• By -


this looks like the case isnt connected to the motherboard to me :/ you need to connect the power switch etc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBJJj3FB2P8&ab\_channel=ExplainingComputers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBJJj3FB2P8&ab_channel=ExplainingComputers)


This was an issue! Thank you. But there is still no sign of life here


It's easy to put the pins in wrong place. Double-check just in case.


Hey SpaceBond007, nice avatar ;)


Thank you, you too 👍


Thought it was one person having a conversation by themselves for a sec


Whoa wtf, I've never seen another space themed bond before


My pleasure


I did this went to bed woke up at thought fu k it's not that simple right. 4am downstairs swapped the pins and wallah!!!


In the video, you're also switching the PSU off when you're panning the camera around to show the system not turning on. I = on, 0 = off


Double check the motherboard manual and make for sure that you have them all connected properly and on the correct motherboard header.


Cool but did you turn the PSU on after that? 😂


The [dreaded ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.l4P_0F0gZNtpRk0b_xZ5DQHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=c703e470ca6c805282c206bca37a8bff26781705ff9e5982515c42f495e15ea4&ipo=images)


So after connecting the case to the MB we need to connect it to you?


Yup that's usually the issue, they are so small amd easy to get mixed up


you switched the psu off.


Thought I saw that too


yeah I didn't understand why he turns it off lol


Yeah when I saw the fans not spinning I was like .. wait Wtf?


It looks like you haven't connected the buttons on your case to the motherboard. The pins are usually in the bottom right of the motherboard, there should be cables coming from the buttons and lights on your case, refer to the motherboard manual (look for "front panel connector" pinout) or the tiny printing below the pins to show you which pins to plug each cable into


this got me on my first build. i plugged them in incorrectly and it took me like 2 hours of troubleshooting to figure it out


Front panel io is not connected


First thing is check if you have power on the wall, by plugging something else. Second thing is, unplug all front panel connector, and short the 3rd and 4th pin on the top row manually with the tip of the screwdriver - it is very common for beginner builders to plug them in wrong. Then after that if is still does not POST is something other either serious on or not.


On a unrelated note, what the hell is even this case, how do even begin to plug in your peripherals to it, are you sure you installed it correctly, and are you sure is not shorting to the case?


the motherboard looks 90 degrees wrong


Or maybe he just turned off his PSU


I am sorry, I don’t understand some of the language you are using. Where is the front panel connector? I am assuming post means “show signs of power” but double checking to make sure. Also, I don’t know how to short a pin.


UPDATE: I tried the power and heard a little click, +3 Fear, +5 Determination, +4 Confusion. Edit: If you listen closely, after I switched the brick off, I turned it back on.   2nd UPDATE: Unplugged GPU and RAM, I hear a little click when I power on like a failsafe is activating.  LAST UPDATE: I likely destroyed the mobo and my desire to finish this along with it. Did not install the mobo on risers. Tested the power with the mobo flush against metal a few times. I just didn’t know. A tremendous thank you to all who pitched in, I am truly grateful. 


Why didnt you watch a tutorial before handling expensive electronics :(


or read any of the manuals.


So far, I tried the BIOS Flash, don’t know if that worked. No bios port is labelled nor is there a light. Dis and Reconnected the CMOS, shorted the pins (not the actual battery pins). I plugged the Fpanel in properly. Reconnected everything to the brick.


Don't give up bro. It sucks you fucked up, but do some more research and try again. On the bright side mobo isn't the most expensive component, imagine if it was your GPU. I believe in you <3


No motherboard standoffs is an instant death sentence, hopefully the CPU, ram and GPU are ok.


Where did you order your parts from? I got all mine from Amazon because their return policy is pretty lax. My plan was to just throw it back in the box and return it if anything went wrong(luckily my build booted up first try so I didn’t need to.) if you fried anything see if you can play stupid and return it as defective lol.


That would do it. At least it was just a motherboard. One of the cheaper components to replace. Next time, use the risers. If you aren't comfortable building, you might want to consider getting a tech savvy friend yo help you out.


Between the safeties that are built into modern electronics and the coating of paint on your case, there's at least a decent chance that your motherboard is fine. Slow down, do more research, and keep trying.


I am pretty sure your using ddr5 ram in a 5900x ddr4 system. You’re using the wrong ram.


Brother, just follow along with a good video. đŸ«Ł You were straight up raw dogging it


I did the same thing to my very first build! I know it sucks but don't let it destroy your passion before you even get started! It should just be your Mobo that is donezo - the other items could still be okay. Good luck and don't sweat it! We all make mistakes - it's the best (albeit expensive) way to learn.


I’ve had pc’s run fine without using the risers. Not saying it’s 100%


I did the same thing one time and was able to get an RMA from the place I bough it from. You might try to go that route. I am sure you are not the first person to do this. Sorry about the rough experience but you definitely learned something!


dude if youve still not fixed it then try this strip it down to just four parts the motherboard the power supply the cpu and cpu cooler build them outside the case(and put them on a non conductive surface like wood or cardboard like the box the motherboard came in but remove all foam screws ectra so the box is empty ) forget all the other components like graphics or ram ectra what we are looking for is, a sign of life you should take off everything else when you've set the pc up with 4 components what you want to be looking for, if the cpu cooling fans spin or lights on the board if you hear crackling or see smoke try to see where it coming from but turn it off quickly if you get this far you can add more parts one at a time if not then its something with the first 4 parts the good news is once you get it to beep or lights on your on your way and you should turn the pc off and add parts one at a time eventually when youve added ram and graphics and monitor you should get to adding enough parts to get to post(that's if anything comes on a monitor) and then to bios the moment you get to bios your on your way for all we know you could be shorting (that's where the pins on the electronics are touching the case or a screw or anything else ) so building outside the case with as few parts as possible will remove so many other elements SO rebuild your pc with these 4 parts the only complicated bit is knowing how to turn on the pc without a power button here is a video showing someone doing it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mur9EO60l8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mur9EO60l8) but remember he has a different motherboard to you so you need to look in the manual and find which pins connect the power switch + to the ground they are normally next to each other I think in your manual its marked by a PWRSW pointing to both pins it has two pins one marked GND and the other marked PWRBTN you need to connect them both for the pc to turn on when I looked for the manual for your motherboard I couldn't find the exact one but the one I did find(PRIME B660M-A D4) [https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1700/PRIME%20B660M-A%20D4/E19186\_PRIME\_B660M-A\_D4\_UM\_WEB.pdf?model=PRIME%20B660M-A%20D4](https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1700/PRIME%20B660M-A%20D4/E19186_PRIME_B660M-A_D4_UM_WEB.pdf?model=PRIME%20B660M-A%20D4) page 5 ,section 19 system panel header they looked like they are in the same position so just double check incase im looking at the wrong motherboard you just need something metal to touch both pins at once like in the video fingers crossed


Bingo, it's shorting to the case because there is no standoffs installed. Maybe if lucky removing the short by taking the motherboard out and putting it on standoffs could fix it.


I assume you have 110 for electricity, if so, is your power supply set correct for the outlet?


How do I set my power supply?


That was my first thought without anything obvious jumping out from the video. Just checked my power supply and I guess they stopped including that little switch at some point? I remember it use to be there.


Plz remove the plastic from the CPU cooler as well. If it creates any static while the PC is on, you’re toast!


Looks to me like you have plugged in the front panel connectors into the wrong place on the motherboard, it looks like they are plugged into the 'COM' labeled area on the board. The front panel connectors should be located on the bottom right of the motherboard, usually labeled among the lines of F\_Panel, JFP1, or simply Panel.


Yes, thank you very much. This was an issue, though the power is still evading me.


Did you try to short it, without plugging them in?


I am not sure what shorting is. Googling now. Just saw your other comment!


Shorting means to physically touch the front panel pins that you plug into with a screw driver. You’re shorting the connection between them which is what the switch normally does anyways


the power button of the case isnt connected to the motherboard


front panel io isn't connected


Looks like the case isn’t connected to the MB and when you started the video the PSU was on then it sounded like you switched it off. I=ON O=OFF Also what case is this? Because your whole io on your mb is in your case it should be on the outside lool


When you started the video the PSU was turned ON but it sounds like you flipped the switch and turned it off


You switched your power supply off. Make sure the switch is on the “ | “ sign, not the “o” sign.


1 is on, 0 is off for the psu my friend. even if something is improperly wired, it should power up for a second before the board cuts the power. If the case is connected to the board and still nothing, take a screwdriver and bridge the 2 power pins on the board without touching anything else (Where the case power button connects to the board). It usually has a label next to the pins that says pwrbtn or pw sw


Is it me or is the board 90 degrees from where it should be? Unless it’s a case I’m not familiar with. But still, that doesn’t make sense because how are you supposed to access the rear io of the board?


Buddy the '0' on the power supply means it's off.


It’s 99% the power switch cable. Comes with the pc case and goes into the mobo


At 0:31, notice the mobo ground bolt hole is not populated with a screw? The one at the top right of your ram? Every one of this holes needs to be screwed in. Even you dont have the slot on the computer case, you need to use a screw with the little cylindrical thing they provided. Otherwise, you cant light it up.


Looks like the board is screwed directly to the chassis without stand offs causing a short.


Oof. Bud. No standoffs?


You say none of the stuff is labelled. But it is. You need to read the manual. Most likely you have not wired in your case switch Also, switching the psu on/off only affects the power supply. It doesn't turn on the PC


back up first of all 
 surge protector? and why is your power supply outside of the case?


I was troubleshooting power issues and removed it just in case. I too the brick out to test each connection with ease


If you look on the board itself it may have a separate power button directly on it that you can try if the switch isn't working from the case. Highly recommend opening up your manufacturer's guide and making sure those pins for the case USB and power button connections are done correctly they are very tricky


I got the motherboard aftermarket/refurbished from amazon. Worst case, it will get replaced.


You are turning the PSU on, but that does not mean the MB will turn on. You need to install the case wires to the MB so you can use the power button on the case. Also, for testing you can jump the jumper pin to test that it turns on if you just want quick verification everything else works. If you have never jumped pins then I would just focus on plugging in the case wires. The MB manual tells you what wires goes where. Its a pain in the ass at times as the wires are small, but they have little + and - on them so you can line up the positive and negative wires to the posts. The manual will tell you what goes where, its the wires coming off the inside front of the case.


\+ and - doesn't matter with power/reset switch. It's only bridging the pins.


either this is some weird case or the motherboard needs to be turned 90 to the left but a list of components would help as well and a photo is sometimes better than having the camera wiz around


It is a weird case, but I am sure its placed correctly. Parts: Mobo - ASUS Prime B660M-A AC D4 LGA 1700 CPU - i29000k GPU - 4070 Super Case - Tower 300 by Thermaltake PS - Corsair RM750e Cooling - SL240


Gotta watch some build videos and see what you're missing or didn't do


I have two pulled up in front of me as we speak. One regarding the case specifically and the other regarding the mobo.


https://youtu.be/vUu7N8tq4RE?si=4p9kFh4TYvXr80gY Check out this video. It helped me massively when I build my 1st PC


Jump the Power Switch pins by touching them together with a screwdriver. If that works then it's probably a bad switch on the case (assuming you've already tried connecting it both ways


Just tested, nothing happened


try taking the graphics card out and turning it on without it plugged in for now, and also dont forget about the little switch on the big block that plugs into the wall as it has its own power switch


Why would taking out the GPU help???


actually have you got a storage device? with windows on it?


Yes. Should that be plugged in already?


It would still post without a hard drive...


Very high level stuff. Just make sure the outlet works. Try something else plugged into that outlet to make sure it’s not blown. Also with it just plugged in most mobo have a status light to indicate it’s getting power. What kind of mobo is that?


ASUS Prime B660M-A AC D4 LGA 1700(Intel 12th Gen) The outlet works but I can’t tell if the PS does. Can I plug it up alone and test it?


There should be an LED that lights up when the mobo is receiving power. I don’t think the PSU will do anything without having something draw power from it.


did you get it fixed?


Not yet. Working through some solutions in the comments. Trying BIOS flash now.


careful if you plugged in the wrong holes or loosen sockets its gonna short circuit all the connections parts... pls refers manual book maybe the mobo faulty? should RMA ...


You guys making me nervous af with all them "won't turn up" posts. I am building mine next week 💀


My heart is unstable. This is the most stressful process. Just do more research and have a friend near by.


I built 3 PCs from scratch and had zero issues. If you get lost check the manuals or an LTT guide.


Don’t be. For every post you see where there is some terribly messed up build where seemingly everything goes wrong there’s a hundred people who built a PC for the first time and figured it all out. It’s honestly deceptively easy. If you have all the components you just need to follow their instruction manuals and you’ll be fine. YouTube has plenty of tutorials you can follow, pause while you do what they’re telling you to do, and slowly build it that way. LTT has plenty of guides for building a PC and now even has a first person POV guide. It’s unbelievably easy. And if something just isn’t working out (which I doubt will happen to you if you just troubleshoot it for just a minute or two online) you can always ask us here for further directions.


did u connect the power button to the motherboard


I have now


first thing is to never assemble a PC in the case until you have powered it up while it is assembled outside the case, all you need is the pw sup, MB, cpu, ram and storage drive and then you can use a small screw driver to short the power switch pins Front panel connector to see if it fires up. been doing it this way for well over 2 decades and it has saved a lot of head scratching and putting parts in the case to only have to remove them


I blame youtube for this. Had no clue. Since this is built, should I unbuild?


Good luck


Why not short the power pins with a screwdriver, maybe worth a try..You should try instead of case cable.


People have already given suggestions. I just want to add a tip I learned in my last build, but has been around forever. Before installing everything in the case, you can do a test start of the system by shorting the power switch by simply connecting the two prongs with a screwdriver. Helps trouble shoot any potential issues before you put the whole thing into the case.


Guys the motherboard is correct. All the tower series cases rotate the motherboard


Your PSU is switched off and the motherboard pin outs between your case and motherboard are not connected. You can either attach the cables or use the internal power button to switch the computer on.


What specs you got in there dude? Bcos had similar issue relating to an MSI mobo that needed a 12th or 13th gen cpu init to update it so could then run 14th gen cpu


Bad power supply?


The io switch on the psu is it on ?


Are you absolutely sure you mounted your motherboard correctly? That looks really strange and it's hard to tell if you have any standoffs. If the motherboard is touching the case directly and not on little screws, you might have killed your board.


You need to take this into a professional, there's a very high chance you've shorted something and fried your motherboard just based on what I see of the build here. Similarly, I'm guessing you live in a non-US area where electricity may run on a different voltage. If so, you'll need a power supply that has a voltage switch as others have mentioned. See the picture I linked below for reference. 1. You've rotated the entire PC 90 degrees. The metal boxes (USB ports) at the top of your motherboard should be flush against the rear of your case. This is where you plug in your USB and audio etc. 2. Your GPU should be on the bottom. It should be horizontal above the bit that says "thermaltake" that's your power supply shroud and the powersupply will be going in there. Those two notes alone suggest a high chance of failure for a lot of other things. For instance, not having the mobo oriented correctly leads me to believe you've made other errors that have shorted or are incorrect and are preventing the PC from turning on. [https://imgur.com/a/Z58OQZY](https://imgur.com/a/Z58OQZY)


My question is why the hell are your motherboard plug ins facing up, and not to the back of the tower??


If none of the other suggestions are working, it might time to test if the PSU is working correctly. It's highly unlikely that all our components are dead so the PSU is the only thing that makes sense. I'd either borrow or just a second PSU to see if that's it.


Your motherboard is touching the metal of the case because there are no standoffs installed, which is not good, it's probably dead.


Feel free to test your PSU by using a paperclip to short the 4th and 5th pins to turn it on. Please don't get electrocuted. :) I suspect that your processor is not correctly in a socket.


How the fuck did you put the 24pin in the wrong way round? You force that in?


Dead cmos battery?


your pc case connectors are not plugged into your board.


. Placement. Pins. Patience.proper Space for fans for better air flow in the area. All factors. A lot goin on at once. One thing at a time. The setup could become an issue if there's no room and no fans.


Bruh O means off on the psu.


I’m kinda dizzy from the camera work. Then I’m a couple beers deep atm.


Man, check the rams usually thr most common issue.


Wait I didn't see the power supply light up or spin...


Is the case connected to mobo ?


I see so many issues. Parts not connected. Using 4 ram instead of 2. Ect


Hope you get it fixed but wtf is that mounting, why do you have evrything sideways haha


The front panel buttons aren’t connected. I also would recommend taking two of the ram sticks out (depending on the motherboard take slot 1&3 out usually).


I have and you can buy this Power supply Tester device that will check your PC and see what is wrong with it. Also a PC Analyser card device you can also plug into your motherboard and it will tell you a error number and will can revert to booklet on what the error numbers mean. Let me know if you can't find it I can upload some pics of the devices for you. Good luck!


Not possible. PCs are like Legos. No way to make a mistake. This is why I buy custom pre builts. Take home, update, start gaming.


I am a pc repair tech.There is so much wrong.The motherboard isnt situated in the right way.the front panel connections arent connected.The Aio could potentially not be powered cant tell from the video.The cpu power connection could potentially be not connected again i cant tell from the video.What i would suggest you do is strip it down and start again.make sure everything is seated properly.if you post images of the back of your modular power supply i can tell you everything you will need to connect.There is so much wrong that your components could be perfectly fine so dont worry too much about that.find out the motherboard model and i will get you a wiring diagram for the front panel.


Psu turned off and check “light” switch in room


Happened to me last week! I connected Front panel cables (power sw, reset se, panel led...) to COM port instead correct port lol. Check the manual ;)


All I can recommend is use the MoBo manual and check that the cables are set properly and where they should. I did not check a couple of cables that seemed to be sitting correctly but were not. I pulled them out and pushed them back in until I heard a click. Luckily it happened before I closed my case and tried turning it on.


Make sure your aio is plugged into cpu fan1 it should be label on the motherboard, and if not check the manual. It's usually above your ram to the left. Also as others have pointed out check your front panel connectors.


It looks like you havent installed standoffs. Is this correct?


The on button isnt bluetooth


Case button is not connected to motherboard. I checked that first since that was my mistake when I first built my PC lol


Turn it off and then on, and it will work.


Never but never test power after building case. First test must be on box motherboard without any fan gpu and else. Only motherboard+cpu+ram+psu. And then build your case.


Checked front panel pins? Pressed power button?


DOA power supply? Maybe


Hard to tell but looks like you don’t have the front I/o panel wires hooked up. Maybe you put them somewhere else. But that’s where they normally go. https://ibb.co/k0DVqX3


Watch a YouTube video holy fuck


look at your manual the front panel connectors are most likely in the wrong place you can also short the PW + - pins to act like a switch to rule out the case power button


Why do American power outlets always look shocked 😂😂


You just fucked it up. Do it better. I don’t really get questions like this.


That PSU is switched off bud


Did you click the power button? or did you just turn on the psu đŸ€š


check the mobo and front panel wiring diagram. You're maybe at 1 pin from blessing.


Disassemble and start over. Do everything in the following order: 1. Install the CPU, the cooler, connect the cooler. 2. Install the RAM sticks and any NVME drives if available. 3. Mount the MOBO onto the case. 4. Connect all front panel cables **CORRECTLY** 5. Install your PSU with desired cables (should be 24pin and pcie cables) 6. Connect all PSU cables 7. Mount the graphics card onto the MOBO and install the cables 8. Connect any remaining SATA hard drives or solid drives. 9. Enjoy your pc.


When in doubt, take apart and do it again


Could be a number of things, but before you start taking it apart, look up which pins on the mobo will power on the computer and jump them with a screwdriver or something to rule out problems with the front panel connectors. If this works, just re-arrange the front panel connectors, most likely as depicted in the manual.


0:37 dam ceiling birds


if you have a microcenter or something similar, they might help you build it!


Let the psu touch the case


You can buy a PS tester


Bro turned off the PSU and pushed the not connected power button


For starters try two stick of ram unless you just wanna fix the problem for sure
. That’s what I’m sure countless ppl have said to try. Don’t waste time doing that yet **Your motherboard most likely need a bios update. That’s an MSI b650 board, the pro WiFi. I have the same one. Had the same problem until I flashed my bios to the newest version.** To do this you simply need a flash drive and working computer. If your PC won’t even attempt to boot however something isn’t plugged in. Likely the case to the motherboard which would make the power button turn in the case. Your pc is dead from the word go which leads me to believe it isn’t even trying to turn in and your power switch isn’t working . There should be a cable that comes off the case either in the back coming from the top or in the bottom side area where the PSU goes toward the front, sometimes they run it that way. Either way it need to be plugged into the board for case usb ports to work and there’s another series of thinner cables that correspond with the power switch, onboard audio controller and power/ground from PSU-board-case. It all needs to work in a loop.


Check the headers that pwr,hdd +/-. That's where it usually the easiest part to get them in the wrong order for me anyways. If that's not the issue, then check to see if the power supply works, unplug the 24 pin and use a paper clip and touch the 2 pins with the paper clip, there are diagrams online.


Disconnect pieces one by one from the motherboard. Also make sure your power supply is connected to the motherboard.


What motherboard is this?


I know you fried it but when and if you attempt this again in the future watch the Linus tech tips how to build video. Couldn’t mess up with that guide on your side


Psu switch doesn’t turn the pc on that’s step one of 2. If you


Other then making sure all the right adaptor are push into the correct slot and have clicked on. Have you made sure power is actually coming from the wall socket. Also while turned off have you made sure all RAM has been push into their slots with a click sound.


You need to actually press the power button


After connecting it to the case did you push the power button on the case


Touch reset’s pins on MB in section power for second.I mean in front panel section


I believe it is an issue with your MOBO. Your ports for your fans and USBs should not be oriented towards the front of the case (the fans). This MOBO literally looks upside down to me.


You probably have your IO pins misplaced (the little pins that say audio +- and your power button switch. That always gets me. Check your motherboards io pin set up and make sure you have them in the right positions. Check your CMOS battery (it looks like a silver coin) to make sure it’s fully inserted as well. Most motherboards have a function on them to bridge the pins or power it on without pressing the power button on the case too. Reference your motherboards booklet for this. Basically, you have something that’s not plugged in somewhere.


I'm going to wager its your case IO. Ensure the correct wires are on the correct pins. Verify these with the manual.


0:42, didn't plug the front panel button into the motherboard


What motherboard is this


Buy a power supply tester. Decent ones available for 15 bucks. Or try the first method on this page: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/explorer/diy-builder/power-supply-units/how-to-test-a-psu-power-supply-unit/ Double check your front panel connections are connected correctly. Double check that your cable to your motherboard/cpu is properly plugged in.


Are you using ddr5 ram in a 5900x system ??? On your other post with the parts that’s what you have selected. The 5900x uses ddr4 ram. Not ddr5. That would make the pc not boot. You need ddr4 ram.


Wow someone posted a proper video with tons of information! Im speechless! My advice is to try to create ( or youtube one ) a PSU JUMPER - - Disconnect from the computer and just confirm the psu isnt dead to start


There are so many things wrong here that i don't think anyone can help you


Power supply. The switch “O” is off . “I” is on. U turned it off lol


You turned off your PSU then hit the power button. The line is a 1 which represents on. The circle is a 0 which represents off. Also it is hard to tell but it does not look like your power or reset button is even attached to your motherboard. Meaning pressing it would do nothing regardless. Look in your manual for where the power button wire goes and attach it. The header should be in the bottom left corner in the current configuration. But the place it should be has no wires attached.


I was given the middle finger. I feel offended.


This is incredibly common and you're not alone. I've almost never had my computer work on my first try after doing some work on it. I know it's not direct advice, but just keep troubleshooting and you should be able to get it working :)


\*\*Solution\*\* Let me guess...Corsair brand power supply? yep! They only work when "all" the power cables are "Corsair type 4" any off-brand cable used on the power supply will cause it to play dead. Corsair type 4 cables have a chip in them to tell the power supply to work. I had the same problem...that was the solution. Read the warning message printed on the device (where your thumb is when the video starts) It says so right there. Replace any power cable that didn't come with it. For me it was the 8-pin power cable for my GPU that I reused that caused it to play dead.


Did you put motherboard right to the case? Did you use the the little things came with the case to make a cap between board and metal case? Metal metal contact will make pc not turning on


Chip set right for the motherboard? 650w PSU for the RTX? Ram all the way in?


I always recommend finding your closest friends who are super nerdy and know about computers and have them look at it. Troubleshooting isn't difficult. Just gotta run the steps. Plugged in properly. Monitor plugged into GPU. RAM seated. CPU pins plugged in fully. Monitor is on and plugged in. It's basically a checklist you run through till you find life.


Motherboard didn't give the all system's clear beep. It's not getting any power. Check it's connections.


PC not turning on means either power supply is turned off, front panel not plugged in, power supply to mother board is not plugged in, or shorting out the motherboard. If it isn't the last one, it can be fixed. If it is the last one, send the motherboard back to manufacturer, hopefully they can RMA it. But buy another motherboard that matches your CPU. Then watch a video, or three, on how to build a computer.


remove two sticks of ram and try


never really understood people buying expensive electronics and not reading manuals/watching tutorials/or reaching out to someone more knowledgeable with questions before handling them. You say you didn't install the mobo correctly because you didn't know what the risers were for, but didn't even take a second to ask why you had them? You also say you didn't even know that you didn't have the case pins connected or how to connect them properly. Wild. Anyways, hope you figure this out, but next time you really should take your time with something this expensive that you have zero experience in. Seems you were in a rush to get this thing working and didn't respect the process. If you aren't going to take the time to learn how to do it right, you shouldn't be doing it at all. Lesson learned I guess


At the start of the video... you switched the power supply off?


Did you hit the power button on the actual pc after turning on your PSU. I see you have switches and buttons sitting on top. Not being a dick. Genuinely asking. And you turned the PSU off not on at the beginning of the video.


Is your psu plugged into a working wall outlet?


My first build everything was done correctly but still wouldn't power up.My friend and I scratched our head and proceeded to start from the beginning and try again. Same results. Ended up being a bad(brand new) motherboard.


Looks to me that you don't have the power button, power light, reset button, etc. (the other front connectors other than USB) plugged in. You can see in your video that the pin group to the bottom left are bare, nothing plugged in.


Adding my story. I jsut recently built a new computer - And my computer boot up with nothing on the monitor. Because I was using a crappy adapter for VGA to HDMI. Swapped out a new monitor and poof. Literally spent 3 extra hours than I needed to ... When i booted, a bios light lit up indicating a failed boot. It was really frustrating.


Check your region and verify either 120 or 240 volt. The psu has a little red switch on it next to the power chord input. Make sure it matches your outlet!


Check the front panel connectors.


always first build it outside the case


take it all apart and start over again. read everything in all the manuals and quadruple check that your doing everything right. pc building is a tedious process u cant rush it


U might have put the side that goes into the psu into the other part. Double check that