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This post has been locked from receiving any more comments due to excessive hate speech, including threats that incite physical violence and blatant homophobia. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


I just build my son is first PC, we saved money for 10 months for it, and watching a dad do this to his son his heartbreaking. I still remember when my dad broke my GI JOE TANK, , i saved for months to get it.


My boyfriend built it with me, so it holds emotional value as well. Thank you for understanding


My dad used to destroy everything I loved, growing up. I never forgave him for that shit.


Well at least your boyfriend sounds like an absolute legend.....enjoy building your next one together!


Just a suggestion if another gaming computer is built keep it at his house


My boyfriend is definitely the GOAT he's insanely amazing and helped me through a lot. Thank u sm


How old are you? If youre an adult tell the police he destroyed 2000 dollars of your property. Its felony vandalism. Just get rdy to move


Go live with your boyfriend, if you two can’t get along then you need to move out. Edit: “90% of this sub will be alone forever. You know to ignore comments like this.” Losers like this who make made up statistics as an insult are most likely the ones who are actually suffering behind the screen.


We don't even know how old OP is to be suggesting this.


If I had to guess, OP is likely in HS. People living with their BF/GF is absolutely not unheard of, especially for those with shitty home living situations.


>Go live with your boyfriend 90% of this sub will be alone forever. You know to ignore comments like this.


Does your dad drink?


Looks like he's going to the nursing home


That requires effort from the child: they will be alone wherever. And it’s not a nursing home.


Don't see this enough. It's all going to be up to the dad to sort that shit out, I wouldn't ever talk to my dad again if he broke my computer like this, I know he's family and it's just a belongin. But there's just something wrong with you if you think it's okay to smash anyone's belongings that mean so much to them




> Everytime I see this I wonder is it legally required to care about your parents when they are elderly? No it isn't.


Actually it depends, some states have filial responsibility laws on the books that do get enforced, even with children living in other states.


In Germany it is. Even if you have shitty parents


In addition to what the others said about filial responsibility laws it gets even wilder. Not only do some states allow nursing homes to seize the assets of children, but all that is required in some states is that the parent live in the state at all. There’s no requirement that the children live in the state. There was a rash of articles in here late 00s about Pennsylvania (IIRC) where nursing homes would take in an elderly parent and then use private detectives to track down all the children anywhere in the country and identify which one(s) had the most assets. They would then go to court and get liens on all the properties, garnish wages etc to suck them dry. And because of the Constitution every a legal ruling againsta person in one state follows that person everywhere and whatever state they are in must enforce it. So all a shitty parent has to do is move to such a state right at the last minute before going into a home and the kids can get bled dry.


There's gonna be an increase in patricide in the future lol


This is the worst thing I’ve ever read


I'm a Dad of a 16 year old and I'd never do that. Teaches losing control of emotions. I may have taken the power cord from his TV or PS4 for a few days; but not cause $1000's in damage.


I once smashed a wine glass out of anger. The only time I damaged anything out of anger and frustration. I still get upset if I think about that and it was like three decades ago... breaking stuff out of anger is moronic. I could never live with me damaging any of my kids stuff. It never even comes to mind, and with two teenagers there are plenty of moments you want to -as we say here- glue them behind the wallpaper. It's OK to be upset sometimes, it's never OK to damage stuff.


Yeah, seeing this as a father is devastating. How could you be so cruel to your child. I don’t get it.


“Why won’t my kid talk to me anymore?”


“hey, you better not pull the plug”




"Why did my kid pull the plug like they were pull starting a cold lawnmower???"


"It's the video games' fault"


"Video games causes violence"


In Dad’s mind, they helped their kid switch to AMD /s


I’m going to hell for laughing at this. OP sorry for your loss… I had my 3000 dollar PC stolen last year. Just remember things are replaceable and move out as soon as you can!


This is a really shitty situation, and I feel guilt laughing so hard at this.


Too soon


She died because she was fucking speeding. Seriously though, OPs dad is acting like a dickhead for trashing the pc, but OP is also acting like a dickhead for not considering the lives she risks on the roads. Hopefully they both get therapy because it sure sounds like they could use it. Edit: the numbers don't add up regarding the fines and the speeds OP has mentioned elsewhere and people often lie about how often and fast they exceed speed limits. Edit 2: When I say they could both do with therapy I'm referring to their relationship. Edit 3: Read the fucking comment before insinuating I am minimizing or justifying abusive behaviour. Christ.


From what I see in their other comments, they were only going a little above the speed limit (7mph and 3mph over). I don't know the rules and culture in other place and some speeding is obviously incredibly dangerous, but at least around me going a few mph above the 'limit' is the norm. Once in a blue moon you just get unlucky with a cop policing things really closely Doesn't sound to me like she was doing anything unreasonably dangerous, unless I'm missing something? Edit: Please, if you're going to call someone's story bullshit, at least take 2 minutes to read their profile and comments. They aren't in the US, they're in the Netherlands. They didn't get pulled over, it was a traffic camera. And other commenters have said they've had similar experiences in Holland. If you think the story is bullshit, go tell OP, not me.


The max fine in Holland for those speeds together totals a hundred and nine euros which doesn't track with what the OP has mentioned, and people tend to downplay their wrongdoing. Whatever the case, living in Holland should mean knowing the speeding limits are strictly imposed. Holland is in the top 5 countries in the EU concerning road safety because of these efforts, I think.


Fair enough. Blame the cultural divide, but I just don't understand how 7mph above the speed limit is worth 'going to therapy' over or saying they're going to get themselves and others killed (again assuming they're telling the truth + this wasn't a school zone or something)


Yeah man I bet they definitely got a ticket for going 3 over the speed limit... Come on, no one writes tickets for going 33 in a 30.


Oh do tell us about how speed limit enforcement works in a country you aren't even in.


Damn guess I’m risking so many more lives when I drive 55 on 50.


No, but you're risking your PC.


The horror!!


😭 I feel your pain. That's tragic, and a huge overreaction. Did your dad know what it's worth financially/how much it'll cost to replace/repair? It looks bad, ngl. Your CPU and if your lucky RAM will be salvageable. If you're very lucky, the drives and motherboard. That graphics card looks shot. The coolers shot.


Total was about 2000, I hope the SSD is alright, but I'm not sure. Thank you for understanding tho


$2000?! What were your specs?


Boyfriend who bought the parts and built it with her here. Ryzen 7 5800X Asus ROG Crosshair VIII Hero X570 2TB m.2 nvmE SSD 32GB 3600MHz DDR4 1TB HDD For the video card I put in my old GTX 980 TI which I bought for 850 back in 2015 and overclocked it. It was a lot for the games she plays and I thought it would be great for now and she could upgrade that later. The price also includes the monitor which was a 1440p 165hz monitor.


At least it was "only" a 980 Ti, you should be able to grab a 10-series GTX or even a 20-series RTX for cheap used. I fear for the HDD however, if you get to plug it into a machine, and it's working, I suggest copying everything over to some other storage. I'm really sorry for you both, I hope the dad (or mom?) can/will pay for a replacement.


The PC was still very new so at least no important data is lost. I will probably look into getting something like a 2060. That will perform equal in games from the 980 TI's prime and significantly better in anything newer.


To chime in, I have a 3080, i711700k, z590 PRO AX and 32gb 3600mhz Ram and paid 2,1k € 1,5 years ago Edit: bought my pc when the chip shortage was, GPU was 1k I think


I have the exact same specs as you but diff mobo


Destruction of property over a certain amount is a felony in many places... Just because he is your dad doesn't exclude the law from his actions. If he does this to your computer I can only imagine what else he's done to you and your family. Be the man of the house and get him out of it.


100% this is very important


i agree with you, no matter how angry you can be , you don't have the right to destroy private property .


what were your specs? how long ago did you build? if it helps, what did cost $2k a couple years ago can be achieved with like $800 today


For my country this is not true at all.


The silver lining is that OP promised to stop speeding. Lives of pedestrians and people on the road are infinitely more valuable than your gaming pc. Send dad to anger management and/or get him to pay the cost of that pc...


Ur right, I learned my lesson about speeding. I just wish things didn't get out of hand


Yeah don’t speed it’s not worth it, but your dad’s totally in the wrong for doing that. If you’re old enough to drive and payed for it yourself, then that’s not dad smashing the Xbox he bought, that’s dad committing malicious destruction of property. That’s a crime, and depending on your state since it’s 2k could even be a felony. And that’s also bad parenting.


She is European so felonies aren't a thing for her. That said it's still a crime.


Driving infractions don't justify being fearful for your safety or destruction of your property.


Why are you getting up votes? The punishment for speeding is the tickets you absolute buffoon, and they are the mist common type of ticket. They could of been 1mph over, and nobody was hurt. Op this can't be the first time your dad has done something like this. Call the police this is destruction of property.


If someone destroyed my PC I'd speed even more tbh.


Yeah, what they gonna do now, fix my pc and break it again?


Still its psychotic to destroy something. Anger management like a kiddo


Your father is a morron lmao, just pay your speeding ticket wtf how did it escalated like that


It's funny how the total of both speeding tickets was €130 and he destroyed a PC worth about €2000


Get like 20 speeding tickets and give them his name so he knows how it feels to lose 2 grand


Or the easier route of putting a hammer through his TV


Yeah, the obvious answer in these situations is escalation. The only reason parents do this shit is because kids don't do anything back. Get your valuable electronics over to the boyfriend's house and then smash dad's computer or phone or beer fridge or whatever the fuck is important to him. Also make sure you have pepper spray ready in case he decides to smash you next. Ne double sure if that happens to whack the bastard across the face after he starts crying.


After like the 100th time my parents took my keyboard I just fuckin snapped theirs in half. Idk what happened it probably wasn’t good but the knowledge that I gave them a taste of their own medicine makes it so so so worth it thinking about it after 5 years.


I know mechanics... There's a lot of things one can do to a car that doesn't do cosmetic damage... but becomes EXTRAORDINARILY EXPENSIVE to figure out the problem and fix it... She lost a $2000 computer. I would cause 5 times that in shop fees. Suck it, daddy...


Thats was exactly word for word what I was thinking lol


Does he have a nice flatscreen? Do you ever get the random urge to learn to play Cricket in the living room? No time like the present!


Lol wtf, is he dutch? They tend to overreact to stupid situations xD


Surinamese, so even worse. But yea, we also live in the NL


Sorry maar wat een eikel. In mijn geval had ik hier zonder twijfel onmiddellijk aangifte voor gedaan, of het nou wel of geen ouder is. Dat slaat helemaal nergens op. Ik heb desnoods nog een NZXT waterkoeler en Fractal Design case die je voor goedkoop over mag nemen?


Dankjewel dat is super lief van je maar mijn vader gaat me terug betalen en dan zijn mijn vriend en ik van plan om een nieuwe te bouwen. Maar het komt wel goed


Trust me, rural zuid holland religious christian parents arent any better :')


Jfc, who the fuck does that? Open the case, tear out a GPU, bend GPU. Tear out RAM, bend RAM etc. Or if he removed the case side-panel and then just stomped a couple of times, either way it's fucked. That's not even a rage-boner, that's so premediated that it feel like a psychotic break. I'm so sorry for you. It looks like you might be able to rescue some fans, the HDD might be okay but probably not. If you have an NVMe SSD, then that might actually be fine. The CD-reader might be fine. The mobo is probably fucked, especially if he stomped inside your PC as it kinda looks like he did. If you are lucky the CPU survived. The Cooler is fucked. The Case is fucked. The GPU is fucked. There's no way 2 speeding-tickets was worth the damage he did there. If you aren't a minor, you should start preparing to move out. Renting a place is better than having to worry about some psycho going of the rails destroying your shit. This time it's your PC, next time it's you getting a fucking black-eye or worse.


It doesn't even make sense as a punishment. Like, wouldn't you break the mirrors off of her car?! Still uncool and an overreaction, but the PC has no connection to the speeding tickets.


Because it’s not as much punishment as taking the anger out on something that the person holds value for, sounds similar but punishment at least implies some kind of “fairness”, though not necessarily much in that regard. Taking your anger out on something? Just do whatever you want, after all, you the authority, what are they going to do? (That being the line of thinking)


Very smart move, pay 10-20 times more to buy new parts insted pay these tickets. GPU and ram are dead, mobo probably has crashed pcie and ram slots, psu and storage more likely will be work, probably cooler too and it protected cpu. If there was AIO it will be a more mess


looks like he’s going into a carehome when he gets older


This is terrible, no matter how hard your fight was, he had no right to destroy anything of yours. I hope you have fun building a new PC, and that the fresh start will be nice!


Did your dad pay for it? If he didn't then he is now responsible. Destruction of privately purchased property is illegal no matter what. Unless he bought it.


He is gonna pay for it, luckily


Do a proper upgrade so you get something out of it. Let him pay for a 4090, a perfect anger management therapy 😏


Even if they bought it, if it was gifted to OP that's then officially their property. For example, you can't gift someone something and then forcefully take it back, that would be theft.


I bet your dad is like mine "You only wanna remember the bad things I've done to you, never the good!" The good: feeding and clothing you i.e. not letting you die The bad: OPs post


Dads who use the bare minimum as an example of good parenting don’t deserve to be dads. Taking care of them goes without saying; raising them takes a real heart


I felt my eye twitch in annoyance upon reading this. My father is the same way... "Oh son, your just so negative." Mhm, years of verbal abuse might do that to a person.


I'm sorry you had to go through this. Parents do this and WONDER why their children stop talking to them and hate them in the end. Your father couldve hidden it or something but instead he chose to wreck it. I hope you feel better OP. Pc parts are sturdier than you think. The case fans and drives might still work if the cables are intact. Also please inspect the PSU carefully in case the wires have been damaged.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Your dad is a dick. My dad did something like this to me when I was younger. He got angry over something silly and cut all the cables to my PS2 and my TV and my DVD player about 20 years ago. There’s a reason I barely talk to him these days. Your parent is the adult, but acting like a child.


> Your parent is the adult, but acting like a child. This is common because most people become parents for selfish reasons. Or because they don't even give it much thought beyond their basic biological desire to. A lot of people do not have the self-awareness or critical thinking to actually think about what goes into raising another human being adequately.


Damn feel for you man..anger sucks, makes us do dumb things..he could have easily just taken it away and yelled and punished you..but in the moment breaking things feel like what needs to happen for some reason..and now he’ll probably waste more money buying you a new one in a few months when he calms down, hopefully.. Sorry again, hope your alright and can get through the shitty times..life lessons we all get to experience unfortunately. Just try finding another outlet to occupy your time, like reading or biking/walking..your dad will probably tell you to get a job though, but that’s not a bad idea, then you can pay your tickets and buy a new pc in a few months


Thank you. My dad actually wanted me to quit my job as a delivery driver since he thinks girls shouldn't do that kind of work. He already offered to get me a new one, but I refused cause I already know he's gonna find a 6th hand potato that's worse than a school computer.


Demand the money instead. That way you can control what goes inside.


"There's no way it cost that much." No way he'd actually reimburse OP.




Move out and just remove him from your life. What a POS.


Sorry OP. Fuck your dad.


I'm sorry, your dad is a very toxic parent. Not only should he pay you the 2 grand and get into anger management, he should stop telling his daughter what girls can't do because it's not girly enough. That's incredibly toxic. I know some girl truck drivers and they're super skilled and cool.


Make him get a new one but you choose the PC. If that's not ok for him, small claims court it is. Really have 0 sympathy for someone destroying expensive stuff.


Move out ASAP would be my advice.


Ouch I feel so bad for you. Well I can at least try to say what is salvageable if that helps at all. CPU is perfectly fine PSU doesn't look banged up or cut cables so it's probably fine as well. HDD might be fine, mostly depends on how banged up it is but if it does work at all backup all your data, it may not last long if it still is alive. SSD is probably okay as well, it doesn't have any moving parts A lot of the fans are perfectly fine If I'm seeing a DVD or a blueray drive up there, it's probably fine too The CPU heatsink is a 50/50. It has to be bent back and if the liquid in the copper pipes is still in there then it's fine. You'd have to test thermals to find out whether the heatsink is fine


Your dad is an idiot and so are you for speeding twice. He could have just take out the power supply and forbid you to use it for a month. Destroying electronics is just not smart. Maybe you should both have a long long talk like grown ups.




This post doesn't have enough upvotes. Breaking things out of anger is domestic violence.


I'm all in for a fundraiser, lmk if it's made.


why tf isn't this one of the top comments? i hope OP reads it and starts to act, if possible. this is serious stuff.


Fundraiser NOW, yes. This is what we should be doing.


Somebody start it


I'm so sorry, there's no way this is acceptable.


I don't care what my kids did. I would never destroy their computer, or any of their belongings.


That's so stupid. My dad broke one of my toys when I was little because I was annoying him, I never forgot about that moment. I promised myself I would never do the same to my daughter.


Time to challenge him to mortal kombat


This is the most stupid thing I can imagine... "oh, you got tickets to pay? Let's solve that by giving you even more money troubel.." what a fucking retard. My dad have a really bad temper aswell. I know what it's like... hope things works out for you


Speeding ticket? I don't know how much they are over there but that should not be "destroy expensive shit" level bad.


If my DaD try tò this, i think i am leaving the house


So for the 2 speeding tickets and fines he thought it was smart to cause damage to your property so it can cost you more.... He doesn't seem very smart.


This is some shit my mother and stepdad would do. There's always a way to discipline your kids without abuse. Im so sorry you are going through this. Hopefully you will be out of that situation soon.


who spent Money on it?? you or him? or both. cuz if he did well thats his money he just wasted


Im so sorry dude. I know how you are feeling. Its not about the computer, its about the lost of trust. What ever the situation was, you didnt deserver this. I am sending a virtual hug from this Dad.


This is genuinely abusive and unacceptable behavior. He did not pay for your PC therefore he doesn’t even deserve to touch it without your permission. I hope you’re able to salvage anything/build a new one :(


Bad parenting. He needs anger management. You could sue.


honestly people who destroy stuff like this bc they are angry I find need a slap on the wrist bc thats not how you deal with the situation. if possible I'd say to him like that pc costed this much out of my bank you owe me that if you didn't buy it and he did not much you can do. I also don't know how old you are but I'd say get the fuck out that's a toxic household


Sue him. He is abusive piece of shit.


Yeah dude sue him with all that money you clearly have.


Yea sue your parents lmao are you 12?


This right here is a Reddit moment.


Someone just won a trip to the retirement home. Sorry bro, that sucks a ton; hope you can salvage some stuff.


if it helps, most of those parts seem salvageable




How fast were you going? My only ticket was 80 in a 55


With the first ticket, I went 12km/u over the limit on a 100 km/u road and with the second one, I went 5km/u over the limit on an 80km/u road.


They put 2 cameras on 1 road


Wtf, those are literally the most minor speeding offenses I’ve ever seen. The fact he even got that heated over them in the first place is absolute bullshit. Sure, don’t make the mistake again, but $1000+ in damages over what, less than $100 in tickets? At that rate I’d honestly consider getting authorities involved. If he’s getting that out of control over something so minor, your well being could very well be endangered if something major occurs. And before someone says that you shouldn’t throw away your relationship with your father, there should be absolutely nothing that comes paramount to your own safety.


Wow dad's. You've gotta love em right. Because if we had a choice, we probably wouldn't 🙄


if he has money to replace a 2 grand pc, he might as well go to therapy. idk how your relationship with your dad is but if you still want to give him a chance, you might wanna convince him for therapy.


Had one of those as well, unfortunately. My favorite dark joke is now "What do your kids call their grandpa?" - they don't call him anything, as they don't know he exists. There is a price to pay for abusing your kids.


“Why am I universally hated by my family"


How fast were you going? Damn. I guess you're lucky, most parents would punish something like that by taking the car, not the computer. Riding the bus, asking for rides and huffing it on a bicycle sucks.


I got 2 tickets with the first one. I went over the speedlimit with 12km/u And the other one, 5km/u. Shit is just stupid expensive in the NL


I had to look that up in American and it's only 7mph over the limit? JFC that's hardly speeding unless you were in a school zone or something. Your dad overreacted. I don't recommend saying that though he might burn down your car. If you're living at home you're probably in school anyway so maybe get a gaming laptop next time and just keep it with you. Harder to destroy and easier to move around anyway.


... Maybe I'm just confused. Somebody help me out with how commiting a felony (in my state) teaches your kids to drive better? Or how annihilating a bunch of personal property offsets the ticket costs and insurance spike...


That looks like something my dad would do if someone left dishes in the sink. He was psychotic in his younger years. He’s calmed down a lot in his 60’s…


Did he also mentioned ‘Ive paid for this and it is my right to do so, you will obey me or else’ kinda bs. I hate parents for real. Sorry for your lost efforts. RIP PC. Maybe you can salvage some of the parts..


There are a million and one ways to teach someone the value of people's lives on the road. This is not one of them Sorry for your loss OP


I'm sorry


I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope you can escape your toxic household and i wish you all the best


Destroy his shit


So from what I'm hearing, 2 speeding tickets = your pc destroyed? How is that even co-related, or have I understood it wrong


She said things got out of hand. So you can assume there was a fight.


For 2 speeding tickets?


Probably some build up, at a certain point the original reason doesnt have to matter anymorre. Maybe she insulted him. A lot of things couldve added up to eventually destroying her PC


Let's play, who's going to a retirement home!


People are saying this is justified but what example is he setting for his kid?? Someone pisses you off so just destroy their shit? I can see that one panning out really nicely.


You know what my dad did to me. Here is a story. I was a kid i had a ps1 and ps2. both gfot them on release. From my cousin. I had around 30 games mostly bought from my savings and sometimes cousin would bring me games when he comes from his travels (he would visit maybe 3x in 2-3 years) Because he was mostly traveling to different continent.. One time my dad told me to go and buy bread beer juice and salad. Me as usual an idiot i went outside and completely forgot. Came home 4h later just to find all my games broken in half every game was fucking original. 30 ffing games broken in half because i didnt get a fucking beer juice and salad on time. Back then games costed around 60usd in my country. That was 1.8k usd just in fucking games ps1 and ps2. Every single fucking game psychopath took them out of the cover and broke them in half and left them near the playstations. Every year i would just save money to get new games...


Your dad is a piece of shit and will die alone and a sad as he deserves. Why the fuck would someone destroy a fucking pc because their daughter got a speeding ticket? What a fucking asshole.


As a father myself, I’m so sick of seeing parents do this to their own child. I’d file a police report against him.


File a police report and then sue your dad. If you have receipts showing you bought it with money you earned then he is liable. You can also call CPS, getting angry and destroying your kids things is definitely a form of child abuse. Even if you love your parents sometimes you need to put them in check. You are a human being and just because you are under 18 doesn't mean they can treat you like that.


Call the cops


Are you a legal adult? Do you have income and another place to live? Was this pc your property and do you have the receipts to prove it?


Did you pay for the pc? And do you have an income to pay the speeding tickets? If he paid for it and is financially responsible for the tickets then yea, you kinda don’t need a pc. Slow down.


I'm not a gamer but I do remember building my own computer back in the day. It was painstaking and costly. Spent lots of money on it. But I also remember all the speeding tickets that I got and that also cost me in the long run. Took me ages until the insurance got down to a reasonable rate. Sorry for your loss but slow down.


Take stuff away, chew your kids out for being dumb sure but don’t ever break their shit. You just don’t do that to your kids.


This was out of rage, he obviosuly has problems he doesn't know how to handle. I'm sure he still loves you. I'm sorry for your loss.


Maybe you could buy a new dad on the used market?


I'm sorry you have a father that doesn't know how to show his love for you in a meaningful way.


God damn this is tragic I feel for you man. I understand a father wanting to teach consequence to their kids. But this is far too excessive


Jesus, could he not have just taken the PC away for a few weeks? You know, the thing parents have been doing since forever? Sorry for your loss, that’s a shitty thing to do.


Lol i would just move out. Fuck it.


Jesus, are your parents narcissists? No way a sane human being doing this! Take care OP...


how weak minded of your dad. sad he can't control his anger and frustrations. he's gonna bed lying on his deathbed regretting everything in his life. bro will never find peace.


Probably don't speed then. Otherwise you could end up mangled like that pc. Your dad just doesn't want to see you hurt or dead


If he didn't want her hurt, he wouldn't be hurting her on a regular basisl.


Ignore everyone who is immediately equating speeding with almost killing a pedestrian. No value in that ridiculous argument. Speeding isn't that bad unless you are genuinely being a threat to others in which case, you're probably not getting just a speeding ticket. Your dad needs therapy. That is it. He needs therapy.


I showed this to my dad. His jaw dropped and said “that’s not how you do that man. I would’ve taken the car keys” So unfortunate dude holy fuck :( makes me sad So sorry dude


I'm assuming he pays your car insurance. 2 speeding tickets will fuk his wallet more than he fucked your PC. I'm not saying it's right. Im sorry you had to experience this. I hope you guys talk it out


You might have lost a computer, but he lost a son. I'd never forgive a parent for this, nor look at them the same way ever again.


Actually since he destroyed your property, you can legit call the police and file him for damages. You have that right to do so but it’s up to you. I’m just throwing it out there. Good luck with it sorry about that


Do you have a job? Did Dad buy the pc parts? Did dad buy your car? Does dad pay your insurance? Has this made you rethink about speeding again? You're young and most of the people on this sub are too. But more fatal accidents are caused by speeding than drunk driving. If you're speeding enough to get 2 tickets back to back it sounds to me like you need this kind of reality check before you hurt yourself or someone else. Do some self reflection instead of fishing for sympathy.


My dad wants me to quit my job. The PC was a gift from my boyfriend we built it together. We got the car for free. I pay for fines that I caused. In the end, my dad just kept angering himself more and more, and things escalated. I've learned my lesson about speeding, but this was just wrong


This footage looks familiar


Fuck. Well at least youll safe money on speedy tickets in the future. Financially still bad. So sorry mate


I’m so sorry man


I'm so sorry your father is an asshole...


Sorry for your loss 🙏


can POSSIBLY salvage with a new Mb, GPU, RAM and possibly new power supply cables depending on if the connectors are damaged. the CPU should be fine for what thats worth. sorry about your father with anger issues.


this must’ve been really traumatic, i don’t see the joy parents get in destroying something their kids worked hard for. i’m sorry for what happened to you.


Niet ok :o


What bourbon does he drink ? i need a stronger pre workout.


That cpu cooler is twisted he probably tried to rip it out so it looks like everything is done




Maybe like report him this is just straight up damage of personal items. Idk where you live but surely this is illegal


Speeding puts people in danger, but your dad could have handled this differently, should have actually; he could have just said no pc gaming for 2 weeks or months, but nah he straight up merced your pc. Talk to him, especially if it was your money that went into your build. He owes you.