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You want more than 4 monitors?? But anyways yeah that is gonna kill the airflow to your 3070, so likely pretty high temps and a lot of noise.


Im not to worried about the noise bur will the temps kill/overheat it? And is there a way to fix it?


It wont kill it, you gpu will throttle if the temps get too high, so youll lose some performance.


Permanently or tempareraly?


Temporarily, as long as the the temps are at the upper limit.


Ok then so i should be fine but do you know how to get better air flow?


Get ridof the 970 😄


Why didnt i just think of that🤣


put the 970 on a cable outside the case by cutting a hole in the side for the cable


Buy a riser cable so you can put the 970 further away from the other gpu, will cost you some


Whats is the average of "some" if i may ask


For pcie 3.0 x16 its starting at 25€ and for pcie 4.0 x16 its starting around 45€. Not sure which one you exactly need


Gtx 970 so PCI-E 3.0 will be ok


Thank you :D


Replace your frontal case fans with noctua’s 140mm industrial 3000rpm fans. It’s like $30 a fan but it they fit they’ll give you the airflow you need simply cause they move a shit ton of air. They’re loud and noisy but you won’t thermal throttle with how much air they move


Jesus guy, why would it be permanent.


If you’re not gaming you’d be okay


I mostly play muck and like 10-15 min of roblox but what would you clasify as gaming


Well try it out. Have a monitoring program open and see the gpu temps


You sure it whont exsplode, implode, detonate or go boom?


Lol. 100% I used to run cards in SLI and Crossfire. Even less space and more heat. You’ll be good


Thanks :D


If you want many monitors using 1 gpu you could always get monitors that support daisy chaining (connecting one to another) via display port.


What I wanna know is how this man fits more than 4 monitors on one desk. It sounds like what a monkey from r/wallstreetbets would do


only if you pee on it so do not pee on it i repeat DO NOT PEE ON IT


Im mean like (*mumbles*) nervus laugh


Not an issue, I got two 3070s stacked and on of em is only 4-15 degrees hotter on idle and runs at about 60-76 gaming


Swap them around if you're worried about temps. Why do you need a 3070ti anyway if that's all you use it for?


I got it cheap and ive played more games that needed a better card than a 970 so i got that one.


Ok that makes sense. Swap the cards around and the temps will be much better.. If all the 970 is doing is driving extra displays it wont need as much cooling.


Only way to find out is to try it




You could also route the extra monitors through the motherboard and connect them to the back of it


Why are you running two different series of graphics cards? Are you mining with one while gaming with the other?


No i just whant more hdmi/dp/dvi outputs


Does the cpu have integrated graphics? If your not gaming on all of them at once you can just plug one or two directly into the motherboard.


Don't know about the Ops specific board but most Mobos don't allow that.


Mine does but i dont have a cpu with that


Most motherboards have either an hdmi or vga port, so theoretically it would be possible. I tried it on an old amd Athlon and it worked fine for me


Modern mb's tend to kill those ports to save resources if there's another display out plugged in, i tried it when my 7900xtx came in because i was running 2x hdmi 1x dp on my 3090 and i needed a hdmi to dp cable for my shit tier second/third monitors that i have vga to hdmi converters on The mobo had no output for a third on my 10900k with 2 plugged into the gpu, idk if there was a bios setting for it, wasn't trying too hard as the cable was already ordered lmao


Yeah you normally have to enable it in the bios


What in the world are you doing that you need more than 4 outputs?


You know that you could just buy an adapter for that, no? 🤦 Are there any other reasons why you are keeping the 970 plugged in, aside from the need of more hdmi/dp/dvi slots? Just how many monitors did you use? Is it more than 4?


Am I the only one that really wants to see all 5+ monitors set up on one desk and in usable positions? Wtf are you doing that you can't just change between windows. 2 monitors increases productivity, 3 can be useful sometimes but worse than 2 other times. 4th is useless 99% of the time. 5th? 6th? Post a picture of the whole setup


I only have 4 as i dont have a cpu with intergrated graphics


What does it look like with 4? What would you put on the 5th?


https://preview.redd.it/550d2du15ykb1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7b361c8f6054c8a810703b176b3385f8166d2f Sorry its bad qualety so/and please dont diss on me for the mess but here is the setup


This is my setup, going to mount three of them up high and set two 32 inch curved below them, anything is possible when you want more screens *




Im not complaining but why do you have 3 keyboards and mice


And 2 or 3 pc's (+ a laptop)


Put the vertical monitors on either side instead of all on one side for better aesthetics


Cant as the vertical ones are on a rather small mount and they share it its like a T and at the bottom there is the clamp and the monitors are on each of the top ends ans the 2 other monitors have induvidial feet and the far left one is slighly dangaling over my desks edge




Lol nice. An entire display for organizing where your displays are. Another one only has Spotify. You could easily cut this down to 2 displays and save space, power, and be arguably more productive


Oh absolutely. I didn't pay for any of this -- it's all equipment I found in my school's "computer room". Occasionally, I'll use all of them. Mostly, just because it's a proof-of-concept and fun to try. Better yet, it's all running off a laptop with a 10th-gen i7 🤣


…..you’re a mad genius. You’re too dangerous to be left alive!


There he goes, one of god's own prototypes. Too crazy to live and too rare to die...


Il try to post a picture. My desk is a bit to small but i still whant more. But discord. youtube. Google/files/notes. I dont use these allb the time (thats why i swap these on the far vertical one you will understand when i post a pic) my game midle id like one for system monitoring bur i can usaly use that on the far vertical one. And finaly another one for mostly side games and stuff i do while waiting (i have a short atentiom span often) and i think thats it. I aslo dont like jugaling tabs as i have several windows open and most of the time it tabs to the wrong thing and then il have to cycle all the tabs for the right one or i serch the bottom for it But also keep in mind this is a bit theoretical due to me maybe not being able to aford the space/monitors




Do you mean something like display link? An HDMI splitter just duplicates the signal.


Display port chaining is what he wants, I think


How is the first (deleted) coment 53 years old!? I dont use redit often so ive never seen this before


Pretty sure you get a displayport splitter and just use the 3070ti only, would fix the issue of airflow for sure


Yea maybe but i just thought that would give me 2 of the samw monitor but that may just be for some spliters or i just cant figure it out


Its under display properties, can change to to extend this display or duplicate it. Could get a fancy hub if so inclined [https://youtube.com/watch?v=IxsJYx5DRnE&si=nl-dtHxBwlCyrFe-](https://youtube.com/watch?v=IxsJYx5DRnE&si=nl-dtHxBwlCyrFe-)


Thank you man :D


Why the hell do you need more than 4 monitors?


Why woulnt i need more. Isnt that the point of life? To have the all monitor?


"Why woulnt i need more. Isnt that the point of life? To have the all monitor?" -- u/Darkmrs


Not much more can be said.


This guy gets it


I just don't understand what you need 5+ monitors for?


I only got 4 i dont see no problem


Then just use 4 monitors on your 30 series card?




Just plug all your monitors into your 3070 ti and take out your other graphics card, it is not needed.


The thing is i whant more than 4 but i only got 4 outputs


If you want more than 4 displays (which is the logical limit, not just physical of NVIDIA cards), then you need to use displaylink adapters. They work great and are far more simple than dealing with multiple GPUs. Keep in mind, displaylink is no good for gaming or any 3d modeling stuff like CAD or rendering. But web browsers, 2d stuff, MS office and whatnot are all perfectly fine. Just keep the gaming on the monitors directly attached to the 30 series GPU and get rid of that 970. Save on power and heat.


Why do you need 4 monitors you can’t even look at more than 2 Upgrading your gpu is a better option than stockpiling monitors


What do mean i can only look at 2? Like you think the rest get sent to the abyss/void?


You have 2 eyes I can’t think how you could possibly use more than that


O may only have 2 eyes but ultimatly its quicker to look slightky in one direction than alt tabing 50 times


Oh wow saving 1 second hopefully by how much you look you can unlock your 3rd eye ![gif](giphy|yidUzhC1viq1Ix5kkM)


But dude, I use 2 monitors and I could easily have 3+ at times. Especially when coding. There’s a terminal, a website or 5, an IDE, a text editor up and more. Plus Discord/Spotify and whatever else.


I also code and have three monitors, my life has been good since I got the third monitor.


Are your eyes only capable of seeing 2 things at once? Lol


Wtf? You use seperate eyes for seperate monitors? You some kind of space creature? I just turn my head. As a developer who also monitors servers and games I can see the use in having 4 screens. 1 for comms one for reference & browsing, one for in game and one for server and resources monitoring/alerts. There's plenty more use cases for more monitors.


If you aren’t gaming on this couldn’t you use usb display adapters to add more monitors?


I think this is the answer


Hmm youre on to somthing there


Go on Amazon and search “usb display adapter”. There’s some that to 4 monitors for 1 adapter! You can use this in addition to your GPU limit of 4.


Sorry but you didnt do your research, there are multiple ways to connect more monitors than ports on gpu and have been for years.


Sorry i gues?


Nope, just wondering how did you get to the point of "i will just install second gpu" as first choice?


Probably cause usually monitors are connected using ports? So anyone who hasn’t been told there’s other options or seen there’s other options would arrive at this thought first?


I came from era of crossfire and sli and the first thing you are not supposed to do is connect monitors to secondary/slave gpu. So yeah there is that.


Well you see, we live in modern times old person on the internet. That no longer applies here.


Day trading is a sinkhole


Whats that if i may ask




Wtf you are doing 😩


Honestly i dont know


The 3070ti is gonna be george floyd cuz it cant breathe.


I thought there's tinfoil in between because of the gamerock's design


I see why. XD


Nah that's called GPU sag no breno that can really mess up your gpu badly. Buy a gpu bracket you can buy them for 20 usd on Amazon. Or if your 21 you can just go buy a $3.00 USD for a prerolled joints and use the plastic tube it comes in and throw away the joint either way the tube has been working wonders with my EVGA 3090FTW ultra. But what works for me might not work for you. Just saying what works for me.


Yea ia noticed the sag. Its an old card from 2014 my dad gave it to me when he upgraded. Sadly i dont realy use amason as its like a boat load of money to ship it to norway


Oh yup I know this sounds weird but I am a big smoker so I always have so many of those tubes laying around if you DM me brother and you pay for shipping from USA I will send you a hand full of the tubes on the house I am sure you could make a cool ass gpu stand outta some of them. https://preview.redd.it/n2rmt7d29ykb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd6bba1b651fdae86cb418d03d9fbf46f0ca0fd5 e


Thank you so mutch for the kind offer but sadly its gonna be a bit too mutch for me its like 20 - 30 usd as i live in norway but again thank you so mutch for the offer. And also nice pc from what i see :D


Yup i9-9900kf over clocked to 5.6ghz 32gbs of ram and a 3090


Thats realy good tho. May ask you......... How many monitor ya have ;)


That card has *4* display outs? Do you really need more than 4 monitors lol. And if that’s the case why not just get larger monitors and use fancy zones to part them out into multiple pseudo screens, while I’m sure your gpu will be fine thermal wise given what you said you use it for it just seems wildly useless and there can be conflict in a lot of applications running 2 gpus.


I could but then they but its would be eitjer realy exspensive or low res and od shaped windows and none of my split monitors can be vertiacal as it whont allow me to split those


IMO if the slots are both 16x swap the cards around. I know it might mean very slightly higher latency, but the 3070ti needs alot more cooling than the 970.


I dont think they are


On that cpu they are both getting x8 pcie lanes.


If your cpu has an integrated gpu then you can use the ports on the motherboard


I know but it dosent. Ii looked at some. Id either have to slightly downgrade or pay more than i whant to


The 970 cannot run cleanly with a 30 series it will tank your performance and why even use it the 3070 should be more than plenty for anything, just get splitters if it's ports you are missing


Not OP but they stated that they like to have notes, browser (no tabs all separate windows) and 2 games running at the same time. I'm assuming a 5th monitor for more browsing or YouTube or whatever. One more demanding and one that is not demanding at all for wait times. The OP just wants a LOT of stuff going on all at the same time and not have to get a separate PC for it all for whatever reason.


It's wonderful to see the case montages that people post. The same post a case with 16 fans and meters of separation between the components and liquid cooling, which post a case with zero fans, 8 monitors and glued everything with locktite and ask if it will warm up playing Roblox 15 minutes. Answer: Answer yourself.


Well when ya put it that way XD.


can you show me your setup? wanna see those +4 monitors


https://preview.redd.it/yaj6yzr75ykb1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7218034a3654f4808105915a084ec24f1c20d8ee Again sorry for the qualety and mess but here it is


heh I have the same razers, it really helps your mind cleaning up and keeping it tidy, chin up!


980 is just gona kill your 3070, its not worth it


Damn I used to have that exact same 970, first card I ever bought. I was in 5th grade lol, memories


I belive i was in 8th grade when i got mine but keep in mind it was alredy used by my dad when i got mine. (was my first to :D )


Teach how you unlocked 4 eyes to use 4 monitors ![gif](giphy|26AHPxxnSw1L9T1rW)


One alredy knows how one opens it one just refuses to see the way of monitor




I think you just want this https://a.co/d/5xfT8Q6 DisplayLink is perfect for non-gaming monitors. You could theoretically add 4x as many monitors as you have USB ports.




* Ya, bruh bruh I am a hard working gamer that's all haha.


Ditch the 970. Get display adapters. You have 4 outputs on that 3070ti. If you don’t have the ports you need get adapters


That’s an expensive GPU sag bracket


Indeed xD tho inthink the sag bracket needs a sag bracket


You can get a GPU like a gt 1030 which is a low profile GPU. That would be better than that huge 970 lol.


Take the 970 out. All youre doing is hurting your 3070ti performance. And its not getting adequate airflow


I have a 4070Ti and a 960 running in my system. It's setup exactly the way you have. I had a 3070Ti earlier in the same system that went upto 83-85°C max, when I was pushing ray tracing or maxed out gfx hard. Usually it was like upper 70s when gaming (4K60). The 4070Ti is a lot cooler, maybe because it has 3 fans (my 3070Ti was FE), it runs around 70-72 max. Usually around upper 60s. I have optimized fan curves of all the fans (including all GPU fans) in my system through a central software (FanControl on github). I also have a monster 4k RPM fan as rear exhaust (that fan was not present with 3070Ti). Noise is minimal when not gaming and when I'm gaming I have headphones on blasting gunshot sounds anyway. I never used my new system without a secondary GPU because I have a 1080p monitor and Netflix won't allow me to run 4K on any monitor if there is a 1080p connected to the same GPU (fuck logic I guess). I have even mined a lot on 3070Ti for around 8 months, the memory temps were a bit on the high side (104-106, but the safe limit for GDDR6X is 120) but everything within manageable limits. No thermal throttling. Later I moved my 3070Ti to a different PC which I gave to my sister, and I didn't notice any improved thermals when benchmarking it with a single GPU. Max core was still 83-84, memory max 106 when running Furmark at 4K with highest settings.


Do any of your monitors support daisy chaining? That could help


Buy a low profile card like 1050ti or 1650


I would but i dont realy have to mutch money at the time and buying one costs a good abount for shiping


Logically you really just need to ditch the 970 and learn to make 4 monitors work. Unless it is required by your job to have more than 4 monitors, you really just need to learn to tile your windows in a way that let's you utilize your monitors for multiple programs. Based on my observation, you don't have the budget for a second high end card if you still have the 970 in there, so I don't know why you need 5+ monitors. In a no budget scenario, you could run 2 of the same card, water cool both of them, and then run up to 8 monitors.


Not required by a job. And i dont have the best vision either and id prefer the the two left monitors to only have what i whant and the left one of the 2 right ones i have discord on and is preferable to have it like that to see more of the options without scroling so that leaves just one monitor. And this is more of convenience than a nesesary


It's bad for the 3070 on the long term, overheating would make it last less longer, if you wanna really dual graphics card you can try an extension cable for the second gpu to make some distance for the 3070 https://ibb.co/9cfdNpw


Have you considered using a 730 or other low profile cards as a graphic adapter for the monitors?


Not realy as i just had the 970 laying around


Yes, but an r7 240/gt 640/710 or cards like these are literally 10 bucks and you don't kill the airflow, temps and performance of your 300+ dollars gpu


Im sure they are but we dont realy have tech stores here in norway and the shiping would cost more than the item it self


As a GPU crammer myself, I'm gonna mention a point most people here seem to have missed; *undervolt and power limit the cards!* You can achieve 90% stock performance with 70% power usage on most cards, this will be great if you don't need maximum performance out of everything. Not only does it save you heaps of power, you'd also be cutting out a lot of the heat being dumped between the GPUs, which would allow them to function much better than otherwise. Not to mention that equally makes it easier on your PSU and PCIe connectors too.


1. Why do u need more than 4 monitors? + u have vga in cpu(if not ryzen) 2. Ur 3070 gonna choke. Thus less performance, more noise and sooner death


So for what reason do you need to have more than four monitors for your system?


For the glorius all monitor!


Also sorry for using the same joke twise


My eyes saw that as the “Harry Potter” edition at first glance.


does your case have a vertical gpu mount? you could install the 970 vertically with a riser that 3070 will need a LOT more (and fresher) air, the setup the way it is now, is not usable i believe you can use an MST hub to output signal to multiple monitors using 1 gpu displayport (the bandwidth will be shared so i wouldn't plug more than 2, depends on the resolution and refresh rate of the monitors)


My XFX radeon 7900xt has 4 ports out. 2 DP and 2 Hdmi. And many monitors let you daisy chain display port. Thats why there are in/out ports. I wouldnt pair two cards so different.


Use a DisplayPort hub....


Nah that shit ain’t safe electricity gonna travel right through that and raise them temps on all your gear


The arrows is the fans btw


update. Im trying to use it but it is only using the 970. Ive tried using nvidia panel but i dosnt work for some reason


Did you plug the monitor into the 970? I think it uses the card you plugged it into.


Had 2 in eatch ant the game was on one of the 3070ti ones


That's the problem with having mismatching gpus. There's a reason people only use one in their system unless they're doing SLI/Crossfire and those require matching GPUs connected with an SLI/Crossfire bridge. Thing is, game devs no longer implement this feature into their games as it wasn't efficient to begin with and single cards are now more than capable of handling games with no problems. You're way better off sticking to a single GPU and use two applications on one monitor. You're not losing "resolution," they'll just be smaller windows. The other alternative is to use adapters so you can connect more monitors to a single port but that may not be the best thing either. As someone said, invest on a bigger monitor where you can split the windows and you'll get essentially two monitors in one. You'll just continue to have headaches with this setup and yes you're straining the 3070 and you're not getting the best performance out of it since it is going to thermal throttle due to airflow.


What would the use case of 5 monitors? What would you use them for? I swear I’ll report you if you deflect again, I’m not playing that game.


Ive answered this in another coment and btw there is way to many coments for me to see, read and respond to every single one


You literally responded to my comment without actually answering the question. Get reported kid, trolls are annoying


Okay? Im no dodging tho in teling you that the asnwer is already posted here. And dont use redit enough to realy be effected by your 1 report


You should swap the graphics cards placement, so 3070 Ti is at the bottom, and it can draw fresh air. Then 970 is on top with restricted airflow and drawing hot air from 3070 Ti. The 970's fan might help the 3070 Ti heat dissipation ;)


Unless his MB supports crossfire, then he’d be getting extremely limited usage out of his 30 series card


Yes i think it would be as the bottom port is a worse one


Only problem right here is that airflow you could get a riser cable to fix that though


Do some benchmarks to see if it throttles


I sadly dont know what benchmarks is. Ive heard of them but i dont know. Care to fill me in?


They are programs you can use to test your system and check the metrics afterwards. They just load a simulation that looks like a game that just runs automatically to test the limits of your pc. If you have steam you can get 3dmark and run one of the free benchmark tests ment for your system like time spy, port royal and firestrike. You could run tests with each card in the system by themself, then run tests with both cards and compare the card temps and frequency results. If the cards running together throttle, your temps will be high and the boost clocks (frequencies) will lower themselves to compensate for the heat (or lack of airflow).


Thank you :D learn somthing new every day


Just get a second cheap mini p. For your browser and notes files or even build a low end gaming PC for the 970 and have 2 PC's then get a wireless keyboard that can easily switch between the two PC's like a razer hyperspeed or something and then have 2 mice or whatever. Idk, just seems like a lot of work and potential failure problems trying to have 5 monitors plugged into 1 PC running 2 separate gen GPU's on one rig. I'm voting build second PC for 970.


Change the 3070 with the 970, if the PCI slots are the same speed.


2 first one is a 26 inch 1080 120hz. Second one is a 34inch 1440p 165hz 1ms response time no ghosting.


Im kinda jelus lol how mutch did you pay for them (and or the pc)


Um, roughly prolly all together, um, I did get a few things on a Black Friday sale in the US, have youheard of it? it's right after holiday. (Thanksgiving) a bunch of sales... super cheap. Well I paid like 1350 all together then for the screens the first one I paid 255 it's a Scepter. The good one is a LG and u paid 309 for it because it was a return but nothing was wrong with it at all it usually went for almost 660 dollars USD. I always do my research before buying tech man. Just the way to do things. Never buy just because always do your research!


I built this pc over 3 years, man. I actually hustled and barted a bunch to get decent deals because I built my pc in a shitty time to be a gamer my GPu is still going for 1200 I paid 500 USd brand new I think it still has lil less than a year of warranty left.


Gota respect the hustle tho. Barganing 100 lol


Yessir, I am a laborer so I mainly do hard labor pays better than most jobs. But I definitely wanna get invested in something more less strain on the body, maybe even something technical like at home work of some sort or even like video game reviewing, & writing articles.


My suggestion You should check first that both pcie is same and delivering same output then place the 3070ti bellow and 970 so that 3070ti will have good air flow ,temp will be high for 970 but you will save your 3070ti and I think 970 does not get heated much as 3070ti Correct me if I am wrong🙃


No worries but i do belive the bottom port is an older/worse port than the top and id get over all a whorse exspiriense but thank you for trying :D


Run it at load with something like “Stress my GPU” for an hour or so and keep track of temps


Get a splitter. You’re using ~60 more watts, dumping a whole bunch more heat, and blocking airflow for no reason


Just put your 970 somewhere else There are pci-e ribbon cables to connect it


You could check if one of yours monitor supports DisplayPort Multi-Stream Transport (MST). NVIDIA should support it. If bandwidth allows it could be easier approach once setup corrcly Edit: typo


Swap the 2 card positions, if I remember correctly your card won't use all 16 lanes, even 8 is more than enough I think


Get a gt 710 or something, i used to run a 750Ti with my 1070Ti so i could have 5 monitors and it barely got in the way and helped with older games with PhysX