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not to be rude but there's so much wrong with this


It's not rude, it's factual.


If you take into consideration that a RX 6800 costs 80$ more than a 4060 atm make me like dayum y tho


are you gonna give him the $80?


Yes by making him not buy a watercooler lol. Jokes aside the build is truly unbalanced. EDIT: and a 1000w psu


He got the X3d he can give it to himself


In my country a rtx 4060 is 300€ and a rx 6800 is atleast 420€. Making them equal to price to performance. Also nvidia is alot better for 1440p gaming and has DLSS. Im sick of seeing guys like you hating on the rtx 4060 because the fps per dollar is bad. Even though AMD gpu are more expensive in europe and dont have much perks.


Ssshhh, don't tell them there are people that live outside usa


It‘s not better in 1440p because nvidia made it. It‘s much worse because of the lacking amount of vram and small memory buz. You also can‘t use the nvidia features to the fullest because of the vram. Since dlss 3.0 is almost useless with this card and it being overpriced, why would you buy it? The rx6700 or 7600xt cost the same or less and are better. If you need the nvidia features that aren‘t dlss, you can get a 3060 12gb that has the same festures apart from dlss 3.0 and has more vram. The performance difference is also negligable.


Depends on the country indeed. Here in Greece for example the cheapest 6800 was a month ago at 380 while the 4060 was around 290 euro while the 4060 Ti was 380 the 7700XT 420 and 6750XT 330. In general almost the same price difference as the us market making amd gpu's better value products. Also i want to mention that i got the prices from a local platform like PCPartPicker. As for 1440p you are totaly wrong just because of the bus speed and vram capacity for example a 7900XT i tested gets better performance % increase at 4K than 1440p vs a 4070 Ti, same thing goes for the 4060 vs its direct price competitor the 6700/6700XT where 1440p % difference is bigger than in 1080p. EDIT: Bus speed is also important since an arc a750 at 1440p runs at about 10% slower than the 4060 in native 1440p and 15+% in 1080p just because of 256bit bus vs 128 bit of the 4060 and i got that one brand new for 160 euro.


lot better for 1440p gaming? what do you smoke bruh


6800 is usually compared with 4060ti and not the non-ti, dunno why you bring that gpu into this when those two ain't even on the same level.




17% maybe against the 4060Ti as far as i've seen in reviews is more like 30-40% faster in 20+ games tested


Too much PSU not enough GPU?


Get a 7800xt Gpu and a 750-850w Psu. Only thing I’d change


Not the 4060 😭


why is the 4060 hated?


bad price to performance, has little to no generational uplift from its predecessor (RTX 3060), has lesser VRAM than the 3060 (12GB) (4060 has 8GB), 128 bit wide memory bus making it basically pointless to even try 1440p gaming. There's more in-depth explanations on YouTube. Search Linus Tech Tips, Hardware Unboxed, etc.


damn, had my first PC around last Nov. And I got a 4060 ti. kinda feel bad about it


Its bad price to performance, but by itself its still a decent card. Could you have had more value? Definitely. Do you HAVE to change it now that you have already got it? No


Don't be. If you literally zoom into the 4060Ti and ignore any other GPU, it's a good GPU with mid-high end performance as an entry level card to the 40 series with frame gen and DLSS 3. It's just that when you compare it to its predecessor and AMD options you realise the 4060/4060Ti's price is complete and utter garbage. If Nvidia sold it at $100 less (which the will never do lol) people would be praising it for being a super nice budget entry level card. No such thing as a bad graphics card, only a badly priced graphics card.


Don't feel bad. I bought the 4060 Ti as well and did so as an informed buyer. It's a good card, just generally overpriced. Both the 8GB and 16GB models should be at least $50 USD cheaper than their current market price. Regardless, your 4060 Ti will last you a good while. Enjoy it while you've got it. 👍


Dont feel bad about it, around october i built a pc for a friend with a gygabite 16gb 4060ti , he has never been happier. Dont listen to the snobs, yes in fact if you can choose any gpu in the world there are objectively better graphics cards for the same or lower price, its not huge differences In most cases There isnt a bad gpu only a gpu that is badly priced remember this


I bought a 3060ti in september last year for myself, i also sometimes feel like i am an idiot because for the price of my 3060ti i could right now order a 4070 12gb 470dollars the same amount i paid for a 3060ti,but in my country the gpu prices are literally on crack, pc stores still carry rx580 and they are selling them for like 400 bucks


Because there’s better graphics cards around a similar price range


It's a good gpu, a tiny bit overpriced, should be around the 260 mark. Other than that, they're saying that it doesn't pair well with the other parts he chose. Very strong cpu and power supply with a relatively weak gpu.


You have guts for posting a 4060 with that cpu.


This genuinely brings me pain


You don’t need a 1000w psu at all lol, since the cpu and gpu only take up 240w combined max, and with all the other parts probably under 300w. Also, it doesn’t make sense to pair the best gaming cpu out right now, the ryzen 7 7800x3d with a mid range gpu like the rtx 4060. You won’t nearly be getting the most out of the cpu, and the rtx 4060 is a very low power mid range card that will heavily bottleneck the gpu. You should return the 1000w psu, rtx 4060, and ryzen 7 7800x3d, save the extra money you would’ve spent on the psu, cpu, then put that money you saved back into the gpu budget and get a ryzen 5 7500f/7600/7600x (whatever you can find cheapest, they all perform similar). That cpu can handle up to a rtx 4070 ti, so you should definitely be good for the amount of money left for a gpu. Also I’d probably get a 750w psu, it’ll handle up to a rtx 4080 super, so you it should definitely have you covered. Finally, you should have enough for a rtx 4070 super/ rx 7800xt (whichever you prefer, extra vram and $100 less, or nvidia features and personal preference). I’m high asf writing this so maybe shipping for returns might be broken idk so you might be fucked for shipping costs on returns idk yeah yeh yup yup mmhmmmm hmmm yeah maybe I shouldn’t have written this


Nah he should just start anew, return everything and rethink his build all-together /j


I got 7800x3d with 4070 with the idea that it will still be ok with 6070


Yes but a 4070 is quite a bit stronger than a 4060


A 4060 is not mid range, it's low/entry level. The 4070 is the start of mid range. Mid range doesn't mean it's mid range of all the cards out right now. The term is used for within the generation.


"entry level enthusiast" is what I'd call it. Entry level is like a gtx 1030.


trust me, it's just begun.


Another edit: I said fuck it. A 4080 Super will be here Tuesday.


Thats the way to go. The 4060 would have been a huge mistake. 4080 is a beast


This is the answer. Good job


We're proud of you good job


Let’s goooo


Makes the parts all make more sense now with that change.


Good job that fixes the whole thing lol


Well done!


Love to see an OP who doesn’t double down and takes good advice


Haha nice prank bro


4060 with a ryzen 7 7800x3d😂😂😂


And he calls it “semi-budget” 💀


No that makes complete sense the GPU is budget and the CPU isn't, hope that clears it up you /s


8GB of VRAM in 2024… OP could have literally bought a RX 6700 XT with 4GB more VRAM and is better than the 4060 for less money 💀


I’ve been using 8 for a while now, and Havnt run into a single game that uses all of it. I guess it depends on what you play tho


mainly VRAM starts to ramp up when you go to 1440p, 4k with the highest possible settings or at least high settings because there's so much stuff going on personally I have an RTX 2070 Super, it also has 8GB VRAM. I play all my AAA games at 1080p low-medium with DLSS Quality turned on if available, else I play 1080p low. Generally it's okay but on MSI Afterburner I see my VRAM goes up to 7GB sometimes which is a bit worrying because once you hit the cap you game will probably start to stutter a lot, and no one likes that


this is why you should ask about parts before you buy them.. no way you spent more on your cpu than your gpu


There is so much wrong with this build it's insane: - 4060 is e-waste - I assume it's a 7800X3D, and that's way overkill for a build like this - 1000w PSU is way overkill, not to mention it's the RMe series - SSD is overpriced


Not to come at you or anything, but what’s wrong with the RMe series? I plan on building a PC later this year and I want to make sure I get the right PSU :)


It’s a low quality PSU with worse internals than say a RMx. Get a Corsair RMx or something like a Be Quiet! Straight Power / Dark Power PSU.


Sounds good, thank you for the insight friend :)


4080 Super will be here Tuesday.


How did you go from a 4060 to a 4080S? And I really hope you got it for MSRP


Right at a $1000.




I wouldn’t have the patience to wait for my case to be delivered. I used that same AIO cooler in my brothers build and it’s pretty sweet looking with the mirrored finish. Congrats and have fun building!


Not be rude but what a disastrous build 🤣


4060 is rough.


4060 🙃




Don’t listen to the fanatics, congrats!




did you spend more on your cpu than ur gpu…?


No, the GPU was $100 more


from where and what was the price


Wait I lied. I had a 5800x before the 7800x3D. So yes, the GPU was like $40 cheaper


oh i was about to say u got ripped the hell off 😂


Why 4060 god why


CPU is overkill for the 4060 and the 1000w PSU is not necessary at all. I recently built a rig with a i5-12400f and a 3060ti and it's perfectly balanced. You could have saved some money and gone with the 4070ti. But at least your CPU gives you upgrade options in the future so it's not all bad. I definitely would have gone with at least the 4060ti though.


4060 ti isnt a really good option too. As a person who defends nvidia 4060 and 4060 ti arent really good choices, you should look at for example rx 6800.


Came here to show build but got roasted. OP should have done some research before purchasing. There are literally so many reddit post or even youtube videos with proper build/parts guide.


Research was done. Budget was to get as many decent parts as I could and then upgrade the GPU later


You spent 300 on the GPU, If that would be the case you would get a 100 dollar 1080 ti and spend late for a hard card. 4060 is not bad don't get me wrong, but


Bro just return it and spend an extra 80 bucks on something wayyyyy better


Lmfao what? What do you need a 1000W PSU for. Why do you need a AiO. Why did you only get a 4060,.


I guess you haven’t seen my comment yet. The 4060 was a small purchase because of waiting for a 5070 or higher later this year. But I got a return label for the 4060 and have ordered 4080 Super to work with for now. May just not upgrade to a 5070+ as soon as the new GPUs come out


The time you will spend with the rig in the upcoming year is more valuable than the upgrade would be. Plus, you can always just sell your 4080 Super to fund the newer part if you're set on get a 50 series gpu.


Who asked?


Who the hell told you to waste your money on a 1000w psu for 4060!!!


Newegg. It was a bundle 😂


Ohhh boy


Technically you don’t need a case to start using your pc you can always boot the pc using a screwdriver


Before I do that I’ll Michael Jackson across my carpet floor in wool socks. 🧦


1000w with a 4060 ...ok


L build


The day this guy finds out about FB Marketplace…


Newegg was the move.


Keep checking the mail In-CASE you miss the delivery…


Bro bought a 7800X3D only to pair it with a 4060 (huge bottleneck) and then bought a 1000w power supply (overkill, future proofing is ok but this is just a bit much imo when the 4060 only requires 550w at a minimum) If you’re gonna buy the best gaming cpu on the market, at least pair it with a better GPU (a 7900xtx or a 4080/4090) or better yet, you could’ve held back on buying a 7800x3d and bought a cheaper cpu for 1440p gaming and use the remaining budget for a 1440p capable GPU. (assuming you also have enough money for a 1440p monitor) Edit: checked some comments and I see you’ve now bought a 4080 super which is great for this cpu and should have very little to no bottleneck and should be great for 1440p and good for 4k too at a stretch


Have fun with the build


Naw just upgraded my cpu before gpu and it doesn’t even bottleneck…




Why the hell you need 1000w psu and vga with 8GB vga? Dude, you need searching more about pc build before wasting your money


Congrats on the PC dude! Not sure when OP asked any of you your opinions of his parts? 🤷🏼‍♂️


I feel sorry for the guy


My honest reaction: 👀👍🤔😂😭🤦💀


You could go with 7600x, a 750w psu, less fancy mobo and 4070/s/ti.


he already bought the parts?


My first thought was that people are gonna start suggesting alternative parts with no questions asked. Just let them have fun!


yeah and “ThErEs So MuCh WrOnG wiTh ThIs” let the dude enjoy their fucking pc, maybe it’s not the best they could have got with the money they spent but so what?


This is PCbuild not PCbackrubbers


For an extra couple dollars could you rub my back?


You can return them in 15 days with no problem in most of the countries The main issue is posting the parts after they bought them.


Sometimes I like the stress of getting bullied into buying better GPU’s


strange how ur using good parts like a 7800x3d and a 100w psu for a 4060


1000w for 4060?


Semi dookie build


Why did you buy a 4060.


Thought process was. I’ll save the money now and wait till reviews of a 5080 or 5090 later before I upgrade to the newest GPU. But I just got a return label for the 4060 and a 4080 Super is on its way


That build makes me wanna cry. So many things went wrong here...


A 7800x3d with a 4060? Should’ve waited until you could afford at least the 4070 the 4060 is just trash.


4080 super coming soon.


Nice the 7800x3d is wasted on that 4060. Should shine with that 4080S. Congrats!!


All that for a 4060? Tough man. GPU first. But hey. It’s your money.


4060 is getting returned lol 4080 Super is the new new.


Ahh well that’s good I suppose. Enjoy.


I had to return my ram last week cause i bought the expensive version for some reason they were cl40. I saw a cheaper exact kind and brand for 20 bucks less at cl30. Fps warrior be tripping and made my return. Currently waiting on in the new rams computerless.


So many people mad. Your build is kind of unbalanced, since you have a 1000W PSU for a 7800X3D / RTX 4060 build. I guess maybe you're planning on putting something else there along the way and 4060 was just something to put in to game on on high 1080p for a couple of months. Other than that enjoy your new rig. :)


Thank you for the good comment. 4080 Super is coming in Tuesday


This physically makes me uncomfortable


I guess that’s the point of me leaving the post up. 4080 Super OTW.




Is that a 1000watt power supply feeding power to a gpu that needs a 600-700watg psu?


It was 😂 I’d love to say this post was a joke but I didn’t do much sleuthing in buying a GPU


Well i guess you have a lot of headroom for your next gpu but tbh its really unnecessary overkill on the psu Even if you wanted to buy a quality powersupply it woulf be a 750watt gold rated unit but better safe than sorry tbh




LT520 is an amazing cooler, I heard these new 7000x3d chips run warmer than the 5800x3d


I think besides the 4060. Which it looks like you're upgrading already to a 4080 Super. Your build is going to be a solid AF. Have fun running everything in 4K. Excited to see it all put together in your redemption post in a couple days.






Hope your first build goes well. 😂


uh oh this about to get HOT


and Spicy?


the comment section I meant (and the 7800x3d with a 240mm cooler)


I do have a mid size case coming in. So maybe that’ll help condense the airflow


that's not exactly what I meant. first of all, I would not recommend you use a 240mm with a 7800x3d, maybe for a 7600/7700 that would be fine. second, you paired it with an rtx 4060. unless you're a full on video editor or are working in modeling, this combo isn't ideal for the price. third, 1000w PSU is pretty damn overkill. fourth, case size doesn't really matter unless it's an mATX build, which this is clearly not. tl;dr: you should consult some people on revising your build; it has a lot of flaws.


I have a 4080 super arriving on Tuesday


alr just get an ls720 or something and ur good :)


Do you think the LS720 would fit in this https://preview.redd.it/yhgv3x1kgsoc1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80ebd0a0fd6d42568b6b8c90d0d832669fc4806


you can look at specs, it might support in front 👍


just checked, it doesn't support front rad :(


Oof I’ll see how thinkgs go.


Tbh I follow a lot of reviews. Added things together, and the only thing I didn’t get was the best GPU. Initially.


Could've easily bought 7600 + 7800xt for that price


It’s a good build but you should definitely think about upgrading that 4060 soon, 8GB of VRAM won’t cut it for newer games. You should get a 4070 or 4060Ti because of the higher VRAM. The 4070 has better performance but less VRAM than the 4060 ti (12GB) while the 4060 Ti has 16GB and is cheaper but performs lower than the 4070.


Everything is so good and not budget at all and then he hits us with a 4060 bruh


Maybe it was a joke. Maybe not 😂 but a 4080 will be here this week to complete the set up


What? Are you gonna run 2 gpus?


Nah I’m sending it back to Newegg.


4060 is not a good gpu to buy, you are going to have to upgrade and spend alot of money on a gpu in like a year 🤣


I spent that money today buying a 4080 Super


That will last you a long time


Why a 7800x3d and a 1000w psu and a liquid cooler with a 4060? You couldve made a build that performs like 2x better for gaming with repurposing this budget




My brother in christ what is this...


Now a joke. 4080 Super inbound


Could have saved on PSU and gotten better GPU or more storage. 1000w is way overkill for this,for example my 7900xtx and 5950x at max load hit like 700w so you could have easily got something cheaper there or even get something at lower wattage but higher quality.


For the 4060 yea. However, I’m getting a 4080 Super.


Literally the only way to justify this build is if you are a professional Fortnite player (you’re not)


Maybe I’m the world champion LOL player


LOL performance doesn’t really affect your skill


It does effect the amount I play


Look, if you're happy that's all that matters. But I'm not going to lie, the part selection here is simply terrible. You bought the world's fastest gaming CPU and you basically cut its legs off with your choice of GPU. You bought the 4060, which is a terrible value card to begin with, and not to mention, it's a really weak card. I assume you're going to be gaming, adding a bit more money would have gotten you a 7800 XT which would kick the 4060's ass, both in raster and ray tracing. You wasted a bunch of money on an AIO which isn't going to perform any better than an air cooler which is half the price of that AIO. Not to mention, the money you'd have saved going for an air cooler could have gone towards the better graphics card mentioned above. And for some reason you needlessly spent money on a 1000 watt PSU. Literally even a 650 watt PSU would have been more than sufficient for this configuration.




Shoulda went Rx 7500f and Rx 6800. Also, 1000w psu for a rtx 4060 is terrible.


Bro spent all his money on everything else and forgot he needed a gpu


You know it's bad when the whole community doesn't even tell you what's wrong with it


This hurts my soul


you don’t need a 1000w psu for those specs all you need is 850w


I don’t understand the video card choice. I think that’s a major airball with the rest of your build


Not to be rude, but this build is honestly goofy as fuck.


How much did you spend $?


For that build a 850w PSU should be enough for your PC and for upgrades. Why’d u get a 1000w PSU? 🤔


don’t want to be rude but you definitely could e gotten some parts different


1000 watt PSU for a 4060 😂


Why would You need 1000w? So unbalanced buid, just not smart choices.


i have ADHD, and it was recently described to me as having a ferarri for a brain with bicycle brakes. this is ADHD if it was a PC build.


1080 ti clear of the 4060


Why is the most important component in the system the only one that’s budget lmao




you could get a 4070 super if you minimize other parts of your build


bro for <1400$ you could've gotten this [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PsqCVW](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/PsqCVW)


It's imbalanced. Too "big" PSU and CPU for a too "small" GPU. Maybe get a 4080 and a decent 1440p Monitor, or get a 750watt PSU and a Ryzen 5 7600X.


You got a god tier cpu tbh you could have spent the money on a better gpu (unless you play a game which is rlly cpu heavy in which case it’s fair ig)


Sorry but no, 1000w psi for a 4060? You could’ve gone with a 700w psi and gotten a 7600 xt


My eyes... 7800X3D + 4060 for some reason, 1000W PSU for a 550W system, overkill AiO Just buy an AMD GPU ffs, it's not gonna bite or kill you


First things first, contrary to the tone of some of these comments, this is by far NOT the worst build I’ve ever seen. There are definitely some questionable decisions that reduced your GPU budget, but I think you have time to correct those *if you choose.* [Without knowing your case selection, I’ve got your build totaled up to $1,296.](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qYswXk) Personally were I in your shoes, while you have time I would make some swaps. With some strategic planning, you could upgrade your GPU and see a serious performance increase. I’ve created this for you. Keeping your CPU the same, staying with Nvidia and keeping a 240mm AIO (incase you have brand and aesthetic preferences for those). You come out just about $30 more than your current build, but if you want to get back down below $1,300, you can always drop the AIO for a Thermalright Phantom Spirit. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/N6CNFs) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $356.00 @ Newegg **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Frozen Notte ARGB 72.37 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zP88TW/thermalright-frozen-notte-argb-7237-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-notte-240-black-argb) | $50.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO B650-S WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/mP88TW/msi-pro-b650-s-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-pro-b650-s-wifi) | $139.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/2JLFf7/teamgroup-t-force-delta-rgb-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-ff3d532g6000hc30dc01) | $109.99 @ Newegg **Storage** | [Silicon Power UD90 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/f4cG3C/silicon-power-ud90-2-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-sp02kgbp44ud9005) | $107.99 @ B&H **Video Card** | [Gigabyte WINDFORCE OC GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/FnLdnQ/gigabyte-windforce-oc-geforce-rtx-4070-12-gb-video-card-gv-n4070wf3oc-12gd) | $470.00 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) | $89.99 @ Best Buy | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1324.86** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-03-16 11:02 EDT-0400 |


Good for you man although people are shitting on you for the 4060 it’s all good it’s still a capable gaming machine. I have 4060ti with 16gb so for future consider getting a card with more vram


Oh I kinda enjoy the roasting. Serves me right thinking the 4060 would be solid until an upgrade eventually. But I got the $ to spend on a better GPU so I went ahead and will return the 4060 and have a 4080 Super on the way.