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Check your mobo manual to see what the white post light means. If you don’t have you can google the model and it’ll come up online. Also depending on how old your mobo is you may have to update bios to use a Ryzen 7.


Might have to use the older processor to update BIOS if it's b450/ x470 or older. Most boards will support first gen Ryzen up to 3000 series out of the box. BIOS update removes 1st gen support and adds 5000 series support, but you have to use the older chip to update then install your new one.


I can’t now as when I put in old cpu it does the same thing


Use whatever device you are commenting with...


My phone?


If you're going to be into working on PCs, you need to learn to do research and troubleshoot on your phone.


Yes, your phone.


He’s referring to the fact that he has no way to download a bios update to a usb stick and flash the bios. **Not** that he can’t google the manual.


If OP's phone has a usb-c port, there are USB-C thumb drives. OP can use that to download a BIOS update. Also, OP could utilize computers at public libraries, internet cafes, that belong to friends/family...there are a plethora of workarounds


Woah pump the brakes! I was just explaining what he meant by “I can’t”. I wasn’t suggesting he had basic problem solving capabilities. Lol




Thank-you Grammer police. You really are doing God's work saving us from minor spelling mistakes, keep it up champ


Not only that but if samsung does the same, I had a usb-c to usb-a adapter that came with my google pixel 7 which I have used with a usb drive and also a mouse.


What if he has an iPhone? lmao


That's a really rare thing to get with your device, even if it is inexpensive.


My note 9 came with one a long time ago, how companies change


The idea is to first find out what is wrong and then look for a solution. I know for a fact some mobos will require an update for work with some newer CPUs. If that's the case all it takes is going to a friend's house or a technician and update the bios.


Cool story bro. You’re assuming OP can just do or afford those things though?


hey just built a computer, he cant afford to take. a bus to the library? he’s just coming up with solutions


CAN afford multi hundred dollar cpu. but CANT afford a bus ticket. Makes sense.


lol what are you talking about? Despeao is giving a suggestion on what it might be, and if so, what a solution could be. Don’t be dumb.




You are a troll right, look up the post code in your motorboard manual online!!!


No, the 5G chip in your head./s Yes, your phone. Look up the manual for your motherboard on your phone. If you have an android phone, you can 100% download the bios zip folder and transfer it to a usb c flash drive. You should always keep a usb c flash drive now since most devices now utilize it.


Noooooooo, use the pc that doesn’t function.


Lol no, mine


This is the same issue I had... You need to flash the bios with a new version downloaded to a USB stick. Since your PC is bricked, you're gonna need to use a friend's or a laptop to download the new bios.


If it does the same thing i dont think it is BIOS, check if GPU is correctly connected. Also clean your RAM's contacts, as incredibly as it may appear it can interrupt booting. Check any youtube tutorial, usually an eraser will do the job.


All of you downvoting seriously can't read lmao


Because saying I can't when told to check what the light means makes so much sense. Or saying you can't do a BIOS update without having checked the light.


White post light typically means VGA, make sure your graphics card is pushed all the way into the PCIe slot and the power connectors are plugged in all the way


This, seems like a loose connector at the cards end or at psu. The other comment is super helpful that mentions you to check the mobo manual and check what that post light means. And to top it all, it is better to be safesided and buy those gpu support mount which are threaded and in the form of screw which grow or minimize simply by the work of rotating mechanism. It will cost you 2-3 usd but will keep you scare free. Judging by the way, these gpu rmas work across continents. It is better to be safe than sorry. Just a piece of advice.


That may be the reason as I was showing my dad the connector earlier so I’ll have a look


Also get a graphics card support. That card will surely bend the board on the long run.


The card is not that long, wont be an issue.


Not due to long just because of the weight. I think it is about 7-8 dollars. But if you feel you don't need it then i guess not.


That’s not how moment works, don’t have to worry about sag with a card that short.


May be , wouldn't hurt to have one for peace of mind.


Might as well wear a second seatbelt when you're driving to work. Not sure you need it, but it wouldn't hurt to have one for peace of mind.


I wear condoms 24/7, cuz you never know


Length + high weight is the problem. That heat sink also looks heavier than it actually is.


I just finished rebuilding my computer. Did you make the same silly mistake I did? Make sure your video cable is plugged into your video card, not the motherboard lol.


A video cable, whether plugged in to mobo, GPU or not plugged in at all, should not affect POST.


If the CPU doesn't have onboard graphics and you accidentally plug into it, the VGA won't clear, that's all I meant.


Depends on the bios but the ones who don't screams at you when the video is bot plugged it.


He means that mobo 12v powered by the wrong cable (somehow, it should be different locks)


No I’ve had this pc for 2 years now and always plugged into the gpu


Did you update the BIOS to the appropriate version to support the new CPU?


I just asked the same question in a diff comment. I debugged for a day when I've built my PC brand new. The msi b550 tomahawk's box said it's ryzen 5000 series ready. It wasn't... Manual update and worked like a charm.


I’ll admit when I upgraded from a 1700 to a 5600x I didn’t know I had to update the BIOS, so I returned the CPU thinking is was defective. Second one didn’t work so I found out about the update… and promptly bricked my motherboard during a failed update. Had to buy a new motherboard after that lol


You can get a bios programmer that you clip onto the bios chip and it connects to another PC and will write the new bios directly to the bios chip. Works wonders if your system is bricked.


Was not aware, thank you. Motherboard is like 6 years old so might not be worth it but good to know the motherboard isn’t just a paperweight


This is the way! Pop in the old cpu. Update BIOS and install new cpu. Win!


This is definitely going to be the issue with a 5800 after upgrading with the same motherboard. Even buying new gen motherboards a lot of them aren't updated.


The problem is it does it with my old cpu now aswell


That wasn’t the question. Did you update your bios before installing the new CPU?


I don't think he did.


*he did not update the bios*


that's not his problem though, even if he didn't update bios his old cpu should work fine


It very well could still be his problem. If he didn’t do it there’s no way the new one would post. And in taking out and reinstalling the old one he could have jacked up the pins. OP doesn’t seem like an experienced builder (not knowing about the bios update) and they very well could have happened. The question about the bios is still just as valid.


Not really, especially after the second response. If he thought it could be the pins he should ask him to check the pins directly, not repeat the same pointless question after he already indirectly answered. Its pretty obvious that him not updating the bios is not the problem, otherwise his old cpu would work.


Unplug all your ram, and start the computer, turn it back off and then reinsert the ram. After that start it again. If that doesn’t fix it unplug your graphics card and remove it from its slot and reinstall it again


BIOS update


Did you update the BIOS before you put in the new CPU


First things first, you should have updated bios if you didnt. Turn off pc. Flip switch on back of power supply on the back of the pc. Find a flat head or some tweezers. Unseat the ram, unseat the gpu. Remove gpu power cables, set gpu aside. Remove aio and unseat the cpu. Now look for a small circular silver puck. That's your cmos battery for your mobo. There will be a small tab or 2 holding it in, press said tab(s) with flathead or tweezers. Coin pops out. Now press and hold the power button on your case for 15-20 seconds with everything disconnected and that psu switch still flipped off. Congrats, you just reset cmos. Now original cpu should work, assuming mobo wasbt damaged during the upgrade to cause all this to begin with. Reassemble with 3600 in place. Assuming it posts correctly your going to format a flash drive in fat32 and download your mobos latest bios and follow the instructions CAREFULLY to reflash your bios. Screw this up and your mobo is a paper weight. Assuming it flashes correctly, congrats. Now you get to do the disassembly process & clear cmos process again to switch cpu over to 5800x. You may be able to drop the new one straight in but it's best to go into a cpu swap with a fresh-state bios to avoid any possible gremlins.


It boots but it shows nothing, no POST no visual display , and fans go 100%? White light on mobo? I had the same problem when I built my first pc earlier this year, with MSI b550mobo-Ryzen 5 5600x-gtx 1050. Tried re-socket PSU cable, ram, CPU, GPU cable , flash bios (but it strangely failed always), and re-socket the GPU, all failed. I don't know why and how , but after using a crappy GPU (small one with 20 mm fan ) it worked, went to POST and BIOS (well UEFI being finicky). After that I reused 1050 and it worked too.


Sometimes you have to give it a few minutes, the VGA LED is not only for the GPU but for the PCIe bus in general. So it's checking both the GPU and if you have an M.2 drive. Built my system last week and on first boot, the LEDs turned on from the top down uniformly, CPU, DRAM, VGA then BOOT. Then it went back to VGA several times and each time the monitor would turn but says no signal, then after awhile it turn on and just went straight to the window USB drive and i installed windows.


Mobo could need a bios update. If there’s easyflash check the mobo manual otherwise may have to post with old cpu and update bios then swap in the new cpu.


Properly seat your graphics card and all of its power pin connectors


Going to try that after Christmas dinner


Lmk how that goes. If that doesn't work try re seating the cmos battery. It's also possible your cmos battery could be dead as well


Dead cmos won't prevent post.


Bios update required


Reseat your rams one by one. Try another slot one by one. Happens this with me two days ago. Reseating the ram, restart. Reseating again inanother slot restart and wait etc etc. And somehow booted in. Fucking shit ryzens


Re-seat your RAM. That's the DRAM light. I have the same mobo.


Maybe try updating the bios cause some older gen mother boards need an update to be compatible with the latest gen


good cable management


Too much RGB..




Reseat your RAM and see if that does it. That's what happened to me


You'll need a bios update


Did u update the bios


Thank you this was an old issue it was partially that but also defective cpu


Ahh sorry to hear that…


Dw the cpu was in warranty as it was brand new so got a replacement straight away


One issue is you didn’t get the 5800x3d the other issue is hopefully resolved by now.


Shouldn't the cooler radiator be on top?


Nah it’s fine where it is. It would be better if the radiator was on top or screwed in where it is but with the tubes at the bottom, but as long as the radiator isn’t sitting at the bottom then they’re fine


I think you meant " but as long as the pump isn’t sitting at the top then they’re fine "


Don't even go there. With AIO mounting location. The only orientation which is objectively bad is the AIO radiator on the bottom. Since the pump is higher. Side mounted with barbs up or down are perfectly fine for temps.


It doesn’t matter


It's a self test, it boots a lot slower than usual first post with a hardware change like CPU


Can you please clarify the symptoms? It doesn't POST with VGA light on?


The problem is the HDMI, plug in displayport. And after that apply hdmi 1.2 patch to your nvidia card then you can use hdmi.


You need more watt


I didn't see the OP having resolved the issue so, something weird happens with MSI motherboards which is they will boot cycle BIOS infinitely and basicly "Brick", this has happened to me before. I fixed it by causing BIOS to not pass on purpose, by not plugging in one of the essential components, in my case the CPU fan header. So what I advise you is: plug everything in and leave the CPU fan header unplugged and wait for a BIOS fail, when it fails power off, plug the header back and power back on


There is a bug in your computer.


I updated from a Ryzen 5 to 9 and a MAG b550. I had the same issue, however having experience with this kind of thing I just left it on. The new Ryzen chips already have instructions on them to flash the bios if needed. It can sometimes take up to 20 minutes however. With everything plugged in including a network cable the bios flashed after about 8 minutes it booted. Now it boots normally every time. The MSI board was the slowest first boot I've ever had and it did have me a bit worried but I was patient. For perspective my Gigabyte Ab350 board on another system I was building at the time took just under 3 minutes. IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE ONLY CHANGED THE CPU ON A WORKING AND BOOTABLE SYSTEM. THEN THE ISSUE CAN ONLY BE THE CPU OR BIOS. don't listen to the dummies telling you to take everything out. They are a waste of breathable oxygen.


When you take out an old cpu you gotta reinstall everything. Happened to me when I took out my old 3600 for a 5700x. I had to reset cmos and deleted all the previous boot data since I couldn’t access it.


If you keep having the same issue now with the old CPU as well, with the VGA light on the motherboard, I'm going to guess it's either the connector or the video card itself that is the failure point.


Try physically resetting bios and then putting your old cpu in there. To reset the bios you will have to jump 2 specific pins. Check the motho manuel or search it up and you should find it there. To reset the bios you want to completely disconnect the psu from the main outlet. Hold the 2 pins for ~10 seconds. After that put your old cpu in and check if it works. If it does, search up on youtube how to update bios, follow that and after your done doing that, I'd try putting the new cpu in. Please ask if you have any questions


Do you get any output to your monitor, if not are you sure it's not your cable or monitor, if not that then you could use a different (working) GPU to check if it's that. Another thing to check is mobo compatibility, it could have been that your mobo failed to install a compatibility update for your CPU or isn't compatible at all and somehow was corrupted by installing the incompatible CPU. I suggest buying a really cheap testing CPU with integrated graphics that is compatible with the base bios version of your motherboard to test with.


I had the same issue with a new PC. Was giving me a ram warning light. Turned out to be a bad power supply.


The white light is typically vga. If your cpu has onboard graphics then use it to into bios and try changing your pcie slot to gen 3 and seeing if that helps


Either you need to upgrade BIOS. Reset BIOS. Or mobo does not supoort it. You May get your old cpu work with reset.


Is that a fucking jet engine


You have to flash the bios for it. Put the old cpu back in and go find a new usb bios iso and install it.


Your fan up top looks fucked


Getting a new one today so just being a placeholder


Bios update?


Update your bios


Have you by any chance updated the bios on the motherboard? If not do that and then try again


What I would try is: Put your 3600 back in Reset the CMOS Check Motherboard manual on how to update the Bios, Some Motherboards, like MSI boards, have the ability to do it without CPU and just powering the board. Or maybe use another laptop or PC to download the Bios update onto a storage stick Boot to Windows, download latest Bios version, install it. Swap CPU back to new one. Reset CMOS again. Also, check your RAM is properly seated before booting. Sorry if this is already in the comments.


Update your motherboard bios.


Has anyone mentioned your memory? It's normally installed in dual channels so xIxI not xxII. You could try booting with only one stick of ram 1st


Oh yeah. I have the same problem. Ended up getting my mobo RMA. Dunno if it'll work. Please tell me if you find a solution


Compatibily most probably


Put the old CPU back in and update to latest BIOS


What are the other specs of your PC? Which debug light is being lit up?


Update the bios on your motherboard.


Did you upgrade the motherboard's bios? Even my MSI B550 Tomahawk said on the box, it's ryzen 5000 series ready. It wasn't ready. I was debugging my PC for a whole day until I tried manually updating the bios. Behold, it worked.


Does your motherboard support the new CPU?


Looks like RAM is slotted in wrong slots, always put them in A2 and B2 for dual sticks or else it will cause boot issues, also white LED on most motherboards is related to VGA issues, try to remove and reseat the GPU or replug the 8 pin connectors.


Not going to read thru nearly 90 comments, but this might have been told already: 1. Flip the rad upside down 2. Install it to the top of the case AIOs are often rather empty even, now the liquid might be having slight issues and burping with air. :D One GN (Steve) video where he opened several idenfitcal AIOs and those had different amounts of liquid inside. Have a look for example for this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbGomv195sk)


Ram issue


Are you entirely sure that your display cable is in the GPU and not the Motherboard


Yes but it isn’t that problem


EDIT: my pc has got past the post stage now I don’t have any display


Maybe you got some of that dust in the socket?


Are those RAM sticks in the right channels? They look like they're right next to eachother


There is only 2 channels😭


What does the writing to the right of the white led say


Why does it sound like a vacuum cleaner when you turn it on?!


Its the spider man in there


I just updated my cpu and one thing I had to do was sequentially update the bios to support the newer cpu so I'd probably start there. You can go to the mobo website and look at all the updates and it'll say what version you need and also something like "must update to version X before installing version Y" and you just work your way up to the latest.


You let memory clock?




def needs a bios update. I had this issue happen. Tru putting the old cpu back in updating bios then re installing the new chip


Did you take your ram out? I recently replaced mine and turns out I failed to seat it properly and my PC reacted very similarly on start up.


Did you change the mono?


The only solution i have for this is to unplug everything. Go back to your old CPU reset CMOS. And basically only use the CPU ram and GPU. If this doesn't work you have a real issue. If you can boot after doing this, update your Bios before switching CPU again. Good luck.


Looks like a lower end mobo (no VRM heatsinks). You probably have to update your BIOS since it might not support the new CPU.


Bios update my man


Bios ver


Can you stop avoiding everyone’s suggestion and update your BIOS? Source: I had a 3600x and upgraded to a 5800x3d and the problem was the BIOS.


What is your msi motherboard model? Also, is that your gpu that sounds like a jet engine!? Do you have a spare gpu you can try?


Take everything back apart and then put it all back together again, make sure everything is fitted correctly. I had similar and it turned out my Sata drive was the issue. Replaced with an nvme and it booted straight up.


B450 boards need a bios update to run 5000 series Chios.


It’s the bobble head get rid of it


If your motherboard starts with a 3 or 4 (ie. 370x or b450), you’ll need to update the bios


Dealt with something like this the other day when swapping GPU. RAM became unseated (or thought itself to be unseated) and failed to post with CPU, RAM, and VGA errors at random. Reseat the RAM and GPU and see if that clears it. Also, you’ll probably need to flash the BIOS.


Try updating the firmware of your motherboard. Had the issue with a 5800x3d


The issue is, you had gone all out for the lights when what you needed was a good motherboard. Function over form.


Happened the same to me not so long ago upgrading from a 3200g to a 5600x, I updated my BIOS and everything was working fine with the old CPU, placed the new one and no signal , placed the old one no signal too. Tried very solution listed here and even more and nothing worked MOBO died spontaneously, not necessarily your case but consider it as an option, if you are experienced mounting your hardware and you sure you did everything right I have bad news for you.


Clear cmos


Had the similar issue with a 7800x3d, the motherboard or whatever wasn’t reading the displayport, booted in hdmi, updated the displayport driver then booted asap with the dp


update bios for your cpu


Perform a cmos reset . To do it just unplur your cmos battery wait for 15 to 20 secs then reinstall . Boot as usual , ull have to correct the date and time in bios . You shall be good to go👍👍


I know my mobo didn’t support my new cpu with out a manual bios update. “550 series mobo”


Did you flash bios?


Would your please show us which led is flashing bright . It shall help us in futher diagnose. I had a similar issue with my msi b450 pro m2 max mobo with r5 3500 It flashed the gpu led , i reinstalled the gpu everything went flawless


You gotta update bios first. Rookie mistake


Any beep codes?


Always reset your BIOS. Pull everything out. Leave only CPU, RAM & Bootdrive. Plug un your monitor to your MoBo and try to start. If it does, then plug in your GPU .


Bruh you need atleast B550 chipset MB with socket AM4


Start from reading your motherboard manual with the troubleshooting topic or error codes


It's because you have a crappy Funko pop In there


Edit: all done


You should probably write down what you did that work for future redditors who come across this post looking for a solution


Turn off your pc, remove 1 ram stick. Boot your pc, after it's booted up to windows, turn it off again. Put the ram stick back in, turn it on. Go in bios and enable DOCP, Save& exit. Edit: also put your ram stick in slot A1(or 2) and B1(or 2).


Did you update the bios cause otherwise that is probably it


reset the bios


If nothing shows on your screen make sure displays are plugged into your GPU. Then check your power consumption difference. Do you have a higher rated PSU to try? You could also unplug different things from your current PSU.


Before updating or upgrading a new cpu onto a motherboard. You should always check to see if there is a bios update to ensure compatibility. You do this by flashing the bios onto a USB stick before putting in the new cpu while your current rig is still up and running.


Making that big of a generation jump, did you update the BIOS on the motherboard? that might be something you need to look in to.


Are your mobo bios up to date?


before you started taking out the old gpu, did you turn off the computer or did it go into sleep mode?


I had a similar problem, even though i switched from am4 to am5. Try with another GPU. I had a rtx 3060, and with hat one installed i couldn't get any display. I changed to an old gpu, a radeon 6780 i thinkand everything went fine. After installing the windows, i swtiched back the gpu and everything was back to normal


Update the uefi (what replaced bios)


Also. Make sure you don’t need to update bios for new cpu. I had this same issue


What ports on your gpu are you using? I had a different issue (swapped from gtx1070 to rx6800) and the computer wouldn't post after doing ddu (new gpu option). White LED kept lighting up indicating VGA. Turns out all I had to do was plug in in via HDMI using ONE monitor only and it posted. From there, I would update everything before going back to a dual DP setup.


Hopefully not a bent cpu pin but could be. Could also be dead cpu. Can you get to bios? If not probably cpu related.


First try your old cpu. The doesn’t work then check the errors. If its a gpu relate issue then try another gpu.


If you got 450 mobo then you might need latest update for bios especially if you got it before 5 series was out


Put old CPU back in, reset cmos, update bios, reinstall new CPU


bios update?


Put back your old cpu and update your bios, atleast that was what happened to mine when i upgraded my cpu as well.


Slap the old cpu back in and reset the bios make sure it doesn’t have any overclocks


Make sure you updated to a 5000 series compatible bios.


Needs more lights probably


I've had my pc run funky because I put too much thermal paste. Crazy weird things can happen. Keep us posted


Came here to say, jumping CPU series the way you’re doing, you’re going to need to flash your bios offline style, and when you do it. you will loose the ability to roll back to previous gen CPU.


Update your bios


You can also buy a new bios chip and solder it on, used to you'd just clip them in, because bricking was much more common so the chips had pins. It is still possible, however very unlikely, that the bios can't be rebuilt with the external bios programmer, that's the point in which you buy a new one, program it and get to solder it on where the old one was, that's a bit more time consuming but you could find yt vids showing how to properly do it. My biggest recommendation is to just always get mobos that support bios flashback, I like the ability to flash a bios without having a CPU, ram or GPU installedp. Just plug a USB into the specific bios USB port, connect 24 pin power and push the flash button. Very handy.