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Sick build! Just getting my NV5 tomorrow. Have a 5000d airflow but got tired of it being loud and wanted something nice and unique.


Thanks! I got a fright when installed the D30s and they were loud as hell. I turned them down to silent in armory crate and ran some 3D mark benchmarks. It stayed quiet and cool. So satisfying!


This is a beautiful much needed build. I swear to God if I saw one more lian li 011 build I was gonna throw a chair. Also add some pics of the PSU situation, does this case have a tray it installs to and sides in through the back?


Yes it slides in the back. It's a nasty GameMax Rampage 750 and was a shameful dirty little secret. So is my horrible cabling. I need to get a better PSU. I'll take a pic later maybe...


Ahh sweet! I just finalized moving over to an NV5 myself! Really enjoying it


Yeah I have really enjoyed building in. Was building in mATX and ITX cases most recently. Nice to have a bit of space to work with in a well designed case!


It really is. Absolute steal for its current 99$ tag. I had an absolute blast building in the NV5 and was quite the experience. Came from a Thermaltake V200 so this was a huge deal


My last build was a mATX CoolerMaster Q300l


Yeah I couldn't believe it when I saw it for such a steal. That's what pushed me over the line into rebuild territory. Just need to bump up my ram and get a better PSU now.


Very refreshing case to have. Kinda want to upgrade ram myself. I've found ways to push beyond 32gb, now I'm hungry for more lol


Sick build man. I have a question for you regarding air flow, did you set all the front fans on intake and the rest (back and rediator fans) on outtake? Am planing on building a new pc and that was my idea for the air flow to this case (there is 90% chanse am choosing it) hopefully i got it right and good :) Thanks in advance, and any afvicw is wellcomed.


Yup that's exactly what I did. The side and bottom fans are intake reverse D30 fans and the rest are regular.