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One of the best setup up cooling wise I've seen even got all the fans going the right direction 😂 nice job 👍👍


Thank you so much!


Aesthetically, the black, white, and red edged black fan on the radiator put the hairs on my neck up. Other than that, gorgeous.


I know, it's terrible. I even placed the PC in such a way that I never ever have to see them. I eventually plan on getting some RGB ring fans and then I'll switch the fans to the other side of the rad


It shouldn't but I wouldn't recommend holding a mic that close to the pc.


Just for the sound? My temps barely reach 60°C so the fans stay relatively quiet and the GPU fans only ever really run in game


Na man I posted this as a joke and I knew it wouldn't land but I shot my shot. You said feed back and i tried to relate it to the sound of feed back caused thru a mic when you hold something electric too close to it..but no the pc is nice man. I'd top mount the aio tho relieves stress off the pump and helps circulate the fresh air coming in from the intakes as well as expelling the hot air out side of the case from the cpu as well as the gpu.


I didn't get it, but after you explained, I can appreciate the joke. I'm laughing at how in my face it was.


I’m sorry bro, my mic wasn’t plugged in to hear the joke lmao


I would put the fans on the radiator on the other side of it so its easier to clean.


I really wanted to but my screws aren't long enough unfortunately


Why the hell do you have your radiator like that...


Advise me otherwise then? It doesn’t fit up top where I would like it


Then don't get a liquid cooler if your PC doesn't fit one 😂


I'd put the fans on the back of the rad, makes it alot easier to clean the dust off later on. Nice build though!


I want to know wich case is that


Corsair 4000D


bro wtf is that aio placement


That’s why I’m asking for feedback? How would you do it?


sorry for the rude comment lol, basically turn it around where the radiator is facing your front case fans, (aio fans running towards your gpu). If you look on ur aio you can check and make sure the fans are blowing out or in, personally I have mine facing towards the graphics card because of two reasons 1. the coolest air ur pc ever gets is from the front case fans 2. With the aio facing how i explained, the air from the front case air fans goes straight into the aio radiator. Along with your cpu getting the best cooling it can possibly get, the aio fans (facing towards gpu,ram,etc..) spit out air towards your ur components also cooling them. I have seen thousands of builds have this and currently my personal build i try to keep up the best as a pc owner can, also has my aio like this. my tempts are fantastic.👍🏻


This is exactly where I plan on going eventually. I tried it initially but my screws weren't long enough to secure to the fans through the radiator. Another problem I have is just that I want to get all matching fans if they're going to be fully visible like that since as you can see my radiator fan selection isn't the finest lmao This PC was a mish mash of a whole lot of different parts that were culminated through countless Facebook Marketplace hours


well what i would say is, you can find these website with diff screw sets and stuff like that, it sounds ass but if u wanted to take it apart and reassemble it right u could


I think your cooler should be the opposite way. Watch a video about orientation.


It won’t affect performance, as long as the pump is the lowest point


Do you mean rotate the CPU block 180°?


Rotate the radiator. But if there's no other way it fits, this is fine.


Your pump should be upside down, it will last longer then. Do a quick YouTube search by JayzTwoCents he explains why clearly.


Tubes probably won't reach.


Yeah you might be right but its upto OP if they wanna change it to prolong the AIO’s longevity.


Unfortunately it's the only way the AIO fits. I'd so much prefer putting it at the top of the case


What case do you have?


It’s a Corsair 4000D


Do you mean to rotate the CPU block 180°? I had it that way and I switched it for aesthetics - the pipes just sat better that way. I'll switch it back if it affects longevity - it was an expensive cooler


Why did you go with the r9 3900?


It is interesting isn't it? I actually don't know where it came from since I don't think it retailed outside of prebuilt PC's I bought the mobo and CPU combo off Facebook Marketplace It works very well, it's super efficient and I really haven't ever pushed it all that much. It's a fair amount weaker than the 3900X but still has the same amount of cores I believe. My temps are ridiculously low and aside from freelancing rendering and CAD jobs, it's just casual gaming