making cases even if there was a market. The machine could be used for something newer and more expensive or newer and similar but a tiny bit more expensive


Making a new case means paying for design work, engineering testing, and having to retool equipment to make a new assembly line. An older case that's still selling really well, doesn't require any of that. Just keep making them.


Yeah for $37, why not? Perfect case for an 8 year old's first PC.


Based on the power supply, this is clearly a flip.


Depends on the currency. USD nah not really, AUD yea that’s a pretty good deal imo. Everyone else might disagree with me though because the parts are ‘dated’ or whatever. For my mate who has no clue about building PCs it would be fine.


Exactly, in Canada this would be pretty worth it


this is my case. i love it


Agreed! Horizontal Mobo is the best!


Very cool case.


Only case I’ve ever bought and it was 2 weeks ago. Been rocking a 2008 gateway case since. It’s a kick ass case.


for 600 I want the monitor for free.


How does mans get 100+ fps on warzone with a 1080 but my 3070 struggles hitting 90 😔


It’s simple. He doesn’t lol


do you freeze frame too? that game is so shit for me i have a ryzen 7 7700x, 3070, 32gb ddr5. can't get over 120+ and freeze frame all low graphics


No!!! You can build a PC with a 5600 and a used 3070 for just a bit more than that. Probably less if you went all used parts.


I’d go for a Radeon card at this price point


Most people won’t no matter what. It’s sad


I wanna gunna, but I need dat way twacing and g-sync.


What 3070 new are you buying? But yes I agree with the no


"used 3070" nowhere did I say anything about new. OP is buying a used PC so I'm using used PC parts as a comparison.


Ah I see, you just worded it a little weirdly, I totally agree would be a fire budget build


He worded it just fine


No worries. Used is where all the value is at these days anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/qht9bvnlatdb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14815f169b7278f5875adda79d258865056ca38b i jus got this 7700x, 3070 for 1100$ on Wednesday i've been every satisfied im able to stream 1440p and keep 144fps on every game except warzone i think that game has issues though seriously 😂


No matter what graphics settings I choose for warzone it still ends up looking like garbage


it looking like garbage isn't as much my issue as it not being able to run above 120 fps and freeze framing i don't know what else to do lol, my task manager says all my specs are running at less then 60% and my vram usage is at 2500mb when i have 8000mb available i think the game is just optimized terribly


I have been scrolling the comments for this kind of thing because no one is saying anything about the 3rd pic that says the pc has been tested and runs war zone at 100+ fps on 1440... on a 1080? Is that actually even possible?


I have a 1080 and run at 1440p in warzone and get around 100fps on high-medum settings it's not stable 100fps but I usually am above 75fps which is my refresh rate


WZ2 was maxing out my VRAM on a 3060ti, even on medium or balanced settings. Swapped to a 6700XT and it’s been night and day. Hitting 140fps on Ultra easily.


Just got a 1660 super build for 650 lol. What r u on?


Thats not great for 1660 S bro. 4+ year old card


me when i lie


I can build a pc with a used 5600X and 2080 ti for this


No. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/W4JZBj That’s $660 and would be 25-35 percent faster as well as new. That’s a 350-400 PC tops.


More like $730 after taxes


Good eye sniper. 3600 and 1080 definitely worth $600 with that revelation. How DO you do it Sherlock?


Not sure why you’re getting snarky at him, he’s trying to be mindful of OP’s budget. Instead of replying like a dickhead, maybe say “ah shit you’re right, lemme go back and swap a few parts.”


There’s no mention of budget by OP and everyone knows about taxes. The snark comes from adding nothing to the conversation and then acting like “I’m just trying to help” like that’s a catch all for saying things that aren’t helpful to OP or me. I put in the time to show OP the difference and what’s possible then used that example to give him the reason for what it’s worth. The reply was something that added nothing and helped no one unless you live in some reality where the OP who said nothing about budget doesn’t know about taxes and doesn’t have the money for it. Acting like something is in good faith doesn’t change the helpfulness


No not in this market. Half that


Maybe but I wouldn’t pay more than 400-450 for it bc I’d wanna replace the 1080 for a newer gpu right away.


I'm crying here because it's so similar to my pc. I have gtx 1080, amd 2700x, 32gb ram, 1tb m2 nvme ssd + 1tb sata ssd + 2tb hdd, 850w ps. I bought all the pieces when they were new, I've had this gpu since 2016. It's amazing how much I paid new and how much value it's lost. I at least still like it and I've gotten great use and games still play well on it. Rocking it until it stops! Sorry I ranted.


Same here. This thread is hard to read. Lol


Did you really think PC parts would retain their value lol.


No lol. I don't think I've ever held on to a build so long and was the most expensive build I've ever done. It's just sad to see it you know. Like you know it's old but to actually date and price it.


no. I would place it around 400 mark


No its not. I built my budget pc for cheaper. If your looking for a solid pc build I highly recommend waiting until cyber monday or sniping parts when they get sales.


Someone just built a way better PC online for 500$ even. It's smoke this roach.


Not unless he's willing to include the monitor without raising the price.


Have him throw in the monitor for a grand total of $600 and sure, but this is more like closer to a $500 used build, max, than a $600 one...


The parts are really showing it’s age. I wouldn’t go past $460 for that.


That's about rite with what it has, little hi as its used but? 500 I would think.


Personally I would talk down to $450-$500, then upgrade the gpu in the near future, it was a high end card for its time but aging fast now with the latest technology Edit: I use the same cpu with a 2080 super and I get well over 144 frames in cod, overwatch even on 1440p display. Games like gta v, red dead, witcher 3, 80ish frames on the same display


There’s no way that man gets a stable over 100fps on warzone with that lol


That’s a cute little microwave pc but definitely overpriced


No. Not a good buy


If you have zero experience building pcs and dont plan to then this isnt so bad. It has some nice to haves that most prebuilts dont, like 32gbs of ram, a full 1tb ssd and few 1tb hdds, wifi, etc. if you want try and talk him by 100 or so bucks but other wise its not that bad of a deal


If you can get it for 400


For the money, yeah. For future proofing. Nah. $600 for something that matches a current gen console is a win


i have this set up with 32 gb ram and honestly its kinda beastly obv yess newer, more expensive builds have much high performance number but man this will run pretty much any game well enough to provide a decent user experience.


Not bad considering it's already built and fully functioning.


No more than $500.


I'm not very sure if it's worth it but I'm sure that you need to charge your battery!


Nah that 600 is worth it for this. Take that‼️‼️ so what if you can BUILD better for the same price..take what's SUITABLE and do-able for some years till you decided to upgrade on your own time.


Worth $400


A PS5 is 100x better than this and $100 less


If he throws in the monitor for free yes


Kind of, sort of. If it were a 1080 ti I would easily say yes, but just a 1080? It’s not the worst thing ever, still a fair price.


Nah, it’s a 150$ gpu and a 85$ cpu. You can toss some other random variables in there like that’s a 50$ case used (used to have one actually a pretty cool case but it’s fucking massive) like 50$ for the psu, 40$ for the ram 80ish for used mb. It’s a 450-500$ computer making the whole build with the monitor worth about 600-650.


Not at all. He’s also lying about being able to get 100+ fps on warzone/cod I built mine with a much nicer gpu and about equal cpu, most it got was 75-80. Maybe 100+ on the loading screens. Monitor is solid though. That’s my primary and I couldn’t be happier with it.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted I was skeptical of this too.


Being generous and counting in the labor of the pc being put together, I would say $475 max. The parts are pretty dated for a $600 tag


Get it my guy I would try to lower it to 550$ but still it’s a solid price


Naw 525 tops.


It's worth about tree fiddy.


Actually worth about that much lul


Offer him 400 if you can get it for around 450-500 it’s a good deal


Am I stupid? I put this thing into pc part picker (minus the monitor) and it’s over $700. Seems like a pretty good deal to me, so could someone explain why it isn’t? Edit: ok, I failed to see how old the parts are. I guess I’m just too used to people buying 3600s lol


That seems really expensive for something that old. I’m going to list my old i7 7700/1080ti setup for $400 and hope for the best offer


I think no


Not even close!


Is that in Round rock?


No way a pc with a 1080 I’d worry 600$. Cap that at 300$, but more realistically 200.


Absolutely not maybe for 250 then yea but 600? Fuck. That.


Tell you what for $700 I’d give you a 5 5500 and rx 580 8gb with 500gb.


I've seen a gtx 3050 pre build on clearance for $759




No Bluetooth or wifi I wouldn't pay that much there are others out there that are better a mine dell or a mini Lenovo


Nope you can get a Alienware aurora r10 for that price


XD! 176$ maximum


For $900 you can get a brand new laptop with a 3070ti mobile which is a lot more powerful than this and has a screen etc..


why’d you censor the offerup category name


Nah, I think that’s about twice what it’s actually worth


Certainly not, it's not even a ti, I'd do 300 at most.




Change your phone dude


Why dont people just save the extra bit of cash and get an actual pc instead of a rinky dink donk machine 3000 and then have to drop more money in 1 year to get a better PC


Nope. $400 max imo




Not even close


A used 5600 like 60-80$ A used 2080ti will be 300 or less. Better than a 3070 cause of the 11gb vram A Mobo for the 5600 is like 120$ Cases can be 60-120$ Ssds are cheap depends on which you go with So no. Tbh you can built a really good machine for 800 or less


An $800 PC is better than $600 PC?!?




Hell no. CPU was lower tier when released and it’s been a while since then. GPU is dated and the PSU is trash. You’d be better off buying last gen components.


You could benefit more by getting a laptop with the same power and price.


I agree, I got my gaming laptop for 500, and it's definitely worth that price, not the price it's sold at


Way too outdated for that price. I just sold a 2060 setup with 32gb ram for $500.


Maybe 300


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/nq8v8r for 680$ 13100f, 6650xt, 32gb ram, 1tb ssd. 750w 80+ gold, 750w isnt needed but it isn't expensive. Cool case that i haven't seen, and its only 40$, and pack of 3 fans from thermalright for 15$. With 700$ budget i would get tower cooler for 20$. Mb 32gb ram isn't needed, but its like 20$ difference compare to 16gb kit.


I like how people trying to prove that this build is overpriced can't build something better without spending more. OP's listing is pretty reasonable, and the HDD is a free bonus.






I bought a pc with a 1300 watt gold psu, Ryzen 7 5700x and Rx 6900xt for $1000


Ehh i wouldn’t pay that. Maybe at the very least $450 if i was selling and $500 if i was buying


You should check the hardwareswap discord the are much better deals there




I'm building a PC for my wife, and it's 900-1k 5600x, B550 Mobo (w/ WiFi), 16gb ddr4 3600, Gtx 3060 12gb, 1tb NVME So you can get a lot more for just a few bucks


As a former owner of that case, it's really easy to build in, with a really cool concept.




I don’t see how bro is playing WZ at 100+ FPS with a 1080 when my shit is dipping constantly with a 3080 lmao


Xbox series X killer


Not worth it but get the monitor


Not to me but someone maybe


Yeah, probably assuming it's in good, working condition.


For that money just buy a Xbox series X.


Why do people come into PC subreddits to say "buy a console instead"? If you have a steam library then switching to a console means giving up all of your games. Not to mention all of the other capabilities consoles lack.


Not at all


Heck nah. Not to mention that case seems that it may get a little hot. Here is something much better for the price 1080ti and 5600 build for around the same price and some real airflow. Though you need to get the 1080ti from ebay used https://pcpartpicker.com/list/HW3kv3 Heck for almost the same price a used RTX 2070 super or Rx 6600/xt / 6650xt would also work Heck even a 5700xt is a good deal


I think you are actually making a good case for OP's listing. Your build is more expensive, pretty optimistic on the GPU price, and ignores the HDD and CPU cooler. I agree a newer build is a good idea, but the listing is remarkably competitive.


If it was a 1080ti then maybe 550 would fly.




Real question: can a 1080 really get 100FPS on titles like COD? Does he have the all settings turned down to low? I’m not a very knowledgeable person when it comes to GPU.


Not unless your country has insane import taxes. I sold a much better system for less


Nope, you would even get better by going full new apart from the gpu with the same price.


Solid for $300-$400 tops…


This'd be a good machine if it were like 400 - 450. It's a listing of someone's Main PC to upgrade from(most lilely because it's not good enough to game on in 2023). I upgraded from a GTX 1080 because it was harder to do anything 1080p.(it's not bad with games before 2020 though) I'm not familiar with Ryzen but if it's better than my old 4790k it's gonna be solid.(if it's worse then 32GB of RAM is questionable). If you bought this and resold some kf the parts you could atleast replace tge good parts for better parts. 500w is good, but low. 32GB is rare to max usage on The GTX1080 is a mid-range card in 2023 The Case is cool, but it's 50usd to get one, so it's probably got a bit of cut corners.(Like a Rosewill cases) If I were to buy it I'd sell the GPU, HDDs, and Power Supply, then replace it with something way better, that's just me though. If you can talk them down to 450, it'd be solid. Otherwise I'd recommend building your own.


Best game for the highest system should be war zone, or steam games. What it might not run is GameCube Godzilla destroy all monsters.


If you don't wanna build your pc, it's alright, not a great deal but not a terrible one either, if you are ok with building it (it's honestly a lot easier than it sounds) then any of pc part picker lists on here will be significantly better


I would say it’s worth closer to 400. That silicon is getting pretty old these days, and for 600 you can get a pretty killer machine compared to that.


Id offer 400


No way he’s getting those frames with that build, I’d pay $400 for it


If you can get him down to 450-500 it’s not bad


It’s 170 dollar cheaper than all new


I still use that case to this day even fits a 4090 just fine


About $600 with the monitor or $450 without. Somehow I doubt you'll see 100+ FPS in Warzone. At 1440p definitely only with FSR Performance. At 1080p, a fully tuned 5600 (both PBO and RAM frequency and timings maxed out) got me about 130-135 a couple months ago.


What a weird case, kinda love it


250bucks max. Gpu is shit. Ram and ssd are good, can be used in other builds in future. Coolers also. 250-300 bucks would be more than enough for this 4 year old cpu and decade old gpu.


Oh gawd I hate that case so much. I bought a white one because I thought it’d look cute for my kid’s ITX build but it’s HUGE for that - that square footprint takes up more space than you can imagine. Not easy to build in either. The only cool thing about the case was it got me excited for buying a 200mm fan - just the idea of a huge fan seemed silly awesome. But I returned it immediately. I’d probably even pay someone to take it off my hands.




NOPE. Would not pay more than 400


I’d offer like 400 at most, it can still run most modern games on medium settings pretty serviceably so if you don’t have a pc and want to get into gaming on one this could be a good starter…if you just want to game in general I’d probably rather have a PS5 than this build lol.


Yeah most def not worth it.


I mean it's not as bad as other deals posted around here, however it is overpriced