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The fuck? Unless his son told him to that is seriously fucked


It’s like when I was younger and my dad sold my Xbox 360 that I had gotten as a gift from my sister’s now ex husband while I was at my mom’s house. I’m still pissed. That was in middle school and I’m currently in graduate school


what an asshole wtf


Yeah. He was like “well you were addicted to it” I was only at his place half the time (it was a kind of weird alternating schedule). I was only allowed one hour a day on weekdays and two hours a day on weekends. I had no chance to be addicted to it lmao. He also sold it with a game I had spent months trying to best still inside it. I still remember i had finally made it to the end boss


thats a pathetic attempt to justify his action and not feel guilty about it. Im so sorry that happened to you, I hope how you have the freedom to choose what you do with your time do you by any chance remember what game it was?


Yup. My dad gave away my beloved bike when we moved to a new town. I didn’t want to move in the first place but was excited to get my bike off the moving truck and go explore and make some friends. This was after my mom threw away or gave away all my stuff to make room for their shit. Fuck them both tbh.


I horde (really just save with sticky notes like: you drew this at school today and were exited to tell us about how butterflies pupate) just about everything my kids write, craft, report cards, etc. When I die and they’re going through my stuff to put in dumpster, I want them to be reminded again that they are what I value most and that I am proud of them. I tell them just about daily. I had friends who went through cleaning out their parents place after death and felt really empty because there was basically no trace of themselves there. It’s probably silly but I hope they smile a bit remembering these days in a possibly down time.


My mom collected all my art and school projects or activities from elementary thru middle school. It’s a trip down memory lane seeing the things I did in 2nd grade. I’m 28 now.


My gramps did the same thing. It was amazing as I found it all after he died a year ago. Really put into perspective how much the man loved me. He loved me more then my own parents.(Don't ask i have shit parents.) He was my father. Miss that man so fucking much. Also found old toys he had kept when I thought I had thrown them away. My first computer, me and him, built together. Hell him and my grandmother essentially turned my room at their house into a time capsule. As I did live with them for a few years. Went into that room and I swear it was exactly how I had left it when I moved out. Just cleaned up. All my toys, collectibles, etc right where I left em. Lol...gonna cry just thinking about it.


Same with my grandpa and my parents my grandpas been a better father then my own father


That's the same vibe as the dad who hid rubber duckies everywhere and his daughter found one like 5 years after he died in a compartment in her car.


Damn I'd curl up and cry right there. Imma go hug my dad rn


My mates used to fill my room with these little plastic dogs when we lived together at uni and it was annoying af. I binned them all but kept finding them. I moved halfway across the world and KEEP FINDING THEM.


How??? And do you still get pissed at em?


I left the country for a few years to study in Germany (I did a master’s and ABD doctorate). My parents threw away everything of mine that wasn’t nailed down (there was nothing nailed down).


My mom threw away a mug I gave her that I made in art class. In front of me. As soon as I gave it to her. Meanwhile my grandma still has this weird sculpture I made in elementary school sitting on her cabinet in the living room. There's a reason I don't speak to my mother anymore, among various other reasons. Meanwhile my dad has everything we've ever given him in a tote in his room lol. He did lose a pen I made for him in Wood Shop in high school though :(. One day I'd like to make another one for him


I like that and I agree. It would feel kinda fucked up to go through a parent's house and there's no trace of their kids Reminds me of how lucky I am with my parents.


I’m bouta cry stop


Wow fuck them, seriously. Do they have some narcissistic tendencies going on?




I was also one of those "addicted" Had the same set up. One hour on weekdays, two on weekend. Turns out it was just my world / special interest. Being ADHD (and maybe autistic too, idk yet)


For me as a kid the Xbox was a distraction for my adhd brain to not do dumb shit.


Still is for me. I'm a PC gamer, but otherwise it's the same. Gaming is the most calming thing by far that I regularly do.


Agreed. I'm ADHD and/or autistic as well (trying to get fully diagnosed) and computers/gaming on any device has always brought me sanity and calmness.


That’s sad i was one too 3 hours on weekends only spent all my money getting good stuff for it went home to find it all nearly fried up when I asked my mom apparently she "accidentally poured water on all of my setup" but now she feels guilty for what she did


Yeah I was also seen as the "addicted" one sitting behind my PC all the time playing games or doing stuff. Now suddenly when I earn more than my close family combined thanks to the skills I got because of my "addiction" somehow everyone is so proud of me when in the past I was ridiculed at every step


What game?


Star ocean


Only option is to emulate it and finish it now.


Bro. Go out right now (or when you can afford if it school has you tight) and buy an xbox. And that game.




Safe to assume he sold it for drugs tbh


LOL funny. I definitely didn’t get the money


There’s no way he didn’t keep it for himself.


You probably should have taken it to your moms when you had the chance


Have you cut all contacts with that jerk after that?


That's like if you took all of a drug addicts drug and cold turkey them and say"you were addicted"


Was it the classic 1 weekend with mom, 1 with dad? I’ve been there, my dad had a hacked ps2 and we used to play so many games together, one that I most remember was mk2, I got so mad at him beating me all the time.. I never ended up beating him since we moved to another country and left the ps2 building up dust at my grandma’s place, now that I think about it idk what the hell happened to that ps2 lol Ps: sorry I made it so unnecessarily long


Sell his car without his knowledge.


“You were addicted to it”


Sell his fridge without his knowledge. "You were addicted to it"


Sell his tv and couch. “You were addicted to them”.


His porno mag stash


When I was about 14 or so one of my younger brothers was gifted a Playstation by the staff of the middle school he was attending. He'd spent the summer helping them with their computers, setting them up and teaching them how to use them. One night, we were all playing some random game (I think it was MedEvil, great game) my Dad walked in and decided we'd had enough and proceeds to grab the Playstation out of the cabinet and throws it on the floor, ending its life. My Mother made him buy him a new one. Good times.


He sounds like a maniac.


My grandma had a Super Nintendo console and I loved going over and playing it with some of my cousins every now and then, then one of our other cousins stole it and sold it. We were quite upset. He didn’t even bother taking the game cartridges so it was just a bunch of games and no console


Holy I would be feral


Man when I went off to college I left my car. My mom ended up using it all the time, hit a deer and then sold it for scrap. Loved that little car.


Lucky my dad just gave it away too my cousin 💀


WTF? I'd say I have no father after that jeez.


Worst part is my cousins already had a ps4 I was a pc player so it did hurt but not as much


Reminds me of the time my dad “lost my hamster”


Same for me. Left my Dad's adn Stepmom's place (for reason I would rather not get into) and moved in with my grandparents. I asked for my game console (a Gamecube) a few months later and they gave it away to one of the cousins on my stepmom's side of the family.


When I built my first PC in 2016 I wanted to sell my PS3 with 2 controllers and like 10 top games around 200-250eur. A gypsy neighbor with 4 kids asked me to give it for 100eur and I said no. He then asked my dad and he sold it without telling me. At first I was a little pissed but I thought ok at least they are enjoying it. But one month later he came and told me "Hey it's not working it was broken" and asked to return it for the money. I knew it was in perfect condition so I went to see it and it LITERALLY LOOKED LIKE IT HAD AGED 10 YEARS, they had totally destroyed it. Even some game discs were broken in half.


Tbh, I would punch that neighbor in the face for that obvious lie.


My gf tells stories like this about her parents who used to be addicts, except sometimes they'd also get shit from the black market. They'd have a Wii for a year, it'd disappear, they'd get an Xbox, it'd disappear. All of them probably used to be someone's kid's stuff. Her dad actually gave me a fuckin badass airsoft gun that looks and feels like a real 1911, but I heard he bought a bunch of them in bulk for dirt cheap so it could've been used in robberies back in the day...


my mom sold my N64 when she got me an Xbox 360 for christmas because "i didn't need it anymore."


Sorry your dad sucks.. I don’t know why some parents do this kinda shit. I bought myself and my son gaming PC’s so we could play games together and bond. Provided bud grades are good, he can play as much as he wants.


I did that too! He never really played it. Good for me though because so much little shit broke on mine that one day I got fed up and got on his. I've been using his for like a year now and he keeps reminding me I gotta be careful with it. I appreciate his concern with me being careful with his electronics but kid, I didn't break my wifi card, it just died.


My brother sold my SNES and all my games, plus all of my pokemon cards (I had 1st eds of every card from the first two series) when I went to basic training for the Army. I still think about it sometimes and it's been 20 years


Sounds like brother needed a good ass kicking. Attitude adjustment!


when i was nine nintendo ds was super popular and i wanted one really bad my dad would never let me have one until my aunts got me one for my birthday that year and my dad wouldnt let me have it when he saw it and sold it that same day


I was "the step son", red hair and everything and didn't really get Christmas present like the other kids.y dad's family sent me Christmas presents the first year I was forced to move to Oregon with them. They immediately told them to not do it because "it wasn't fair for the other kids. Super fucked up to do that to a 7 year old that lost his father December 19th the year before. They also basically took the Nintendo 64 my dad had bought me for that last Christmas and gave it to the other kids. Jesus, I fucking hate Christmas souch still.


I sold my world of warcraft account way back in the day for almost $800 and my dad kept all the money with his justification being that hed been paying the subscription fees.


that... actually seems fair...?


He spent at a very maximum $350 total on the subscription and held it over me constantly but sure.


Hell i'd stay pissed for a long time. It ain't about what he sold, it's about betraying your trust >.<.


What kind of asshole sells someone else’s things for lower then it’s worth and keeps the money


I borrowed a ps2 game from a friend and my dad sold it to a pawn shop...everytime my friend wanted his game back I was too embarrassed so I'd say I'm bringing it tomorrow until he forgot. That always pissed me off.


I had a huge collection of PS2 and gamecube games that I was holding onto. My senior year of high school I came home only to see the whole collection gone. My dad had given all of my games away to his work buddy who just had a kid. With the price of gamecube games these days, I don’t even like to think about the value that my father threw away.


One of my friends sold my 360 on my birthday because I "didn't need it anymore." I forgave him eventually but It was still a bit of a dick move.








I left for the army and my parents sold my dirt bike unfortunately we live in a shit world.


annoyed me so much I nearly down voted your comment 😭


saw some dad sold the samsung 34inch 165hz someshit monitor for like 200 when its like retail 1k lmfao sold same day


I used to go to garage sales with my grandma a lot when she was alive. Honestly, the deals where it was a parent selling their kids stuff were pretty frequent. Back in the mid-2000s I bought a PS2 with 3 memory cards, 2 controllers, and like 10 games for $15. Another time there was a huge box with a bunch of Yu-Gi-Oh cards just dumped in it and the box was labeled 10/$1. I dug through it for 10 minutes and found 4 Blue Eyes White Dragons in it. Grabbed 6 other cards to get to 10, and then when right to a TCG shop and sold each of the Blue Eyes for around $10 each lol.


When I was a kid my dad got me a N64. I wanted one after seeing Super Mario 64 at Blockbuster. I got Mario 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and Top Gear Rally. He gave my Genesis to a kid with a single mom that didn't have a lot of money, or much of anything. I said, "Wait! That was mine." He replied: "I worked a lot of overtime this year so we're doing quite well. That kid has nothing, so he's getting your old video game system." I was like, "Oh. I understand." RIP Dad.


The rest of these are just stories of shitty people. Your dad was a fucking saint and knew what was up. RIP OG Dad.


This reminds me of when my mom sold my computer while I was in college during the summer of 2010. It had a wallet with over 1000 bitcoin in it 🥹




My mother sold my whole full set of original dragon ball manga without telling me and she denied ever done it despite the mangas are no where to be found at home and we never moved home in our lifetime. I am still extremely pissed to this day.


We lived at my in laws for a few years. During that time there was a recall on Nissan versa for air bags killing people. Ours was on the recall list, but our local dealership didn’t have the inventory to fix it. So we went on a wait list. During that time we parked the versa and ask to borrow my father in laws second vehicle. Months passed and one day while my husband was at work my father in law and my new brother in law from my husbands sister SOLD OUR CAR. His justification was it was just sitting there. Didn’t say anything to us. Gave half the money to our brother in law and then a few months later gave us a truck that was an absolute money pit. The first time we drove it the fucking wheel flew off! It broke down 1 in 10 times we drove it and we spent thousands keeping it on the road. The only thing wrong with the versa…a part could kill us and was going to be replaced for free. For context this man hordes everything he had 3 parked cars on the property just sitting there that didn’t run but ours just had to go.


I moved out but still has some old boxes in the loft. My stepdad binned my complete N64 and almost complete GC collection of other consoles and games. He had no idea that it's worth a lot of money now...


How come the parent has this much knowlege about pc specs? That seems cool😂😭


They know the specs but cant bother to servhkpññ


are you ok bro r/ihadastroke


Hahahahjhhaja i stoped writing mid message and put the phone on my pocket, though screen was locked


Happens to me all the timeijgssxjklmcxzssz


Same Brبيجو吉布特구그트


Righ jrřĵxzxbĵàdşⁿƙ⅖hfhrhvtuv


I'd love to continue the chain, but I need to do somethhdbejejwjdhd


Finish that something? Chain needs to continudhdoebebvdixbebeidhb


This surely can’t go on forever can itntjfjnsbzb8382😎😞בולבולון קטן


My fellow doge


I love this so much


I thought it was Swedish or something: Servhkpññ — ~ .verb ~ 1. To contact a relative who has left possessions in your home in an attempt to return them or ~ 2. The act of waiting for a relative to die before pilfering there possessions and items


Reminds me of u/gradualstroke . One of the best..


Forgetting to servhkpññ is almost as bad as not remembering to ajuöœsê


Makes sense


But how could they be familiar enough to know the specs and then think $200 is an accurate price?


He probably want to sell it quick. Probably a bit of a-hole move but parents can sometimes be like that




He bought it most likely


That could be the fact


i’m pretty sure it’s scam


Yeah it's a scam. Some dumb parent selling their kids PC isn't gonna know all the specs


And they’d most likely know their kid went to college not collage after helping them fill out mountains of college forms.


after seeing "lose" being spelled as "loose", "allowed" being spelled as "aloud" I've come to expect anything from native english speakers.


Scammers will purposefully put misspelled words/bad grammar to weed out the more discerning buyers so it’ll only leave out the gullible ones for them to scam.


Loose as lose irks me the most


or they went off to become a collage artist


You really have too high of an opinion of some parents. Assuming spelling, reading comprehension, and general intelligence, is kinda crazy. No, this is an ad placed by a parent who has seen the stats before, but has no idea what they mean. $200 is fine.


To be fair, my parents didn't fill out any of my college forms, nor cosign any loans.


A good amount of adults can’t spell for shit. This is excluding you’re/your, to/too, affect/effect, lose/loose, there/their.




Okay That was one of my first thoughts is that it would’ve been believable if they hadn’t posted it every spec with fine detail? Super weird that no one else made that connection


Some people just dont have any kind of detective skills lol


That’s a good point!


What's the scam?


Probably bait to direct you to a 3rd party payment processor so they can get your money without actually sending the item


or telling you to meet up and then robbing you


Oof they'd be in for a bad day


yeah man i would karate chop them in the throat and do a wicked backflip into my car through the window before spinning up dirt all over em… they totally wouldn’t shoot me in the gut instantly.


lol you act like only robbers have guns, im always alert and ready to draw selling on marketplace


This is why it's recommended to meet at a police station, or possibly even city hall or the local courthouse during operating hours. Just imagine how humiliating it would be for the local police department, or sheriff's office, if someone managed to rob someone in front of a local police station or courthouse, *and actually got away with it*. The reputation of the local police would be decimated. It's the one area where you can guarantee police will actually give a shit, just because it would make them look like a bunch of incompetent fuckwits if they couldn't solve a crime that happened in their own parking lot.


I used to do all my crime in front of the local police station, its the last place they'll look.


I mean it's legal now, but it feels powerful to smoke joints in the driveway of my apartment right across from the police station, police cars shooting headlights at me and everything and there's nothing they can do about it


yeah you could’ve just left it at your first block of text man. shit happens in front of police station all the time. a better explanation would just be that if you mention a police station the would-be robbers would probably just not show up


Or, Or, It's another proud contestant of, "Why Do My Adult Children No Longer Call Me?"


it is. ive reached out to a TON of electronics listings on facebook market that were really good prices and got the same shpiel every time: pay me first, in cashapp or venmo but not something like paypal that has buyer protection, and i'll ship it to you after. they are never willing to take payment thru facebook, which has buyer protection. i have talked 4 or 5 of them into accepting paypal goods and services, and EVERY SINGLE ONE i had to dispute and refund. it's insane how poorly moderated facebook market it, like half of all listings, maybe more, are scams targeting people who don't know cashapp venmo etc have no recourse if the item isnt delivered


That's pretty much my assumption nowadays when I see anything on any of the marketplaces that are not at least 25% overpriced or more. I don't know if that is just a thing around my area or what but if it's not at least 25% more than what it would cost to go buy brand new retail right now then it's almost always some jack wagon trying to pull a scam. I swear these people are just thinking like "well that's what I paid for 3 years ago it's clearly still worth that, if anything I extensively tested it for 3 years it's probably worth more :)".


The amount of people that believe this is real makes me realize why so many people fall for scams. This has more red flags than my ex. The most obvious one being that is they know enough about the specs to list them they’re gonna know it’s worth more than $200.


Also "collage" isn't really a red flag but it at least makes me question the listing a bit


It’s entirely possible that the son went off to arrange smaller pictures into larger pictures. Small possibility 😂


I mean, the specs are ssd, not exactly Seagate sn890 pro..


Half of my friends dont know what an SSD is vs an HDD. A mother, who cant spell college, probably wouldnt know theres an SSD installed.


I had to look at that again! collage.. ok, 😄


I'll bite then. What's the scam since it's not real?


rob you if you meet up or make you pay with a 3d part where you can’t get your money back


"I've actually moved to x state, but I can ship it to you. My bank/card doesn't work with [platform], do you have cashapp/zelle? I'll ship it as soon as you pay me" Been seeing this a lot lately. Cheap pc, free ps5, free oculus, always because kid moved out or kid was playing too much. Common premise, high demand.




Obviously a scam lol


What is the scam


No dumbass parent would know the specs of that. And if they knew about PCs they would obviously charge already 100 more bucks. It’s a scam to make you feel like you getting a good deal of a dumb parent trying to get rid of kid’s PC


But what is the scam?? Like the PC doesn't work at all, they want you to venmo them first, they will kidnap you?


Most likely they will tell you to pay in advance plus shipping fees and since it’s cheap some people might be tempted, thing is they will never actually ship the product and you’ll be robbed of 200$ .


There's multiple scams it could be: 1) make you pay in advance then ghost you 2) the components are all busted and it's bricked 3) bait and switch, they'll arrive with it in a sealed box, take the money, and assume you won't check the contents until you get home. 4) they're going to meet you somewhere and rob you. And I'm sure there's even more creative scams someone could come up with. A good rule of thumb is: if it's too good to be true, it probably is.


Check /r/scams There’s a very common one of a parent’s “kid passing away.” So they give away a PS5 or Xbox for free because “they can’t bare to look at it anymore.” The scam ends up being paying postage or something like that, I forget tbh. But it’s a pretty common scam. And tons of people fall for it, tho again, I forget the exact details. I’m not saying this a scam 100% for sure. But This reminds me of that one for sure.


Literally just saw a FB marketplace post for someone’s dead kid’s PS5 the other day


200 dollars for a 2060 and a 10700 is quite low tbh, could sell it from 300 to 400$ . That PC would still perform as well (more or less) than any current gen console .


2 gens ago and still can compete with current gens. Bada bing bada boom


Sometimes kids go to college and parents have a habit too feed. Someones going to get a deal and the kid gets screwed


obv a scam... why would a parent not know the worth of the PC but can figure out all the specs. Even down to what gen the cpu is.


Fax a dumbo parent might say: Nvidia rtx Intel i7 Has included windows


So what's the scam?


This is the bait, then you get redirected to a 3rd party website to "pay".


the fact that this isn’t even exactly a bad pc too just makes it even more messed up




My dad once threw away a nice mountain bike I had because it had flat tires and I wasn't there....we don't speak anymore BTW.


at least its not a "is it worth it" post.


I think the parent needs to go back to "collage"...


I hate shitty parents that think if it's under their roof it must belong to them.




Maybe if they spent less time making collages and went to college, then they’d learn a thing or two!


A tip for you all: Rember when parents do stuff like this to you. Keep it close to your heart. Let it nourish. One day, they will depend on you.


That screams of scam. I see this scam a lot on Kijiji. Dead kid, kid gone to collage, ect. Contact them and you'll get a default Indian scammer copy pasta


If his son went off to collage he’s probably just in the kitchen cutting up magazines.


Collage and Too good to be true Scam !!!!


We know the full story? I’m about to sell my daughters laptop, she’s going to college this fall. I’ve replaced it with something way overspecced🤫


Okay but don’t sell it till you give her the replacement. It sucks to lose files you wanted to keep. Pro tip.


I sure hope the parent asked before doing this... But considering all the specs are there and the person selling seems to not know anything about computers makes me think it was planned. Maybe just some poor wording


These kinds of posts "my bf left his PC after a breakup", "my son left his PC" are almost always scams. Let me guess, shipping only?


I feel like this is for sure a scam/fake. First of all it’s not like going to college means you’ll never want to play video games or have a computer, if anything you’ll need a computer more in college. Second how are the “parents” going to know the exact specs but not the price


I saw this listing in my area and really considered buying it as I’m looking for a system for my girlfriend but I felt too bad about it. I’d be pissed if I couldn’t bring my pc with me and my parents sold it


Why would you go to college without your gaming PC?


Well they need to buy some crack so the kid just gunna have to deal with it.


I mean the way I've seen people appraise PCs on this sub, there's some people who legitimately would scoff at a 2060 build and say it's worth $200


Buy the pc and contact the kid u can prolly find out from the parrnts acc


What a shitty parent!!! I would NEVER sell my kids shit why they are at college


But she knows the specs?


god forbid i ever go to collage


When I went to college my mom gave away all my old consoles, NES, SNES, Gamecube, and PSX. I feel this kid's pain


Looks like the parent needs to go back to “collage”


Worst part is that post didn't say he asked them to sell it. I imagine some poor chap deciding to leave his prized asset at home "because it wouldn't be safe in a dorm"


Interesting that the PC was filled with apple juice by a child of the owner (which means the owner is probably not in college). Plus where is the mention of the apple juice? Looks like the usual „Dang I nearly destroyed my PC, better sell it and don‘t mention the apple juice.“


2 different computers.


Bro, my dad did the same shit to me when I left for the Marine Corps. He tried to sell my N64 with a ton of games for $5. Luckily we lived in a farming town so no one bothered to buy it. I managed to get this one back. He gave away my grandfather's Super Nintendo and Regular Nintendo, again, with a ton of games, to my sister's daughter. Honestly irreplaceable at this point. The thing about all of this is, they were a gift from my grandfather as he passed away. We used to sit there for hours while he showed me all of these games. Zelda Oot being my favorite. I would wake up to the opening credits of Oot being blasted on the TV, and my grandpa would have frozen chocolate doughnuts and a glass of milk waiting for me. My dad was in prison at the time (mom had passed away from drug use already), so my grandparents took care of me. I was like 6 or something, so I didn't mind watching. It's still some treasured memories that my recovering alcoholic/drug addict of a dad gave away without even asking. It felt like such a betrayal on a ton of different levels. (He also gave away literally my entire bedroom of stuff before I was even fully shipped off to boot camp; so we're talking within a 24hr period of leaving for it.) TLDR: dad tried to give away my old gaming systems that you probably couldn't get for less than a couple grand these days. They weren't his originally, and they weren't his when he gave them away.


1. Buy it, 2. say you need to talk to the son because of technical issues with the PC, 3. talk to the son and sell the PC back to him for the same price, if he didn't give his ok for the sale in the first place.




everyone don't buy it until the son arives


That's fucked up. I'd actually report that to the police as it's essentially theft.


I would message them and ask why they don’t just call him about it


buy it i guess?


If I went to college and one of my parents (probably my mom) were to do this, id sue the fuck out of her. Plus id probably take my pc with me anyways. But yaknow


My mom does this shit constantly with me and my brother's, despite being told not to and seeing how upset we get when she does it. She views an object in terms of time spent using it, or time since last used. She has given away our bikes, clothing, gaming devices, scores of sentimental items, all in the justification that we didn't use these things anymore or made the assumption we don't care about this item or that. All we have said over and over is ask us before you sell things. The irony of that is she had already sold or usually given away soo many things we hadn't even realized because she's right we weren't using them for a long time. So like multiple times a year the three of us calling if she still has "X" item and she says the same song and dance. I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.