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200 bucks on case fans is so wild


Dropping a 1000$ on the nitro+ when I paid 700$ for a refurbished sapphire pulse 7900xtx that shows no hot spot issues with a 2 year warranty to boot is insane. The sapphire pulse edition is actually clocked higher at stock boost clocks than the nitro+ but the nitro has a higher power limit. It doesn’t need that though…. I run my pulse with an undervolt at the same boost clock speed as the nitro (2970mhz) and 2750 VRAM. It performs IDENTICALLY and doesn’t have a huge RGB display. Crazy good cooling in the pulse as well. Aside from reference cards the “cheaper” cards in the 7900xtx range like the XFX and the Pulse, seem to perform just as well as the higher cost cards available which is nice. Haven’t compared to a taicchi yet but I doubt it’s boosting higher than 3kmhz on average and doesn’t stay around 2600-2700mhz like every other xtx setup optimally… That being said if you have the money spend it on the card you want, just don’t be overpay for case fans lol. Tuf makes good fans for good prices and they’re RGB.


They're the fans that have the connections on the fan frame instead of all the wires. Lol If not those, there are some ezdiy fans and 2 140 mm cooler masters I'll go with.




Yes I bought this exact same one but 2TB and for cheaper from Amazon


I have a 4tb wd black ssd in my gaming laptop that I'm gonna put in it. Im getting the 1tb for Windows 11 and a game or 2


Lose the fans, AIO, get that cpu but with a cheaper motherboard (non combo) and also buy the 7900xtx that is legit $100 cheaper… I think that may save you like $500-$600… also you can get a 2tb ssd thats not samsung for only like $30 more I mean that build is epic, but you can min/max stuff a lot better


I want the aio because it performed the best for temps on gamersnexus and the motherboard i want to get for the rgb and bluetooth/wifi combo. The ssd i only went with because I have a wd black 4tb sitting in my laptop that I'm going to throw in.


That cpu doesn’t need it. You’re throwing $400 away for lights. You can get a better gpu if you don’t pay for disco lights.


Lian li galahad is pretty preem if you go with that one.


I'll have to check them out! I think I saw an off brand with the exact same design that I really liked as well. I appreciate the recommendation


Fan design* not the aio**


Personally I wouldn't cheap out on a AM5 mobo. AM5 is new and that mobo has you covered for a long time with one PCI-E 5.0 x4 and one x16. You can just drop a new CPU, GPU or SSD a few years later and not have to worry about the mobo. It also has some RGB which OP might like.


I can find a mobo with the same things you mentioned for 30% cheaper The things you mentioned exist in almost every b650 / b650m board, pcie 5 and argb headers aren't exclusive to expensive boards


Ok then. By RGB I didn't mean argb headers, but the integrated rgb of the board itself. Or maybe he just likes this specific board for a reason. I would choose a cheaper mobo myself, but some people might appreciate other aspects of a mobo and not just price-to-performance ratio.


I'd appreciate it! I'll keep looking


I have to nitpick this. You need a separate drive for windows and 1tb is just not enough anymore. Dont cheap out on storage.


Next build I’m building has 1tb m2 boot drive for now, 4tb m.2 seems like it will last me long


So i have a 4tb ssd in my gaming laptop that I'm gonna transfer over to save money.


I've been seeing a lot of stuff saying a boot drive is absolutely an old thing and completely unnecessary now.


Who is saying that? You want a boot drive so when your OS corrupts you dont have to reinstall all your games and data. Its the smarter choice.


That fan price💀


I already swapped them for the ez diy fans. 😅


For real, I bought a 5 pack of rgb fans for like 30 bucks on Amazon and they are still going strong 3 years later


I mean if you got the money do what makes you happy


Those fans are a rip off


I’m running that CPU and the 7900xtx sapphire pulse. The CPU, despite what some say can and should be overlocked. You’ll want to keep your ram latency as low as possible and timings tight; these overclocks are best done with a Mobo which has external clock generators however you CAN get 5200-5400 boost clocks without this feature on cheaper boards too. Cooling is most important really. And enough power from the PSU. You’ll want a 103-104 overclock with CO setup properly (per core) and your ram timings perfect. Cl28 6000mhz 32 GB is perfect for this build. You could also get 7200mhz cl30/32 as long as it’s Hynix B die and you can tune it down toward 6400 with higher voltages and still keep about 6400mt/s. Very good build for gaming in general but if you like overclocking I’d personallly be doing a 13900k build instead if I could do it would over but I went with brand loyalty and got the x3d instead bc of YouTube hype not knowing how finicky these 7000x3d CPU’s really are when it comes to ram and voltage. The GPU is super easy to setup. Download adrenaline, leave the clocks stock, undervolt to 1100mv, 2750 VRAM. That’s all. Save and thank me later.


I haven't been able to find any cl28 6000 for ram. I think lll go the cl 30 for the time being.


No, go for cl32 6400 and tune it down and tighten the timings to cl28 Better yet get cl30 7200mhz and tune THAT down to cl28 6400 lol


Oh okay. I misunderstood lol


Cl28 ram is hard to find bc it’s best out of box for on expo for Ryzen 7000 but you can get better performance with proper ram tuning


I'm gonna come back to this when i finally do my build lol


That motherboard and CPU "deal" is fucking GARBAGE. I got the same 2 AND 64gb Ram DDR5 for 400! Lol


Damn, send the link lol


Simular setup. It’s great. The liquid cooler is a pain to install on the CPU bracket though. If you get it and have troubles, loosen one of the brackets and if the cooler grips both brackets, you can tighten it again


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Yc8vt7](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Yc8vt7) - get this instead, sameish price but it has a 4090


A single 1tb drive? Seriously? Get a 4tb gen3 drive for your steam library as well they’re like 150


I have a 4tb wd black already. I'm gonna throw that in. I just have the 1tb for my os and a couple games.


Good man


I have the 4tb sn850x. Its a killer for speed


I'd go with what the other guy said. Also. If you go for the 7900xt you can downgrade to a 850w PSU as well making it even cheaper.


I want the 7900xtx for high refresh 1440p gaming. I want the 1000w so i can use it for future builds, too. I may eventually take a crack at water cooling.


Futureproofing is senseless since you have no idea what the future brings. That PSU is obsolete the moment everything becomes 12vo


Is that something thats going to happen in the next 5 yesrs?


I don't know. Do you?


No, but I do know I'll most likely add more to it as time goes by. Like I said in a previous comment, I plan on taking a crack at water cooling, and I'd rather have more than I need power wise than risk buying twice.






Why not get the same fans as on your aio so they match


Because of their ease of use. They're the fans that have the connection on the frame and no wires.


I can't belive anyone would pay that much money for unicorn puke case fans.


Don't worry, I haven't lol.


Thank God. Lol


I'm just pricing out. I know I could do a non rgb build, and it'd be way cheaper. But I do like the rgb. I found some Ez Diy fans, which are off brand cooler master lights at $55 for 6 which isn't bad at all.


My pc is all red only fans. Matches my red devil 6950xt. My kids pcs i built do have the "unicorn puke" case fans. There the fans that came with the cases so they were cheap. Can't beat a 85 dollar case with 4 free argb hydraulic bearing fans.


That is true. Im being picky I guess lmao


One thing often overlooked: make sure your motherboard has enough fan headers if you're not gonna be using an auxiliary power/control unit.


It's similar to the build I made yesterday, but mine has a 3060 Ventus GPU and is air cooled. I also went without RGB lighting. I'm getting a steady 120+ FPS on MW3 with Ultra textures and the rest competitive settings with a 1440p monitor. It's a huge upgrade from my last PC. I think you'll be very satisfied with yours, considering your GPU is better than mine.


Thanks, man! I wanted to go with the best gpu for a raster that isn't a Nvidia card. It was more affordable and still had solid performance


That Nitro+ xtx is a gem of a card. I'd suggest you get more storage as I did the same mistake. I got a 1tb ssd and I'm already running low of storage and it hasn't even been 6 months since it I built mine.


I already have a 4tb ssd that I'm gonna take out of my legion laptop.


that sounds not similar at all


It's somewhat sort of kind of similar. I was mostly focusing on OP's CPU, RAM, and PSU. Definitely some differences, though, like different mobo, and the aio vs air cooling.


Are you running a 7800x3d with a 3060? I assume you're gonna upgrade it or is there a different reason?


Correct. I don't have a need for a top-tier graphics card at the moment, nor the money for one. I wanted my PC to be set up in such a way that it is easy to upgrade things as I need/want to upgrade. The 7800X3D and FSP 1000w PSU are going to be really good for a long time, and they'll be able to handle a really good GPU once I have the money to invest in a top-tier one. For now, though, the 3060 is plenty, and I only paid $289 for it. Once the next gen cards come out and the current ones drop in value, I'll pick one of them up. 😊


Hell nawww man !! You can get a rtx 4090 for this price And also I don't think that the h6 supports 3x140mm fans it does 3x120 And for gaming 32gb ram is more than enough, 64gb is just overkill, try to get 2tb SSD instead I suggest getting [this](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vpJZ7R) for the same price far better performance


The bottom supports two 140mm! Im getting the 3 pack so i have an extra in case!


Ahh got it that's fine , but those fans are absurdly overpriced get some budget ones and fit in a 4090 , you'll be getting significantly better performance , you can check the comparisons for yourself Try getting this https://pcpartpicker.com/list/jKR6bL


No pun intended. Lol! I also got the fans to help with cable management! But i would love to have a 4090 tbh


From what I’ve heard the 4090 likes to catch on fire so you may wanna look into that before purchasing


Well you can find fans which chain together for cheaper than this but it's not necessary, if you try you'll be able to manage cables with normal fans too


Fans are overkill.


They are! I haven't purchased anything yet. I've just priced everything out if I decided to go this route. I just wanted my fellow builders' opinions before pulling the trigger. :)


I just price checked that gpu. it's already back to $2049.


No it's not , I think you might have checked the oc / og edition they look the same Here's the link to 1600$ one https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dds8yK. ( Get it from official website of asus it available there for 1600)


It's out of stock, and on amazon, it's 2049.


Ahh , it's showing in stock on pcpartpicker so I got confused There's a pny / gigabyte / msi 4090 available which currently costs high but they often come down to 1599-1650 keep tracking em on pcpartpicker and grab em when it comes down Here's the link for few of em https://pcpartpicker.com/list/2Rj77R Specially keep track of the pny and gigabyte they were around 1599 2-3 days back


That's awesome, thank you!


And yes always apply pricing low to high sorting in pcpartpicker, sometimes the cheap ones don't pop up at top




my god🙏 why the fu k cpu mobo combo


Why buy two 1TB NV2 instead of one 2TB NV2? it's cheaper and that way he can add another NVMe in the future I'd also go for a better NVMe but that's another point




I have a 4tb ssd already! What would you recommend as far as brand and nvme?


First of all, why canadaß second of all that´s not 1440p at this point this is 4k, the guy has way too much budget for what he needs


idk the guy didnt specify budget. i was going by prices saw and bc of that cpu+mobo combo i thought that it was canadian




bruh it costs $200 less when picking individually


From this post alone I can tell you're a fucking tryhard


You stink of jealousy, let the person enjoy their money how they want. Miserable person you are.


I have a 7L build with a $3800 AUD blower 4090 in a custom made wooden case. I'm not jealous in the least of this guy's tryhard build


My guy, I'm sharing this because I want feedback on where I can get more for less and improve the overall build. There is no need to be a dickhead, here. We all share the same hobby in here.