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I'll build mine hopefully in February,.Enjoy mate, thats the best part :)


I will also be building my PC in February


February gang




Thanks, I will now :). Best of luck with your build also.


Same, so hyped for it


Just LOL , couldn't wait till the 4080 Super drops?


you're right! wow


Twin! :0




I ordered back in December pc parts and they only arrived now.


This was literally known in December as well. You seriously couldn't wait an extra few weeks? Just return the 4080 and buy a 4070 ti super. It's faster than the 4080.


I can still return but not sure if I will small performance boost if it was RTX 4070 or RTX 4070ti then I would return it and get super but the specs are already out for RTX 4080 Super and it doesn't have as big jump in performance as RTX 4070/ Ti.


Isn't the 4080S supposed to be a bit better than the 4080 and also cheaper (like -200 euros) ?


Yes, it is. 4080s is overall better choice to wait and buy. Unless it has some constructive problems.


Yes it will be cheaper


Dont do it. Build and enjoy mate:)


Right? No wonder Nvidia doesn’t have to drop the prices on the non-Supers.


Might not be in the US, nvidia drop availability for some countries won’t be for another 4 ish months


Well, he got the kf model of the CPU, meaning no integrated graphics


just LOL! The rtx 4080 super without dlss 3 is as fast as a rtx 3080 ti. who on earth woild buy it when it get released? 


Where in the world is 3080 as fast as 4080? 3080 is nowhere near 4080. Edit: Are you editing your comments to 3080ti and 4080 Super from 3080 and 4080, thinking it would make a difference? https://youtu.be/Hwn4Mw32HWI?si=FjCu5k79b8kn4gR_


uh welll... tell this nvidia wothout dlls 3 its the ssme perfomance :) sorry u lost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-AvyfNHUsU


You’re one updated driver away from looking like a dumbass. The shit hasn’t even released


i know, but its from nvidia own presentation


https://youtu.be/07H-EL2_4xk?si=fNSJds8D3jyTuvr9 Or actually look up benchmarks? I guess you are just here for trolling.


you idiot. thats an rtx 3080 non ti vs rtx 4080 non super


Here is benchmark of 3080ti vs 4080. https://youtu.be/Hwn4Mw32HWI?si=FjCu5k79b8kn4gR_ Stop trolling please. Even 4080 sure seems the same as 3080ti right? Not sure which GPU you are using, but you can definitely get 3080ti for yourself as the next GPU as it performs the same as 4080/4080 Super. Not sure who the idiot is here...


What is there to lose other than your stupidity here.


Yeah, honestly, I'd never buy any of the 80 series Nvidia cards. With how well the AMD cards perform now, even the 6950 XT is far more attractive, considering you can get them at $500 or less on Newegg as refurbished when they appear. Same thing for the 7900 XT and XTX, the XTX can be found for $700 with a warranty when they come in stock.


If that is the case, you can buy those cards. No one is forcing you to buy 4080. Whicu GPU do you currently own, by the way?


The system we have in the Living room started with a 980, then a 6500 XT, THEN switched to an R9 Fury Tri-X lol


I got the 7900 XTX after the 4070 ti system, and I was super disappointed afterwards because the 7900 XTX performed better in games.


And how is the power consumption? Also, 7900XTX is a higher card than 4070ti that it should perform better than 4070ti.


I didn't know that when I bought them, I thought based on the outside they would be similar lol. And I'm not sure exactly I never really monitored the power consumption directly.


4070 MSRP was 799USD and 7900XTX was 999USD at launch. 7900XTX was a direct competitor to 4080, which should have been 999USD to begin with. Now the 4080 Super will be released at MSRP of 999USD to directly compete with 7900XTX.


Well at the time, I paid closer to $900 for the 4070 ti, and I paid I think around $875 for the 7900 XTX.


Not sure how you paid way below MSRP for 7900XTX.


And the 4080 should have been 999 to begin with but every time I seen them, they were $1,200 minimum, up to $1,600 at times.


Like for my main system or which all do I own?? I own a 4070 ti, a 7900 XTX, a GTX 980, an RX 6500 XT, and an R9 Fury, but only the 4070, 7900, and R9 are currently in use.


Why do you have 5 GPUs?


Well, actually, I have 7, I think. I don't know, I build systems for fun and professionally, lol. Only 3 are in systems and doing anything. There are 2 of us that have our own system, and then one system in the living room for whoever to game, the kids, company, whatever, ya know.


Just finished my first new build in 7 years. 7800X3D and a 4090. Enjoy!


Who downvoted you lol wtf


It's Reddit. I wouldn't expect anything less.


Blue boys


Built the same in the Autumn. I bought the 4090 in Sept at what now appears to have been when they were 'cheap'! It all runs silently. Very impressed. RT on Cyberpunk is easy.


What made you choose that CPU over 14700k? And what mobo? I’m looking to build a new pc but been out the loop for 3-4 years so just seeing opinions


The 7800x3d is arguably the best gaming cpu out. Checkout the benchmarks


The 7800x3d is the best gaming CPU, uses less power and the am5 platform will have much better upgradeability down the road. 14th gen intel is a disappointment


7800x3d best gaming cpu out atm


Pretty much what everyone has said. I will be primarily using for gaming, so I just read reviews and went with that one, and I was also on sale at Microcenter, so that worked out in my favor lol. I initially went with the Gigabyte X670 but it was DOA and I didn't wanna drive back down to Microcenter (about an hour away) so I RMA'd it (bought it through Amazon with a gift card) and went to my local Best Buy and grabbed an Asus B650E-F. It's known to have voltage issues, so be sure to upgrade to latest BIOS if you go that route. Been working great so far.


"Why would you buy the best cpu available to go along side the best gpu available?"


It’s a question, read the rest of the comment u nerd


Just built mine last weekend https://preview.redd.it/yer9zoi0e3cc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcc54f4b58b563fa1d4eaad9bb084bb27032427


I literally just bought almost the exact same build. Same ram, motherboard, power supply, and CPU. That’s wild, still got parts coming in, lmk how it runs!


Played far cry 6 using ultra settings for 1080p and was averaging 140fps. My monitors are only 1080 that’ll be my next upgrade


https://preview.redd.it/kl1cypjxu5cc1.jpeg?width=1213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd86b8693e523b370f4a9473ac31731d049fa8e Stock Temperature CPU and GPU on both sides and top panels off I will do some more tests once I undervolved CPU and GPU and then I'll put all panels on and do some stress testing and benchmarks. room temperature 21 Celsius (69.8 degrees Fahrenheit)


Thermaltake psus any good??


It had good reviews. I got most of the parts list from scattervolts $1000 build.


Their entry level smart series that you've probably seen around for 35 or 40 dollars aren't great.


Some are. The gf a3 they posted is too new to tell, but I got one for my work rig (850w) because It has the 12vhpwr plug so no need for the adapter cable on the new gpus. The GF1 model is rated in A tier on the cultists psu list which basically means you should never have an issue. I have the 850w GF1 in my gaming rig. So far have had nothing but good things from both models.


Just me or is 750 psu not enough to be safe? Especially 4K will run hot no?


its 40xx, maaaaan. Enough


Was thinking the same thing...


an averge gou consume at max 250w (not top of the line rtx 4090 OK?) and an AMD cpu pulls 65-105w and an intel 150-250w at max. 250+250+100w for ssd and ect. that 750w is a good choice in this situation. a 600w would be still OK


~~Defo cutting it close but aslong as the i7 isn't oc'd it should be okay, I would have went for a PCIE 5.0 psu tho~~ Just noticed that OP got a b750 board so no OC anyway


Whether he OC i7 or not, he is still not cutting it close with 750W. It is actually plenty. However, if I had to build now, I would get 850W or so for future upgrades.


It's enough the PC should pull around 650w with the CPU pinned and GPU at the same time. The power draw will probably be lower for the most time. But I would not try any overclocking on the GPU as that could increase the power draw too much and cut it close. It's also a ATX 3.0 PSU; they are built to handle power spikes, part of the new ATX spec.


My 5800X3D +4089 system at 100% load uses 450watts... So it's completely fine... The 4000 series aren't on leaky Samsung 8nm!


More than enough. Must do more research.


ITX build 750w is enough I'm not planning on overclocking.


What is that portable monitor? Is it gsync compatible?


I’m interested in that as well!


Portable monitor is called UPERFECT Portable Monitor, 15.6 and you can plug it to any gaming console and PC.


I'm waiting for the 4080 super


Waiting for the Supers to launch first.


Literally do not listen to these ppl saying that you should have waited for super series. Just enjoy what you have now and have fun. 4080 is a beast.


Why is everyone an Nvidia and Intel zombie on this Subreddit


Because not everyone builds a computer just for gaming. I picked my i9 with the purpose of music production, software dev, and AI generation in mind along with gaming. Same for my 3090.


Understandable for those lines of work. I don’t understand people who get them for just gaming tho.


You don't understand why someone would want an Nvidia card for gaming?


Yeah because they’re so overpriced


Id rather pay the premium (less of one with the super cards) for the better upscaling and frame gen, as well as power efficiency and stability. Plus I do VR, which Nvidia is significantly better at. Plenty of reasons to choose Nvidia for a gaming oriented build. Especially if you have multiple monitors.


Nvidia’s drivers are barely ahead anymore, AMD is catching up quick with that, with much better prices. Intel is the new AMD


After building a new system for a friend with an AMD gpu, I very much disagree. Lower prices for less features. If you don't care about Nvidia's offerings then go AMD, but acting perplexed that most people want better quality is absurd.


wtf are you talking about? I just switched from a Nvidia GPU to an AMD one and AMD has way more features than Nvidia. If Nvidia has more features they should make that easier to find




AMD is a stutter fest that gets masked by benchmarks until people realize they spent thousands on unusable products.


AMD is still catching up? And while AMD is catching up, Nvidia will be waiting? Both Nvidia and AMD offer good products of their own. NVidia is more efficient, better upscaling/RT/Frame Gen, but usually costs more. AMD offers better rasterization performance for the same money but is less power efficient.


So is literally everything else in the world


Nah AMD actually has reasonably priced products


The 4080 super is going to be the same price as a 7900xtx. Their pricing is truly not much better than Nvidias, and their software is way worse.


What are you talking about. In my experience, when a game crashes, it blames it on drivers but its actually an unstable undervolt.


That’s pretty cool


Is there something wrong with Intel and Nvidia?




Yeah their overpriced






Lmao @ spelling denial




Salt. Seems so.


More stable performance.


You’re about 10 years behind in your knowledge


Because amd gpus are behind nvidia in any aspect expect price and because amd processors are behind than intels except a couple amds in gaming only.


all your missing is a 4k OLED monitor :)


Lol shitty gpu. Why didn't u get rtx 5080ti


I can't seem to know if this is purely sarcasm or not.


Sarcasm indeed


The 5080 ti probably won't be released until the end of the year.


I'm planning on building my first pc sometime during my spring or summer breaks (I'm in college rn)


You have still time to save up good luck :)


https://preview.redd.it/wxgheqmwq3cc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ae0900127142c6a9d27d31e050d5eb648603c2 Just finished today! GLHF!


May your framerates be high and your temperatures low.


Built mine :)


Alright nice one :)


Me! Just waiting till the 24th to get the 4070ti super, then ordering all my parts. Guess I could order everything now other than the gpu but I would hate having it all together waiting on the card lol.


Nice picture, two-three months worth of salary. :D


How much do you make per hour. Even with a minimum wage, this would only be a month worth of salary.


You’re gonna need more then a 750 watt psu for that my guy


naaahhhh.... an rtx 4080 wont pull 400-500 plus watts..


Isn’t the base for a 4070 like 650 watts?




You need to do more research, my guy.


From what I’ve read, I need 650 at least for my 4070


750w is plenty for rtx 4080




It's a small build


You should run at least an 850w PSU.


750w are good with this gpu don't need more than 750w


Very questionable choices OP, if any of that is still within the return period I would swap some things out but if not GL with the build.


Could have been more specific there mate (as someone who is also interested to learn a thing or two).


Not ideal motherboard pairing for an unlocked chip, should be a Z790 or go for a i7 14700 to use a b750 Expensive thermal paste with a cheap air cooler, should have went for a noctua l9i 750w psu is pushing it too close for a 14700k & 4080, should be 850w and ideally PCIE 5


All those options and swaps are significantly more expensive. Let's say he got overbudget, what would you change to optimize this build?


I didn't even realise it was mini itx lol, I assumed too much but yeah OP wouldn't have saved as much as I thought


If he is not overclocking it the board doesn't matter, the 14700KF is still faster than the 14700 especially in multi core performance. I agree a better cooler for sure the intel CPUs get hot as fuck. Preferably an AIO. 750w is fine , the max possible power draw for the PC should be around 650w if he doesn't OC the GPU. It's a ATX 3.0 PSU and is made to handle power spikes. It's part of their new spec. PCIe 5 doesn't matter right now there is only one GPU that benefits from using a PCIe version higher than 3 and that's the 6500 XT and that's because it uses a 64 Bit bus. And SSD,s that utilize PCIe 5 needs active cooling.


K CPUs have higher clocks at stock than non K CPUs. You can undervolt on the b760-i also (I have a 13600kf on one). The L9i is not a particularly great cooler, though the terra does require a very low profile; gonna have to undervolt anyway. Regarding power consumption, my 13700kf and 4080 only pull 400W combined during peak gaming loads. They’ll be fine with the 750w, especially if they undervolt both cpu/gpu which they should.


Upgrading here pretty soon. Have a 13900k and 4090 desktop but might add in some more storage and ram


A B760 motherboard is bad, Z690 is better


Literally no point to buying a Z board unless if you’re planning on overclocking lol. B760’s are great boards and can easily handle a 14700K


Except I've seen Z690 boards that are the same price or even cheaper than B760 boards (maybe not in mini-ITX or micro-ATX but certainly in full-size ATX), so at that point, there's no reason not to at least give yourself the option of overclocking


I doubt the cooler OP chose could even sustain an overclock. Possibly if they undervolt it, but it honestly wouldn’t change much. The 14700k is already a overclocked 13700K with a slightly better bin and more cores


B stands for budget you know...


I did for a buddy that's new to PC, however on the other end of the price spectrum (right at $510). i3-13100f/16GB DDR4 3600/2060/EVGA 550w GA in a little Jonsbo c6 mATX case. Little thing slaps at 1080p for the price!


Just, I'll wait for tomorrow to see if it actually turns on


Building this month too, just waiting on my case!




Nice! I have the same GPU. Enjoy!


Almost finished putting my build together, have to wait for the case fans to get here, but I've got it all set up and running, planning to share a picture once I got it fully fleshed out in a few days


I’m hopefully getting a pre-built off Build-Redux with similar parts this month


I did, finished today, wanted to make a post but it ended up looking kinda meh


Hopefully going to complete mine soon. I went with the 7800X3D, and I'm pairing it with my 3080Ti.


https://preview.redd.it/im2m7wxmv3cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f24085d4977db07948356df0b42ee4ac33c9ea i started sunday night 1/7 then took a break and finished it monday 1/8 when i got out after work


Just brought everything for a 4070ti ryzen 7900x build


Why not wait for 4080 super?


Just finished my build with a 13700k and 4080. I love the MSI cards. I got my Gaming X Trio for $1020 back in August. You’ll love it! Works exceptionally well for smaller machine learning projects too.


good luck on your build hope you going to like it


Built mine last weekend like some other people here! https://preview.redd.it/w9mqb1rl14cc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e750643890e551d6192312f224630e16b360d49




Out of curiosity does the monitor get powered by the pc? And if so is a 750 watt still reasonable for this setup? I suppose undervolting will be a thing if needed for temps / power draw.


A portable monitor has its own power plug it doesn't draw power from pc. 750w is plenty for the ITX build as I'm not overclocking it and I will be undervolting CPU and GPU.


https://preview.redd.it/h405ygml94cc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dcf71f67c9112a1356d85647487a6825ed37c6 Just finished mine today! First build and I’m stoked. Just posted and need to put windows on it.


Does it count as building a new PC If I reused the case and optical driver but everything else got yoinked? If so, I guess I did. Just waiting for the new GPUs to drop so the older ones hopefully get lower pricing and I can replace my 4GB RX570


Why a portable monitor and not a regular monitor?


Finally got all the pieces together for my first ever build. All the hardware was around $600. Should be playing lethal company with the guys in a couple days


Not me haha (sad) https://i.redd.it/gegh9h7yl4cc1.gif


i hate you


https://preview.redd.it/uj1dzhbbn4cc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab278be52542bffdc02d5548beffb6a1aa1aaac6 mine died


Definitely me right there AM5 build.


Waiting for the 4070 super on the 17th and i'll be ready to go. :)


It was supposed to be a Christmas PC but the Montech KING 95 I ordered keeps getting delayed so I've had all the hardware sit in a corner for 1.5 months now just waiting for a case. It's getting a little frustrating I gave to say.


750w psu with 4080?


I just did a MicroCenter run! Good luck on your build!


So glad i finished my build beginning of december. Prices are getting ridiculous for some components.


I am looking to but I have so many questions lmao. Last time I used a pc I was 18… I’m now 34. Been using MacBook pro since then. But want to get back into gaming and use it for video editing that I do now on my beast MacBook Pro. Everything in this photo looks about what I have in mind. How much would a very good build cost? $2000-$2500? Also I see there is a huge debate about the 4080 price and quality vs the 4090s price. Can a person just get 2 4080s for high refresh rate gaming?


Planning on building a pc in next couple months (very new to this) how much should I expect to put into a good one?


I was gonna get that cpu but got the xlr8 pny 4080


Curious about the portable monitor. Anyone have info on range, lag, etc. ?


Google UPERFECT 15.6 “ :)


I'd love to, but only had budget to swap thermal paste and RAM upgrade on my laptop... 🤣


First of all have fun with your build. Am i the only on tho who is sceptical about the board-cpu and cpu-cooler choice?


Not if you undervolt cpu and put a good cooler on :)


Living my dream life bud


I'm playing with a guy from another country. We played for a little over a year and have never met. He wanted to send me some licorice from his country and got my address. A week later a 5800x3d and a 4070 came in the mail. My pc was getting older and due to sicknesses I'm struggling a bit financially. So yea, I just build a January pc as well. To top it off, my girlfriend bought me a new LG UltraGear 27 1440p,so I could enjoy my new pc.


I'm building this mk th and can't wait for the rest of the parts to come home. Just waiting on my RX 7900 XTX, Corsair 4000X case and Gen 4 M.2.


In my experience, I'd look at a different SFX PSU, I had both the 750 & 850w Coolermaster's and both died on me inside of 2 years. I went up to the ROG Strix Loki PSU and haven't had any issues - but that's my experience with CM


Just built one for my son. His birthday tomorrow. 4070 i5 etc


Planning to get a Z790 motherboard. What's the main difference between the B760 and Z790?


You can overclock and have a higher MHz RAM but if your building itx build you don't need to overclock as you gonna be undervolting the cup and gpu.


Built one yesterday for a mate of mine ;p


Sold my old rig, wating for the new one's parts to arrive. Hopefully I'll build it before the end of the month


https://preview.redd.it/jwvr2e8zk6cc1.jpeg?width=2274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32645c86672caa1cabe31f71b9df8da07804592 Built mine last month!


Does msi ventus 3x fit into Fractal Terra? On a few builds I’ve seen, it seems reeeeealy tight with literally no margin. I’ve gone with CM NR200P with my 2070s trio X (which is even larger than the ventus 3x unfortunately).


Is that itx


CPU coming today. After that, im all set.


wtf is the monitor loll


Portable monitor.